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hay frenss

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Helloms akari, how wsa your day today?

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I sleeped all day
How u
Hi fren

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I just watched Akira for the first time, great movie.

Also started to rewatch Bebop.

You guys know of any good action series like that, I'm in the mood for a good action series, like Black Lagoon or something.

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Good to know tha t you selep, now you will be better.
Im good i have hungry

Attached: Konata150.jpg (600x849, 443K)

How was your day Master Aki?

I tried to move out of my parents house today, but have to wait till tomoro morning.

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if you guys like old school FPS you should try Ion Fury its rly fun

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That is good you are getting more sleep aki

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Wha/ do you mean by old school?

Like Doom, Painkiller, Serius Sam, and Duke nukem

Attached: seras-victoria-policegirl--large-msg-119678853427.jpg (500x375, 16K)

its a new game that uses the same engine as Duke3D. came out a few days ago.

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thats literally old school

Attached: Konata178.jpg (1748x1748, 865K)

Looks fun.

May get it thanks

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yuru yuri :)
i had hungry then i had lasagna want some?
it was boring because i was asleep
do you have a place to go?
... good luck.
i will have to look it up

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I know it is. Some people refer to stuff like halo 1 and BF1942 old school and their wrong.

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i recommend it fren

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Moving back to my apartment on campus.

At least I can get out of my parents place. I feel caged up here.

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pls giv me some, my cat wants

halo and bf1942 are good games but heyre old school

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What about goway fluffy?

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Your definition of old school isnt old enough for me, but whatever.
Aki that isnt an action series.

I may watch it one day but I'm not in the mood for slice of life.

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Hey ponyfag, don't shill your sad excuse of a fandom.
Thank you.

What you going to do?

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anime n word

well atleast you have somewhere to go :)
whats the plan from there?
it is action!

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Okay, old school is usually refer to things that initiated or begin something,like in this case doom first person shoot, halo multiplayer shooters
are you good now?


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Taking physical chemistry, medical chemistry, and biochemistry at the same time.

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do you enjoy those?
sounds interesting

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I like chemistry, but this may be a bit too much.

But I'll manage

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you got this :)

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i have to go early, sorry, i gonna food with family

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very cute, is that show good?

watch Samurai 7

i love old school FPS, hope you have a lot of fun with the game
not sure if i'm gonna play it though
oh, Duke Nukem 3D is probably my favorite FPS

that's not really how the term old school works
and obviously Halo didn't start the multiplayer FPS genre
Halo isn't an old school FPS either, with regenerating health and 2 weapon carry limit (or whatever that limit is) it's the opposite of the old school shooters
you can argue Halo started the console shooters, but before Halo there at least was Turok

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aw qq
see you fren

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still waiting

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man, those aesthetics are just too good

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You guys want to hear something that blew my mind today?

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thank. you're a cutie.

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waiting... i missed you..

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would you recommend watching that show?

shouldn't have

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always do and always will.
here forever
here we are still
waiting for december

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“Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness? Do you not want to recognize your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life...If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature...Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim. Madness is a special form of the spirit and clings to all teachings and philosophies, but even more to daily life, since life itself is full of craziness and at bottom utterly illogical. Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life.”

Carl Jung's Red Book

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if yuo like robots and shit then sure why not

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Self-care is drinking three pots of coffee and getting in a knife fight with god

Stay comfy tonight boys

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madness i am
comfy smol with boomer quote

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nothing wrong with madness as long as you don't start hurting others
also, yeah sure, sounds very interesting
i personally find it to be enough to just remember that everything is just a set of conventions and isn't set in stone or a given
my life is meaningless and i hate myself, though

seems exciting
oh, there are robots? or just robosuits as shown here ?


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so am i still waiting for this world to stop hating

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Not too bad for a Monday. Someone made a thread with this image and it's now my mood.
Hello friend how are you?

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i am too...
we could love each other while we wait
how much coffee have you drank today

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Jung was getting at this idea that consciousness is fundamentally insane, and our ego is the only thing keeping us from being mad all the time. Basically he is saying that we are all mad, but to know your own madness to understand it as much as possible, allows you to truly be yourself.

Carl Jung is probanly the most difficult Philosopher to understand, but also one of the most profound.

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A small pot of tea, but I just woke up

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Sorry forgot to link

hhe is smart
wanna uh...
play game

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i'm fine
oh let's just hope God isn't very good at knife fights

the more love, the better, sure

we're not very sane, that's for sure
thanks for sharing, i wish i knew any studies like that to give something back to you

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*loves you*

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I love philosophy.

Well Aki I think I'll sleep now. I want to get up and leave in the morning. to get back to my apartment.


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robots, robosuits, rogue robo boomers. call me robo-chan~

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Hug wanna fug?
Sorry I have work tonight. Will be on phone
That's good have you been resting alright?
I've never been in a knife fight so he would have to be really bad.

