K Yea Forums, need some help over here

K Yea Forums, need some help over here.
I'm a psychologist and long story short i have this patient who is very smart but also addicted to weed and in the verge of a psychosis.
Complete Narcissistic, only one in his family who doesn't suffer from
schizophrenia and shit.
Anyways, he reads a lot, things like The Iliad, The dairy of Ana Frank and Man's Search for Meaning and i need to get him books like those that also make him think about himself, understand his place in this world and made him feel vulnerable and human, i know Yea Forums has some fucked up individuals but also some pretty smart ones, so, can you guys recommend me any literature to show him?
pic unrelated

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the tragedy of man

I would recommend those two books to anyone, for self improvement and different (real) perception about this hard struggling life

OP, do you have any recommendation for us?

The Myth of Sisyphus

OP here.
Anything from Kafka is always good to actually "feel your existence" and understand the stupidity of everything, making things more enjoyable in the way.

Bukowski if you are more of a simpler man with a cynical view of life, start with Post Office, it's a very easy read and the non-official biography of the autor.

if you are more of a dreamer and a free spirit with a childlike mind or need some happy reading i recommend anything from Mathias Malzieu, The Boy With the Cuckoo-Clock Heart is a personal favorite (if you decide to read this autor get ready for a shit ton of metaphor).

Thanks a lot anons

>Ana Frank

Anne, sorry, also i even wrote dairy instead of diary, lol, thanks user, i'm from Spain and English is my second lenguage, names have a translation to Spanish

No such thing as a weed addiction.

Hes just lazy

One of my favorite quotes from Charles Bukowski
"You have to die a few times before you can really
Thank you very much for recommendations.

This is my 2nd favorite quote from Charles Bukovski
"People are strange: they are constantly angered by trivial things, but on a major matter like totally wasting their lives, they hardly seem to notice"

Propaganda by Edward Bernays and crystallizing public opinion by the same author

trust me, there is.
truly a genius on his own way.
thanks a lot user, never heard of those, why do you think they would work?

Fahrenheit 451 , Tuesdays with morrie, kite runner

this one is edited to be less religious, but i'd recommend it to anyone for a cathartic experience. Really gives perspective regarding accepting your own vulnerabilities and accepting others for theirs. I'm a behavioral therapist and would definitely recommend it to people in helping professions as well.

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It'll make him understand that people and organizations outside of his control will and do intentionally manipulate you and the whole of society towards a personal goal. It will probably make things worse lol. But it will give him perspective on his place in the world. It's known as the public relations/marketing bible or something similar.

Similar books to this would be The Tipping Point and Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by malcom gladwell

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>people and organizations outside of his control will and do intentionally manipulate you and the whole of society towards a personal goal
You couldn't write that in better meaning (perfect), watch this form 18:53

Hmm title looks interesting and is my sort of thing but I don't really have the time to at the moment because it's late. I'll try to watch it in the future

I remember reading The kite runner years ago, it starts slow but oh boy that end,thanks a lot user.
I'll probably read it myself first, but i trust your words, lets give it a try.
you have a very peculiar perspective on the subject, never thought of it that way, not saying you are wrong tho, i'll give them a try first. thanks a lot user, i appreciate it.
Oh boy, he has already read the bible, but thanks

The little engine that could

plz do not watch that if you're not ready to be shocked, positive things from that vidya is going to be that you'll see what is the future of our society worldwide, and yet no one is doing anything to prevent that, in other words you'll become more aware of the real problems.

>you have a very peculiar perspective on the subject, never thought of it that way,
In regards to the tipping point?
A case from that book that sort of supports this idea is the gold star placement in ads or magazine that prompted the purchasing of products. It's been awhile since I read it but it shows that something that can seem very innocuous can and will manipulate people into buying something. From Blink the subliminal suggestions of showing stereotypes in a hall way and then giving a person the option of choosing the opposite of the stereotypes often results in choosing what was suggested to them by the posters in the hallway. Marketing has become a mass of psychological manipulation of the public to control consumerism. Just think about the amount of money spent on researching the proper color to use in ads to promote emotional responses.

Eh it's probably not any worse then the other stuff I've read listened to or watched.

I'll share a link from that thread, and you'll see how things are really wrong pic related. btw i'm under the Muslim flag Lol

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Well you're not a psychologist, or you'd know that there is no reforming a narcissist (the proper noun you misattributed with its adjective equivalent). But here, hope it helps you out.

Attached: masteringyourself.jpg (313x500, 37K)


Slaughterhouse 5