Why do you work so hard to hate this man? Toxic hate is not healthy. It would be far easier to forgive and move on

Why do you work so hard to hate this man? Toxic hate is not healthy. It would be far easier to forgive and move on.

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Other urls found in this thread:


And here you are like "Thank you, sir. I'd like another."

Libtards are cucks for sure but you republicucks really take the cake. And you take it hard

He's a dipshit but in all honesty he's got nothing on Richard Nixon and we lived through that guy. Trump just tweets like a 14 year old girl. My life personally hasn't changed in 30 years no matter who has been president. I'm not even sure they do anything anymore.

It'd be far easier if he epsteine'd himself.

You must not have any money invested in any sort of account....

Orange man bad!

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Because anyone with a functioning mind and a dislike for hypocrisy can't ignore all his mental breaks in logic. I want American jobs; has election paraphernalia made in other countries. I love clean water; cut regulations to allow cancerous chemicals to be dumped in our water. Mexico is going to pay for the wall; we pay for...nothing, because he can't politic his way in or out of a paper bag without throwing a temper tantrum and trying to throw executive orders around. Go to the El Paso shooting to visit the victims and leaves the press since 'its not a photo shoot'; retrieves a medically discharged infant orphaned by the shooter to take a grotesque thumps up smiling photo with it.

Its too much to ignore, hating him is a default state of existence for anyone with an ounce of Humanity and intelligence and the fortitude to follow this atrocity.

This is actual life experience and worthy of note.

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Nope. I mean we did have some money saved up for my kids to go to college but they both got scholarships so now its just sitting around. Im not much of a gambling man.

These examples are only the tip of the iceberg.

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So, nothing on the 8+ counts of obstruction of justice as outlined in the mueller report? That is far more than what Nixon did.

The only reason it isn't more clear cut is because everyone surrounding Trump saved him from any sort of direct action. As in, him ordering people to be fired and those orders simply not being carried out. If they had followed orders it would have made it that much more clear cut, but unfortunately people are smarter than he is.

Because it is hard to move on when the liberal media runs stories on him damn near close to 24/7. Orange man bad

But that's true of all presidents, really.

Everthing this

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just like every time a minority gets busted for whatever, it's just an alleged charge. have any of trump's alleged crimes been proven?

hillary has a billion allegations and she's still free. they still have five years to bust her on it though, but to really bust trump for this shit, it might take longer than that.

Poor poor mister billionare president of the most powerful nation on the planet he's got it just soo bad.

Cry me a fucking river you cuck

Turns out having a colossal fuck up of a human being and a traitor as the president of the United States is big news user

No I like it when they run stories on him. His whole strategy from running a business to winning the presidential election has always been evoking a brawl. He thrives in that setting. You faggots only give orange man more power.

He will slap his name on any old trash

Move on to what?

Yes.... Goooood. Maybe your polls won't fall flat again.

You know what I like? That New York City is going to change the name of the street that Trump Tower sits on to "Obama Blvd." I can't wait to see the new stationary, it's going to be awesome.

Nigga nixon torpedo'd peace talks between LBJ and vietnam to win an election. He had a team of burglars steal shit for him on multiple occasions. Trump is a joke that is single handedly keeping SNL on the air Richard Nixon was a fucking Bond villain.

Obstruction on a crime that wasn't committed.

I mean, I can link you the PDF for the mueller report and you can read the thing yourself. You should look up muellers testimony as well. "Does your report exonerate Trump" "No."

Dude has dementia - can't see him growing self awareness anytime soon.

US, both voters, media, and the parties, were completely unprepared for a man completely lacking in sense of shame or embarrassment.

That's not to say he handwaves negative press entirely, he actually pays attention to major outlets he decrys as fake news closely. But it's in a transactional sense.
The most tedious thing of all is how the rest of the world has to slow down along his wavelength. And there will be no true retribution. He'll die without any regrets, fully convinced he's the greatest man to ever exist.

Obstruction is a crime, and the investigation was for some dubious fucking shit. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obstruction_of_justice Read up please. You can't pick and choose when something does or doesn't apply to someone.

>You faggots only give orange man more power
Tell that to his shrinking republican base and shit matchups in even conservative polling.

Why do you work so hard to hate this man? Toxic hate is not healthy. It would be far easier to forgive and move on.

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>in even conservative polling
Because the media hasn't been way off base about polls in any recent election, huh? lolol

I dunno. If they ever squeeze his tax returns out of him to figure out just how grossly he has been violating the emoluments clause in addition to all his financial crimes, he may very well spend quite a bit of time in jail when he gets out of office.

