YLYL Thread
YLYL Thread
When you realize that Band of Brothers was told from the bad guys' pov...
This is a good penis. There are many penis around but this one is good.
Yea Forums is a pathetic shadow of its former self. Isn't it?
Roflmao it's shopped but fuck i lost kek.
b was never good newfag
They should strangle that old bitch.
Well you're here so... there's that.
Y'all a bunch of faggots. How bout me make this shit actually funny
I love that there's a dude there lol
>actually funny
>posts this ancient .jpg
You're actually the faggot, faggot
Almost totally, yes. Very occasionally something reminiscent of the golden years gets posted, but it's mostly trap porn, Andy sixx and exiles from /lol/ shitting everything up.
and a shit ton of normie porn
hi, faggot posting unfunny shit here. You made me lose, faggot
It's literally the same bot posting. Wish they'd ban it.
I still keep forgetting to double check autocorrect.
With every YLYL thread why does Yea Forums seem like it's been taken over be 13 year old 9gag faggots now?
This image is one of my 'friends' gamer pic on Xbox live. Hah
post something recent that's actually funny
Is shit like this part of a slowburn raid?
funny and true story, this is a fake and he had to explain it to his mom.
Welcome to the ring brother!
goes right up there with the woman peeing on the ground and a guy comes up from behind and kicks her over
Are you Tyler?
Lol maybe be ancient but it's still funny. I bet your the kinda unfunny mother fuckers that get a boner looking at fucking iFunny shit.
Really, if you woke up at 3am and that face was staring at you. You would be terrified.
See this user gets it.
>Jackie Chan [disputed]
>Giza Mass Autism Array
For some reason, this made me lose.
23 pizza guys. And police thought all of them disappearing at this guy's apartment was just a coinkidink?
it has
This arouses me
Ummm you might want to turn off geotagging before you upload this kind of stuff
>6 jehovahs witnesses
>7 years
Now I'm SURE it's fake
>(holding an infant in a ladder factory)
probably didn't even care to look into it. these are public servants we're talking about here
Post his address coordinates. He wants to be a famous faggot.
Come find my american balls, faggot.
Who is?
Not shopped friendo
Imagine being this forever alone
>fucks up Brexit
Wait to nodeal happens. You will see some fuck up.
>Snopesing memes
I hope you fall down the stairs while carrying a huge lasagne piping hot fresh from the oven
The Jews are slime. Like that slime after you step on a frog.
Who is this, giving me hardwood?
Now do Bernie supporters.
That's pretty brutal ma dude
One clit sammich to go.
The bot responses to replies are hilarious in their own right. When did it get so bad? I've not been to Yea Forums in a long time.
It isnt any fun unless we know where the balls are
Ya got that fucking right based user
Do you want Homo Fries with that?
and why are replies to the wrong posts most of the time?
Found the zoomer that thinks black "culture" is culture
They couldn't out run that fat bastard.
>Six days a week, 11 hours a day - k checks out closes sundays likely
>seven days a week, 11 hours a day - yep classic
>8 days a week, 11 hours a day
I’d stuck my dick between those house-sized radioactive titties and it would either grow into an unstoppable Kaiju dick or I’d shit myself, bleed out and die of radiation poisoning.
Worth the gamble
Yeesh. Too soon, user.
You don't know who Mary Poppins is? Faggot.
2013 is lame, but 2023 looks nice
i promote anyone against ghetto trash behavior
Wish it was true
Its you laugh you lose
not you throw up you lose
('cause I would've lost)
>too soon
get the fuck out of here summer fag, school's started back up
Bet it was the local rabbi that did it
Pretty much..
You know how I know you all are noobs and Yea Forums has died?
HIV doesn't look nice
its missing the f, a, g, o, and t keys
Not an argument
Incel is the new Racist
See this is the actual legit funny shit. Too bad I’ve seen it hundreds of times. It’s still funnier than most of this kiddie trash littering this cesspool of a YLYL. The output of lulz could just never keep up.
That's pretty fucked up.
