I am ready to be done

I am ready to be done.

AMA and encouragement please.

My panic keeps wanting me to not pull the trigger, but this is for the best.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>you are a being of immense spiritual power
>this physical plane is a jail
>you were sent here to learn the lessons you need to control that power
>this is gonna take a long time
>it's impossible to kill yourself
>quantum suicide is a thing
>believe me I've tried

Go ahead and try, it won't work.

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Don’t do it, it’s gonna be ok. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but someday, so hang in there buddy

dont do it op, trump 2020 is coming up

haha no don't do it ur so sexy xx

Do you have a small cock op?

Timestamp plz

Also send your money to this bcoin account you don't need it anymore right?

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Could you mail me the gun and kill yourself with a rope or something instead? I've always wanted a gun

"haha that's crazy wyd"

if I used bitcoin or cared about your stupid ass, I might just. hah. I don't have bitcoins tho.

when did b get so lame?

nah, hanging is too long and painful, gun always works

yeah, tho unrelated to this

don't do it man... suicide is retarded and pointless. believe it or not everyone around you loves you... when you kill yourself you run a high risk of at first everyone will be sad but then one day be pissed off at how much of an asshole it made you

song for encouragement


eh, i don't mind being hated. I actually worry the most about hurting my best friend by doing this, but they will move on eventually

STFU and do it, you wont because you are low quality bait

before you do anything pls shoot a piece of shit!!

OP don’t let any of these retards trick you, there is nothing after death. No heaven, no hell, just nothing. If you’re ok with this and believe that you would rather experience nothing(the exact same nothing you felt before you were born) then go and kill yourself. I don’t know how shitty your life is, who am I to say wether or not you should kill yourself, only you know that answer.

They're real easy to buy, you can do it on ur phone

I should add that while you can not kill yourself, you may end up somewhere between life and death with a half functioning body, at least for a while.

Hey man, have you ever come to realize that there is nothing? That we dont really exist?

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I really don't care how you do it user I just want the gun. Maybe you could give it to me in your will, or have a friend deliver it after you've done the deed

Welp. GOOD LUCK. This shitty rosterfag waifu should help give you motivation

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this attention fag

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Is that an XD9? Jesus user, do you really wanna die to that cheap filth?

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Do it on cam
Then do a flip faggot

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No, because that is false.

im aware


I've thought long and hard about that. It's terrifying, but we'll all die some day anyhow. A hp bullet will def end me after a few minutes at the most.

god damn, ur greedy ass gives me more motivation than these other fags. least your not pretending to care

it's true, wanted some b4 the end. sue me

eh, wasn't very particular about which gun would kill me. this is my first and last gun.

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someone takes to many drugs

where is the timestamp faggot?

You're either gonna become a vegetable, or just jump into another body. Nothing is gonna happen. When I tried a pistol to the head it misfired. Three times in a row.

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Post a pic of your credit card before you go. Front and back please

Op if you do kill yourself stream that shit, I’m bored at work

here u go, 294

I really hope not. That would suck.

where could I stream that it wouldn't get shut down? might as well.

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If you're gonna kill yourself, you might as well help us out so we dont have to suffer as much. Maybe sauce a few bucks our way OP

This we will watch you in rekt threads forever

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Wilderness survival. If you can't make it, you'll die. If you can make it for a month or so it'll change your life.

That means that there are three universes in which you succeeded and you're dead, right? Shit is fascinating to me.

I've never tried to kill myself, but have survived numerous accidents where there is literally no reason that I wasn't killed. One particular car accident was so bad that the cops/insurance companies were spooked because there was apparently no way I could have survived the wreck. The steering wheel should have crushed my chest and killed me. I guess somewhere else, it did.

So yeah, OP sorry but it's not gonna work. Even if you livestream it, and we all see you anhero, to you it's just not gonna work. The gun will fuck up, someone will interrupt you, or you'll shoot yourself wrong and end up in agony for the rest of your life, but not functional enough to kill yourself anymore.

cool, bye faggot

>posts credit card info
Yep, I’m 100% sure op’s going to do it

Thread theme


Wait till Nov, vote for trump, and help make liberals go nannars again

Did you enjoy creating the discord bot? Why C#?