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goodnight and tell me how it goes tomorrow
thats lewd!
okay friend :)
i hope work is comfy

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Hey Ms Akari

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*gets loved, loves back*

goodnight, Seras

oh, i guess that design reminds me a lot of Megaman and that's what makes me want to watch the show

he deserves 666 stab wounds

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I hope so too, I asked for a vacation, because I'm burned out. We will play soon™
If I slay God do I get to take his place?
My first order of business is to make catgirls real.

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blessed world
praise Smol

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not waifu

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hello fren
i like this :)
youve been working alot you need it

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it's nice

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How are you akari

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this poster is cute

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tired how are you

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No you are really cute!

You should get some sleep, I feel a little sad but i'll be okay in a bit

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we should talk about it..
i dont work tomorrow and i slept all day.
i should make tea

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Hmm, I don't really know what to say.
I just sort of feel down sometimes but it will go away in time. I also have a sort of clingy personality and become attached to people easily but the reality is that most people you meet online are just that, online friends, they can disappear at any time without a care.

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i feel the same..
its okay.
online friends are nice too
but sometimes you need real life friends.
i wish i had real life friends

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being sad is completely fine
and yeah, you definitely should be careful and don't really expect people to do something that you would do for them, they are not you, and that's completely fine, too
just be glad you had the opportunity to be close to someone even if you didn't get the results you'd be happy with

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ohio frern

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how is your day starting?

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Akari you are too kind, I'm sure I'd be your real life friend if we met

Thanks! I'll be fine, I've sorta felt down for a while and its just nice to be around people and connect well with them. Just sucks when it all just drops out of nowhere. Anyway I hope you have been happy!

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lets meet then

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everyone here would be your friend irl i know it!

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drinkin cofvee
wanna slep

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I live so far away from anyone I talk to here, Would you really meet up with someone you talked with in the thread?

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there are some people that dont like me alot.
and want bad things to happen to me.

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yeah i'm fine
well, relationships usually tend to be very fragile even if you think you're ready to maintain them
i hope you get a lot of new connections


collect yourself and stay strong, bun bun!

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That's nice, you seem like you would be a good friend Ms Akari, Why don't people like you? I can't imagine why anyone would want bad things to happen to you

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Yeah you are very right, I hope to make more connections maybe or maybe more irl ones too

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some people are just mean i guess.
maybe they need hugs..
i dont know..
i dont know how to be a good friend

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how you do!!
seen bun buns??!?!?

i try best..
me sleep

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You are being a good friend right now, being consistant and being there for people is what friendship is. Having this thread here every day for over a year and having conversations with others is friendship

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eye so no bun buns :(
you should sleep
i am tired
can we be friends ?

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Yes, I'd love to be your friend Akari. I wish I just knew how to find the thread easier without scrolling past gore to talk to you.

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and you never know where you'd find a good place for you
this board is a good example, we're pretty much surrounded by porn, yet some amount of comfy and fun still can be found

you don't sleep, bun bun
you open your eyes
and tell yourself that's you're ready for this new day

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i wish i could make it easier too...

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You two are the reason why people hate otakus

you should get some sleep, fren

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Don't worry it's okay! Just keep being you and I'm happy to do it. I should get myself an avatar

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Sorry I don't mean to come off as unlikeable

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im sorry
i dont want to sleep. i want to love friends..
being an user is nice though..
something people take for granted

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oh shiet a man who likes snaggle tooth *hat tip*

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is that what they call her?
she is my friend

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i saw birds again
they still think
cant see me am smoll
but i see
i has sharp eye
and they wigle alot

new day sounds
but sleep sleep sounds
fun times!!

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haha silly smoll

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fangs are cute

you're good at that

no no, the real fun begins when you're fully awake

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In the manga extras for vol 16 yea

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i still havent made green tea
i got that character in the server thing do you want them?
aw i didnt finish the manga i keep forgetting

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what even is that description?
'from time to time'? weird way to write 'at all times'

uh.. what character? what server thing?..

thanks, pointer-user

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i dont see the connection
love you.

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sorry i'm not super active

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what are you doing when you arent active.

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nothing worth mentioning

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everything is worth mentioning

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not when it doesn't matter

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nothing matters.

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well, yes
or no
there's a balance

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nothing i does matters. in the big picture atleast.
so i just do alot of doesnt matter. because it doesnt matter

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maybe it does and you just don't know it yet

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You are a pretty interesting person Ms Akari

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maybe the stuff you do matters but you dont know it yet.
i am less interesting then you think :)

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Hmm I dunno, perhaps. I feel like I learn more about you each time you post stuff. Maybe I read too much into things. I like talking

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but i'm pretty pessimistic about that, though

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hmm they are important to me
i know you are.
i am too though.
even though i pretend i am not
I like learning things about you too.
people read into stuff t

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sorry i am tired

You should get some rest Ms Akari

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totally understandable and no worries
you can just lurk, you've done enough
i will keep the thread bumped

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soon friend
thanks friend.
i like lurking.
you dont have to if you dont want to you can just let it die if nobody wants to talk

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sleep well

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Goodnight Ms Akari, sweet dreams

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can you identify the cause?

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- -

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how are you

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go fuck yurself dude go to a fuckin japcult part of 4chinnychinchins kys dude