This makes me sad to be a Harry Potter fan.
>HIV doesn’t look nice
Funny thing is that your retard ass spoke before it thought. In the top picture in 1960, that’s the era that was heading towards the AIDS explosion. Moron.
You cringe you lose
When the chancla comes out
Thots get knocked out
Hence why i posted that. It's suppose to be a reference to pol. Every thread is all that's ever said. Get laid, seethe, incel, not an argument. It's like watching a bunch of autistic dogs chasing each other's tails in a giant circle.
Yep, pic related
I mean yeah, I can understand the Pizza Delivery guys and the Jehovah Witness, but the Mail Men ? Come on !
Also facts
I've made the joke that in 100 years people are going to find the Harry Potter books and make a religion. I can't believe it's happening 80 years sooner than expected.
You fudcing arssshole reeeee” how can you be so stupid to not know b8 when you see it lol
What the fuck did i Just read? Lost.
Missing A E F I G N R O T
Why. Don't these retards realize that it's all fake made up stories for tweens? I grew up with the books. Great stories got me thru my mother beating me senseless. These people really lack a grip on reality should be hospitalized.
I lost you fucking piece of shit
Because its easier to teach them "Trump == Voldemort" than critical thinking
nah, whiteknights are in positions of power now so the chaos we are able to sow is minimal.
it's a waiting game.
Yea Forums will never tire.
Hey you dumbasses no they didn't because it's a madeup story!
Do they really believe that it actually happened?
Yeah, they don't get that.
Also, wasn't Dumbledore a faggot or something?
What the fuck is “b” you newfag
nope, definitively a 9gag keyboard.
Yes they do
It's was called 7-11 because it was open 7 am-11 pm.
I lol'd
Its not just Harry Potter sempai...
How is 1984 and animal farm the equivalent to Trump and NRA? This cunts literally begging for big brother to cuck up her shit.
This is so cringe worthy. I feel bad for your sense of humor.
I’m confident this is bullshit but too lazy to find out.
Welcome to the Woke Parkland Teens sempai
Story time:
I'm wondering if I'm the only one who does this.
>i catch flies on fly stickies
>while they're struggling to get free I'll cut their wings off
>I'll put them in a jar full of dog turds i collect from my yorkie.
>there's a whole bunch of wingless flies in a jar
>i let new ones free to fly about
>6 months later the wings seem smaller and the flies seem to fly very slowly. I can catch them with my hands
>1 year later i have flies with very tiny wings in the jars unable to fly
>1.5 years some of them are born wingless
>communities of wingless flies
>my fly stickie only catches flies from outside but my flies mate with them
>some are born with only 1 wing, others are more rounded
They have adapted to living without wings happily feasting on dog doo.
What have you done with your life Yea Forums?
Oh deer
Fukkin saved
Thats nuts
>implying anything was ever funny
Great insult you fucking underage faggot. You're doing terrific. Kill yourself.
I see no nuts, looks like a female squirrel
goddamnit i feel bad for loosing to this but i lost hard 10/10
Only funny image here
ffs lost
Ah yes, a day without a banantula smoothie is like a day without sunshine.
You were already sad.
They do know that Harry Potter had the government trying to remove the right to defend oneselves (pass the Owls, not learn spells) and tried to disarm everyone for Voldemort. It was only because Harry et all decided to go rogue and keep their wands (weapons) which they used to overthrow the government that was controlled by the Dark Lord.
Do they just selectively listen?
Renegade militia, still recruiting. Are they literally idiots who don't understand what they're saying?
I thought it strange a school of magic does very little in teaching actually useful spells.
Did you go to a real school that taught you a lot of essentially useful things? Art imitates life. "Art."
Literally all the useful spells they learn are from Hermione.
As a bastard, this makes me angry.Autistic
And in Dumbledore's Army, which is as good an analogue for a militia as I've ever seen. A bunch of kids learning to shoot targets to protect themselves because the government won't.
ffs why do i keep loosing to this stupid shit fucking weed
that’s the cringiest meme I’ve seen today
I did go to private school that taught a lot of useful things. I hear public schools are the worst. The school i went to was for the gifted. 4 classes a day. Math, economics, science, history. I got to choose the order but had to complete the tasks. Each period was like 2 hours long. We learned investment banking, stocks, law, all sorts of useful stuff.
