Let's rate pussies from 1-10

Let's rate pussies from 1-10.

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-88 points



Seems young and tight.

4/10 would not eat

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Another angle? Any better?

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7/10 cute and clean. Any spread?

Nah, still has AIDS. You can tell from the pixels.

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7.6/10 - I love the long clit hood.

prime quality vegena

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Rate plz

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7.7/10 Smooth and full of youth.

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8/10. Not rated higher just because of the photo quality,

reported to fbi/10

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She’s 24

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0/10 for necrotic look

7/10. Would love to cup her pussy with my hand and just pull on it.

7/10 - such a happy looking pussy.

Did you make sure to report all the razor burn and stubble too?

6/10 - nice but it's sort of weird how her clit hood and labia are like one piece...

8/10 - fantastic pussy.

8.2/10. What a tiny treat! Would love to play with that in person.

No more pussies to rate?

Just you, pussy.


Her pussy is amazing. I miss it.

Just the fact that it's the size of her fingertips is amazing. You are a lucky guy to have gotten the chance to play with that!

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8/10 - very clean. Love the complete lack of hair as well.

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Honestly would rate this a 7.9/10. I love long labia.


So tight. I loved going down on her as much as I loved fucking her.

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Another angle

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I would give that a 7/10, a bit beef but otherwise clean (how I like it)

Though looks aside big beefy flaps feel divine when your pulling your cock out after busting a nut.

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8/10 - looks educational and should be shown to teach people what a pussy should look like.

7.3/10 - simple and pretty.

6.1/10 - not really anything that pops out. Do you have a spread version?

That’s a bit generous

6.3/10 - Mom is that you?

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I personally like it better with the hair

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Now we are talking. Upping it to a 7.5

keep going

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wow! 8.8/10
Gorgeous. More pleae! Perfect shade of pink throughout!

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Looks good to me? 7/10

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10/10 would pregant

7.8/10 love the dark lips

8.9/10 what a perfect clit

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Found this bitch on kik

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rate my gf

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this one is kinda gross tbh

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Nice. Would lick clean! Did you meet her?

5.5, Rate mine...

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Rate it

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10/10 wouldnt pullout

Wifes pussy. We've got three kids together, working on filling her up with a fourth soon

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What makes it unflattering in your opinion? Hair or shape?

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8/10 amazing

9/10 amazing size, color and shape

Hair is ok if its trimmed. This looks like some neckbeard shit. But if that your preference that's cool. It's just not mine

8/10 - I love when there is some clear separation between the clit and clitoris hood.

What does everyone think of this little pussy?

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Clean. Pink. Small tiny clit and smooth skin. 8.8/10

mother of 3

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Chinese pussy

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Look at that faggot



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this thread made me gay


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Plz rate thx

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This is why I'm not married. She's look great if she shaved. She also looks like she could grow an awesome bush. But this... This is just lazy. Sorry, dude...

How's it smell?

H-here's y-your pizza, m-ma'am...

We may have a winner

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More? I love meaty pussies

>Those hands look like a 10 year old’s hands. Just saying.

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