How the fuck do you get rid of roaches? I had a depression nest for a while, cleaned it up...

How the fuck do you get rid of roaches? I had a depression nest for a while, cleaned it up, but these fuckers just wont leave. How do I evict them?

Attached: cuntroach.png (525x453, 419K)

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Have the place fumigated you dumb faggot

You call up an exterminator

Attached: images (30).jpg (720x404, 50K)

Bring bed bugs into your house so they have a bug war with the roaches

if you live in an apartment, good luck. you can do everything right and still have a problem because your neighbors are sloppy roach feeding pigs

there might be some DIY fume cans for roaches

Get rid of any source of moisture. Absolutely no standing water. Dry every dish completely. Etc.
Put down liquid-based traps, e.g. OneShot.
Wash everything to kill eggs.
Stop living like a slob.

I'd rather have the roaches. Lmaoo had both those fuckers for 3 years back in 2013-2016 hated every moment of it

Apartment, so I can't fumigate the fucker. The apartment has an exterminator but they only sprayed the door. I think they're eating the crumbs from when I make sandwiches? Do i make sandwiches in the sink to not get crumbs in the crack between my countertop and fridge?

They sell this powder online called diatomaceous earth, it basically slowly kills them upon contanct by dehydrating them or some shit. You can also make little ball traps with egg yolk and that powder so the roaches can take it back to their colony, does the same shit they just eat it instead and most of the offspring die too cause they eat it aswell

Hope this helped I dealt with a horrible roach problems and it can really be gross.

If you live in the city, good luck. The fuckers never die and are everywhere, they come up from sewers, cracks in your house, wherever.
Best you can do is to tidy your shit up.

No clothes on the floor, no empty doritobags, no moisture like another user said. Keep your empy beer cans outside in a bag or sealed in a bag inside.

I was in ATL a while ago, and my friends house was completely clean, only his room that was dirty as fuck was infested with these nasty fuckers.

Also sometimes youd see one at night in the kitchen.

Good for ants too

Stop being poor. Also its impossible to get rid of em unless your whole neighborhood fumigates at once

Clean every corner of the house, leave traps, and for the love of God clean up your act and stop infesting your apartment building like some hobo scum. Sounds like they should kick your nasty ass out

Do what I did: find the biggest baddest roach and beat the absolute fuck out of him. Leave him lying there for the rest to see as a lesson. They'll get the message and move on.

I tried the liquid HotShot traps before, they worked for a while but the roaches came back.
Moisture is probably the problem, because I tend to leave dishes in the sink with water in them before I was them. Imma try those diatomaceous earth traps, and putting that shit down all over my kitchen again. Thanks guys.

>diatomaceous earth
Can buy it at pool supply place.

clean your place and keep it clean. very clean. they will die or leave sooner or later when u deprive them of food

Do what I did: find the biggest baddest roach and beat the absolute fuck out of him. Leave him lying there for the rest to see as a lesson. They'll get the message and move on.


literally just CLEAN
thats it you fucking degenerate