You're a fucking retard. So you're telling me that if I cut someone's leg off and they had a kid that kid would have a smaller leg? I hope this is bait
Yea Forums was never good. In fact, it used to be worse. This used to be the "internet hate machine." Now it's the "internet amateur porn machine." It's basically Reddit with a different layout, and only slightly different rules.
Where are the raids?
Where are the pranks?
Where are the livestreamed suicides?
Where did all the losers, nerds, geeks, freaks, and perverts go? They were what made Yea Forums so awful. And so great.
And yet these idiots don't see the irony in their horseshit.
>where are the raids?
Instant ban
>where are the pranks?
Lurk moar
>where are the livestream suicides?
Post a link faggot and entertain us. They're all dead. Duh.
>where did all the losers, nerds, geeks, freaks, and perverts go?
This isn't a feels thread, user. I browse YLYL to try and help my depression, not worsen it.
Seriously to answer your last question, v& and 20 years in prison. Where the fuck were you when pizzagate went down? Literally they all got arrested. Those of us who aren't disgusting pedos are still around but are unwilling to break the law for your entertainment oh king of Yea Forums.
Lost at Mass Autism Array
lol bananatula
Are you going to cry? Waaaaah baby
To be honest the stories both suck.
I bet their tacos would be bomb
Tarantulas are eaten in many countries. Grow up before you throw up
>Giving a shit about children’s lives
Pick one.
Lol i remember the story behind this. His boyfriend was verbally abusive and had a spider he didn't like. He demanded banana smoothies every day. Yea Forums told him to put the spider in the smoothie. The fag delivered with pictures. Pretty epic thread. Wish i still had the old caps.
That's all the left is now, picking some random popular thing and making it fit their agenda even if it makes no sense.
His boyfriend said it was the best smoothie he ever made. When revealed he balled and tried throwing up but nothing came out. Posted pictures of him crying over the toilet. He said "aight b i gotta go pack my shit and move out" and the thread went dead.
More like dystopian literature was a manual for the ZOG on how to herd the goyim.
Not funny
That's a bit reductionist. They need a food source they don't need to fly to eat. Flies live about 2 weeks so it takes generations for this to happen. But if you no longer had a need for legs and several hundred generations from now of a fixed forced environment, yes humans would adapt to not having legs.
>his boyfriend
Not really cursed anymore. Fags doing degenerate shit is nothing new.
thank you for the dubs user
Muh Nigga.
I own 2 acers of land. I own a nice double wide. I owe nothing on any of it. I own a 1999 Ford diesel f450 truck that's mine, i run it on biodiesel. I have 2 kids, a morkie, and a wife. What's funny about my life exactly? We're happy. My power comes from wind and solar so no bills except a very cheap land tax. My water comes from an artesian well. All my vegetables are home grown. Oh and I'm a millionaire. Please tell me what's funny. I'd love to be let in on the joke.
We all need hobbies. This is free and anybody can do it. I'm going to post my results to the scientific community.
It was a pretty funny thread. But yeah nothing new.
repeating digits. very nice.
Hey man im jewish,sad,poor,i just got a big nose
I love whites,plz stop hating us
Same here brother. Life sucks for everyone. I think they're mad at the Jewish owned media. Only reason i wear the kippah is to cover my bald spot.
rude, but nice dubs
Based mamma
again you fucking post the cropped version without the punchline
did I hear laugh?
Maybe anything else, lasagna is expensive as hell. Maybe hope he gets raped by niggers or something. No need to waste god tier food on his useless ass.
Hey airpods are awesome
I hope someone explained to him that jellyfish can still sting after death. Did she get stung by the jelly fish? I hope not that would be sad.
>a Harry Potter fan
Got me
Hey i could be a miserable faggot like you.
