Don't you guys think the age of consent is too low? 18 is a bit crazy. Girls can consent way younger than that, tbh

Don't you guys think the age of consent is too low? 18 is a bit crazy. Girls can consent way younger than that, tbh.

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Fuck off pedo

You're an idiot

T. Homos

you're correct
in the aspect
> that homo's
are worse pedos

Too low? On the contrary, its way too high.

is Yea Forums spilling over to Yea Forums?

I assume that was a typo, age of consent should be 12

Marrying a Teen girl was common in previous generations.

Thread was obviously meant to be bait but I think it should really be down to 16. Just because it's 16 doesn't mean old dudes will be fucking 16 yo's any more than they do 18 yos.

It's just kinda stupid whenever you hear about a dude fucking a 16 yo they call them a pedo and treat them the same as if they were far younger and say all this elaborate shit about how they'd like them to die. But then you step into the uk and it raises eyebrows but not an issue.

Reclaiming Yea Forums

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I'm a guy, but 18 seems fine imo. I lost my virginity at 18, and while I don't regret the years I spent in that relationship; the whole experience helped me grow up a lot, I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. I wouldn't say I actually became an adult until 21-22. I get everyone is different, but I can't imagine it being more than 1% of scenarios where a kid is mature enough to make adult decisions before 18. Ask anyone who got married/tattooed/pregnant young, most of them, in hindsight, would wait.


You're a fucking idiot op

so was child labor

K Y S Faggot

Kill all pedos imo

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Where do people find these pics?

Where tf do people find those pics?

Nice try FBI

Humans have mammal DNA. Mammals do things like have crazy perverse sex with minors and other species and same sex. The law should grow lenient as we mature as a species. But for right now it should stay right the way it is because of the potential for abuses.

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hacked your hard drive

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godspeed, user

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Probably Facebook and Instagram, you'd be surprised what little girls do on apps like Periscope

A 14 year old girl would send nudes to me and tell me about how she was sexualy active when I was just starting high school. And while I was in school it was obvious the girls were fucking early from how they dressed to how they acted. Imo it's not good for girls to be having casual sex that early because it fucks up their ability to pair bond. I'm ok with girls being married off by their fathers to one guy when they're young (12 at lowest), it's most likely better than what happens now.


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this and tor browser

In my state it's 16, though if you take pictures it's apparently still child porn. Finding late-puberty teens attractive is pretty natural from a biological/evolutionary standpoint, and ephebophilia is a pretty big difference from actual pedophilia. If you're under 18, they have to be within 4 years of your age, e.g. I lost my virginity at 16 with a 14 year old and it was totally legal and fine.
That being said, as easy on the eyes as teenage women can be, I sure wouldn't want to put up with one now. And yes, OP's bait pic is too young and OP is a faggot as always.

Epstein would probably agree with OP


in the uk some parliment members got caught with unerage girls /prostitues so they were trying to lower the age of concent to 13

yes i would but apparently you wouldn't

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What the fuck no piss off pedo

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thats an advertisment for shorts or something. EIther that or the FBI distributes.

As long as we're sharing anecdotal evidence, I was obsessed with cocks when I was really young and wish I'd had an adult male figure to experiment with

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>got caught with unerage girls
>try to lower the age of concent to 13
Executing Gods Will
Truly the Saviors of Mankind

i consented when i was 8. but everyone is different

Homos are a thousand times better than you fucking child molesting nonces.

Have you met the average 18 year old?

They couldn't be further from an adult. Children, all of them.

Voting, enlisting, consent, and general adulthood should be raised to at least 23 to make up for this generational maturity deficiency.

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And yet you have billions of 60+ that still can't act like adults and behave like fucking whiny toddlers when they can't get their way.

Where u find these?

In Iowa it's 16

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great way to kill yourself in carcrash

>everyone is different
That's the real issue. But the law can't be subjective. There has to be a single line for everyone, and better to err on the older side.

no i get enough shit from moms friends as it is

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7chan porn (delicious cake)

18 is crazy, 10 is also crazy.
15ish is likely a descent age

either way, there will be blood ;)

Yeah, because previous generations where a bunch of troglodytes.

Hell. Pedos should all be jailed.

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My GF's 12 year old cousin was staying with us a few weeks ago, after my girlfriend left for work one morning, the cousin snuck into bed with me. I woke up with her stroking my cock onto her legs. (I'm 29) I pretended to stay asleep, she got me off and I sprayed her with cum. She snuck back out a little while later and had this knowing shit eating grin on her face the rest of the time she was with us.

I think the age of consent would be good between 16-18, I wouldn't willingly fuck anyone younger than 19 to be honest. But kids in general now-a-days are so much more sexualized than when even I was growing up. Does that mean they're ready for sex? Definitely not in most cases. Her cousin was a little freak, the only reasons I didn't say anything when she was giving me the hand job (apart from it felt really good) is I didn't want the little slut turning it around on me and claiming I took advantage of her.

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Lol all Dem plebs just go to

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What are you talking about?

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> that happened

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goodnight world
bye bye anons

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Here in the UK the age of consent is 16, Ameriturds can't be trusted to make wise decisions.

they can say "yes" but they still are too young to understand what they getting them selves into and it is very easy to manipulate, hell even girls at 18 are still dumb, maybe we should raise it to 20, how would you like that?

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Exactly what I meant. The guy looks like a big retard. And by the way that exact case is the reason why age of consent started to raise.

Backwards minded peasants.

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The age of consent should be eliminated as a concept. People use the term 'statutory rape' in order to muddy the waters. If instead they called it what it is, "those two people decided to have sex together and a bunch of non-involved people think they shouldn't be allowed to do that." then there wouldn't be as much support for it.

Na, the law can easily accomodate different individuals. A judge can talk to the younger of the couple and decide whether they have been coerced or simply convinced the same as anyone in a bar convinces anyone else.

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Nice try FBI

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I was sucking on blonde middle school girl pink nipples when I was 8! Then no blonde pink nipple bitch till 17.

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Candydoll tv user

> "those two people decided to have sex together and a bunch of non-involved people think they shouldn't be allowed to do that."

You mean, a fat creep manipulated a child into having sex with him.

So was dying from scurvy. A faggot like you would have died by age 2 back then
Needs more posters!

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Primejailbait dot you know what. Site is down so use the wayback machine ;)

FBI: This is CP!!!
ME: They're just squids!!!

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