Hey b

Hey b

I have this painful lump on one of my stretch marks, seems like two lumps when I feel it

Any ideas what this is

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Inflammation causing food?


Lack of hygiene or ingrow hair ?

Shower every day
I was wondering if ingrown hair but it’s literally on a stretch mark on my stomach so there’s no hair growth on the skin

Please help
It’s hurting when I sit and my torso is bent

Looks like a nail


That's a fat fold, not a stretch mark user. Yes I see you have stretch marks but you're very clearly peeling open a fat fold here. It disgusts me to think what part of your body this picture is. Odds are they're bug bites, the increased sweat and probably trash ridden house you inhabit are big factors. My recommendation is quit being a bitch, wait a few days to see if they become a serious issue (Really? Two little bumps cause you concern? Grow up), lose some weight, and quit being a waah waah crybaby poopoo pants child

pop dat shit

Looks like an ingrown penis.

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maybe go to the fucking doctor if it is bothering you so much retard

It's definitely not a chip put there to make you forget what happened last night

Lance that shit then post results

it may be a pimple or something, ive gotten some despite washing my face/ showering everyday. it may be cause by your greasy bed sheets or pillows. change them often and you'll be fine

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Can this get infected if I do it

Possibly hidradenitis suppurativa. It causes what they call double barrel cysts. Basically a tube/tubes under the skin with 2 holes. Bloody fucking gross if you ask me.

Don't squeeze it. I'm too lazy to copy and paste that 35 times in all caps but seriously man don't ever squeeze it. If it drains on it's own sure but the second you penetrate the skin the possibility for infection drastically increases. Itching is a good healing sign. I've seen when people squeeze that shit, fucker turns into bigger than a golf ball and requires, sometimes, emergency surgery. Keep it clean and dry, shower at least daily(don't over do the soap dumbass, use good soap) stay hydrated, don't eat inflammation causing food, ie gluten, keep off your ass and move around, and don't squeeze it

Or it's just an infected hair folical. Either way do what I said.

You shouldn't do it, it's definitely not a chip that will release chlorine gas if tampered with. don't worry about it

But my vast medical experience says your just a fatass who has alway and will always neglect their health.

Doesn’t look like anything to me

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Looks like an ingrown hair, I usually just cut them out with a knife when they show up.

>thinking the agency cant implant people without evidence
nigga we probably all chipped and we dont know it

Well it itches but like on the inside almost I don’t know how to describe it

Sounds sketch

Keep moist heat on it and it will come to a head and drain on its own. Then keep it dressed and use tea tree oil and turmeric on it. It will promote healing better than antibacterial gel.

i had the exact same thing on one of mine a few weeks ago. rub some polystyrene on it and wait a day. if its bigger go get checked out.

draw a line around the redness with a sharpie to see if its bigger or smaller

its just a skin infection and will probably go away on its own


OP here
Also wanted to mention I have lots of sebaceous cysts on my back and have for years
But this feels different

Fuck youre disgusting dude.

I live in a very rural area in the Golan (near mt. Hermon), stupid shit like a big ingrown hair you have to sort out by yourself.

I’m not disgusting
I’m 6’1”, 375 lbs
I’m not obese I’m overweight
I took accutane for years but couldn’t handle it anymore so I just leave the cysts on my back
I need advice on this though it’s excruciating

>I’m not disgusting
>I’m 6’1”, 375 lbs

Attached: murika.jpg (640x480, 42K)


This looks accurate. Notice the missing hair in the raised area.

Fuck u

Why the fuck are you asking Yea Forums? Go to a goddamn doctor.

>375 lbs
>"I'm not obese, I'm overweight"
Yea, and I'm the queen of England. Go fuck yourself you ass eating brain dead faggot.You have 3 options here. 1) Go see a fucking doctor like a normie. 2) wait for it to go away. or 3) Continue posting about your poor little boo-boo to a group of retards on this Mongolian Basket weaving board, and wallow in filth like the disgusting retard you are.

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It's either that or a cyst, either way cutting it out will do the trick.

Please don't do this OP. They make ointments specifically for these sores. Heat will make it grow and go deeper and it being wet can cause it to spread. Keep yourself and skin healthy and it should take care of itself. Fuck Humira and that shit.

t. husband who's wife had it real bad in the groin, 2 years since anything

Should I cut this?
What should I use?
All of my knives are serrated

Cucked by bacteria, nice

Heat will destroy the bacteria quicker. The body will push the infection toward the heat like a hammer and anvil.

I just used my hunting knife, put some rubbing alcohol on afterwards and it's fine.

Fuck, here I'm trying to help the OP and he says hes 375 hahahahahahaha oh wow fuck you OP. You had this shit before and you're wondering why you keep getting infections.


But go ahead scoff at everything that either tries to help or makes fun. You have a problem and it ALL has to do with your weight. I'm 6'4" 225, if I hit 260 I'd call myself a fatass.

Fat fuck.

