War thread?

War thread?

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what is it good for?

taking resources

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making the rich wealthier while culling the poor population

Population control.

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God damn that part of the world is depressing.

At least if you get executed by a local war lord in central Africa you could enjoy the scenery in your last moments...


Absolutely nothing.

True, though I like the setting of Russia/eastern European war. Depressing aesthetics add to the horror and shittiness of war.

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Know of any good films set there?

I should add i hae been to eastern europe in the summer and lots of cities and countryside are really fucking nice but damn that architecture looks especially awful smashed up in the winter.

Eastern Europe/Balkans has the best wars

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The 9th Company, though it's set in Afghanistan still gives off that depressing Soviet vibe.
Film "War" from 2002 is set in Chechnya.

Especially Yugoslavia.

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serbia especially considering they want to kill everyone

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Gotta love roki

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thanks user

god damn that is sad, its insane how easy it seems to turn people against each other

fucking arkan man scary fucker

Yep, we all shoulda left the Nazis and the Japanese Empire alone.

Catholics and Greek/Russian Orthodox have been hating on each other for 1,000 years.

Your right but you have to think about the kind of wars Americans were dying in when that song was written.


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I know there is allot of complex history to it but people can go from casual distrust (or even apathy) to all out blood lust in not long atall.

They didn't kill him. He was injured so they captured him.

Croats killed and raped a whole fucking shitload of innocents too though.

I'm pretty positive all sides of the conflict raped and killed loads of innocents.

Well yeah kek....

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cheer up bro, you have a tank




Come and See is a good one.

all good suggestions, thanks user

No prob

rhodesia forever

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best country change my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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is it true that youve been angry for the last 200 some years?

it doesn't even officially exist.

im just joking dude..

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fucking kek


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Jesus fuck i cant find much info in English on this flag, anyone got any links or quick explanation?


yugofag here
fuck you western pussies

yes yes yes good

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nice turkish flag

its the french flag

you're all the same to me.

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ew gtfo muslim frog


shoot up rijeka mosque or you're a degenerate muslim shitskin hrvat like the rest of them

The boogaloo

nt serb, i bet your dna is 80% turkish

im russian

but ok
fucking shitskin hrvat

Someone call for a heavily armed airship?

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>50% mongol rapebaby

i was born in smolensk but ok, muslim

I really like airships, shame they're fragile and useless in combat, I'd love to see massive, armoured airships bombing enemy ground units while fighting with enemy air units.

and mongols went as far as poland and hungary. your point being?

im not mongol,
also you are a shitskin.

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For you.

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Just compare the uniforms, you guys look like fucking dirty pigs

Russians are half-mongol breeds. I'm not a shitskin. I'm European.

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you know handschar division was muslim right?
only proves you are muslim, shitskin.

Majestic inventions indeed. Thank you.

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some real christian shit going on here, muslim
handschar division was muslim, give it up dude

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I don't care?

i wonder what that kid was thinking just looking at him with a machinegun before he figured out the soldier was friendly

Hello fellow oldfag. The ancient oaths will be honored

did you not try and say you werent muslim?
"I don't care?"
ok bud take your meds

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I'm not that user.

then shut the fuck up, and stop replying, its me and his matter


Actually, I live on a fucking island, no mosques here. I'm pretty far away from being a muslim.

no? some slavshit won't tell me what i can and cannot do. fucking subhumans living in mudhuts while we built cathedrals

Do you know islam/muslim is religion not a nationality nor ethnic? Just asking. So it should be irrelevant to the point he is making.
Or it's low quality bait?

you're all stupid because u know this 'serb' and 'russian' are probably western right?
btw ukrainian (exucse poor english)

holy kek did some faggot shoop their eyes bluer

slava ukraini

i'll rephrase it in proper english if i can.
I wonder what that Islamic Afghan child was thinking in his head before he figured out that Brit wasn't there to shoot his village up.

>slava ukraini
slava ukrayini spravdi

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geroyam salo

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eh, ya ne dumayu shcho ya shcho zhyr

He would have known that for a long time because no British was there to shoot up a village you retard

Just fucking with you hoholfren. Bandera was a cool guy, except all the ethnic cleansing in Vohlynia, which he wasn't directly responsible anyway so I guess it's alright.

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Reaching the conclusion that diplomacy failed at.


ya radyy, shcho u nas vse harazd, ya tut use pro myr

There was lots of fighting in and around villages, probably sometimes at houses he or family were in, taliban hid in civilian homes.

Asides from all the propaganda hes overhearing hes a fucking kid in a warzone, he wouldnt know if the soliders were friendly all kinds of soliders have been shooting shit all around him his whole life. That user poses an actual thought provoking question.

That's good. I hope that war ends soon.

>so I guess it's alright.

jesus kek this made me loose hard, that should never be in the same sentence as 'ethnic cleansing'

We all make mistakes come user, don't tell me you've never accidentally murdered over 100,000 civilians?

The caucasus is a beautiful place. Frosted jagged mountain tops, lush valleys of thick green forests, ancient ruins, clear water rivers.

Yeah i did retract that in alter post, ive been through serbia bulgaria, romania and it was very nice in the summer.

The wrecked soviet era tower blocks in the dead of winter though? An especially bad place for a war.

Look up "prisoner of the mountains". It has the actor from Brother and Brother 2.
It's about a young Russian conscript captured by Chechens and held in captivity. Should give you a good insight into their way of life.

Shit well i did throw away old batteries in the trash once.

will do


Bad place for Russian personnel carriers in the biggest arms black market in the world.