So reddit is doing another... thing.
It allows people to vote on their favorite posts that are then "broadcasted".
How do we mess with it?
So reddit is doing another... thing
Oh, and apologies for being a droidfag.
hitler did nothing wrong.
Nah. Too cliche and obvious.
thats what makes this great... its our signature. we are many... legion...
Anonymous on Yea Forums Isn't anonymous the hacker group.
Newfags had this shit wrong since 2007
That's the problem! Reddit will know its us and shut it down before it gets any traction. We should try something else, maybe North Korean propaganda artwork or something.
Videos of lolis, gore, racism, sexism, hateful shit of any kind really
I think something sexist would be best for this imo. Definitely not lolis or gore though, that's too far.
Communist/leftist propaganda would gain traction, then we could point out something they all had in common and say that it's rasict, then go as far as to say reddit knew it was racist so therefore all of reddit is racist
Now THAT is a good idea.
Bump 2: the thrilling sequel
We could make up a number or sign or something like that and put it the propaganda, here's an idea have the number 6 in the propaganda then later reveal that the 6 stands for the number of lines in the swastika
Yes yes yes!!!
We could also say that it was advocating national socialism instead of the regular socialism that the propaganda was actually advocating
I dont care about that shithole. It could get 404d tomorrow and id just meh.
Wheres the fun in that?
He's just a buzzkill
Bump 3: the superbump
You're going to have to take this to pol, btards aren't going to do shit
Alrighty then.
The safe bet would be to promote posts from all the sketch subs that have been around forever. Reddit keeps them around because they generate traffic but a fair amount of them would even have us raising eyebrow.
It’s pretty self explanatory how you mess with it. First you gotta get everyone on board, then everyone votes for a post that’s defending hitler or talking about how shitty Reddit is.
To get this going we need graphics, a discord, and POL
Already posted it to /pol/, so one down!
Link it here user
half of the posts about rpan on reddit are from the teenager subreddit.i bet its probably shit
I’ll put in a few suggestions
This hand is associated with
>civil rights
>social justice shit
>human rights
However we could make it
>white nationalism
Maybe just change it from white to black? Another idea incoming
Also these hands come up when talking about equality and diversity. Maybe we could flip it or photoshop the hands all white or something?
Link to /pol/ post here!
Aw, fuck I posted it twice, sorry :/
Maybe instead of this tree with many different colors we can spin it to symbolize a family lineage or white ancestors or white family tree or something like that
United against blacks or against white genocide, a few different possibilities
Make the hands on top white to represent that the white race is on top
Alright Yea Forumsuddies, im going to bed. See y'all tomorrow hopefully. Godspeed and good luck! ; )
Reddit moment
Stereotypical pol shitposting seems played out, can't you think of something new? Maybe I'm expecting too much.
You pitch in some ideas too, faggot
I'm on board with either of these ideas
or have some swastikas or some shit hidden in an image