Rate my gf /b
Im smashing a bitch while all of you are jerking off to porn. How does that make you feel
Rate my gf /b
Im smashing a bitch while all of you are jerking off to porn. How does that make you feel
lol no
blue hair = shit self esteem
vaporizor = doesnt care about her body enough to keep it clean
roots that long = poor
Would not smash
Looks very high maintenance with bad mental issues. I bet she has a bad relationship with her dad, huh OP? They do have the best pussy though, hope its worth it. Also checked
She’s ok but she seems like a stuck up bitch, u sure ur not sharing her with the rest of ur neighborhood?
No she's not stuck up she's really nice
That thing is disgusting.
Looks familiar. But not bad user, I can def see how she'd be attractive
Lol what girl isn't high matinence
Nobody cares about your Jewish girlfriend
If she was nice then why would you be showing her off, it’s a sign of insecurity
She's not jewish
Looks kinda ew 4/10
i think she's cute. i don't like hair being parted in the middle though. i'd let her peg me.
Plenty of them, this tells me you haven't dated a truly high maintenance girl. The batshit, mind gaming, manipulating, compulsively possessive and insecure, manically emotional girl. The type where you're walking on egg shells every day. And OP's girl looks exactly like the type. I know because they're my cup of tea
Are you going to post a Pic of her asshole. Cause I want to know if I should keep lurking or give up on your gay thread
At least porn can't rip my heart out
Pretty good actually that I'm not stuck with that thing
>blue hair
Obviously mental health issues
>How does that make you feel
dunno. are you a true alpha able to please her properly or just some beta cuck wasting her time?