White genocide does not exist. Change my view

White genocide does not exist. Change my view

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Yes it does.


Are you kidding me?


Well you’re the one claiming it doesn’t exist...the burden of proof should be on you.

But it’s undeniable that there’s a white genocide going on.

That’s not how that works. And if your definition of “genocide” is “white people are being bred out of existence”, that’s not how that works either.

There's clearly a concerted effort in the entertainment and news industries to demonize whiteness and encourage miscegenation. One only need watch TV or someone a few mins on social media to see that in action.

I'd argue that such is white genocide. It's a direct attempt to eliminate European ethnicities.

That's exactly how it works. The burden of proof is one the one making the claim. Retard.

My elementary school, today. Obviously not killed, but herded out by illegal immigration. How many times can we be herded, before there's no place left to go? The left needs to be torn out by it's roots and burned.

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You might argue that. You would be wrong.

And while it’s true that there is an obvious push for diversity in the media at the moment, and that it is related to trends on social media, I would argue that the premise that this proves that a shady cabal of (probably Jewish) individuals is operating as an unseen hand pushing the white race into non-existence is a lot less likely than the premise that people who make movies and televisions are cowards who are afraid to be perceived as racist.

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You’re the one making the claim that there is a genocide happening against white people, you’re just confused because I’m the one who started the discussion.

Genos- People
Caedo- Killing

No one is trying to kill you paranoid bitchboys

>Obviously not killed
Ah, so we agree! Nice!

>Someone falls in love with another race
>"You see, your kid should be fucking murdered and your marriage split up because otherwise it's literally genocide"

im not racist or anything, but brown people sure do have a lot of kids

Look up falsifiability

You know that racemixing doesn't automatically produce children of the non-white ethnicity, right. That's why it's mixing... not override...

then why is blue eyes / blonde hair the most desired adoptable babies ?

Reverse psychology nazi shit. Nice psyops.

It only doesnt exist if you dont believe there is a white race.

Openly fighting white people, would be pointless. The kikes know this. They either have to accept whites are the master race and not them, or endlessly try to use guilt, greed, decadence and naivety against us.

I don’t know, that perspective adoptive parents like them better? What difference does that make? There are non-mixed white babies that have neither blonde hair or blue eyes.

Yes, but have you considered the possibility that the kikes are only doing this because they are being forced to by Xenu and the Galactic Confederacy? Open your eyes, sheep.

White + color = color. Mixed race people have no nation and no people. They are Super Goyim, the ideal human race for the globalist masters.

>They either have to accept whites are the master race
Why would they have to accept this? There are fewer than 100 million of them and more than a billion of you, but by no one’s admission but your own, they keep cucking you throughout all of recorded history.

>fool me once, shame on you. Fool me every single day for an entire millennia, also shame on you because I only keep losing because of my objective superiority
Nazi logic

Shut up nigger

White genocide is imaginary

Deal with it cucks

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They do this because they have an unshakable belief, that they are God's chosen people, the master race. WW2 showed them otherwise and they are still seething with anger over it. As the Dunning-Kruger race, jews think they are so smart, that they can use psychology and illegal immigration, to eliminate their perceived arch enemies. I didn't believe it forever either, but absolutely everything points to it being 100% true.

>white ppl are superior
>white people are an endangered species

wait what

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>WW2 showed them otherwise
How did it do this? I thought they were in control of the world media and pushing whites toward extinction. That’s kind of incredibly impressive if I’m being honest.

I think if you try to argue that whites are literally being murdered t othe point of extinction, then there's something wrong with you. There are certain parts of the world where white people are actively being pushed out and discrimated against by the majority black people in society (for example South Africa). But there are also parts of the world where many black people find it hard to exist because they feel as they are not getting a fair go.
In saying that, I think in 2019 we all (people who spend their free time on Yea Forums) have it pretty good

Half the white race tried to exterminate them and the other half saved their asses, in one of the most amazing shows of power and technology the world has ever seen. They were just the victims or onlookers of the whole thing. Instantly shattering any perception they had of who was in charge, moving forward. That is what started this cold war between whites and jews. They use trust against us and people like you, to defend that trust.

>Instantly shattering any perception they had of who was in charge, moving forward
If they are powerful enough that they currently pose a credible threat to the very existence of white people, I’m not sure how you can say we were the ones in charge moving forward. It sounds to me like you’re simultaneously holding two conflicting beliefs here. On one hand, you’re telling me we crushed them and proved our objective superiority, while on the other hand you’re telling me they are in the midst of enacting a full scale genocide against us and most of us aren’t even aware of it. Did we break them or not? Are they inferior subhumans or are they secretly running the world? Those two truths cannot coexist.

>change my view

just because it isnt happening in your country,doesnt mean it isnt happening at all

Where is it happening?

Whites weren't trying to prove anything, the proof was in the pudding, so to speak. Whites don't aspire to be the master race, we just are. We are the most beautiful and well balanced group, with strong tendencies towards overcoming obstacles, hard work and advancement. Jews are the bad actors, trying to subvert that advancement instead of being part of it.

>Whites don't aspire to be the master race, we just are. We are the most beautiful and well balanced group, with strong tendencies towards overcoming obstacles, hard work and advancement.
I’m not sure you understand what the word “master” means. If they are in control of the world, it doesn’t really matter how “beautiful and balanced” we are.

If whites are so “beautiful” why are they getting fucked out of existence?

I've said all I can on the subject. It's something you have to work out for yourself. I'm proud of my people and our nations, but apparently that's a bad thing now, I don't give a shit, fuck the left. There's enough failed black and brown countries, I don't want to see any of ours become one of them, so 1%ers can have a more subservient and faster breeding pool of labor and consumers. Good day to you, user.