How many things will break if I "upgrade" from Windows 7 to Windows 10?
How many things will break if I "upgrade" from Windows 7 to Windows 10?
privacy will break for sure, better switch to linux and get it over with, or mac
Nothing. The transition is practically seamless, which is one thing I'll give Windows credit for. It's hard to botch a Windows update like that.
This. Ubuntu welcomes refugees with open arms. Although they're pretty buddy-buddy with Microsoft at the moment, so your possible scruples are understood.
Get enterprise or get rid of the shit you don't like from the reg if you get pro. W10 isn't *that* bad, but it does need some tweaking out of the box.
I switched over and I was just as hesitant as you. Everything was fine, and I use my computer every day for all sorts of things.
ubuntu is garbage and ubuntu is not linux. dont use ubuntu, might as well use windows
On old PC/laptops - EVERYTHING. Windows Defender will literally RAPE your CPU to shit. And you'll have a tough time effectively disabling all that spy/telemetry/reporting shit it comes with. And drivers - most hardware dealers don't update drivers for old stuff for windows 10.
My once coll gaming MSI notebook, one of the best of 2013, is now a piece of shit that looses against my fucking xiaomi phone in productivity thanks mostly to windows 10.
If your shit works normal as it is - do not update. It is a universal rule to everything, not only for windows. Modern developers break more than they upgrade. Fucking lazy hippie asshole.
You get ads in your Windows Start button now. Oh and cortana is always listening.
> one of the best of 2013
I think you'll enjoy windows 10 interface and usability more, but like an user said already, kiss goodbye to privacy or any sense of unadulterated ownership.
Linux masterrace. Convert before it's too late
I kek'd a lot once it became shittiest just in one fucking year. Notebook gaming is literally a waste of money.
Fine, how's the transition from Windows 7 to Linux?
yeah sure cortana always listens and you cannot disable "telemetry", not even in registry, but M$ says W10 is ready for prime-time now, pic related
Easy as can be if all you're doing is removing Win7 and replacing it with a distro.
I used WinXP until last year and switched to 7 just because I got bored. There are still years in front of you before you actually have to switch to another OS if you're on 7.
Just know this. Linux is still a ways away from gaming being as smooth and accessible as it is on Windows. Everyone can REEEEEE at me all they want about Proton and developments in Wine and Vulkan, but gaming on Windows is *unquestionably* easier, especially for the likes of triple A games. If you don't care, Linux is awesome.
Can it run Minecraft?
Nothing will break but windows 10 is terrible. Finally made me switch to linux. Having to fuck around with wine to make my games work is a fair trade for having a computer I can actually control without microsoft's endless bullshit being shoved down my throat
Sure you can. Just takes a bit of setting up. There are numerous videos on YouTube dedicated to just that one subject. Minecraft on Linux.
Actually, I wasn't aware of it until I checked just now, but I'm pretty sure Minecraft offers a .deb on their website that you can install easily.
I stayed with Win2k until Win7 was good and ready
>installs minecraft launcher linux
>plays minecraft
The fact that I need a ".deb" suggests most of my stuff isn't going to work.
faggot #1 see
faggot #2 it's like one command
and yes it's an entirely different OS so of course
I don't think anything will break OP. Maybe it'll feel a little sluggish since your PC was probably made for Windows 7.
This user is me and I agree with myself. Cortana gay
I also didn't like how it asks you to update and you answer no until one day there's no option to say no to the update.
Obviously I switched to linux but you don't need to do that OP. If you play battle royale games that require Anti-cheat Linux prolly won't work for those and you will get banned.
On windows 10 you'll have to get used to miss-clicking the contacts button on the bottom bar and waiting 30 seconds for Windows to respond.
Also if you run multi-desktops on one monitor it'll lag the whole machine if you haven't switched between them in a while.
Some programs might need to be updated [citation needed] but it shouldn't be a problem.
And also yes this is me and minecraft runs on linux.
Have fun waiting 10 hours of "Upgrading and Installing" on a blue screen that gives almost no information.
Did you know it's possible to run Windows in Linux, and vice versa? Even for games. If you have a remotely recent mobo, you probably have fancy hardware support for it already.
looking-glass runs windows on linux and it's quite impressive. Some people say it runs windows faster than windows [citation needed]. If windows crashes you can just kill the process on linux and restart.
It can also run windows on linux over the LAN network to another screen and still have negligible performance decrease. People are crazy man.