Why no rekt thread? Rekt thread.
Why no rekt thread? Rekt thread
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best in threas so far, keep it going op.
Walls work only on white people, drumpf btfo.
poor child ;-;
Bruh my worst fear
Lol. Niggers.
when the dog runs up to bite his dick
Idk why but it's so fucking cute.
Cop was legit about to break half his discs and his rotator cuffs trying to save this retard?
Someone saw Breaking Bad.
Beautiful, trophy and meals.
If that guys nust weren't there he might have busted his hand on those stairs.
There ya go. Get off your fucking phone.
and just like this a beautiful family is shattered. life is very sad sometimes
Kudos on that stellar fucking kill.
And for no reason at all, people elected Cat Hitler
can someone explain what is happening and why its called nerve gas cat
I hate cats because they make hellish noises when in pain
yeah i'm pretty jaded to stuff but damn, that poor fucking kid.
well, cats aren't the only thing affected by nerve gas you know.
To begin the cat was hit by a chemical in the form of a gas called Nerve Gas, on inhalation you begin to twitch till death. That cat must've got one hell of a wiff of nerve gas up in that lamp...
the cat got stuck in the lampshade, the cats fine
people commonly think it got electrocuted though
the cat looks like it has its head stuck in the lamp. how did you get from that to Auschwitz?
Yes. Several Anons could.
That's actually how wolves and wild dogs feed. They go for the soft parts first.
What's the story here?
Life is just happy sometimes user
that's what the Chinese government, the Jews, the Commies, and the bureaucrats want you to believe user
dude these file names are killing me lmao
Why were they stopped and out of their vehicle in the middle of the fucking highway?
That is not a human
african space program test #2,232,321.
shock, they're all niggers.
but who would have seen that coming.
textual eye roll
poor pup. thrown in a cage for loving too much.
ok but those are asian roads.
aaand that's an asian.
bigger question though 10 seconds in what's that compact little thing walking around in the back. It looks to small to be a dog.
I'm so tired of seeing this filthy nigger's ass in every rekt thread.
I saw this and immediately imagined it happening to myself. Just the thought of having to watch your own guts hang out of your body as you slowly fucking die and you can't do a goddamn thing. Nightmare fuel
Wait for it...
that's all you need to know.
did they have to putted it down? = (
fuck man...can't trust 'em for shit.
hahah pussy
I really hope this was a pedophile or something equally bad. Judging from the absolute assbeating he took, it's what it looks like
now this guy here is le epic XD
epic win my dude!!1
wow bro epic response
Did he just land on that pole with his asshole? Nope.jpg
Why do only niggers steal bikes?
exterminate all wild pitbulls
including the animals holding their leash.
This was me at 15 in Jiu Jitsu class trying to do floor rolls.
damn dude got his face chewed off
That was hilarious you fucking unfunny lonely worthless NIGGER
damn dude sorry you fucking died
because they are retarded
broke its own neck
those pits should be immediately culled and that woman charged with animal cruelty
b/c you're racist and that's all you can see
i broke my own fucking back watching this and i have to DL in the fucking morning
Mohammad needs to get his wives under control.
Because niggers steal lmao. It's in their DNA to be subhuman
yeah not falling for your troll shit
have a nice day racist faggot
This kill is so dramatic it's like it's from a fucking movie.
Jesus Christ, more idiots who try to kill themselves lifting, please
kek'd for some reason
Lol okay newfag
Holy fucking Robert Zemekis
I wish I had a fuckduck.
probably rapists you see that one girl trying to cram that stick up his ass repeatedly than someone was like thats too far and tried to pull her away x_x O_o
Dicks Out For Harambe
Now I know how all those white women felt
it's not the hero we deserve, but it's the one we need
fucking lost
>Calling others newfags
>Falling for it
I once woke up because my cat literally screamed like it was being murdered. Was so fucking terrifying to wake up to that sound. I grabbed a weapon and tried to control my breathing while I waited for somebody to try and get through my bedroom door. Eventually I went out, and found my cat completely fine. I still have no clue why my cat screamed like that, but next time I'm hiring a fucking exorcist.
gay af
Don't feed the troll.
agreed. fuck her.
You REALLY don't belong here. Why don't you do yourself a favor and head back to Tumblr and Instagram, where you can continue living in your delusional world of equality while you jerk off to traps all fucking day.
context plox faggots?
Dogs are the best. My dog gets all pissed when I'm pissed.
They always walk like we wuz kingzz
All pit-bulls need to be neutered, male and female. they are proven naturally more aggressive than other dogs, and if those dogs weren't put-bulls that cat would have been fine
DUUUDE ! That lamp post is some Final Destination shit !
Why are niggers always wearing house slippers with socks on?
yep, nigger dogs
poor girl ):
who would have thought, walking in the street is dangerous
too much violence for me
imagine being so strong that you break your body out of pure raw strenght
is this the infamous express to snap city?
how the fuck do you not hear that?
collateral damage. He was hit so hard in the nuts, his decendants felt it.
He did, retard just thought he can outrun it
This shit is fake. It's a short film from YouTube.
Woman should be shot behind the chemical sheds.
>Blocks your path
Lol that shark was done playing
poke flute got this ez
"Where are the children? Are they safe? Are they alright?"
Laughing my ass of as they don't even care who threw it
>that one girl who finally got to act out her dom fetish irl so she picks up a stick of wood and starts pegging that dude like he owed her money
it's actually more like
>pegging that dude like he raped a child
I love this one
Knot good.
he wuz a good boy those were bibles in his handz why they shoot my boy
Nice shot
I would call in sick if my job was to get that guy off that pole.
