What do you think of English ladies? Do you find their phenotypes in general decent to attractive...

What do you think of English ladies? Do you find their phenotypes in general decent to attractive? Who are your favorite examples of attractive ones?


Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_England.svg.png (1200x720, 725)

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England is the deep south of Europe. I find various animals more attractive than English sluts.

I like em. Especially this one

Attached: 66788619_2351897298256975_6729031540725794045_n.jpg (1080x2094, 107K)

You have a low opinion of England the country, or more the way the people look?

Attached: 66281762_132359491334294_4838899125579087742_n.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)


Who is this?

Looorah why?

I did not know that, thanks.

You want more or? That's just her online name

I'm not interested in tattoos, mostly, but she's decently attractive otherwise.

I get ya

Attached: 66070922_471018433724064_5735379080192870579_n.jpg (720x1396, 69K)

>new-CH#N Board. Post What you want..


Unironically, an underrated ethnicity, depending on one's views. They are very predominant in America, too, but I think many or even most of them are mixed with something else over there, also. Lots of Hollywood celebrities have traditionally been of English ethnic origins, by way of the American colonies, usually.

The people, England itself is not the best place in the world too but there are worse out there. For example scottish girls are far hotter but Scotland is a worse shithole lol

I'm curious, how different are Scottish and English people in looks, anyway? How would one ethnic group be better looking than the other, what do you think?

Scots have more scandinavian in them and we all know native norse apart from the danish are hot as fuck.

That leads to another question. I didn't know that the Danish are that different from other Scandinavians, how exactly? More like Germans?

Denmark is the Mexico of nordics, bunch of beer drinking, weed smoking commie lazy asses.

Thanks for the warning. I've been to Mexico a few times.

Check'd. If Denmark is Mexico, then parts of Sweden are pretty much Somalian exclaves tho native swedish girls are hot as fuck. Norway is OK as long as you keep away from the violent eastern slavs plaguing the place. Icelandic girls are fun too but the place is boring unless you like the unique nature plus everything is expensive as fuck due to the isolation. Have little experience with Finland but it is like Sweden lite, with a little less rapefugees having made their rape nests there

I prefer the one on the left, but both hot looking.

Sweden is New Somalia. I think in twenty years that will be much more apparent.

Yiff in hell furfag

You must be English. How's the teeth faggot


What does yiff mean?

How new are you?


I guess you've never been to Russia.

They'd be cute if they brushed their teeth.

Russia is barely Europe lol.

It's some kind of furry thing, oh.

fat, slutty, meh in bed