Too bad we can't persecute him for the decades and decades of health and environmental regulations he has been cutting, which ARE going to lead to dozens of thousands of deaths at the very least. Deaths of US citizens, at that.

Revulsion is a natural reaction to boorishness in high places.

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Well that's where youve been hornswaggled my friend. He merely frames his encounters that way to create the illusion that he's untouchable. "You cannot win. Even if you fight me you merely make me stronger, you might as well give up". He trys to create this overbearing illusion of choice where he attempts to bluff you into thinking he has all the aces.

He's not the wizard of oz, he's the man behind the curtain frantically pulling levers trying to keep you attention on the grand spectacle of 'the trump'.

Thinking he's got an actual strategy, not just recycling crap from Gingrich and Regan

Elaborate on that. With sources.

That would be nice and much much better than how things are now, the issue arises when every other day he repeats the same rhetoric and short sighted ideas. I can forgive someone only so much. If someone just won't change or at least seriously consider the issues that people have with them, then its time to excise that person from your life.

Theres revulsion then there is childish rage

Would you forgive literally hitler?!

I think he's just referring to people predicting Hillary winning when Trump won. Which of course is fucked because she got 3,000,000 more popular votes, but he won electorally because why should the most voted on person win in a democracy, amirite?

To be fair, I didn't want Hillary either.

At the snails pace which congress is combing through his shit, with some significant setback, I seriously doubt anything will materialize as you describe. He might be a dumbass regarding everything else, but he's also a career criminal that knows how to leave a cold trail, and has essentially a bottomless supply of lawyers with the White House.

You should read the Art of The Deal that he had published in 1987. He goes over pulling opponents into a brawl setting, why he is comfortable in it, and why he succeeds in that setting. Believe it or not, that is effectively what he did to single out Hillary clinton who was stupid enough to enter that domain and claim she was more of an outsider than him because of her gender. She could have gone off her experience, but she CHOSE to use Trumps strategy because it worked so efficiently in the republican primaries. That is a strategy, and it is a premeditated one.
Pirate it. I only referenced it because he mentions this strategy in it and anyone with a brain can see he implemented it during his race.

No one predicted the Aussie election either. Changing demographics and less people picking up phones means polling strategies suck now

I know, but that's a gross misrepresentation of what happened. Polls put Hillary in the lead in terms of raw votes, which was correct, but the actual projections regarding the electoral college detailed a close race. Really no one fully expected him to win if we're being honest, but to walk into 2020 with perfect confidence is just hubris.

Project much?

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I didn't want Hillary for sure, but I damn well wasnt going to cuck for
trump either. I voted for neither. I know it sounds crazy folks but you can vote for whoever the fuck you want, not just who the Party decides you can vote for.
You gotta get yourselves out of this binary shit.

Luckily trump is inept as hell, I thought shit was going to burn for sure.

What a fucking retarded thread. And you have 40 replies. Congratulations to u and the rest if the fucking retards here.

My bets are on you being OP being butmad bumping your own thread

Thats how most rich and or powerful people die though. I mean occasionally they wind up on fire in a ditch but usually they just die happily of old age. Pol Pot killed so many cambodians that the big joke at the time was they couldn't find 12 living cambodians to make a jury for his trial and he died of old age under house arrest. Karma isn't real at all.

>Polls put Hillary in the lead
Because their job was to put Hillary in the lead. There's nothing scientific about it, it's pure manufactured consent. They even admitted to oversampling their favorite groups and people fell for it because oversampling is a good thing in digital audio.

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He doesn't need to be exonerated, there are no charges. You don't have to prove innocence, you have to be proven guilty. The entire Russia probe was a globalist tantrum and all involved should be held accountable for the waste of money and for stirring up the public into a rage for ratings and political axes to grind.

The books ghostwritten anyway - so it's less him describing a strategy than a smarter man coming up with a theory to fit his of Trump observations.

Interesting New Yorker article about it -newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/25/donald-trumps-ghostwriter-tells-all

Not denying it's what he DOES, but I don't think he's bright enough to pick it as a stategy. That would imply he's capable of doing anything else.

>left wing
>forgive and move on
Those two things don't go together.

Maybe nothing directly has effected, but you must see the increase in prices and the relative stagnation of wages. The policies and budgets that Congress and Presidents pass all effects this. I know i noticed when the China tariffs first took effect, when I went to the store and prices of goods with aluminum went up. Sure it wasn't by much but every little bit adds up.

