Fuck Trump. Fuck bible thumpers. Fuck these lying pieces of redneck shit.
Fuck Trump. Fuck bible thumpers. Fuck these lying pieces of redneck shit
Lol the bible is literally the only source for flat earth hypothesis
better proof
Some of them are cg, some not. Also if anyone is interested I have a simple experiment anyone can run on their own to show that the earths surface is curved, but you're probably too stuck in your faith to even wanna try
Not a flat earther, but intrigued
Vimes for President
trump has a mighty orange cock. it is likely thick and ready with load at all times.
Go to an ocean and watch a ship sail away and disappear behind the horizon. Tadaaah! If you're a real pro you can even calculate the curvature of the earth by how far away the ship disappears.
jeb bush did flat earth
Imagine being a retard like op
Glad im only half retarded
>Other half is faggot
i hope you realize bible thumpers hate trump just as much as you do
Looks like you idiots should be taking your flat earth pills.
Um Sir that is A Suppository.
FLAT EARTH IS FACT. Climate Change IS real.
No I mean it Goes Up Your Butt.
How DARE you question my beliefs. Open your eyes to the big picture.
Dont you mean open your ass. It its pill to loosen your stool.
YOUR ARE A FAGGOT. Help this person is Infringing my BELIEFS.
and then you buy yourself a canon p900 and zoom in and baaam the ship is visiable again, ohhvay
Ok, so a boat drives back and forth roughly around the horizon drop and this proves what? This is like disproving a cliff by walking back and forth along the edge. Show me that boat driving direcly away from the camera and then never disappearing and you might have something
in the end of the video he zooms out and you can see it's all past the horizon, there are more such videos for anyone who cares to investigate, and not just with ship, they also have some from shore to shore...
The boat and bouy can be seen on this video the whole time, not just when zoomed in, it isn't far enough away to be obscured by the horizon. Also, if the earth was flat as you say, then you should be able to zoom in on Ireland from New York
>when you ignore mountains of evidence just to look at boats dancing on the horizon and call it proof
no because of the atmosphere, just check weather forecasts, they tell you the visibility for the day, has nothing to do with glob or flat earth
>doing this type of shit on a regular basis and confusing your grade-schooler trolling for "fun"
Your dad was right about you.
>there are more such videos for anyone who cares to investigate...
obviously you do not want to risk knowing the true, ignorance is bliss, cant blame you.
haha you funny, these flat earth videos funny too
the last one and i'm out, enjoy
>curvature of the earth
Would be funny if the bottom one was real, actually shows the misconseption by many flattards that it should be so extremely curved that any landscape or ocean photography looks like a curve equivalent to a 100km radius earth. I just have one final question for all flattards: give me an example of evidence or argument that can be produced for you to call your hypothesis into question
*Its science, bitches
>republicans, who started the whole flat earth thing and are the only ones that can be dumb enough to actually buy into it, trying to make it a democrat thing
the internet was a mistake
most ((bible thumpers)) are aware of the earth being flat and stationary
That fucking sucks. Just look at large bridges that extend over the horizon. They don't follow a straight path. They follow a curved one.
>it should be so extremely curved
sure sport
Haha what? Now this is just hilariously wrong, troll confirmed, sorry I wasted my time here but noone can actually honestly fall for this shit, as if our solar system runs on cogs
Meaning thats what you think due to the picture I was referring to.
Uuhm.. those are in front xD
thank mr. disinformation agent
Don’t trust the democrats, round earth is there theory. “Global” warming.
Detecting Disinformation Agents
by Anthony Forwood
There are several types of disinformation agents, from high-profile ones who gain a lot of publicity and promote well-crafted stories, to low-level ones who serve to flood the Internet with less reputable claims. This document deals primarily with the former....
noice photoshop bro
Watch the sunset while lying down. As soon as it disappears stand the fuck up. You'll see more sun. That is curvature. The tallest building in the world Berg Khalifa or something like that has different fasting times. People on the top floors have to break fast 3 mins later than the people on bottom floors since the earths curvature cuts the suns view at lower elevation. This is curvature. checkmate. Stop being a flat earth idiot. It makes no sense on any level it's just sad. I used to think it was trolls, but man people are really fuckin stupid.
clearly photoshop but nice try
clearly uneducated in physics. just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
Flat Earth denied detected.
Why do you hate science?
Ok, I'm gonna try this one more time. Give me an example of a piece of evidence that will make you reconsider your position.
If you check these particular power lines , you will find they are not build in a straight line.
Youd have to take him into space. Into orbit. Idk maybe even then hed think the windows are screens. Some people just want to be right so bad, they'll refuse any information that contradicts his ideas
Well they certainly aren't built down a curving hill. Oh wait...
Well there must be two opposing retard forces. One is you guys, the other is me guys.
I know, but I have to try
Also camera angle gives it that curved view when in reality it's like this
They turn to the side, it'S know and you can even check it out on google earth. They are not build straight, but veer to the side, which gives the illusion of curvature.