Why Yea Forums so depressed tonight? vent thread
Why Yea Forums so depressed tonight? vent thread
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same energy different cartoon
I fear failure enough to keep me getting out of bed in the morning but keep me from getting much sleep at night. If I'm not doing I'm thinking, I'm losing it and everyday I become more frustrated with my own short comings. Anything I fix seems insignificant to the next problem, growth seems stagnant. I hate my mood swings. I can be properly social without the aid of substance. Alcohol is my current choice. Unhappy user.
Bump your thread with pictures just like it cause I won't bother now.
no big tiddy goth gf :/
OP here, I have a big tiddy gf but she’s not goth
I’m kinda stuck in a rut with my life right now. I know I should be going back to school and getting my next degree, but I don’t. I know I should be more outgoing, do more stuff with my friends in my free time, and in the process meet some girl so I can start a family. But in the end I don’t. After graduating college and getting a good job my drive for more success plummeted. These are absolute first world problems though
Thread bump
Baby steps, user. Work with what you can for now and gradually climb that mountain
Im getting throat surgery so i wont be able to slidd Andys steamy dreamy logs for about 4 months
It’s a really weird feeling having my goals laid out before me but no ambition to currently pursue them. Almost like they’re not really goals that I’ve chosen but the goals I’m expected to achieve, even if they’re exactly what I want in life
I want nothing
I aspire to nothing
I've thought about what I want for years, I've never had an answer come to me. So I just drift, unsure what it is I'm meant for.
I dont want fame, or wealth.
I dont even want neet bucks and just play vidya. Sometimes I think about the show Yu Yu Hakusho and I think to myself
>if someone can die by mistake, maybe they can live by accident
When I was a young toddler I wasn't supervised properly and ended up drinking kerosene. I died for a short time in the hospital. Maybe I wasn't meant to be resuscitated
Simple solution. Astral project
I’m 20 years old and I haven’t had motivation in my life for years. I’ve been on and off medications but nothing makes me happy. I don’t enjoy any hobbies anymore so I mostly just sit in my room and watch YouTube or Netflix or something. I know I’m not being healthy and I need to work out and eat better or I’m gonna get real fat but I still have no drive to work on improving myself. I go back to college in less then a week but I have no motivation to socialize because I have social anxiety. I know I have the ability to but I don’t even want to work on that. The only thing that I enjoy is playing CS:GO with my friends every few days but lately I’ve been doing so bad that I don’t even feel like playing it anymore. I also I recently broke up with my girlfriends because we weren’t right for each other but it still hurts.
TLDR: No motivation and simply unhappy for no reason
That’s tough man, I have the same feeling of not having an idea of what I want. I’ve been trying small things recently to find something that interests me, maybe try that?
My dick is only 1.5 inches hard with the ruler pressed hard into my groin. And about as thick as a AA battery. My balls are fucking tiny to. So theres that.
Had Snapchat sex with some girl from school to emotionally cheat on my gf of 10 years. She sent nudes and was generally fun to chat to at first, as well as she sold me pills I wanted. After 2 days of it I got paranoid she'd tell my gf or my gf would find out and she seemed clingy as fuck. I enjoyed the attention but I don't want this bitch ruining my life. Anyway, I broke it off yesterday and told her to delete me off snap but I wanted to keep her Insta for like in case I need more drugs or keep her as a backup. We could return to 'being friends'
She said that was fine but deleted me in the morning on everything.
Cunt blocked me. I don't care about losing her or hurting her feelings or anything, I'm just worried this bitch is crazy and will tell someone. She promised not to but I don't believe her because she's an absolute slut and I don't respect her enough to think she's capable of doing that. My fault for going after someone so damaged but she was such an easy target and basically did everything I asked of her.
Anyways, venting because I'm scared she'll tell.
Kinda hope she tells. You cheat on someone you been with for 10 years you kinda got it comming. Karma's a bitch
It was all through the phone though.
We never met up except when she sold me pills.
Plus I told her I had a gf and I talked her into saying she'd fuck my gf and showed her nudes of my gf so she KNEW I was taken. So it's kind of her fault too because she knew and partook in the fantasy too. She was even willing to like not talk to me unless I needed her to, but I just got too paranoid. I think she feels rejected or something, not sure why because she's single so there's no reason for her to even be sad about it.
