Would you kill yourself to create your definition of a perfect world?

Would you kill yourself to create your definition of a perfect world?

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For others? no. For myself? yes.

Yes, Because then I would just come right back. NIGGA SEND ME PICS OF UR MOMS FEET! NEW DEHLI #1


My perfect world requires me alive.

Yes , in a heartbeat. If i could create the perfect nationalist world and all it would take is me not existing anymore i would press that button,pull that lever or say those words . Whatever it took .

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You an hero and respawn.

pretty much this

Would probably do it for less.

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No because the world is perfect as it is, any conception I or anyone else may ever have can never be "perfect."

But it could be perfect by your standards

No. That would be illogical. Regardless of what I believe the definition of a perfect world to be, the choice to remove myself from this world would be ultimately insignificant, in the grand scheme of things. It wouldn’t make the world perfect. It wouldn’t even make a noticeable change. I’m not that terrible to anybody. I’m not the root of all bad things. Killing myself in an attempt to perfect the world would be nothing but an exercise in futility. The trouble I save for other people would probably be equaled by the the trouble that it causes for my family and the people who like me.

I might even argue that it’s counterproductive. I could do and create a lot of good things in this world by sticking around. I can’t do that if I’m dead. Killing myself for the sake of others could only be worth it if my potential for bad outweighs my potential for good. And I have no reason to believe my potential for bad outweighs my potential for good. the potential for me to do either is practically infinite, as infinite as my own lifespan, and I have every intention of doing good. I have no intention of doing bad. This belief alone seems quite promising. Change seems like a much more logical option, even if I do start to believe my potential for bad is higher than previously believed.

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fam its not that deep
you kill yourself
you come back to life
and theres chocolate milk for rivers

Spoken like a true cuck

Also, my own definition of the perfect world has no bearing on anybody else’s definition of perfect world. I would be creating my own idea of the perfect world, for somebody else. I have no ability to imagine what a chinaman’s perfect world would look like. Therefore, by changing the entire world to look more like my own perfect world, the chinaman may be less happy with my perfect world than he was with our former flawed world.

This is illogical. Everything about this question is illogical. It would be shamefully arrogant for me to even entertain the idea that I know what’s best for 7.6 billion people, and killing myself to achieve this delusion of grandeur would only mean it’s not the perfect world for ANYBODY. ...not anybody who’s still around to enjoy it.

user, I find too much joy making others feel miserable. I would never do such a selfless act

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Based user here

i would kill myself for no reason at all.

Cry harder you mutt

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If you haven't done it by now we all know you're just looking for attention fag


Nope. I would rather kill the world to create my definition of my perfect self.

Only if I take all the faggots, LGBTKYRTH+, communist, jews, palestinians and thots with me.

What do I care I just want life to end now. I'm done trying to do anything. I'm just a waste of time and space. I'm so wretched I have to remind myself that I don't have to worry what my friends think because I don't have any. Even the better future deserves a better person than I am now. If I would to become so worth in my death what was the point of wanting anything to help what's going to be here after I'm not alive. I don't even have enough value to be a martyr.

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You're a sad person