So today I was at the bird shop to get some food for my wife's cockatiel and there is this scarlet macaw that i've been played with a ton. She's really sweet (kinda rare for these) and loving, so i've considered buying her for a few weeks but don't have the money. Today this fish head walks in and tries is looking for a bird to breed for income. He asks if they can clip the nails and beak so the bird cannot bite or claw at all. Later he tries to put a hold on her but the clerk told him that he needs $300 to do so. He only had $100. He's pissed making a scene and says he'll be back Friday to put a deposit on the bird. I have a deposit but I wouldn't be able to pay the $3200 it would cost once she's ready to go home. Any richfags wanna help me save this bird from a savage? Pic related.
So today I was at the bird shop to get some food for my wife's cockatiel and there is this scarlet macaw that i've been...
$3200 for a bird. Ha ha ha no.
wtf is a fish head
Fair reaction
You might get some more help on /an/
P.D: Sorry, I'm broke af
Thanks bro ily
start a patreon or gofundme or something
borrow from parents/friends
go into a bank and get a loan
steal the bird
ITT: OP begs for $3K so he can fuck a bird.
Shit like this breaks my heart man.
Beautiful birb like that deserves a good place.
I hope you find something. Godspeed user.
sad stuff. all you can do is post a go fund me and try to make it go viral somehow. I don't know how but maybe create it then make another thread and send it to news agencies. no idea.
He will be getting laid tho
not recommended, they die easily from stress
Thanks for the tips guys. I might try a loan
3500 $ is just the bird you will need a 600$ cage to and it s not going to eat the shit your cockatiel eats you are going the have to give it fresh fruit and vegetables every day and spent a good 5 hours with it and it will have to go to a vet a bird of that size cost more than a dog it is going to live a long fucking time and good luck finding someone to care for it if you have to go somewhere for a week I'd never buy hey parrot from a pet store I would consider adopting or rescuing one tho pet stores are all about gread and that great feeds only more pain and suffering for animals
Administering crucial bump
Get that bird op
you fucking bird people are so fucking weird
Thay don't clip nails or beak it's a living part of thare body what kiND of retard are you trying to like say it be like cuting off hafe of your face bone and all if you don't konw that you can't care for the thing may be he asked for the wing feat her to be trimmed to keep it from feying whiz is not good cuz leting a bird fly is exercise a bird needs to stay heathy
I can get all that lined up. Its just the actual cost of the bird that has stopped me so far.
If you start a go fund me and offer proof of the situation, I would donate to your cause. I have a moluccan cockatoo and 3 smaller birds, so I understand where you're coming from. That being said, bigger birds are a whole different ballgame than cockatiels and conures. Just make sure you know what you're getting into.
rescuebump I believe in u OP
How would I get proof? The guy will be back Friday for the deposit. I'm more than willing if I can think of a way
Thanks baby
How do I know you are not a "fishhead" jew trying to scam us or worse, trying to fuck a macaw? I say go fuck yourself nigger, I have no money for you. If you really want to save the bird get rid of the guy.
Bump for birbo
Has nobody noticed the nigger arm? Don't give this nigger any money.
Try finding and reaching out to the owner on social media. Publicly ask him to say the bird won't go to people that would do that.
He will probably live in harmony with his fellow jungle inhabitant and therefore be a good bird owner. Or he will eat it.
I work at a Pet Store. The fishhead won't come back. Guaranteed.
bump. this bird deserves a good home.
Bumping for the birb. Someone help him. Yea Forums has good people on it too.
Thanks to all for the support and tips
someone tell me wtf a goddamn fish head is
I thought he meant people that are regulars at petstore for buying fish frequently because they have multiple fish tanks.
In what nigger world do they let you adopt fucking Rainbow Macaw straight out of the nigger rain forest that shit is illegal fyi.
Term used for bugged eyed peoples, typically Filipinos.
How many birds do you own and what foul brain disease did they infect you with?
A fuckin gook dumbass
In case you forgot you have the fuckin internet
Fuck off OP, hit the corner if you wanna beg for money
Fish heads, fish heads
Roly-poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads
Eat them up, yum
Fish heads, fish heads
Roly-poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads
Eat them up, yum
In the morning, laughing, happy fish heads
In the evening, floating in the soup
Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they can't talk
I took a fish head out to see a movie
Didn't have to pay to get it in
They can't play baseball, they don't wear sweaters
They're not good dancers, they don't play drums
Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino
In Italian restaurants with Oriental women
Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they can't talk
Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they can't talk
Fuck, you’re a retard OP
Take 300 to the pet store and put a deposit down on the bird. Make payments whenever possible to take the bird and if you can’t afford it in the long run, cancel your payments and get your fucking money back.
You’ll stop some nigger from buying a bird that deserves a good home, and may even offer the opportunity to go to a better one if you can’t bring it home yourself
Damn that's a great option can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks this is definitely plan b if i can't get him home
or say you gone do payments and then pay once and ghost him pay cash only
birb bump
Gay and retarded scam thread
If you can't afford the vet, don't get the pet. In this case, you can't even afford the pet in the first place...
Sure I can donate $3200 and $100 for vet fees. What's your PayPal?
You gotta be the only other person in all of existence to remember this song
You can send with a name right?
Or email?
talk to the pet store and explain the situation and that that guy will mistreat the bird.
explain what you heard him ask and have the staff member corroborate your story.
explain that the bird deserves better than that dickwad who will very obviously mistreat the bird.
they will no doubt agree.
if he wants the bird to not be able to bite or claw, that is a sign that he will be handling it roughly.
go there ASAP and explain the situation and make sure that he cannot take that bird. they have a responsibility to make sure the animals they sell on, go to proper homes and not dickwads who will mistreat or abuse them.
Might do this if need be. Thanks
Just follow that savage fucker home. Wait until he's out cashing his welfare cheque, break in, rescue bird.
Ngl i actually considered this
I gotta see the proof on this one, if this user delivars.
I also knew the song user.