Registered to vote today! Im officially a republican. Yall ready for 4 more years!

Registered to vote today! Im officially a republican. Yall ready for 4 more years!

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Amen brother

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I love a demented retard playing president too!

lol at registering to vote as republican with donald duck as the rednecks dont realize how much he ruined the party

Glow more niggers

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Will do

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Yea Forums can troll the fuck out of liberals, sjw's, lgbt, dems, and more just by casting a vote for trump.

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This is why poor people shouldn't go to Disney Land/World. It's a waste of their valuable resources and everyone else's valuable everything.

I assure you, the economy cannot handle 4 more years.

are u a russian troll?

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Plus, they smell bad and they're just not pleasant to look at

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Says a person doubting his/hers/its gender. Sounds legit

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Im actually 50 white 50 native american. Im not really a redneck im more of a dindo nuffin

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we're roughly a trillion dollars over budget by early 2020.

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(((THEY))) wouldnt let us win get rekt libtard.

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>Skips LBJ, a war criminal
>Clinton is a rapist/pedophile
>Obama expanded the surveillance state and got freeloaders cell phones

if you have a better idea of how to win vietnam, I'd love to hear it.

Im sure (THEY) are at fault for Donny's policies too?

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you figured me

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Please libtard, if we actually overspend a trillion fucking dollars, wouldn't the economy come crashing down? You make no sense.

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Control the river you control the drugs Ask George POPPY Bush. you gotta use your brain dumb dumb

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papaver somniferum grow basically everywhere. please elaborate on your plan to control the heroin trade, thus winning a seemingly unwinnable war.

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if we were actually a trillion dollars in debt, wouldn't we notice?

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fuckin kys dude

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Shut it down Goyim
lul the kikes are working overtime tonight
They were made literally right after my post started dropping fat red pills .Its a counter op to my republican thread and saddly most of you fags fell for it. WORK HARDER JEWS

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yess feed me

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For every one of you young fools that comes of age to vote for that incompetent clown, three more old, ignorant, hateful voters die.

shut up faggot jew

Are you mad at facts? No wonder you are a trumpfaggot.

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what'd u say to me?

FACTS BWAHAHAHAH where faggot I see no sauce
Got get me the sauce

lol I love this

Shut it down GOYIM!! He cant keep dropping fat redpills

The Jews are the most powerful group of people in the world ever and control everything but also they big dumb lol - You.

Please leave your house someday and talk to real people, you have image board brain.

The country functions the same way as a person-- we go into debt. The state borrows money.

Yes, I'm sure those granola-munching libtards over at Business Insider are just crying over Hillary losing the election.

By the way, if you actually rtfa you'll see that it's Trumps own budget that makes that statement:

Anne yes, the economy probably will collapse. Thanks a lot, Trumptards.

>stfu nigger

I have you know im the basketball captain at my school incel. Why dont YOU get off this basket weaving site incel .



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How much did the rabbi pay you to slide my thread GOYIM

Liberals are mostly faggots, but think it's a good idea to mass import muslims into the west
>Party of facts

Imagine being so retarded that you think anyone who disagrees with you has to be getting paid to do it. Yes, the whole world is a conspiracy against you, paranoid faggot. Make sure to check under your bed tonight for Jews

Is this actually you?

You are a narrow minded, propagandized fool. Do the world a favor and keep your stupidity to yourself.

If we're looking at him visiting Epstein's place and concluding he's a pedo, then Trump is also a pedo.

>and got freeloaders cell phones
It was part of his economic stimulus package. Lmao why to this day does this trigger the fuck out of conservatives?

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Classic cia move right here dont listen to him hes a nutter butter

Nothin to see here goys shut it down

Joke's on you! There will be a literacy test at the polls.


This. I'm a white person, and I've said before, send every one of them back to their own countries. Then watch as the economy shuts down, food goes up 600% since no white person is gonna spend 65 hours a week in the fields for $8.50 an hour picking produce. Watch as trash piles up in office buildings and motels, and well, any public place, since white people aren't gonna stoop to doing that work. I'd love to see it happen.

>skips the first bush
>skips lbj

>their countries
Thanks for visiting!

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Voted for and supported trump in 2016 for the lulz and libtard tears

Voting against trump in 2020 for the lulz and republicuck tears

>actually taking any of this seriously

>actually think who's in the white house matters

Ya'll motherfuckers don't know how to troll. I smell newfags, nothing but tryhard newfags

>Durr, I only read the first sentence

Trips win a free AOC.

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Thanks for visiting!

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silly russian you can’t vote

This is the only correct answer

Why should i vote for either major party? Dems are looney tunes far gone left, and Republicans are terrified of their own shadow and don't know what fiscal conservatism is anymore.

Fuck the powersharing corporatist duo.

Whether I agree with most of what the Dems do (I don't) or not is beside the point, at least Dems are fucking trying. Just look at the GOP It's like they have no long term solutions to problems or have any goals other than dismantling anything their opponents may have accomplished.
The GOP seems to only want to obstruct legislation unless it has to do with more power allocation for themselves and tax cuts for their friends and throw out the token "thoughts and prayers" to their voter base when something bad happens.