Believe me, I've tried.

>I drank poison at 12,
>I've done extreme sports
> I've been shot, stabbed
>passed out under water and woke up drowning
>and the stupid pistol didn't work
>3 fucking times

You might as well go look at shit in nature, that's pretty calming.

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background in C++, C# was easy to learn, never finished any of my bots, never really finish anything, haha

Yea Forums has always been lame

Why do you want to kill yourself OP? Please dont do it

Just trust me, Dont.
not yet.

literally, just take my advice with this one, i'm not some PMA fag or anything, just believe me, dont.

We would still see him die tho

Here's that part from my suicide note. It's kinda edgy, but it's true to me.

You don’t need to read this part if you don’t want to. It is only a very brief very unspecific overview of the things that led me to the decision. If you continue reading, know that it might hurt you. This section may sound contradictory at times. It is because in my head contradictions are allowed to exist. I do not see reality as black and white, but a mosaic of contradictions.

Therapy and psychopharmaceuticals are a religion, not science. Nothing I have tried has cured me, because the problem lies with the external, not a malfunction of my body. Therapy simply forces you to pretend everything is okay. It sells a lie of convenience. One that ignores the suffering of billions for the comfort of the 1st world middle class. Unfortunately, I understand the true cruelty and ugliness that makes up this world. That knowledge is not something you can take back once it is understood fully.


I don’t believe in the same world as most people. This world and the universe to which it belongs has no inherent meaning or value. In western society we pretend our lives matter a great deal. We assume we are gods of our own destinies, and to think otherwise causes panic. This panic, this fear… it is a survival mechanism, nothing more. We are but animals, simple creatures of survival. Our “choices” are obvious products of the past. All human behavior is predestined to occur. Free will is a lie we tell ourselves for the sheer comfort of it. In 100 years or so, me and everyone I have ever known will be dead anyhow, and none of their lives will have mattered in the slightest.
On to me. My individual self… I am suffering a great deal. There is no place for me in this world, no groups to which I can properly belong, and to top it off, I have identified my future potential behavior as harmful to this society. I believe the people responsible for this whole taboo on suicide have never suffered even 1/1000th the amount of pain I struggle with daily. They have never had to contemplate wither they’d cause others more harm alive or dead. My suffering cannot be conveyed properly here. But, be happy for me, because it is finally coming to an end.


You're 20 years old. How bad can life be? Fuck's sake.

livestream it

I mean hey you'd be doing a good thing giving it to me, I've got a family to protect. If you really are gonna commit sudoku, go out in a blaze of glory. Find a local crack den and just go ham, not only will you be achieving your goal of ending your life (Either they'll have guns or they'll eventually overpower you and shoot you with your own gun, at that point itd be best to do it yourself. Always save 1 bullet for yourself) but you'll be doing your community a great service, and will be remembered as an hero


im almost 30, google better

never thought of something like that... seems... kind of silly. I don't even know where a "crack den" is and don't really blame crackheads for being crackheads

I know that right now, it feels like everything sucks, nothing will ever get better, you're a drain on everyone and you should just get it over with. I get it, I feel like that at least once a month, complete with suicidal ideation.

But yet I'm here, haven't ended it even though the stress from my job overwhelms me sometimes. And, you know what? There ARE happy times. I don't know if it's worth living for, but, they are nice when I get them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is... it's your life, your choice, but remember that whatever is going on right now will eventually pass.

Also, fellow software dev if you want to bounce some stuff off each other.

Without suffering there is no pleasure.

he might get raped by homeless mexicans, might like it and decide to live.
Doubt your getting a gun

start smoking, you'll die anyways but aleast you'll have that moment of clarity a la nicotine

Why? Because once you pull the trigger, that's it, you don't get a second chance. If you die, you have nothing.

I used to smoke. It's a pointless habit. All it does is relieve the addiction of nicotine. Felt much better when I stopped.

That's the point. I don't want to live. Living sucks.

Btw, in an online group therapy thing to make sure I don't have any doubts, so that's when it'll happen, when thats over. So prob got another 40 minutes or so. Prob not gonna stream since don't know how to set that up and honestly dont want to be in rekt threads anyways.