Easy there cuck, the RNC only has so much money to spread around

>trips of truth

also see

>put Hillary in the lead.
In raw votes. And she was.
>They even admitted to oversampling their favorite groups

You literally just said you don't deny that is what he does, then doubted yourself. I can't trust this Dr. Sues logic. For that reason, your fired.

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>You don't have to prove innocence, you have to be proven guilty
Trump isn't on trial, so that's not particularly relevant. And it's innocent vs guilty blah blah before the law, the public can think whatever they please.

"This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked." Sure are words of a totally innocent man. Yep. Nothing to see there, nothing worth digging into a little more. Except there was so much obstruction that they couldn't pin down anything absolutely solid. Trump never personally testified to anything either; a deal was reached to finally send him a questionnaire to fill out with questions and every single answer was "I don't know, I don't remember, I don't recall." This coming from the man that says, "I have the best memory. My mind is great, with the best memory."

That’s complete horse shit. Everyone knew who Capone was, the same way they know trump. Just because you can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt, doesn’t mean reasonable people don’t know the obvious truth. While a conspiracy headed by trump could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, there are over 120 documented acts of collusion between his campaign and actors in his orbit with Russian government intermediaries.

Things have been getting more expensive every day since i was born. I wouldn't know much about wage stagnation i guess since i've been doing the same job in the same industry for 30 years. The only thing i can say that has affected me directly is in the late 90s medical costs started to skyrocket and insurance has gotten shittier every year since then no matter who was in office.

Forgive and forget? It's not up to me. He's committed actual crimes. Maybe he can't be prosecuted while President, but he must be when he leaves office, or else the Rule of Law means nothing and the Republic is finished.

I love America, and I want it to continue, not turn into some Third World shithole banana republic.

What a fatuous comment.

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He doesn't merit hate. Dumpy is a lowlife clown and deadbeat who has had everything in life handed to him and values nothing but himself. Its no work at all to have contempt for him.

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They had her at 98% probability. Utter nonsense, that.

But the obstruction evidence was shaky. That's why they don't want to impeach him. They might fail to get something out of it.

He actually really wanted to sit down with Mueller. But his lawyer Dowd was tearing his hair out to keep him from doing so. Not even because of the danger of the questioning, which anyone would take seriously, but because in practice sessions Trump would babble on trangents forever and lie his ass off, widely and in no strategic sense.

>Dr. Sues logic

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It’s common for losers to hate winners, the exception though are people who hate trump for being a proud adulterous greedy fool.

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Doesn't sound like you have reading comprehension skills past Dr Seuss either.

No one calls a baby crying, autistic tantrum or a schizophrenic meltdown a "strategy" - and Trump has no greater ability to control his actions.

Actions =/= Strategy

Seriously read about Richard Nixon. He never got prosecuted he resigned from office and lived out the rest of his life in his mansion happily and we are still here somehow. The rule of law has always been pretty unevenly applied to the rich. None of this shit is new.

Okay nigger faggot. Not the same user, but CNN had hillary favored at a 91% chance of winning. This a SINGLE example for your faggot ass because you can't use google. cnn.com/2016/11/07/politics/political-prediction-market-hillary-clinton-donald-trump/index.html
Huffington had hillary at 98%, Princeton had her at 99%, Daily at 92%, etc etc etc. The media fucking sucked cocks at lying to their audience based off their bias. Imagine telling your audience Hillary had a 99% chance of winning. Or a 91%. So ignorant.

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Don't indulge the hasbarat. He makes his foolish questions just to tie folks up in knots.

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>racists lied to pollsters about who they were going to vote for so the polls were wrong

>lived out the rest of his life in his mansion happily
Nixon was a miserable son of a bitch every day of his life. If you weren't 12 you'd know that.

None of those chances are 100% though so you can't really say any of it was lying. If hillary had a 91% chance of winning that means trump had close to a 9% chance (factoring in jill stein's chances i guess) and he won. You roll a d10 enough times you'll get a 1 eventually.

>With one day to go before Election Day, CNN's Poll of Polls shows Clinton leading Trump by a narrow 4-point margin: 46% to 42%

They even had a clip detailing Trump's potential path to win, which wasn't far off from what happened.

>asking for sources and substantiating claim is a jewish trick
Little wonder they rule the world if idiots like you are their competition.

Im 63. I mean he never spent a minute in jail and was never prosecuted and somehow america is still here. Guy was making it sound like america was going to fall apart if Trump didn't wind up in jail and I'm making the point we have been through way worse.