Fucking kung pow.
If you get injured by a driver there they have to pay your medical bills for the rest of your life. If they kill you however, they only have to pay your family a certain amount. Maybe it's something to do with that?
status: told
Aim for the horse, not the general.
Any stupid fucking cunt can kill itself when they do retarded shit. Go on and try ramming a brick wall head on at full speed you stupid shit.
Rekt by God?
is eugenia's cooney pierced?
anyone notice the one lady stabbing him in the ass????
Why would he leave Yea Forums for traps? This is literally the gayest site I've ever visited.
What a pussy, got the jump on her and didn't even get the KO?
Trains are pretty silent if properly maintained, fast speed and a straight track helps too.
Despite that, the guy deserved to die for being this stupid.
That's why some of us are the way we are now unfortunately
Sometimes the universe just says fuck you mercilessly and we have to be the ones to give each other the much needed help
>and we have to be the ones to give each other the much needed help
Not going to happen in chinkistan
"Now's my chance to grope her fine tits yes!"
This is cruel. This is absolutely the worst. You are a disgusting human being and should be banned from LIFE.
They killed my son boy he was a good boy never hurt no wun aww boy damm
I guess that explains it. No point in being mad if they can't help it.
Holy shit dude! Is that a fucking TRAINED ANIMAL???!?!?!
>wait, I can still make this sexy
This what happens to pedos and loli fags on Yea Forums.. So take a good hard look youre heading there fast kiddo
Nigger dogs
Just a guy who knows how to keep a pitbull unlike this bitch
nerve gas
Yo hold up.
That is an asshole?
i'm diamonds
This one's worse
what are they huffing?
nerve gas
why do people do this to themselves
Zoomers and their phone addiction...
They say the camera subtracts 50 pounds
I got a boner
She has a nigger boyfriend, she's probably used to getting jumped
Never take short cuts
How do I see these on my phone
am i retarded? it looks like he teleports from the bottom right of the screen
Download more ram.
yeah can you guys stop postan .webms they dont work
no, buy a computer
This hurts my soul. I can't imagine what's going through their head. They need serious help. I think a hug would be a good start.
Post bob and vagene and I tell u
Das uh hammuh mayng
Good fucking riddance, I fucking hate trash pandas
>chinese license plates
Get out of Yea Forums kid you dont belong here , go on your freee
Did it died?
Oh God. Please don't let these humans reproduce.
I never seen a more frightening sack of potatoes.
Best part of this video is that since it’s online she got caught. Makes me happy knowing she’s prolly sitting in jail right now
this girl must have the weakest legs ever for that to even happen. never skip leg day
Cityfag here. The fuck was that, an arrow?
These humans are the ones that reproduce fastest.
im sad for the family, not for the humanity intelligence.
I play the cheese grader, and a yee hooliii hooo leeee hooo
holy shit
Top kek
That tire fucking searched for those guys
Yeah, lights up for easy tracking
Chad wins again.
Armenian wedding?
At least he attempted to pick it back up.
Who is this?
harlequin syndrome
>white men
Are you blind you faggot
I don't see any cuts.
This is why everyone hates women.
shuaiby, an hero from Yea Forums a year or so ago
Can't remember, some fag who offed himself live. Video ends with mom finding his headless body and the wall splattered with his dumb brains.
Euthanasia should be mandatory there. Checkmate prolifers.
Natural selection
some faggot from /r9k/.
Also too bad he didn't shoot up a kindergarten first, had a nice gun for the job
Now that's what I call edgy
I just cringed so hard I rolled up into a ball
Chang be like "what? there was building in front of me?"
Damn that's a sexy man
Every dumb nigger on this board puts nerve gas in the caption like it's fortknight porn clickbait. Fuck all of you.
nigger punches like a girl
The rider saying goodbye...
Faggot retard kill yourself.
This bitch needs to eat more chicken
mental illness
lol dude he has to lift it like 2 inches.
Based meth heads delivering street justice
Jesus wept
So this is the classy well controlled Muslim female I've heard so much about.
reminds me of that kid that tried to suplex another kid but snapped his own neck instead.
That's one way to become a woman
What a pussy
Champion tier slut, bet she's fun as fuck
Buy an android phone
well, bye thread i guess
I have a sheep. What's does that have to do with anything?
The lament has me harder than stone
stop drop and roll! Dumb nigger cunt
My boy big pudding getting the biggest bumps
Say what you will about niggers but their antics are pure comedy kino.
>pure comedy kino
Want to see you laugh if they come and rob you and rape your wife
love it. Cunt deserves it
Did he died?
Is he using a regular pant belt as a lifting belt wtf
You do deserve a black eye every now and then if you date a nigger
man the internet is really something...cuz no matter what, there's always sumthin like this...when I say to myself, wow...I can't believe these retards did that!
Probably was playing with a spider or other biting arachnid/insect & got it's tongue or pawpads nibbled.
jesus her face looks inbred as fuck
not even half as funny as with sound
Damn Ryback looks like that!?
> such a fine shot, I ain't even mad
Introduced my laptop screen to some spit and coffee, thank you
this is China. this is 100% completely normal.
MEGA link to the full vid
Fake as fuck
Fuckin looks like it
Jake Harper
well, not really...
>Webm related not a mental illness
>Playing Vidya is a mental illness
make new thread faggots