Well wait OP if you're gonna kill yourself have some fun first. Hire a bunch of prostitutes and do a ton of drugs and kill yourself while having fun

OP, please don't kill yourself. Other than me, you're the only person I know of who's actually purchased that piece of shit gun. I feel you're a kindred spirit. I can't lose you.

you expect me to believe that you would still be alive in my universe because you suck at killing yourself?

what about all the people in my universe that die every fucking day, suicide or not.

you fuckers are so goddamn stupid.

>Living sucks

No shit. That makes the happy times better. What makes you happy?

didn't read. just shut up and kill yourself already you ugly faggot

why dont you make your suicide productive and take out a few baddies
you know, making the world a better place and being remembered

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Whatever makes you happy

because that takes effort and likely incurs pain

The idea is that there are countless worlds where they died. But, a handful where they happened to live, and since their existence is subjective to them, they will always "survive", as only the worlds where they continue to exist are ones in which they can continue to experience.

dont even know how to hire a prostitute, besides im gay. dont really know how to buy drugs anymore either. dont know my contacts from college and they prob dont sell anymore anyways. drugs were always meh. alcohol was more fun, but still not great.

I don't believe in good n evil in the way that you do

that too, kinda dont like leaving my appartment

more like this

sounds like a cult

is it even legal to use this?

>gun always works
it doesnt
it has a surprisingly high failure rate

sounds like a bunch of hooey conjecture.

try it out bro, apparently you're invincible. run into syria and single-handedly end the conflict

No guarantee that things will get better. But they might. You may look back on this time years from now in a better place and be glad that you didn’t off yourself. Get out of the moment. Out of your head and current thought process. Go to a hospital.

Hey faggot OP. I'm not going to be some egdelord telling you to kys. Nor am I gonna be some liar pretending that I particularly care about you. I'm only here to say that circumstances change, people change and things do get better.

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>there is nothing after death. No heaven, no hell, just nothing.
nice belief you got there champ

Life is about enjoying every moment no matter where or who you are, this is what everyone says. What they don’t tell you is that this requires drugs. Do drugs.

(Of course, that also means that there are countless worlds where they survived, horribly maimed, too)

Ehh, not really a cult, just an interesting intrepretation of the many worlds theory. It's interesting, but not really provable.

prob is some kind of fraud tbh, beats me

hollow points into the side of my head should do the trick

you haven't even experienced life yet, you're young and you're throwing it all away. don't do it.

Put it away user. There's so many things left undone. You can't do them if you're not here.

>Prob not gonna stream since don't know how to set that up and honestly dont want to be in rekt threads anyways.
That's fucking lame jesse

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Well,I think that you should call for help, but I know this is a larp. If you are having problems, why dont you list them? Maybe we can help you.

Blah. Not op. There may be countless alternative realities. We are only experiencing one. “Fun” to think about, but fuck, you have too much moms basement time if you’re constantly thinking about this shit.

Do you have any family, friends or even acquaintances that care about you?

you aren't completely wrong, im still unsure, but hell I gave away my credit card, and have a loaded gun with a bullet chambered, soooo idono, suicide not is typed up in front of me ready to send out copies. eh, mostly just panic making me unsure now, not hopes or thoughts of others

That's not my belief, just stating what some people believe in.

yall know if using it is even legal to do? It's technically given out and not stolen and i aint trynna get into legal trouble.

beats me man, I can facebook u some cash if you'de rather, surely someone has used it by now tho

Ok. If I’m feeling like shit, having a shit day, I don’t think, “We’ll, at least another me might be having it better.”

You try explaining to the authorities why you're using the card from someone who died right after you made the purchase. I'm sure that will go over well.

Death is an illusion, you are both living and dead

>Unfortunately, I understand the true cruelty and ugliness that makes up this world. That knowledge is not something you can take back once it is understood fully.
ffs edgelord kys
oh wait

For fucks sake OP, clean your fucking room. And you will probably want to die even more when you have to live with being maimed by a handgun shot to the head, or maybe you will look good with an eyepatch.

Right now somebody just bought a thousand Dragon Dildos and sent them to Democrats.

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he gave out the card info, that shits on him

Where do you think panic comes from?