Miss him yet?

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>don't worry they became slightly more honest one day before election
>don't worry they are an honest media I swear they just didn't have the right information for months prior
>t-t-they couldn't have been just saving f-face

Only simpletons believe polling that falls within the margin of error equates to a 90+% chance of winning. Those simpletons then repeat the same talking point as this ginormous faggot () for 2.5 years.

Nixon would be kicked out of the Rupug party as too liberal today.

>implying I give a shit about CNN one way or another

Welcome to the wonderful world of identity politics folks

Troll harder by saying this exact same thing in /pol/, only with Hillary and a pic of her.

He would have been kicked out for speaking ill against jews.

Voted for and supported trump in 2016 for the lulz and libtard tears

Voting against trump in 2020 for the lulz and republicuck tears

>actually taking any of this seriously

>actually think who's in the white house matters

Ya'll motherfuckers don't know how to troll. I smell newfags, nothing but tryhard newfags

He did formulate a health-care program very similar to the so-called Obamacare.

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Thats the whole point though. Left to his own devices Trump would out himself, but he's just lucky enough to be surrounded by more intelligent people.

>when user realizes it wasn't just CNN.

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Nixon kept his jew bashing in the oval office, and even then jew Kissinger was his closest advisor.

dropping them dead meme pills
Writing off all perceived hostile media is as much an echochamber as being entirely reliant on it. Even Trump knows that.

You missed dumpy criticising Faux News today for airing bad news about him?

Dumpy called Epstein a fucking jew for trying to have sex with Katie Johnson before he did. And that in spite of the fact that his great-granny Kober was Ashkenazi.

Nah I catched that. It might trigger him, but he seems set on immigration and white identity pandering as his wedge strategy.

The dumpster's daughter and inlaws are jews. His best bud next to Putin and Kim is Bebe Netanyajoo.

Orange man bad
Orange man sad
Orange man was just another fad
Orange man done
It was lots of Orange fun
Orange man got a bit too much sun
Orange man lies
Orange man denies
Orange man on Twitter is where he cries
Orange man is dumb
Take away his Orange thumbs
Out of the white house and into the slums

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I don't. The rich are cancer. The rich have always been cancer. You don't have to try to hate them because they do all the work for you.

as long as he's around long enough to pick RBG's replacement when she kicks it, he's done everything i wanted from him.

you think being poor is awesome?

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Seems it? Don't think I'll ever really understand why people say this shit. Is jealousy?

No, dipshit. It's a literal prison sentence. That the rich impose upon the majority of this Earth. Poverty, hunger, environmental destruction are all easily preventable CHOICES that the rich make for everyone.

>he's done everything i wanted from him.

This proves what I was talking about.
You want abortion made illegal, gotcha. But what else? Where is your imagination? Like what is it that you actually want other than to utterly defeat in every conceivable manner the people you call your enemies? (they're your neighbors)

>if you're not rich you're poor

False dichotomy

yes i too would like corporate shills in the supreme court to fuck over the people and keep the politicians and the rich (like trump!) rich

good job retard

I'm supposed to forgive him for not building the wall? That was the biggest fucking cocktease of the century wtf

being wealthy isnt the same as being rich.

having networth of a couple mil is CHUMP CHANGE to the actual rich elite like the mercers, trump, kraft, etc.

So you'd side with a self aggrandising, rapist, pedo, liar to get your way.

Bet your the guy who voted in Hitler cos "teh econemy"

the poor are cancer too

thanks. sucks when people don't hive mind with you, huh?

>being wealthy isnt the same as being rich.

then why create your rich/poor dichotomy in the first place? merely for the sake of argument?

that user didn't post it, i did

Say what now?

I think you completely misunderstood what I was saying...

Trump Tower is on 5th avenue. They're not going to change the name of 5th ave. Whoever told you that is an idiot.

am dumb fag

replied to wrong user

Actually the city is in talks to change it. Is it comfy under that rock"?

Yes I agree farmers, fisherman, doctors all of them should work for the betterment of all humanity. They should all labor for people instead of themselves or family. Fuck the individual and hoorays for the collective. And as a member of the collective I and my fellow human beings will take everything we need for us before you can take for yourself. We will work you to the bone, we will force you to learn, and if you think you can take a tiny crumb, or penny extra for you labor and sacrifices we will punish you.


