Confess your sins and come closer to God.
Confess your sins and come closer to God
I fap to rape videos. Real or fake. I drink. I lie. A lot (for both). I almost never give news to my sick and lovely grand parents.
I have been corrupted by the devils lettuce. I am addicted and have even started injecting marijuanas in my ass. Please save my father. I can't put down the devils lettuce.
I hereby absolve you of your sins.
Having a drink or two is fine but I am not going to tell you that excessive drinking is wrong because you probably know that.
Visit your grandparents my man. You are going to regret it if they are gone.
I've smoked 5 joints today. Two while driving.
The ganja is a natural product given to us by our almighty father. Learn to dose it properly and talk to your father. Our closest relatives are often they key to overcoming an addiction.
Pray together and ask god for strength.
I hereby absolve you of your sins.
Thanks father
I've just masturbated. feelsbadman.jpeg
The bible does not discuss masturbation explicitly. I do urge you to limit the amount of sessions you have.
We are all human and we have our urges.
Look at this bible verse for council:
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
I hereby absolve you of your sins.
sometimes I yell at my mommy
Thank you. I've got a question though, I know that looking at real women with sexual desire counts as lust. Considering we live in the modern age and "hentai" and similar stuff exists does it count as lust and as a sin if I look at "hentai" with sexual desire?
I always check out peoples asses, regardless of age, male/female.
I don't go out of my way, but if it's there I look.
For the record I'm not attracted to men generally or younger people/kids generally, but I can't help but think about it for one second.
Honour thy father and thy mother
Feeling angry at your mother is a normal thing but remember that they (and our Lord) gave you life.
Esphesians teaches us:
If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day.
Make sure to make up with your mother.
I hereby absolve you of your sins.
I am going to think about this one for a while..
I cheated on my wife at massage parlors strip clubs and on tinder.
Look deep into your heart and you will find some answers there.
Looking at people is not necessarily an sinfull act. It is important to discover why you do it. It could be curiosity or insecurity.
Do the hail mary prayer twice.
I hereby absolve you of your sins.
thank you father
I've been debating and contemplating on this topic for weeks now. I need an answer
I think it may simply be curiosity, I will ponder this and pray. Thank you Father.
I hate my parents and my life. I live in a hoarder family, with parents who are emotionally abusive, who have helicoptered over me my whole life, given me irreparable mental illnesses, emotionally stunted my growth, and have left me poor as dirt by never actually investing my money despite my BEGGING them to do so. I need an escape.
I told a man he was going to die and watched as he was killed an did nothing. The look in his eyes still haunts me.
I jerked off in a church. I’ve came closer to god than most
That's not true. I thought it was slightly amusing at the time. There was a fat girl there that had never seen someone die before. She was borderline hysterical and the guy probably deserved to die, but I never bothered to look into that much.
You are in a state of mortal sin and it is a good thing that you confessed.
You broke one of the holy commandments, ( no adultery).
Why are you cheating on your wife, what is the reason for behaviour? Is it just lust or are you missing something in your life? Look deep into yourself and pray to God so that you might discover this (if you do not know this already).
Cheating is obviously wrong but enough of that.
You are also lying and putting your needs above those of others. Jesus died on the cross for our sins so yours can be forgiven too.
Do the hail mary prayer for time and try to find god again. But most importantly, talk to your wife. She has the right to know what you are up to.
Know that you are always welcome in our flock and that I won't judge you.
I hereby absolve you of your sins.
I’m a Coprophiliac. That is to say I get off to shit. Now I’m not into eating shit, thats gross. But seeing a girl shit turns my dick into fucking diamonds.
I watch porn and masturbate... A lot. I feel really guilty and unsavable because of that. I've lied and cheated. I'm lazy.
Looks like you're in a SHITTY situation user
I "accidentally" expose my gf by leaving open nudes of her on my phone/laptop, and occasionally leaving the door open while she changes at different functions. Shit gets me diamonds.
I unironically like fur and hentai porn I and feel bad while fapping, any advice father?
It pains me to read this but in your situation it is important to remember that God did not forget you. Although I can understand if you feel this way and I will not judge you for it.
It is not up to me to judge your parents, the only thing I can do is trying to help you. You mentioned that your parents are hoarders and that you are "dirt poor". These are two sides of the same coin and it may make your world seem unfair.
However, God is with the poor,
let us take a look at Proverbs 22:16
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.
I do not know your age but look for a job. If you really want to get out of it all you might consider joining the military. Look to other friends and families for help. People often find light in the least expected places.
You can still grow emotionally, I would consider looking actively for new places to get in contact with volunteers. These are great places to help those in need and it might help you too.
Neiter me or God can't fix your problem in the blink of an eye but remember that God always watches and that he sees everything.
Now it is understandeble that you hate your parents and I will never hold it against you.
But remember:
A bitter heart finds no peace like a forgiving heart. "See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled." "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
I hereby absolve you of your sins.
About the hentai thing going on in here:
It makes no difference because both habits come from the same sin, lust. But it is better to do this than to cheat or even rape so it is allowed.
However, doing it excessively is a dangerous business as it comes from lust and not from having needs.
For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life comes not from the Father but from the world.
John 2:16
By impersonating an anonymous hacker, I blackmailed my wife into creating lewd pictures and videos, including sex acts she would not have consented to otherwise.
Thanks for the answer. I'll try to limit my "usage".
I fingered my drunk sister
>you are a being of immense spiritual power
>this physical plane is a jail
>you were sent here to learn the lessons you need to control that power
>this is gonna take a long time
>it's impossible to kill yourself
>quantum suicide is a thing
>believe me I've tried
All existing religions get this wrong.
Your god is a lie.
Seek balance.
is she hot?
So do I let my sister finger me?
fucking autist
I mean if you like it and don't get caught what's the harm?
why not finger your sister instead?
>be me
>Take snapshots of her desktop, phone home screen, bank summary, amazon recent orders page, etc
>via anonymous email present this as evidence that I had hacked everything, and she can't hide anything from me.
>Technophobe buys it hook, line and sinker.
>Start out light...demand lingerie pics.
>Escalate to progressively lewder nudes.
>Demand videos, start with masturbation.
>Progress to rough anal.
>Every few weeks, request a new video and "reluctantly" take her to pound town.
I one time nutted in this girls drink and she was none the wiser. Turns out she liked me and I liked her and whew.
Also when I was younger I was I thought my cousin was cute (around the age of 11 I was) and I would always sleep in her bed because I looked young. So sometimes I would wrap my arm around her and try to grope her. Shits wildz
>be me
>I've seen what getting jizzed on by a group of people does to a man, it is not pretty.
>I wasn't a part of it but when I was 12 or 13 I went to a sleep away summer camp and this is like when we were starting to discover porn and fapping.
>Some kid brought some playboys and naked playing cards, shit like that with him.
>Anyway, one kid in our cabin was a huge tool, stole stuff like food and money from other people in our cabin.
>So half a dozen kids decided one night to wake up in the middle of the night at like 3 a.m and take turns jacking off in the bathroom, running out before they finished and blowing their load on the kid when he was sleeping.
>Literally 6-8 kids did this, all over his face, sheets, upper body, and hands.
>One kid also did it in his shoes.
>So everyone else wakes up the next morning and we all knew what had happened but this kid couldn't figure out why he was all sticky for like 15 minutes until a counselor forced it out of another kid.
>When the kid found out he went absolutely nuts, like certifiably crazy mental breakdown.
>He had to leave the camp for psychiatric treatment.
>Worst part was after he took a shower and went to leave he stepped in the jizz shoes
>Also like 6 of my friends I never saw again because they got kicked out.