Were any of you here 10 years ago?

Were any of you here 10 years ago?

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Yup. A lot. Now I just pop in once in a while. Haven't posted in years until today.

Been here since 07, sadly.

yea, roughly same for me. '05, '06. not long after YTMND went up

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10 years ago next month

I honestly don't remember exactly when I started coming here, but I think it was about 10 years ago at this point. Time flies when you're wasting time on Yea Forums.

I started in 2008. I was a mod for about a month.

i like to poop, sadly

havent killed myself yet. Also Yea Forums is complete shit now compared to then

10? More like 15
Blast it with piss

Shoot da whoop was a thing I missed from then

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Yes and I want to fucking leave so bad but I can't unless I kill myself and I might eventually

yes. cp everywhere

im fucking done of this shit

manifesto in server .gg/3aQZzhj

5 ish years gets worse every year

People still periodically shoop da whoop. They don't put flashing colors behind PENIS and VAGINA though. Those were good times.

Been here since 06. Kill me.

'08. I was one of the newfags Chanology dragged in.

>Been here since 2007
I love this place so much and I'll never leave but it really has gone down hill

If it was quads I would of believed but your lack of skills deceives your intentions noob

I miss greenman the guy fox masks are gay and always have been

It's a hell hole now. Even amongst hell holes

Yeah, and a little before. I pop in during the morning and evening hours every day.
If you call me a fag, I get it. I do have a life, but whatever. Here I am.

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What is itnsummer in here....time to walk the dinosour


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Good times.. good times lol

Agreed too much traps and porn

I remember participating in Habbo raids and shit. Almost 15 years ago now. Damn. Can confirm Yea Forums was better back then

Yep. Probably gonna be here 'til I die or it closes down. Whatever happens first.

anyone remember the Gikko bar raids?

06, find myself browsing when im bored every couple of years.

Kill me. End my suffering. Escape while you can, you still have time.

Nope, and this is a real sad bunch of pathetic somethings


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he's mongling cocks in heaven now

I remember watching other people do Habbo raids and shit. Just like irl, I mostly live life from the sidelines.


>every couple years
Consider yourself lucky. I'm here almost every day. There is no escape.

yeah, 2007. i joined up with the cancer

I go through spurts of daily or weekly and switch home boards but I always end up back on Yea Forums where I started

i went a 3 year gap without coming here recently and i'm contemplating just getting myself banned again to be done with it

yeah, blasted computer with piss

nope, been here for 9, tho

yup i was a young teenager comin for the raids and ignorant stuff & left few years after /b startin becoming vigilantes now i just show up for the gay shit.

Am I a meme yet?

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Man, haven't thought of YTMND in a long time... It's crazy how far things have come.

Since before Yea Forums day

internet was so wholesome then.

Just a picture of a guy, and someone named it cock mongler and it just sticks for no reason.


ya facebook frog
i like his girlfriend, she's cuter

wasn't really for no reason. There wasn't enough of any info back then to dispute his cock mongling nature so it stuck.

he actually became aware of his fame some years back and wasn't very happy with it

Kek I remember this one

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Yeah, and the damn crane still hasn't gotten it out

isn't it about time they pulled the plug on this site? Let it die in its sleep instead of riddled with cancer like its been going?

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I remember around 2009/10, I saw a comment about what to expect as we spent more time here. It was pretty much "You cringe at unexpected penis now, but just wait. One day you won't even care, hell you might even like it"

I still don't like it because I'm not gay, but seeing them is just part of my day now. I was hoping I'd have left before it got to that point


on and off, sometimes not coming here for well over a year. one of the last places that still feels like pre mass commercialization internet. still sucks though.

This is probably how older people felt when shit they thought was hard rock got called classic rock

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Site was always cancer, but the good kind of cancer at the least

It's exactly the same as it was then, or are y'all forgetting how annoying boxxy was

still trying to get out, OP.

i'd take boxxy or cracky or whatever a million times over the fucking endless normie porn threads

2008 when this place used to be "deep web"

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no, why do you ask?

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I was in project chanology

it was never deep web people just knew to lurk moar instead of being faggots on their first post

i know..but normies always think it is when they discover it for the first time..

boxxy tripfag here reporting in.


much propaganda

good bye anons

>good bye anons

Where are you going?

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Everybody gansta till the user actually a tree

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Hallo, am Denny