So I'm on DACA and I have a misdemeanor assault.
I feel bad. I need to hear what you guys think.
So I'm on DACA and I have a misdemeanor assault.
I feel bad. I need to hear what you guys think.
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Back to Mexico with you
Self deport wetback , no one wants you here
Give him a a chance
fucking leave
What's up with that ass
They're going to deport you. Better to go on your own accord.
its beautiful
I thought there was saving this case
In not certain you understand just how high tensions are right now. They're looking for reasons to deport daca.
A significant misdemeanor is still a misdemeanor. I took the plea deal not to be an idiot. The cop was gonna shoot me if I don't act in self defense I would be dead because of a racist self hating Mexican cop. Which is why he pressed charges.
I don't remember hitting him, it my word against his they have neither proof or evidence. I was a victim of police brutality. There was aggression over nothing.
Whos in the pic
Cop enters my room with his gun out. I was not doing anything but laying still on my bed. He has no reason to arrest me in the first place before he starts hitting me.
You should feel good.
Where you are going they will kill your family in front of you, cut off all of your fingers, put your balls in your mouth, and decapitate you for your USA "misdemeanor".
At least you got off easy the first time.
Try to make your homeland better maybe?
La cagaste animal.
It sounds like assault on paper and it sounds like the left on here.
But I didn't even hit him, and if I did it would not even have been that hard for there to be class a b c differences. It could have been talked out but you don't talk to cops so I guess the agressor pressed charges and it's really unbelievable everything that happened out of nowhere. I had a clean record and the call should have never happened that was another mistake. I did nothing wrong.
Yo no hice nada. Haces mas tu y tu gente cayendo mal y atacando a lis tuyos. Nos merecemos esto y por favor no estes de acuerdo conmigo
Es por gente como tu que yo salgo embarrado.
>Yo no hice nada
Sigues siendo un pedazo de mierda.
I began hating a lot of cops, being a kind of cop myself but beats me, these assholes deserve the hate.
Either way, there is something you are not telling us. Algo huele a a tufo de chilango aqui.
Why was the police called in the first place?
Do I go back and tell the judge I lied on the guilty plea deal not to go to trial?
Or do I lie and tell them I was mentally ill to hustle some mercy? I'm not crazy, that shit is when it's only convenient for them.
The cop is mentally ill. Brailsford is a clone of many pigs. So is Zimmerman. You all deserve it not me I'm not a traitor you're all traitors of your shithole countries. Anyone remotely white as a racist is a mutt from eastern Europe or Arab. I'm not going to sit here and blame the imaginary white person you all know who you are
They hate you.
No shit Wattson. I would had beaten the living shit out of OP for the kicks and giggles, but pressing allegedly bullshit charges is beyond my modus operandis.
And just to put icing on my imaginary cake I would had gotton a cop fired over the whole fuss.
someone Photoshop some racism onto a bimbo product.
What kind of a pussy presses charges over a weak punch? A cross.
Ay perdon el señorito no hizo nada malo. Fui yo y mi comentario.
Puta en serio??
Wait, so you actually took a swing at the stupid fuck?
¿Eres un tipo especial de retrasado mental, cierto? Eres una bestia. Y te salio barato maricon, siendo Burgerland te pudieron volar las ideas a plomazos.
I disarmed him with one of those krav maga videos you see on youtube. I trained mixed martial arts extensively I put him in a clinch and waited for the other pigs so there would be witnesses
They did not have the camera turned on for them to claim bullshit assault charges. That was self defense against police brutality or if nice and quiet a bitchass small misdemeanor that would have been cool and the charges dropped. Case dismissed.
>misdemeanor assault
Caes mal puto por eso el LGBTQ esta duro en tus paises. Siempre fue asi indio.
>I disarmed him
>I put him in a clinch
>Literally asking to be shot
>"No es justo wey"
Being aimed at it's tactic to put stress over criminals that had been commiting some sort of violent crime to make them give in.
Since you didn't gave in and attacked you are screwed vato. Enjoy getting your ass deported.
>self defense against police brutality
If they had a warrant, you knew where you were living.
"Caes mal" en serio que sos marica. El lbgtxyzhrhehs? Jaja si claro. Veo que mis comentarios te duelen hasta el alma. Como duele la verdad? Vdd? Jaja Te carcome saber la idiotez que hiciste.
But hey, take the cops side and continue to be mentally ill.
just saying.
if you are not from here and you support illegal activities here.
why would we want you here?
oh and also:
you might as well fight it because you will be deported if you don't.
contact a DACA lawyer.
there are good ones that work for free.