Me on the other hand, I have so much to lose.
A friend of mine with a history of depression and suicidal tendencies started acting like a massive cunt to me for no reason. We got into an argument where he pretty much just tried to make me look like a shit person in front if our other friends, then when he realised his mistake he tried to make it seem like he did it because he "cared about me".
We haven't spoken for about 2 weeks, he went
on vacation somewhere, but he came back a few days ago and he sent me some cryptic picture that he deleted nearly right away. Thinking he might actually an hero this time because he knows that all our friends hate this kind of shit.
I’ve done something kind of similar but not that deep in a relationship, more like a few months in. Felt horrible about it. Obviously don’t tell your partner, but it’s honestly fucked to do that to your partner even if it wasn’t actually sex just pics.
Bit of story-time. Lets play the 'see how much you relate' game.
My parents got divorced when I was young, ended up being stuck with my mom. Ended up hopping between a couple of different states, her new husband came and went, and eventually her work life was such that she couldn't keep all of us siblings together since the oldest didn't want to play mother anymore. The three oldest went back to my father, while the three youngest went with their father.
I think my real problems stem from the fact that I wanted nothing more in my life than to end up back with my father, which I achieved at the end of middle school, but when I finally got there I'm not sure he knew how to be a parent. All he told me was, "Do good in school or I'm going to put you to work." I am now a relatively intelligent, very depressed person now because I never spent the time working on my own personal identity.
That and I was injured on a national guard exercise and I've been stuck waiting for months for the tricare insurance hell to end so I can have surgery to fix my ankle.
Did you feel horrible about the girl at all or your gf? Mine won't fuck me and that's why I used this chick. I acknowledge I used her but I don't feel bad about her feelings, just my relationship.
That makes it worse you betrayed her trust by sharing her nudes god you fucked up. The fact that you keep trying to shift the blame lol. Your a slut to cheating like a 9th grader over the phone lol smh
Yeah I’m not talking about the girl, I’m talking about my girlfriend at the time. I felt bad for my girlfriend because I know if I was in her place and she was trading nudes with some random dude I didn’t even know I’d feel betrayed. In your case it’s okay to not feel bad for the chick because she knew what she was in.
I’m no relationship expert but I’d tell your girlfriend of 10 years that you want to be more physical with each other or it just won’t work. It sounds like a dick move but sex is an important part of a relationship and if she isn’t having sex with you then maybe it’s time to find someone who will.
I have shared my gfs nudes with consent with dudes but this time I didn't with the girl. I don't feel guilty I just don't want this other girl to say anything. I'm depressed because I thought she'd let me go back to following her on Insta and she agreed but later blocked me. That is what I'm freaking out over. Is she salty? Like why did she block me? I can't read body language, I'm not sure if she's the type to tell or not. She said she was fine .
It's my birthday today, but also the day my girlfriend was forced to break up with me 1 year ago exactly due to complications with her family. I still think about her everyday to the point where I dread even thinking about celebrating. The last thing I have to remember her by is my favortie band shirt she got for me and the beautiful smile in the last pictures we took together. I hope you grow successful and happy even when I'm not there anymore Hailey. I love you and always will.
The thing that made me initially paranoid is that she vague posts sad music and she seemed so eager to text. Not only that the stuff she's admitted is crazy and I just can't tell even though she swore she wouldn't.
Only time will tell
My gf is hot, down for my kinks and all... but man I'm tired of fucking her
Honestly very sad but if you don’t enjoy being sexual with her then you got to end it and find someone else who you like to fuck
going nowhere fast, as usual. Lack the energy or the motivation to change for the better. It's to the point where the very passing of time scares me.
That's just how it is though. I'm not gonna change, and I doubt some miracle is going to happen to me that causes me to spring forward off my ass and get my shit together. No, I'll probably just keep living like this until I get the courage to kill myself. I guess I'm just not far enough down into despair yet. I'm still young (22 in less than 2 months) and I know there's still time to change and be successful, but I often wonder if being successful would actually make me happy, or if it would just be more of the same misery, just with a different cause.
I guess I'm just tired. the kind of tired sleep won't fix.
I’m glad I stayed in this thread because this was just too relatable to me. Hope things get better user
thanks, user. You too. At least we have the internet.
Who else drinking cheap wine out the bottle?
Nah but I'm high on the pills slut girl sold me