> going out alone

What's the value of reaching a point where you accept that you have nothing left to lose, when all you do with it is kill YOURSELF?

You are unrestrained.
You can do anything you will.
THIS is what you choose?

Cancel your card report theft and try to keep going

>My suffering cannot be conveyed properly here.

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Yeah? And you think the police and bank are going to accept that?

You could do that, or you could go for a walk in the park.

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if this is op I'll consider it

Don't use 9mm, it won't penetrate your skin.

do it, but make sure you kill the rich first.


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Just cancel the card, report it stolen. No big deal.

As for the gun, see if you can have a friend hold onto it for a bit.

Not using that card - using the card of a recently dead man is a stupid idea - but definitely will accept facebook cash from OP. Broke as fuck.

Gotta aim for the brainstem, cochise. Side of the head leaves you lobotomized and/or aphaisic.

dude you're free to kill yourself
we just dont want you to
call that the mammalian care instinct
you're one of us

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Yep here's the proof

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hey are you gonna livestream?

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Quantum immortality is a faggots belief, it's literally moot when you realize you'd have to die of old age sometime. So are you trying to say you keep surviving for millions of years in an alternate universe.

OP will b e considered mentally unfit at the time of the post and not capable of making decisions for himself and that anyone using that card should have known better. And anyone that would need to use OPs card is a poor nigger.

OP will have made the world a better place and the trannies holes larger
^$ happy ending $^

Basically this. Bank and authorities would never except a person threatening to commit suicide's permission as sufficient.

Damn two in a row

then call me a poor nigger

ok socrates
you drink that hemlock

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I'm not saying you can't die, im saying you can't kill yourself.

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and get raped

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OP, put me in your will

Can you Facebook me some monies? Only if you're going to kill yourself, which you shouldn't do, but if you're determined sauce some money to the poorfags

Death is leaving the physical plane to achieve your true potential. It only happens when you are ready.

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That's retarded because what constitutes killing yourself? Eating a shitty diet could be considered long term suicide, smoking, drinking, stress. It's a retarded idea imo

I did, nothing happened.

So did you buy a horse dick or a dragon dick?

You're the faggot, who is still thinking in terms of biology instead of consciousness. When we die of old age our consciousness shifts into a developing fetus. You don't even have to believe in the afterlife or any of that shit to recognize that. Only that consciousness is a form of energy that can be neither created nor destroyed, and therefore simply transmutes to a different state when one meatsuit finally gives out for good: transferring into a young, developing yet to be born meatsuit.

same here brother

what if that's true for you but not for most people?
did you read john mcafee's story/interview about that?

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What if you arnt ready even after you've been alive for 5000 years, I'm specifically talking about the quantum immortality idea not about killing yourself and roaming around earth as a ghost until you move on

Taking an in the moment action that would end your life. Like a gunshot to the head or driving into a wall.

Slow suicide is just abusing your body. That you're stuck with.

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>literally the only being with free will and power in all of existence
>literally everything else is an animal getting eaten by other animals
>ability to create and enjoy so many things
>ability to experience sex and everything else any other way which no other creature can do
>chooses to mope about and threaten to kill them self
what a fucking joke you give gun owners a bad name and if you really want to kill yourself over whatever tiny mundane shit it is then youre a fucking idiot and dont deserve the beautiful existence you already have been gifted. What a fucking joke.

If you are going to do it no matter what anyone else says Take a heroic dose of psychedelics and then decide if it still makes sense.

Ok but this isn't quantum immortality where when you suicide you would just end up still in your body in a different universe . You are talking about reincarnation which isn't the same thing

you dont have to transfer right away
shit's well known i dont know why you faggots dont get it
i guess i have a truth detector you lack, or fail to use

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That looks kind of like parts of San Diego, nice and comfy.

>>literally the only being with free will and power in all of existence
>>literally everything else is an animal getting eaten by other animals
another retarded belief
why are you goys so lame?

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no timestamp. saged and fake

I'm saying that Quantum Immortality and Reincarnation are two theoretical halves of the same whole. The problem with QI/QS is the "old age" factor. We all die eventually, even if we don't suicide or get into accidents. Well, what I'm saying is that this hole in the theory is fixed if you look at reincarnation as just another aspect of Quantum Immortality: our consciousness continuing to exist, simply in another physical form when every potential timeline ends for one particular human body.

