Thinking of saving up 15K and moving to NYC. How fast can I get a job? How is the art scene in nyc?

Thinking of saving up 15K and moving to NYC. How fast can I get a job? How is the art scene in nyc?

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>moving to a shit hole big city


Cities are for niggers. Get out of here, nigger!

Art is not a job, its a hobby you do while you have a real job.

NYC doesn't give a fuck about your rights that's for sure. Cost of living is higher. Crime is higher. Who cares about fucking art scene in a shithole city, when you can do everything better digitally and upload your work online for the fucking world to see and NOT live a shit city.

>Saving 15K and moving to NYC
Depending on how you live your life, 15 000$ is between the bare minimum to not enough to start living in NYC. Just because the first times are much more expensive than it is after discovering the city and just " knowing ".

>How fast can I get a job?
Depend on how motivated you are to make money and what you are whilling to do. Some places will hire you and make you start in the next few hours. Some require more NYC experience. Both can be top tier or shit tier.

>How is the art scene in nyc?
Like every big cities, it's booming in all sorts of arts. You have to pick what you really wanna see and do because most nights, you have to cut down and choose between 2-3 places you really wanna be at.

If that can serve for some sort of legit and honest feedback.

Hillbillies detected.

Lmao yes somehow living in Jew York City hellhole will make your artistic (autistic) ideas sprout and flourish. Nigga just move to New Hampshire and have your own digital gallery if niggas wanna buy they buy. Get a real job too. Art’s a hobby jigaboo.

You'll met plenty of AIDS in NY

Useless urbanite detected. Baby artsy needs a $7 latte and a compliment on his new tat :)


I deliver dry cleaning in ny and I have the knees of an 80year old man I'm 35 this is from constantly walking up vast flights of stairs. On lunch break I have to wait on line long lines. The subway theres alot of people there. May seem like fun to the uninitiated but I am initiated and that gets old then annoying. For a city that's supposedly fast everything takes long from so many sapping it for resources nice place to visit but I wouldn't live there unless I was rich

Thank you

Thank you so much

>enjoys a raw deal
I'll never understand people who willingly choose to live in big cities.


>muh raights
You have no fucking rights in this country you stupid nigger. Small town, small police force, try following the fucking law.

>the cost of living is higher
Living in a city that never sleeps costs more than living in the fucking woods, go figure.

If you're in possession of a penis, half a brain, or even better; a gum, you have no reason to keep being a complete pussy. Stay shacked up in your log cabin, no one's stopping you.

>who cares about fucking art scene
OP does retard. He made a whole thread about it remember?

>upload your work online
That'd be easier to do with max speed internet, which is standard in the old shithole city.

Your argument for not uploading the art is because of data speed? Oh no baby artsy can’t wait 5 minutes for his painting to upload while he browses plebbit.

Maybe some people enjoy a lightning fast internet connection, restaurants that don't close at 7pm, and being surrounded by people who aren't always dragging their goddamned feet.

Are you fucking dyslexic or are you just this retarded?

Suburb master race is close enough to the city to be relevant and far enough away to not be an oversocial fag.

Enjoy a deposit and one months rent in a shit area before being evicted, if you can convince a landlord to rent to an unemployed poor person in the first place.

i bought a painting(?) of an all eyez on me picture of 2pac from a street vendor there, still in the plastic almost 15 years later

Don't listen to what these other racist asshole dumbasses are saying. If you want to move to NYC and do arts related things then you are doing the right thing. There is so much opportunity in the big cities. It may be rough at first but you'll figure it out. It's a small price to pay if you want a chance at your dreams :)

I moved to nyc 8 years ago with $800 in the bank. Now I work for one of the biggest art galleries and I married a rich nyc raised Jewish girl 12 years younger than me. If you’re not an idiot and can hustle, this place can change your life.

Neither, and I demand you explain yourself.
>t. Soylent supporter

Why in the fuck would you actually WANT to move to NYC?

>duh ray-cissts are at it again, teehee, follow your dreams and disregard financial literacy :^)

>getting jew'd by restaurants instead of cooking your own meals, saving money, and become more proficient at cooking
>letting illegal fucks cook or even handle your food
That will be 49.98 plus tip sir!
>thinks his internet is lightning fast
Other countries have way better and faster internet infrastructures.