Is this for real? Is this what the fucking Brits are worried about these days?

Is this for real? Is this what the fucking Brits are worried about these days?

Attached: 66DFDBDA-E3F1-4755-9B81-14A44A9FE6FD.jpg (750x917, 430K)

I mean the same shit happens in the military. We get fined though instead for not using clear bags for recyclables since they expect us to sort our own trash for their agenda.

Is this an illustration of the difference between "citizens" and "subjects"?

Oh, nevermind. I forgot about San Francisco.

welcome to europe, where we actually act civilsed

Prison labour makes good money

She wasn't arrested for not recycling correctly, she was arrested for failing to attend court.

She was just fined, too (or, rather, would have been, if she showed up to court). The arrest was for failure to appear.

Why was she summoned to court?

If we have to worry about fucking bags then thank god

You think littering is ok? Good on the brits. Have you seen San Francisco? Place is a nasty shit whole filled with piss,shit,trash,needles,homeless camps,faggots and traps. This is what happens when you let people start littering.

Attached: 2376A40C-2909-4050-BF24-28525C561CA3.jpg (375x249, 19K)

Public amenities cost money. Local authorities impose rules on how services are used and accessed to stay with public budgets. They impose the rules with fines.
Not paying a fine will get you summoned to court.
Ignoring a summons to court will get you arrested.
She dumped 60 garbage bags of trash into the street over a period of just over 20 days.
With garbage collected every 2 weeks and her dumping at a rate of about 20 a week that's potentially 40 bags of trash just lying in the street.
If your neighbor was leaving 40 bags of garbage in the street most people would expect the authorities to take some sort of action to stop it.

Putting shit in the wrong bag is littering? How?

>when you try to get a loife and bin the knoife in the wrong colored container without a loicense.

Yea God forbid your twins have a birthday party. I guess you have to be arrested because of all the wrapping paper and empty boxes and all the other shit, as you’re waiting another 9 days for the trash to come

Increasing the cost of a publicly funded service by not giving a fuck and dumping 60 bags of garbage into the street in the space of 3 weeks.

Metro is a free tabloid rag targeted at the stupidest people. The woman in question was arrested for repeated tipping of rubbish, as it says in the image caption of that article. She'll probably have to pay a fine, as you'd expect of someone who tosses their garbage onto the street after being warned not to. It's not newsworthy at all, but Metro decided to drum up outrage from retards by insinuating that she was arrested for having bags of a certain colour, which isn't a real offence at all. It's nonsense and lies but it sells papers so they'll keep doing it.

Attached: D6jINzzXoAEvcjn.jpg (1080x1044, 195K)

How big are the bags in the UK?

Also nice quads

Or just not leave it in the fucking street and just not give a fuck because the cost is shared out as a tax.

Sure. Not true but spend shit because they're liberals.
You say that but 600 years of rape and slavery don't change when you recycle slobo.

It says right on there that she repeatedly put the recycling in the wrong color bags so obviously she has been warned before. The bitch don’t listen and deserves to put in jail.

>Is this what the fucking Brits are worried about these days?
Any civilised country arrests you for not attending court
Prison isn't privatised in Britain
Read the article. A combination of being a messy cunt and pissing off an overzealous council

ITT: Messy americans trying to get angry about a perfectly sensible court summons

She should’ve been thrown in the trash immediately after she threw the shit in the wrong bag.

In America we just have private and semi-private trash collection, so we pay for what we want to use and they work for us. Worst they can do is sue if you refuse to pay... resulting in financial penalties but nothing more.

Nice to know in Europe you just go to jail because government is so much better than private industry apparently. Luckily corporations can't put you in a cage, unlike your government.

Whenever I have a shitload of extra trash for the week (7 days) I put it all on the curb and they get it all for me every Wednesday morning.

Why is it that in the US you’re allowed to do that but if you make more trash than what fits in a trash bin you get arrested for it in the UK?

It says right on there that she repeatedly put the recycling in the wrong colored bag. So obviously she has been warned before and is a typical women and can’t understand normal instructions.

Sounds like a personal issue, buddy. That's the problem with the costs of a service are shared. We get assholes like you who use up more than your fair share of the service and everybody else suffers.

You have privatised and public dumping in the UK too, she chose not to use those and be a messy cunt instead

Your american education is showing

Wait a second, where's your loisence to be on a meme site?

>fair share
So its basically kinda like China forcing abortions if you have more than 2 kids. You sound like a fucking communist right now

I can't tell if this is clever satire or you're actually comparing trash collection services to forced abortion and somehow drawing communism out of that

Yea Forums does this thing where you can't tell if someone is retarded or pretending to be retarded

It's a public system that means it's paid for collectively and is generally much much cheaper than the equivalent service would be from a private company. But no one says you are forced to use it. If you have more trash or there's a wait until collection you are completely free to pay a private company to take it, or take it yourself to a local recycling centre where you can leave it for free.
Additionally most local authorities will take larger amounts (for free) on occasion if you just fucking call them up and ask them to pick it up.

