About to do lsd for the first time

About to do lsd for the first time.
Any suggestions/experience what to do/ where to go?

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Ive heard seeing nature and feeling free is the most pleasant setting is this true?

i've done lsd a shitload of times tips incoming

disregard things that your sober mind thinks is "trippy"

a compilation of funny/amazing videos with quick editing will be good to watch tho

weed during lsd makes it about twice as strong and more colorful. if you like weed have some on deck ++++
Literally never had a bad trip. makes me feel like pic related
Most settings are good if you put effort into it. I've had an amazing trip camping by a lazy river and just floating in a boat. also had a good trip at my best friend's house we decorated the walls and got nice fruits beforehand. which reminds me
Get some nice fruit beforehand. Like get a some sliced mangos covered in lime juice and chili powder, couple melons, or some berries. You probably wont be hungry during the trip but when you start coming down and your hunger comes back they'll be amazing.
tripping in the morning is okay and pretty fun with friends cuz then you can get to sleep at night. Tripping at noon is probably the latest you can drop and still expect to sleep at a reasonable hour. Night time trips are way more fun in my opinion, since the darkness plays with your vision and trees look scary and divine. Since it lasts 12 hours, some people recommend you find out when sunrise is, and drop about 10 hours before that, so you can be a bit high when the sun rises. It's absolutely gorgeous after a chaotic night to see the rainbow sunrise pierce the black night sky.

Movies and television can be amazing. I recommend the movies Beyond The Black Rainbow, Redline, Akira, or Black Dynamite. Television im not sure right now. Honestly play around and see what you like. Somethings will be greatly enhanced. Some will not be enhanced at all. Some will be made worse.

Music is the same way and totally unpredictable. You may find songs you enjoy sober vastly improved to a religious experience. Or not improved at all. Play around and see what you enjoy.

Sex kissing and cuddling with someone you have a crush on is ~amazing~

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when you're coming down you will be mentally exhausted. watch basic cable or a shitty b-movie.

If you fall in love with the experience, you can do it once a week but i'd really make an attempt not to. you'll get a bit scatter-brained. =\

if you do get scatter-brained, it'll go away with enough sleep, especially sober sleep, so dont worry.

The only things that could make me have a bad trip are:

When people make me feel embarrassed for them. like if one of my best friends decided to "come out" as like, being gay and having a crush on Jon Tron or something.

Honestly, if you eat RIGHT before the acid it can really fuck your stomach up bad. like if you hit burger king and get the xtra large #7 and as soon as your done take the tabs, you'll get a really really upset stomach then really bad diarrhea and before you know it like the first 2 hours of your trip were a mix of stomach pain and spray painting the toilet

Adult Swim has this show called Off The Air, you can find the entire series on Youtube.

It was made for LSD.

Here's just one episode


>Tripping at noon is probably the latest you can drop and still expect to sleep at a reasonable hour
Yeah kinda this. Though I usually drop at about 2 or 3pm so peak hits for sunset but you're able to sleep by 11pm.

dont take it, can fuq you up

Make sure its sunny and go outside. Look at how cool the clouds and trees are, if its good acid then you'll see them start moving into tesselating patterns.

Weed doesnt really do anything on acid. Acid overrides pretty much everything, that is, if its good quality.

Eat before since you wont be eating at all on acid, food feels so weird in your mouth when tripping. Do it early in the day so you're not up forever.

Remember that nothing bad will happen to you. Write a little message to yourself on your hand or whatever to remind you that all is good.

this looks fun

>Weed doesnt really do anything on acid.
for me i've noticed
>if I'm nervous on the come-up, weed relaxes me and eases me into the trip
>if i smoke during the peak is intensifies it, a lot
>the LSD come-down is comfy as fuck for me, and smoking up some weed makes it even more comfy

but weed definitely adds annoying shit though like short term memory loss and "random thought syndrome" which i find fucking annoying when I'm tripping.
but yeah that's just me though. overall LSD and weed (well, weed and anything really) synergizes well.

oops forgot pic

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does it make you more intelligent or cure ADHD and depression ?


Don't look into a mirror. I looked into a mirror and thought I was actually in the mirror and restricted to the borders of the mirror, couldn't move out of it, stayed there till trip ended. Apparently the mirror thing happens to a few people I've talked to it about.

is that what it is? I've gotten mesmerised by my face but never felt trapped..

I enjoy some Dark Side of the Moon is a good album to listen through while tripping. If you can handle anxiety well, i'd say on your next trip do Glass Animals Zaba.

it might help against adhd or depression, but more in a "dive into yourself and convince yourself to stop being a fuck-up" kind of way

Listening to the birds in the summer mornings as you come down is divine, night trips are my favorite, the tracer effects are significantly more noticeable.
Theres a kind of fuzzy head hang over to be expected afterward/during the tail end.
Be warned, my experience with after Sex on LSD, sex off LSD was pretty boring for a little while.
Adult Swims "Off The Air" is available on youtube, perfect material for tripping.

Assuming you do 1-3 doses and you trip for 9 hours your going to have a lot of time to do stuff. Just go with the flow.

Music (albums)
>I no longer feel the razor guarding my heel
>At long last asap
>3001 a laced oddessy

>fear and loathing in Las Vegas
>Eric Andre on adult swim

Ive done it countless times use the internet watch the adult swim show mentioned listen to music take a dab at peak

Don't be in a stale place with nothing going on.. the fucking loops..

>dab at the peak
>drink shit load of coffee on the comedown

re psychedelics improving depression, imo the benefit is just that they show you how radically your perspective can shift and the memory of that in future when sober helps you to be aware that a lot of the negativity in your life is a result of your perception