Literally just sounds like some type of religious mumbo jumbo, so who's deciding what qualifies as suicide? You can drink a poison that can take days to weeks to kill yourself there's to many holes in the theory to even be taken seriously

I would be a fool to attempt to answer that, but we have it in ourselves to reach maturity.

Were like children locked in our bodies to protect us and those around us.

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dude's chronically depressed, imagine a bad trip
take shrooms op
or dma

if your parents/close family are alive then don't do it

if you're alone then no ones gonna care anyway

dont do it you fucking retard

Nah nigga don't kill yourself. Kill those that have wronged you.

This is literally religious cope at it's finest. I can get on board with reincarnation but QI is just stupid imo

spoiler: op's not gonna do it
he's a faggot

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Fake and gay. If you're serious then pull the trigger pussy.

>existence is a blessing!
pull your head out of your ass

QI is a theory born from Hugh Everette's interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, the Many Worlds Theory, my dude. Calling QI "Religious cope at it's finest" is pretty fucking retarded.

OP please dont do it there is light on the other side. Dont listen to all these faggots telling you to do it. I've never met you and I probably never will, but please whatever you do dont do it

Not OP but ironically shrooms make me want to kill myself, not in a depressed way but they give me courage to do it because death doesn't seem scary anymore. I'll probably off myself while tripping if I ever do, seemed like it would be peaceful. Anytime I take shrooms they completely get rid of my fear instinct for some reason

Kill yourself to faggot. You're an even bigger bitch than OP

The theory is not religious but what people who have adopted it as their answer to life definitely use the same type of coping seen with every other religion in terms of life after death

Is that a springfield xd mod 2

Fuck you op, you gave me the scare of my life. You look like the description a good internet pal gave me of himself and he's a fucked-up cunt, but I wouldn't want him dead for any reason. Glad you're not him.
Give me a sign from the other side once you're there. Also if you still got some cash, buy me a steam game?

Bad trips are unpleasant while they're happening, but are immensely cathartic after the fact.

if u gonna do it then stream it

I've heard mescaline can cure anxiety and depression first trip.

Yeah, I understood what you meant bro, but I am still calling you retarded. You can't really call it "religious" type of coping, given that these theories are based on actual fucking science, not pure, blind faith. It's not that fucking strange to decide to believe something that is based on actual science - fringe science, maybe, but actual science nonetheless. QI and MWT are real things, based on actual, observable, phenomena that is repeatable in a laboratory setting.

Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit kike nigger. I hope your mom comes home and slices you up into little tiny chunks and feeds them to the rats, and then gets terminal breast cancer and dies. Go dialate you fucking living piece of filth

This faggot just wants you to suffer more and more, they get off on it.

This shit was fucking trash, I was the suicidal user but now I am.

You were literally saying those theories are combined with reincarnation, you are literally making your own answer to life up yet called me retarded for saying it sounds like religious cope? You are doing exactly that, taking the theory and making it into essentially your own religion

piece of advice, when you think you want something, fap first and if you still want it afterwards, then you really do

Don't do it man. You learned to code.

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Jesse. I just called you. I'll call again in a few minutes. Please answer.

What if fapping makes you suicidal?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Yet he can't set up a web cam figures

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Nigga did you just tell the suicidal man to jack off? Fucking Yea Forums

It does help

I just want you to know that you're a great person user

Lol, not making up my own answer for life, just proclaiming that scientific theories based on verified scientific phenomena make a LOT of sense to me, and that the problems inherent in said theory are fixed by reincarnation, which if you understand the laws of conservation of energy, and view consciousness as an external sort of energy separate from the body, then reincarnation solves the problem of where consciousness goes after physical death, since said energy can not, via the laws of physics, simply cease to be.

You're the fucking one who said that you can get on board with reincarnation, but didn't believe in QI, so I'm not exactly sure what you're even on about anymore.

