suicide encouragement please.
I feel like shit and I dont belong anywhere in this world. I dont care about anything and I dont feel anything.
suicide encouragement please.
I feel like shit and I dont belong anywhere in this world. I dont care about anything and I dont feel anything.
This isn't a road I can follow, Master user.
wait a sec
whats wrong dooder
Kys fag
Before you do it, take all the loans you can. Borrow money from everywhere. Then do what you want for a couple days/weeks; trip around the world, blow it all on lottery tickets just in case you'd get a couple millions, throw money from a rooftop, whatever. Take the last couple hundreds to buy a nice gun.
If you're going to kill yourself anyway, why not have some fun before.
>you are a being of immense spiritual power
>this physical plane is a jail
>you were sent here to learn the lessons you need to control that power
>this is gonna take a long time
>it's impossible to kill yourself
>quantum suicide is a thing
>believe me I've tried
You said you feel like shit, therefor you feel something...
>implying he'd spend it on anything else than vidya and energy drinks
user shouldn't neck himself. You should.
I keep fucking up everything I have. Nobody wants to be around me, I just try to be myself but I keep screwing up the image everybody has of me.
plz gibe me all ur moneys first to this bc address
Ever considered calling a suicide prevention hotline?
>I just try to be myself but I keep screwing up the image everybody has of me.
Who cares about the image other people have about you, just be you and nothing else. If you do that and just meet new people, eventually you will find people who want to be around you.
Buy a motorcycle with life savings and fly that shit at mach 5 down the highway. Don't be some lame ass pussy and hang yourself you gotta dedicate to it and at least at that point you might be remembered
the background on that pic is reason enough
I am ready to be done. AMA and encouragement please. My panic keeps wanting me to not pull the trigger, but this is for the best.
wrong thread, gonna make my own, oops, guess my fuckin depersonalized af brain cant even handle a Yea Forums post
Are you black, Muslim or a Jew?
Thats when you make your own world user
OP, dont do it. Pls dont. If you do though, at least live stream it
High five, pal. I'm trying to work up the strength to yeet myself into oblivion, too. Too much of a pussy to hang or shoot myself. Taking some drugs and going to sleep sounds cool. Got $800 left in my account. Anyone got ideas on how and what to acquire to do the thing when I don't have any connections like that in my town?
dude if you will at least do something good for people like donating your blood or kidney
see you on REKT
Sorry to see you go friend, but for real there are people out there who want to live who can't, if you can just register as an organ donor, maybe your life be meaningless