Just had a (temporary) McDonald's job interview as a "service member", never worked Fast food...

Just had a (temporary) McDonald's job interview as a "service member", never worked Fast food, what should I except when hired?

Any advise or stories?

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Treat it as a joke, don't take anything seriously and try your best to not let customers get to you. If you do that you'll have fun, avoid getting worn down by the customers and maybe even get pussy too

Fast food sucks ass. Don't even go in

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People will threaten your life over cold fries.

Can't, only place near here really.

Just serve fries that aren't shit. That's all there is to it.

Worked at subway for 4 years and I'm currently a waitress for a Japanese restaurant.

It's no joke when they say that customers in the food industry are the most stupid and ignorant.
Fast food is even worse than a restaurant. At least their they treat you like a living breathing thing.

In fast food customers literally treat you like shit and it's all up to you to keep your cool.

People will come in having a bad day and strictly take it out on you and treat you like your personally attacking them for any reason.

I once had a mexican woman at subway call me a white trash bitch because I didnt give her extra Tuna on her sandwich (she didn't even ask. She just bitched about it the whole time till she lost her shit. Had she been cool I would have hooked her up like I've done many customers).

It takes a strong mind to work in fast food. I seriously believe that and anyone who disagrees clearly has never tried it.

Wow, Welcome to "The gayest fucking reddit post ever made.html"

gotta strike the balance between caring just enough as to not get fired but not caring so much that when a karen appears they make you want a meteor to crash into the planet.

Jesus. Calm down. Youre losing your shit because someone didnt treat op like a faggot.

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Wtf are you taking about user?

Seriously lol what crawled up his ass and died?
Talk about projecting

Easy as taking a shit. I worked the counter at McD's when I was 16 for several months. Shit wages, but free food. Don't steal. Don't give your friends free stuff. Always say "YES" to your manager's requests. Throw it away if you drop it. Wash your hands after using the bathroom. Get on food stamps if you are an adult, because you won't get paid enough to survive otherwise.

I think user ordered a baja blast and the taco bell dude forgot, user forgot, logged onto Yea Forums, then saw this thread.

>Get on food stamps if you are an adult, because you won't get paid enough to survive otherwise.

This should be a given.
No fast food job is gonna be enough to really help you afford your daily living style.
These are the kinda jobs you need 2 of if you plan to depend on them.

I'm on food stamps and it helps a lot.
I get 197 monthly. Its not a whole lot but it's amazing how much even a little helps. Still cant afford rent but hey at least I can eat proper

Expect the least possible. If you want a fair job at a fast food restaurant, go to chipotle. Starting pay is higher than McDonald’s, they actually give a shit about their employees and you can get tuition reimbursement. You get a fairly set schedule. Plenty of hours if you want it. They always hire from within so advancement opportunities are insanely common. I became a kitchen manager ($15hr) after a year.

Oh, I forgot to mention: you guaranteed get a free meal and a break every shift.

McDonald's TEMP? Oh fuck

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Its "advice" you illiterate nigger

just don't spit in the burgers, don't cum inside them either please

It's insane how terrible fast food workers are treated by customers, really.

Nah he's right, you guys are some reddit tier faggots.
Go comment on a 700 reply thread where everyone changes one word in a pun phrase and gets 2 billion updoots haha a man of culture I see

Work long enough to save up for getting the fuck out then. Fast food sucks and the only thing it offers is steady job history.

Why don't you become a dentist instead, and put your extra savings into an oyster farm?

You know right that you need an education for that?

Back breaking work in a literal bughouse for wages that will barely get you fed in the same place you work at. Abusive customers. It's ridiculously close to literal slavery, I'd rather try and survive on unemployment benefits and dive through restaurant dumpsters than work fast food.

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Nonsense. Any idiot can drill a hole in a tooth, and oysters practically grow themselves.

I have no interest in that.
Been here since 04 so I'm good staying here

Free food? How?

Yea at first I thought it wasnt that bad and then I realized how good I am when I've said my stories and most people tell me how they couldnt do it and I never saw it as a big thing. I admit it makes me feel good that I'm not as mentally unstable as I assume I am haha

Nah I'm good

Worked KFC in my hometown when I really needed the money. It was a shitshow and I was young and naive so I thought giving my 100% would land me some permanent job.

Huge freaking mistake. They hired the laziest and dumbest motherfuckers, the manager just plain told me they wouldn't hire me because I was a college student and they wouldn't adapt to me class schedules ever. This all despite putting real effort into the job, fuck them.

Not that user but lots of fast food places will give you free food or at least a good discount.

My small family owned resteraunt gives me a free lunch and when I'm not working I get a 25% discount.

At subway i was originally get a free 6 inch but then they changed the policy and made us pay the discounted price instead...but even then that only happened if my managers boss came in. If he wasnt around he would let us have our 6 inches free

This is so damn true. I've seen my last job hire the dumbest laziest people simply because they were either family or had a more open schedule than me.

God forbid if the manager has a family member/friend working there. Expect that person to be the laziest piece of shit and NEVER get in trouble.

Put it this way.....

My bosses best buddy got his brother to work at the subway and he was a lazy dumb cholo.

he was wearing a mask but it was obvious it was him from the way he walked on the surveillance video and the fact that he had a fucking key to open the door....yet somehow it was swept under the rug lol