To forgive him he would need to stop constantly fucking things up.

the whole idea is that they would be taken care of two.

shut the fuck up retard, you have this moronic idea that just because people want a better quality of life that this somehow equates to communism. eat shit and die you retarded waste of space.

because its not. its just a petition by some lady.
and mikimoto, prada, and tiffany's sure as fuck isn't gonna have it

stop larping you neet

Or ya know, we could just tax a little bit of those people and corporations that pay zero taxes at the moment. We could take that tax and give it to all those necessary professions you mentioned and the scenario you created dissolves

The petition has already garnered enough signatures for the city to take it into consideration

or you can just give outta your own pocket

but it hasn't been considered. and it won't be

I don't have hundreds of billions of dollars just lying around like the people I mentioned do

This guy is the number 1 hater...
He pretty much hates everybody, and probably even himself.

I see no problem hating on another hater, bullies deserve to be bullied.

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be the change you want to see in the world.


Corporations pay zero taxes. The more you tax a Corp the more expensive their services or products get. These idiots who keep bitching about "the rich" are lonely losers whom have had A. Bad luck or B. Made bad decisions or C. Just jealous because it's not them.

A burrito will do just as well to that homeless person you mocked today

The obstruction evidence is the strongest evidence against Trump because it can be clearly shown in a number of cases there was an obstructive act, nexus AND intent. Nothing shaky about it.

Shut up you fucking conservacuck.

Irrelevant. Obstruction is a crime BECAUSE it can make other crimes impossible or more difficult to prove.

Yeah that's like saying if everyone gave a dollar to each person on the planet we could all be billionaires.


Awww, why so angry? Is it because you aren't rich. Bet if you were you'd be a lot happier.


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Get off your high horse


The media yes. The polls no. The 2016 election was will within expected results of every poll, it isn't the polls' fault the media ignored the details such as error margins per state and decided to parrot a line they took workout context from one single poll over and over.

No actually I'm almost positive i'd be a wreck strung out on every drug known to man and a laundry list of stds because of the countless hookers

No, I earned it. It's mine and I will ride it whenever I want.

Wtf? lol, "move on"...duh,


We'l "move on" when

Trumpsycho is... Removed.


PS: Trumpsycho wont run in '20 ---

his mind is going pretty quickly ---

he has a strong family history of Alzheimers and is obese and under much stress :

“In his last 10 years, early stages of Alzheimer’s disease slowed Fred Trump, Donald’s father”
tiny***url***com/h4sfktq Nytimes aug 2016

Then how do you explain the accumulation of wealth at the top? Productivity is up but wages have been stagnant for decades, and all that wealth is pooling into fewer and fewer hands, all because they have the power to make it so.

>The more you tax a Corp the more expensive their services or products get
Nonsense, the law simply needs to take into account that faggots will do anything to salvage their current market value and offset any expenses onto others. If the law prevents this, and constantly evolves to adapt to any kinds of shitty corporate games they want to play in order to avoid paying their share, then everything will be fine. If not, as the middle class continues to destabilize, tensions will rise, and ultimately the masses will revolt and come down on your oligarch asses, which will not be pretty for anyone involved.

LoL...me too

>relying on someone else to change your life
No wonder it hasn't changed you lazy fuck.

No its like saying if we taxed all corporations across the board with a worth of over a few hundred million just a little bit we'd have hundreds of billions of dollars to fix shit in this country

Because super rich people don't have income. They take loans. The bank holds the assets and loans money to the client.


I'll never understand how people can be so stupid to be opposed to this

Jesus. with your view of economics, i'd say you were once a bartender and boston u grad


Yap. Also HRC won the popular vote which was also projected in every meaningful poll.


You really do have some strong points in your debate there fella

Oh yeah, also we should abolish tax havens.

and i ate the most pickles at a hot dog eating contest.

>oligarch asses
you didn't make the debate team either

shut up faggot, if you don't think that the ultra rich in America are ruling over the rest of us with a iron and diamond encrusted fist, then you're full of shit.

Yes : age-related cognitive decline [ he's 72 or 3,]

Strong family history of Alzheimers,


Many yrs of high-risk diet [ cholesterol, salt, fat, ]


No exercise [ golf doesnt count ]


“In his last 10 years, early stages of Alzheimer’s disease slowed Fred Trump, Donald’s father”
tinyurl*****com/h4sfktq Nytimes aug 2016


they are, and i don't mind it. so donate your own money, not mine.

ITT: spambots working on a psyop

*Make the cake.

>60k in profits trading securities since February
>started trading securities a year and a half ago with $5k saved at minimum wage
>Trump = good for people who aren't fucking retarded

Go be depressed in a hole user, but don't vote.Leave that to those of us with work ethic.Fucktard.