Will a serrated tip affect the results?
Also how deep am I going?
What am I looking for to know I’m done

well said

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>mongolian basket weaving
topkek my man topkek

I’m 6’1” , 220
Am I fat ass

My cock is already big trust me
I need advice on my stretch mark lump not how to get a big cock

Never ever use a serrated blade on yourself you dumbfuck, I just dig mine out with the tip.

It's cancerous AIDS. The CD4 cells cause metastasis every time one dies

She tried heat for a long time, never got better doctors told her too. I put a skin safe cold pack on her cooch, few minutes at a time, and they started to get smaller days after.

She had herp not a cyst.

Yeah basically but we went down on each other daily just no pounding. Actually a good thing before that I haven't busted in her mouth before.

Inflammation causing food? What shite are you talking. FFS wise up

Nah breh you good homie.

Don’t listen Op
Use the serrated blade and make sure you cut the core out of the cyst

Can you still fuck her ass?

> trust me

Thanks bro I feel good now

Lol no dude no it's not, it's laffable that you think like this. The sooner you surrender and accept it the sooner you can get better. Either way I don't care I'm just burning up the clock with shitposting. Getting paid to be on Yea Forums.

Okay buddy.

If you remove it yourself, which is incredibly foolish, make sure you get absolutely every last bit of it (if it is a cyst) otherwise it'll grow back. Quit being a poorfag and go to the Dr., OP.

Yeah man, we tried a DP strapon and put the dildo in her butt. Basically it's the best thing ever. Pussy is so much tighter with something in her butt.

Ingrown hair. It looks like two lumps because it's either two hairs or one long hair all coiled up. Go see a doctor and get rid of it.
If it's bothering you too much, a walk-in clinic or urgent care center will take care of you right now. Simple.

whats your bf%
bmi don't mean shit above or below average height

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How do I find that out?
I have basically 0 muscle

Who is ur employer

Weight calipers, some gyms have them available if you don't want to buy one.
Go pick up some shit breh.

No insurance and I can’t afford Medicaid

>Any ideas what this is

It's an inbred hair. Probably got it from one of your sisters or maybe a cousin.
Pour gasoline on the immediate area nad light it up.
Immediately it'll be not one of your big problems for the moment.

Fuck that OP
Seriously use your knife and open it, cut the core out, then cauterize it with an iron

Exactly my point from before. Your blood and fluids just mill about because you have zero muscle to help with perfusion. That's why you get these spots and coming soon to a testicle or prostate, fuck probably manboob, near you...cancer.

My vote is lymphoma.

>I’m 6’1”, 375 lbs
>I’m not obese I’m overweight

Kekkity kek kek kekkity kek.

Oh, my sides. Stop, just stop.

>I need advice on my stretch mark lump not how to get a big cock

If you need a big cock wait for the fetish night at the gay bar, when they're looking for fat fucks.

I’m not a bottom

>I’m not a bottom

Sounds like you're a bottom and a half.

this thread is still up? disgusting.

Probably an ingrown hair user. Thought it was MRSA but you probably dont go outside

You’re disgusting

OP here
I’m getting a fever
Any tips

I had a some thing like thare for like a year I went swimming in the ocean and the sait water helped it put a damp dressing with salt water on it . It will help it drain and heal it plus the silt will keep it clean

Its an in growing hair faggot and already tried to pop it but failed

Op checking in

Here’s a better angle
Any second opinions ?
It’s hurting more and more

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as i suspected, its a kundus

Attached: kundus.png (500x500, 110K)

user here who called you an "ass eating brain dead faggot" If you are getting a fever from this shit, how about you go to the fucking hospital like I suggested, and stop baiting this thread for sympathy. Stop poorfagging your health and got some help. I suggest the mental kind, after the physical kind you actual brainlet.

Ok if thread dies I will make new one with pic updates

Does it hurt? If not, it's probably a tumor.

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Nevermind, just throughly re-read OP's post this time.

Yes it hurts like fuck

Go to a practitioner, probably a cyst or ingrown hair

Hah. Hahahahaha nice.

Go lower. Let's see that big bulge brah

Alien Implant - You were abducted

Apply a warm compress to it for 15 minutes at a time. It will eventually work its way out naturally.

U wanna see my cock

Wtf is that scar in the middle

MFW this thread still up after 3 hours

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put some bacon grease and a washcloth soaked in hot water on it

Op show ur huge cock

Why do I have this strange craving for a beer?

its AIDS

Fatty Fatty Boom Balaty Two by Four. It looks like an ingrown hair. I think this is the least of your issues though.

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Why’s the biggest of my issues?
Also, what’re the odds that my rising fever is related to this

Jam a pin in it and drain it out you pussy. Then eat the pus to show it whos boss.

Nigga what grade of retard is this shit? Go fuck yourself.

ok bud

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That's fucking hot

>Inflammation causing food?
lmgtfy.com/?q=Inflammation causing food?

Are you legitimately missing 70% of your fucking brain? Are you milestones ahead of being retarded? You really fucking think that's what they meant?