>my fellow white people

Welcome to sane, muh bro. 4 good years. 4 mo 2 go.
I feel good.
It bums me out there are so many nut jobs doing the same shit that cost them in "72 with the Chicago radicals all the way to now, with the Aunt Teefa crowd and the Niagra Falls of libTears since the Night Clinton Lost...
Bitch wouldn't even give the concession speech to her faithful.
Podesta sending 'em home, the Mueller BS, the endless Rachel MadCow shite.
What a ride.

I will vote for him too but I am not U.S. citizen.

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So you want slaves. Democrats always wanting their slaves.

if you only just managed to register you are almost certainly too stupid to be voting. sadly, this sort of thing isn't up to me.

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OMG call me Steven Crowder, because this just changed my mind.

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There isn't even need to meme him into power again, but I will just for the sake of accelerationism.

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well, he is mental, he was instructed to build the wall and given reasons why

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Next time you feel like feeling sorry for yourself?
Feel Sorry For Cinderella.
Disney doesn't pay her near enough.
But she's still soldiering on.
inB4: combined ages of the moms = 34

people get paid for this?

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Then the food has been kept at an artificially low price to facilitate American hedonism. The end result in a closed system would be a fair price of food and a fair pay for a native workforce.

Not liberal or American.

But you forgot a few things.

Reagan spent 1 trn (80s rates remember) on Suddam Hussein to go to war against Iran, in the hopes of toppling the regime that took root there, because they lost their cheap oil deal when the Iranian Shah was in power and the new regime took over.

The Iraq-Iran war failed, then the American sailed a cruiser into Iranian waters, and shot down an Iranian Passenger Jet confusing it with an "F-14", that's right for decades the US sold arms and military vehicles to Iran.

Then both Bush's, operate many trade businesses one of which during Reagans tenure did trade with the Bin Laden family, which is the reason why Osama Bin Laden left his family to goto Afghanistan to form Al'Qaeda with American trainer Mujahideen troops that become the Taliban. All because Osama hated the fact his family were dealing with the US who started the Iran-Iraq war etc. Which is also why he targeted the WTC as it was a sign of US trade and economy, and especially during Bush Jr's tenure.

And we are here now fighting extremists, due to the greed of Corporations in the US.

And during this the corps in the Senate and Congress have fooled you thinking the extremists are a much bigger threat and pulled the wool over your eyes in regards to 800bn+ a year military budgets that do nothing.

Sooo, you don't want these low paying jobs to start paying people more to do shit that nobody wants to do for minimum? Or is it that you dont want to pay more for food? Because the prices are gonna rise to the point where workers are paid a decent wage for shit work. Or until it is automated, either way, it's a win for laborers that are actual citizens

Not the person you responded to, but to be blunt that is a fantasy scenario you pulled, the reality would be the dollar will devalue, costs will increase, inflation will increase, prices for goods will increase.

The US would rely on imports more especially with food items too, but the cost to import will skyrocket.

People will start to starve, like the 1930s, people will turn against neighbours to get food, robbing them - again like the 30s when farmers raided other neighbour's farms for goods, even stealing livestock to eat.

That is the reality that is coming, because Americans have let it go that far allowing corporations to control their economy and politics.

You ever notice how wages in executive positions grow with minimal benefit for incremental changes? Like in some cases a business pays extra to attract or retain, and often within similar industries. Well if the govrnment stops subsizing and illegals are kept from working, yes wages for that food goes in some sectors we dont get 6 types of onions on demand all the time. In others creative businesses will streamline top heavy executives and their income to afford the means of production neccesary to keep their businesses afloat. The ones that dont will be competing with ones that do, and the inners will be the ones who find a way to keep costs reasonable.

A big problem is a chunk of Americans think immigrants = illegals, when that is not the case.

Another big problem most don't realise is America is NOT producing the professionals it needs for specific employment positions, like surgeons, doctors, teachers, engineers etc.

So the deficit has to be found somewhere to fill those roles and thats what Asylum Seekers and Immigrants fill.

Yall some stupid fucks posting muh redneck rebel yell "republican" memes

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You are not an immagrent if you break in fuckface

Latino american user who spent his childhood travelimg to mexico ever year here fuck off

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13digitfilename.png in a pro trump thread? Nooooo

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there are machines that do not fit in your pocket silicon faggot.

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nailed it

Honestly anons don't you think this joke is going to far. Should we really ruin this country even more by voting for this stupid fucker again?

and they don't pose risk of food born illness outbreak.

You're an idiot fuck who has clearly never worked a day in ag.

I think it would be more bigly lulz if he won again.

grew up detasseling and bean hoeing.
they have mechanized those activities.
get with the times slavery has ended.
retard cali faggot.

I see you are unable to read, and just jump to assumptions.

Nowhere did I say illegals were immigrants, try again. And perhaps this time with less "fuckface" it makes you look like a butthurt 12 year old.

The SJWs at Google said: "Orange man bad!" and I believe them.

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