But guys, I don't hate Trump.


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stop mocking the handicapped, faggot.

Then you deserve to die along with the rest of them.

well thats just, your opinion, man


shave and you might get some pussy

if you aren't the fatass ugly neckbeard I think you are, might lighten your bitch-mood

Say I have100 million dollars in bonds and stocks. Every 2 years or so I take a 2.5 million dollar secured loan from a bank, trust or investment firm. I sign over 3 million in bonds directly to any of the 3. I default on the payment. they sell my 3 million in bonds and get paid. Rinse repeat. I never make money on the bonds because the bonds never go to me. Zero income and come tax time I can write off that 3 million dollars as a loss. In the mean time the trust or whatever keeps investing that money making them more.

Ooh, get saltier. Lets see how much that butt can hurt user, dont hold back

>Why do you work so hard to hate this man

Thats not work, he makes it really easy to hate him.


Why would you even care to do any of that? Youve got a hundred million fucking dollars. If you need more than that then at least go the Elon Musk route and have some imagination

why? why work when your money does it for you?

>OP is still a faggot.
>fuck you

Are you suggesting youd run out?

of imagination, yes, i would

That goes without saying. OP is always a fag

This. Who gives a shit what Trump tweets or the dumb shit he says, look at the results of his presidency. Anyone with enough sense to invest has benefited massively.

Thats what lsd is for

i hope youre expecting the stock "its obamas economy" retort....

... And anyone with any sense can invest. Fucking wops were making bank 100 years ago from simple knowledge of market psychology. It helps the economy move by trading, and it benefits the government in return. Culture grows, but unfortunately for some reason these incels don't want to make themselves money. It's low hanging fruit, and most of these chumps won't even look into trying.

>wah I don't wanna try boohoo

Greed? Fear? I don't know? And I'll never have the opportunity to even try it.

I attempted to invest and earn throughout Obama's presidency and made modest profits at very best. The first few years, fine he was handed a sinking ship. That takes time to fix, I get it. But halfway through his second term and shit still hadn't turned around made me realize it was the current administration. He leaves office and the market absolutely takes off. 18% returns the very year after he's gone after years of less than 3%. Then it continues for nearly three years with only regular corrections impeding growth. That argument is borderline hysterical.

>start trading securities

Ahahahaha you faggot,

How did you improve the world by trading securities today?
What goods did you produce?
Did you provide a service?

Useless fucking job. Just skimming the cream off the stupid or unfortunate without actually creating anything of value. If you actually "made cake" occasionally you'd be doing more for the world.

Masturbating all day is hard too, but at least neckbeards don't brag about their heroic "work ethic".

You could inform yourself personally if you truly were interested... but you aren't. I'm not sure what your motivations are, user, but they don't seem in any way intended to benefit yourself or me.

I should quote OP in saying that, "toxic hate is NOT healthy!"

Peace, beardo.

Don't worry, I have investments too.

I just understand that when I earn interest, usually someone poorer than me is struggling to pay it. Wealth makes wealth, but that doesn't mean that it's a right or useful way for society to operate.

Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps works for an individual but it's by definition impossible for a society. Telling everyone to invest is ultimately unsustainable advice because you need poor chumps to pay your interest rates.

The only way for the world to improve is for people to actually produce shit. That knowledge benefits you, because I doubt financial wealth is your only goal in the world.

Do yourself a favour and invest in some companies produce something useful.

And what the fuck did you do today to improve humanity? The man is making minimum wage and instead of demanding more money from his employer, he researches and invests what assets he has to better himself. But it sounds like you're more on board with people who earn what they have giving you free shit because you're a lazy sack of shit and god forbid you stop buying shit you don't need and stuffing your fat fucking face long enough to actually save some money to better yourself with too. No, it's easier to complain and put others down for bettering themselves, isn't it? You're the fucking problem.

Perhaps I could have been clearer - "I understand that when I earn interest it comes from someone poorer than me" means that largely value comes from labour, and if you own shares - it's someone elses. If you invest in companies that produce shit and pay employers well, that's the best way to do it. Being a slumlord, for example, is the shittest.

I advocate working in a useful area and investing long term in companies that do good in the world.

Also, by "demanding more money from his employer" do you mean asking for a raise? In what universe is that a bad thing?

90+% != 100% you fucking idiots

Spare us the desperate contortions to, for some reason, attempt to defend this

most destructive excuse for a pres

the US has ever suffered