He's probably just ironically trying to troll you

If anything, it's unironic.

Also what do you think would happen if you refused to pay the penalty. Take you to court. And if you just refused to go to court?
Fuck you are a thick cunt

failure to appear for a less than misdemeanor offence is a jailable offence? huh, in most places in the states, its a simple admission of guilt and acceptance of any fines.

And what if you refuse to accept or pay the fine?

Also it's not something that would get you jailed, even if you repeatedly refused to pay and show for court, you'd have be be really taking the piss to get any kind of sentence of at all, maybe a community order in the extreme.
Bear in mind she wasn't jailed or even actually properly arrested, just detained for failure to attend court. She actually received a very small fine.

Where the fuck does it say she went to jail?!

yeah i just read that too. missed it on the first pass. it kind of depends on the amount refused. They can levee wages instead of sending you to jail, but yeah, most people who refuse cant afford it so they usually go to jail.

Yes, as it is in any western country. The court is then free to use common sense and jail you or dismiss it or whatever else they see fit
In this case they charged her £50 for wasting time. I'd say she got off light


OK, here in the UK:
most Councils provide free Green bins like those shown in OP's pic related) that are specifically for compostable waste:
i.e. garden waste [ e.g. grass cuttings, hedge clippings; pruning offcuts, dead flowers, and small branches lopped off trees, etc.] Food waste is also compostable, and Councils also provide free kitchen bins and free compostable waste food bags that fit into those food waste bins. The food waste bags have tie-handles on them, so that they can be easily put into the large green bins that are typically collected once per week.
Councils also provide large free bins [ e.g. for tin cans plastic and glass bottles & jars; paper and cardboard ] so that other recyclable waste can be efficiently recycled, thus minimising the non-recyclable waste that mostly goes to landfill.

Nevertheless, it is clear that this maliciously vindictive woman is DELIBERATELY putting non-biodegradable black bags in with the biodegradable waste. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she is filling those black bags with non-compostable waste, like babies used diapers, builders rubble, smashed, empty alcohol bottles, used hypodermic syringes etc.

She is obviously a typical self-professed "entitled" feminist, who believes she has a right to do whatever the fuck she feels like doing to make everybody else's life difficult, and I have absolutely no sympathy with her - she was arrested for being a public nuisance - probably after repeated warnings about her unacceptable antisocial behaviour had been ignored with disdain accompanied by deliberate escalation of the transgressions that she had been warned about.

>Americunt accusing Europeans of slavery

Obviously a feminist...

>Public amenities cost money. Local authorities impose rules on how services are used and accessed to stay with public budgets. They impose the rules with fines.
>Not paying a fine will get you summoned to court.
>Ignoring a summons to court will get you arrested.
>She dumped 60 garbage bags of trash into the street over a period of just over 20 days.
>With garbage collected every 2 weeks and her dumping at a rate of about 20 a week that's potentially 40 bags of trash just lying in the street.
>If your neighbor was leaving 40 bags of garbage in the street most people would expect the authorities to take some sort of action to stop it.
very easy to take a trip to the landfill and dump it there, or have it removed by a trash service. you can do that you know, call ahead and request to have more trash removed for a cost.

Feminists have come to expect that the western judicial system will always rule in their favour, whenever a man (e.g. council official, a refuse collector, or policeman ) tells them they are not allowed to do what they are doing. A rational person would listen to any reasonable criticism and amend their ways;
but not your typical feminists - they just routinely go apeshit with their typical feminist tantrums, routinely believing that they can get away with anything by claiming they are being oppressed by unreasonable men.

A normal man or woman would just apologise if they had inadvertently put the wrong sort of waste in a recycling bin and avow that they won't make the same mistake again.

Whereas, if a refuse collector ...
(bet you've never seen a woman doing that job have you?)
... tells a typical feminist that they are not allowed to put non-recyclable waste in the green bins, she will immediately take that as a personal insult and plan every conceivable method of continuing to do exactly what she has been told she's not allowed to do.

So she eventually gets warned by about her antisocial behaviour and goes even more fucked in the head apeshit, by overloading the Council's Recyclable Waste bins with all manner of non-recycle waste - just to be perverse and prove that she has a right to do whatever she fucking like:

but of course she has no suck right at all - she's just your typical fucked in the head pain in the arse feminist:
who deserves to be arrested, fined, and thrown in jail so that the rest of society can get a bit of peace and quiet for a change.