Obv you dont know jack newfag white boy who says nigga every 2 words

no need to fap if you're not feeling suicidal
if you are, guess it's time to load the gun

don't call me nigga, i'm not a fucking ghetto nigger. Jacking off helps, if your father did instead of fucking your whore of a mother we'd be helped too

Don't dude, I've lost too many people to suicide, you may just be another stranger to me, but people actually fucking care. Do you want to put pressure on your friends and family because you don't feel good for a sec? They are going to have to spend a shit ton of money on your funeral, your casket, your tombstone, I don't want you to take your own life, find a hobby, find a single fucking interest that you love to help you ignore the fact you don't want to live. Every user deserves to live (except for the newfags). I just want you to think outside the box. Stay safe.

Hey OP I’d guess you probably lost most your money by now, but it would be a huge help if you could transfer me some money or Venmo me. Would you be willing to do that? I have 8 bucks to last me until Friday and it’d help me get to work these last few days before I’m evicted. I’m just concerned about using your posted card and would rather get some Apple Cash or like a Venmo so I can make sure I’m not in legs shit you know. It’d help me a shit ton even 20 bucks.

stfu faggot and get a job you useless piece of shit, look at yourself

Why not stick it out untill the end OP? Things can always get better no matter what you think.

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you gonna kill yourself yet baitfag?

I have a job, but my faggot husband can’t work right now and having some money would really help me, meaning I wouldn’t have to eat bread sandwiches the next few days.
Pls op I beseech you and would either not name my adopted child after you or would name him after you depending on your wish.

Please op I got trips

You can't charge the card without the numbers on the back I believe, but I'm stupid and use cash most of the time.

And then followed it up with dubs.

I touch a nerve you punk ass nigger? Blow your brains out you dumb bitch.

OP just saying you’d be a huge bro. Don’t wanna get into legal trouble by just using your card. Plus this would be a good deed for ya!


>be me
>May of this year
>tired of everything like OP
>go out to garage
>grab pistol
>load mag
>rack slide
>the fucking round doesn't chamber
>cleaned regularly
>over 1000 rounds chambered and fired without error
>stare at it dumbfounded for about five minutes and put it away
Haven't felt like I'm in the right timeline/existence since then. Did I quantum suicide or is this all just faggotry?

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Here's his City state and zip.
Puyallup, Wa 98373

Anticipation is killing me.

You have some gay soy looking hands.
Seems that the world has failed you, but mostly your parents. You didn't grow up a man, but a faggot. KYS.

You did user, you did.

Life is sweeter now huh.

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wrong one. He's 30. FYI I already called the police in his town.

I'd tell you to suck my big white cock you little shit but I couldn't bear with the stain. Now take example on OP here and blow your shit-for-brains to fucking never neverland


No, you didn't quantum-suicide, it's the world telling you stay.

fucking white knight. the man wants to go, let him go


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They were almost there when I got off the phone with them.

That was about 10 minutes ago.

That's the same thing user.

this whole thread KEK

Sig V-Crowns are really good for the price. What grain are those? 115 or 124? If you're going to off yourself, use the heavier ones, they impart more energy, and you'll be dead, so you don't have to worry about recoil or follow up shots.

That's the right one. I had a littleton, CO address. Fuck.

protip: the gubmint uses Yea Forums as evidence in court cases -- literally screenshots of the thread.

I'd kill myself if that was my balding head.

You’re a good person, was trying to find him and do the same thing

Good job dude

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No crimes were committed here..?

Yeah no shit kid. I've been on here since 2008. I'm an old man now and I guess I've gotten soft.

>still broke but packed up all my shit, sold most of my possessions and drove across the country
>now live in the middle of a national forest
>tons of hiking, camping, fishing, etc.
>find myself smiling and actually happy on a regular basis
>went on a date a couple weeks back for the first time in years
>didn't go amazing but still feels good for trying
We're gonna make it boys. We just gotta keep trying.

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you don't know that. and plus, the dude is a danger to himself -- that's more than enough reason to have someone check up on him.

Michael Jackson is gonna cornhole him forever?

People are flawed, they are not machines, think about how your shit isnt biologically sound. How your body cannot possibly purge itself of all the waste build up in your brain, you have made an error and now you have knowledge of your own inferiority, you must dispose of the obsolete and that is you, but the real question is do you pull the trigger like a normie and die or suffer like the rest of us. Is this encouraging to you or are you another weaboo basement wrist cutter.

