Civilization Thread
Dubs decides the fate of pic related.
>Population: 30
Civilization Thread
Dubs decides the fate of pic related.
>Population: 30
flourish into a great city,creating a greatwork in the world and in the mind of the creator (2 is the same) but eventually fading away in time to give place something greater
They encounter unicorns and start fucking the unicorns up the ass, assfucking these unicorns gives them magical cocks, which lead to unicorn ass babies. these ass babies have magical powers that help them expand into a mega city. a mega city that is built of fucking unicorns up the ass.
>Population: ~3,000,000
They missed their chance with ass fucking unicorns. instead, a brave man explores the mountains above their lands, and finds an ice dragon. who turns out to be pretty chill, so he fucks it up the ass. and the dragon falls in love with the people and brings them hoards of gold. expanding their economy. giving them the tools they need to create vast ships to explore other lands.
No unicorns or dragons for these people it seems, they go through dark times not being brave and exploring. However after a 5th of the population had died to a strange illness, a wizard comes into town, that wizard teaches the people there the glory of ass fucking, which gives the people new vigor and reason to live. resulting in a spike of medical knowledge. Leading them to start fucking the cows up the ass, which for whatever reason makes the cows produce MORE healthy life giving milks. which increases the population by 30% and makes them stronger. leading them to triple the size of their city.
Giant robot Hitler with tits
FINE ALRIGHT no goddamn unicorn. no buttfucking dragons. or ass wizards, or cow anus. this time a bunch of fish wash up on the shore, and that attracts bears. Bears with great big asses. so they capture these bears and turn them into hookers, hooker bears that take it up the ass. These hooker bears eventually get tired of being assfucked by tiny dicked humans. They eventually kill all the humans and become sentient bear hookers. who build a giant den city with twice the population of hooker bears than there where of humans. and all the animals in the forest... know where to go to get bear ass.
City’s closed due to aids
Jewish takeover
So no mother fucking unicorns, no stupid fucking dragons, no creepy old wizards, no beef butts. no big assed bears.
THIS TIME Elves come out of the mountains, and teach the people how to hunt better with bows and tools. they forge great empires and wonderful armors that the elves taught them how to make, but they must pay the elves by fucking them up the ass, and these elves become addicted to anal creampies, and become over the years subservient to the humans, resulting in a race of elf slaves with hungry bootyholes.
Fuck Bees
I like fire trucks and monster trucks
Half of the city burns down
So... alright, alright, no unicorn anus, no fucking dragon ass, no sweaty wizards of mcdonalds creampies. no bears, no elf slaves. got it.
THIS TIME a bunch of kobolds migrate from the hot sands in search for dicks to put up their asses, they find the human town and just start fucking humans left and right, i mean these kobolds REALLY know how to take a cock up the ass. and as a result. the humans stop fucking each other and over a few generations ALL DIE OUT and the kobolds become the master race of the city, turning it into a den of thieves, and ass sex.
Dick swastika
No unicorn ass, no dragon booty, no neckbeard wizards, no cow rumps, no hot bears looking for a fix, no elf bitches, no kobold takeover.
INSTEAD! A bunch of slutty deer come out of the woods, and the people decide to start fucking these deer up the ass, these deer try and flee but are followed by the big dicked humans into the forest, where the find a magical spirit of the woods, that grants them three wishes.
Their first wish, was to become wealthy
Their second wish, was to be healthy
Their fourth with, was to have more wishes, which blooms their small city into a utopia of fucking various creatures up the ass.
Kek has forsaken this thread
I don't think kek wants any butt fucking furfaggotry
Theresañ huge alien invasión the aliens took the city and the remain survivors are only 10
so they missed out on fucking unicorns, dragons, wizards, cows, bears, elves, deer, and spirits of the forest.
A beautiful race of raven chicks land on the tower of the city, and they are all like, fuck us up the ass so we can shit out magical golden eggs all over the place, so the humans start fucking these raven bitches up the shitter real good, and all these golden eggs like... turn their city into a city of gold and ass rape. Then some fucking midgets come around and and start stealing all the gold, this leads to a war, a war that ends with everyone dead. the end.
i quit.
city gets invaded by refugees and niggers and turns into massive slum
Undead chads begin rising from their graves, all of the betas are forced out into a new tribe
They fuck donkeys up the ass, and learn quantum physics
rainbow boats attack from the east. with them, is a giant steamboat with the kfc guy
chad's dicks become too large to breed with the women
Finally! Fuck
They find out their land is rich in a very valuable element of DICK. They then mine for the dick
The betas made a new tribe in the southwest outskirts of the city
>Population: ~3 million
They then get ass fucked by the chads
If dubs no more faggot shit becomes true itt
The outbreak couldn't be contained by the soy boy betas
The chads move into the beta tribe and start raping people to death
Unfortunately, the nuclear reactors without the beta nerds to man them, begin to detonate whipping out a majority of the chads. The city is in ruins and the betas are left broken battered and starving. They decide to head to the coast in search of food
A meteor shower ends all life on the planet
Ben Shapiro destroys all of the beta male libtards with facts and knowledge
The buildings are rearranged into the shape of a swastika
The island from the TV show “LOST” appears along with all of the main characters
Chads take over beta village and make it into bars and stripclubs, the conquered beta fags get strapped onto the front of cars mad max style
Garfield vores the city and all of its residents. He also has a big cock
Reroll 2 electric boogaloo
OP here if dubs I keep waiting for updates. If not dubs I'm going to bed. I'll continue tomorrow
Good night fags
Big fires are started everywhere by insane people who are also eating alive other citizens. A sort cannibalistic of civil war has started and only the strongest will survive.
firestorm from the sky destroys the city
1 family can escape the fiery hell