Wait till nodeal happens, said Chicken Little.
>Hey i could be
Why did I lose to this shit?
At least 2013 looks decent
Not an argument.
So are dildos in the ass.
Too soon
That escalated quickly. Mmmmmm
>lawful good
You're not even trying
ur mom gay.
The hottest waifu so far
What in the fuck is going, this isn’t some Harry Potter fan club
I'm lawful neutral. I simply do not give a fuck about diversity.
What a unique individual, tell me more
I'm guessing you've only seen the movies. Go pirate Stephen Fry hp audio books. The books were so much better.
I want to make fun of you but that honestly sounds enjoyable
I'm neutral about whoever is the president. None of them ever do anything good. I'm not left or right. As long as i don't have to go to prison, i don't honestly care about anybody but myself and my family. I sincerely wish they'd stop putting diversity into every show, not because I'm racist but because i really really do not care. I'm completely apathetic to the worlds woes.
>king wewuz
>Go drink some tea!
Take a break from all the bullshit of the world. His voice is so comforting. Not whiney like Jim Dale. Makes less mistakes. I'm not saying to take them as fact but an enjoyable tour from reality.
its true, especially the part that the math ppl are so far away that no ones remembers about their existence till they have a fucked up differential equation to solve.. then they venture into the dark dungeons to seek the mighty wizard for advice
..take them as fact?
lol, these signs are retarded but they don't literally think it's a real story. you're more retarded than they are if you don't get what a metaphor is
Teenagers believe Harry Potter actually happened. They are using it in protest to trump. It's madness out there. I hate it when people use a fiction for political gains. It's so cringey.
Found the 12 year old edge lord
The problem is it's a poor metaphor. Guns = wands. They learn nothing from their school that's useful and see forced to learn on their own. Using their wands in an all out war. In doing so they just look and sound retarded.
Actual photo.
Honestly if he's 12, he's pretty based.
That's actually funnier
The Epstein autopsy revealed fifteen stab wounds, two slit wrists, internal bleeding caused by glass fragments in his last meal, an entry and exit wound consistent with a .556 rifle round found embedded in the far wall of his cell, an overdose of prescription barbiturates and analgesics, fluid in the lungs, blunt trauma fracturing to the back of the skull, and severe contusions and breakage of bones within the neck.
The report from the investigating doctor from the Clinton Foundation's advises 'There's no doubt about it - this man really, really, really wanted to kill himself'.
see, you do get it after all. you're also interpreting in your own little way but at least you understand the concept
I think you’re the cringey one if you actually believe that people think that shit is real, you dumb idiot
>for the gifted
That is just the nicest euphemism for autism.
Seeing the first few Harry Potter posts made me think it was a big prank, only after the fucking third I realized it was a real
lost thanks user
I have missed this thanks user
Fuck you, Tone memes are gold.
I have this on a t-shirt. I wear it to anime cons
Fucking lost hard. Lol
>the jew cries out in pain as it lashes out at you.
everything s a copy of a copy of a copy...
This version is worse. Probably meant for 9gag or reddit or somewhere where people think the "nobody:" meme is hilarious.
Full version, then?
Which dystopian literature are they referring to? Don't they usually depict some sort of authoritarian leftist regime that doesn't allow its people to own weapons or speak freely?
Facts matter. Having an accurate picture of reality matters. Imagine being this much of a faggot. I'm having difficulty.
That photo is probablyolder than you.
They don't seem to get that 1984 is a critique of communism. Either that, or they mistake it for an instruction manual.
average life expectancy of a common housefly is 28 days. are you saying that subsequent generations have smaller wings? during their life, each housefly can produce multiple generations. a single female can, within multiple batches, lay a total of 5 - 600 eggs. not sure how big your jar is, but let's assume because you've made a particularly poor home for your houseflies outside of providing them with food, that only 20 % of eggs produce a living fly. You've just made 300 new flies every month. If we use your six month time frame, you have over 1,800 flies in your jar. starting to sound like your story is not particularly plausible user.