Rip OP

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Just keep on truckin.

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I fully agree just not sure why he mentioned screenshots in court

Hey man if you're not dead at this point go ahead and cancel that card and lay low for a while. I know all these tards want you to kill yourself and I've struggled for a long time with suicidal thoughts but you'll get over it man, it's just a phase. No matter what you do it will always get better and then you'll die. Try not to cut your 30 day free trial too short man. Let's wait until its over.

he's in a better place now... the back of an officer's squad car, on the way to a mental rehab facility.

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please seriously don't kill yourself man. I'm not a poet but if theres anything i can do or say to touch ur heart and make u consider otherwise than at least give me and these other retards a chance.

>be post Iraq War
>be OP
>decide to make death worth it
>go big on gambling
>use winnings to pay for college
>get 10/10 job
>currently layed up in a cushy hotel
>well paid
>slaying cunt on the regular

Kill yourself metaphorically and rebuild. Stop being a faggot.

If you're willing to lose everything, you can gain anything.

this thread gave me feels man

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If you're gonna join the an hero ranks, can you blow your cock off with the gun first?
If not, aim for the ear canal, it might work.

also, your first thoughts when you're about to end it is to post about it on Yea Forums, thankfully you're removing your shit genes outta here, attention whoring faggot

>monetary fag here
i seriously might order something...buuutttt ; only if you give me the go ahead
>having sympathy for human life during the age of overpopulation speculation
if youre looking for sympathy
>did you really expect to find any here?

That would fucking hurt.

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Anyone else listening for anything on here?

It was just because you're a pussy and you rode the slide because of nerves and stress.

we stopped him, he's safe now.

user, you were born human. What are you complaining about? That you weren't also born rich, handsome or smart? Think of all the animals that have died to keep you alive. Live peacefully and move on.

Yes. Just got off phone with the police. They have made contact.

At least stream it

Here just in case, but OP is a faggot and won't do it. If he does, include me in the news screenshots.

Ahh yes, safely put into debt giving him even more of a reason to commit suicide.

You don't actually know a goddamn thing you're talking about, huh retard?


OP is safe thread is over
go home
sage in all fields

Whats your billing address OP im gonna buy something hope thats cool

not bullshit.

Those who died are justified. For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites.

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Now, I wouldn't call his parents "animals". . .

Bitch please, the only thing your fat neckbeard ass has is a micro penis and I guarantee no one has ever touched it. Try harder you fucking faggot.

Pics or it didn't happen

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Instead why don't you get a list of your local violent sex offenders and go door to door, gun them down, then suicide by police. If you're life's not worth shit, make your death worth something.b

well... he is sort of giving us permission
>"here you go"
and it is being made to an anonymous group on the internet so screen shot it and that might hold up in court
you know
>if a dead guy takes you there


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believe what you want, friend. I've been in contact with the police twice over the past hour.

They just confirmed that they had made contact with him.

I agree with this user Thread is over. I'll be leaving Yea Forums for a while after this.

I always thought it was Trojan whites, but I realise that makes no sense now

You can't leave.

OP is a Nigger

Not as retarded as someone who thinks a FTF is caused by some cosmic irony rather than just a bad rack.

I want to spray him with canned cheeze ya know that shit that makes you gain 20lbs from 1/4th pound of cheese flavored chemicals?

you got to choices user.
go boomer or go next pic post i do

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or this
>pic related
go postal

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OP is safe - I tracked down one of his relatives on facebook, and she just confirmed to me that he is with Police now.

Make Satan earn your death. Jesus loves you and the rest of the world deserves all the piss and vinegar you can muster. Life is sweet. Get a wife from overseas or Asia, get her pregnant and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

wtf i wanted to see some livestream suicide

f u

>you were there when I racked it
>you know my technique
Okay you fucking mongoloid.

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thanks a ton, Marianne Williamson

Is that an insult, who the fuck is that

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Call me a faggot but can someone use his card to open like tons of porn accounts plz ill pay you in uwus


if you really wanted to it'd be done already, fucking attention whore

Take a bunch of niggers with you, do something to make your life lulzy, be an hero we need

That's gonna hurt SOOO fucking bad. Not for long, but for that second... Fuck that