Just had a near relationship ending fight with my girl and she just stormed off to go hang out with a guy friend of...

Just had a near relationship ending fight with my girl and she just stormed off to go hang out with a guy friend of hers. I quit boozing so I could stay with this girl. Really considering walking down to the liquor store right now and breaking the sobriety. Someone talk me out of it

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She's banging that dude. Bitches ain't shit.

oh it would just totally be so horrible if you did that.

She's getting fucked. Dump her and get drunk

dump the bitch and stay cleaned up
if she made it a point to let you know the guy friend is who she's with, don't waste your time or energy getting drunk over her lmao

>she just stormed off to go hang out with a guy friend of hers
Yikes dude. Why are women so incapable of handling conflicts? She instantly has to go to her beta orbiter to get positive reaffirmation. Fuck roasties.

Dump her, but stay off the alcohol. The best revenge is living well. Be better off without her, and while she's slumming it up with some fuckbag, go succeed.

Saddest part is I tried to avoid the conflict. I got home from a long day of work. Hadn't eaten all day. Food was burnt to shit when I got home so I just took a deep breath and took a shower. When I came out she was pissed and left.

If she’s still at the friends pack her shit and leave it outside with the door locked as long as it’s your house

30 day eviction notice is law if that's where she's been living.

Shared apartment. Trashed it in a fit of rage once she slammed the door. Might just leave it a mess.

You can go submissive or dominant. Submissive you crawl back into the bottle and she fucks another dude. Dominant: Stay sober. Go beat the fuck out of the guy "friend"

Considering this one. She'll know its me and so would a couple others.

I'm trying to quit too this is the first night for me I drink 8-12 drinks per day or night.

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OP here. I drank half a handle of vodka every day for three years before I cleaned up. It's hard man. Go to meetings. Stay strong.


I don't wanna dump my experiences into your situation, but couple red flags here. She's hanging out at night 1 on 1 with a guy right after a big fight? Obvious attention seeking trying to make you jealous. Childish. Toxic.

I dunno about your drinking, but in general making people change things they're not ready for is a red flag and more toxic bullshit.

I don't know her or you, but I know I wasted many years with a toxic bitch. There's no winning. There will always be a problem, it will always be your fault. Don't waste time in a situation like that. Life's too short.

Good luck bro

Thanks, man any advice you could give me really would be great I'm 22 and already drank away the past two years of my life. Currently at a location with no alcohol just to try and quit.

You're going to think about it every single day for a long time. It'll be your first thought in the morning and your last one at night. It's abysmal.

Best thing you can do is stay busy. Go for a run, exercise. I purposefully chose a job that required me to be physically able all day long when I started to quit. Doesn't have to be exercise either. Play videogames, read a book, watch a movie. Do activities that you didn't do while drunk.

im fucking done of this shit

manifesto in server .gg/3aQZzhj

Like that saying goes the best form of revenge is success

The best form of revenge against any girl is to go the gym eat healthy get jacked hustle make money and be the fucking shit

Whether she's still with you or not

This sounds fucked up but what youre doing by bettering yourself as a man is decreasing her market value relative to you

Thanks Yea Forumsrotha don't let that girl get you down.

Get yourself a side piece. Stay sober, and transition into some strange.

Lol you can't fool me fag. I come from a broken family, so I know the stupidest arguments are only possible between two equally retarded people.

I bet she is not and never was a catch by any stretch of the imagination, and that you're a slob who beats his dick while watching Pornhub and playing Clash of Clans at the same time using the splitscreen feature of your shitty phone... while drunk.

Hurry up and mix up your cranberry vodka before the stanky skank comes back. That way you'll at least have piss poor excuse for not lifting a finger while you get cucked in the same room.

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Don't do it OP stay strong

Dude, you know what you need right now?
A drink.
A huge drink.
Stop being a faggot and treat yourself to a refreshing alcoholic beverage!

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yes, this is objectively the best thing to do, given the fact that you/her leave eachother

As a guy who was addicted for 4 years, shit sucks. I broke many, many times, and I'm still god damn trying to stay clean. It's tough. But if she's gonna act like that and run off to a satalite fuckboy to get back at you then shes really not worth it.

Do something, literally anything, as long as you get your mind off it. And never, EVER, start to justify how much of a good idea it would be, or how one can't hurt. Slipping doesnt come all at once, its a steady decline downwards and you never even notice it's happening.

About the relationship, communication is Key. If yall cant communicate and shes going to be petty then dump her ass, stay clean, find a better girl. If shes not feeling a little inadiquate shes not gonna bring her a-game to the relationship.