I can't stop fapping to BBC porn. What could I do to stop?

I can't stop fapping to BBC porn. What could I do to stop?

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get a real job and stop thinking people actually do this hasbara shill

But I do fap to BBC porn.

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I have the same problem, also holy fuck she got a lot thicker, I'm rock hard

She's my favorite pornstar. I cum buckets to her scenes.

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She's so fucking hot, I would unironically wife her tbh

Would you let her cuck you?

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Probably very reluctantly, even then I would still feel like shit if she did

You know you would cum buckets watching her get blacked.

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I love BBC gifs. I always send them to my gf to make her curious and interested

Yeah, I know I would, I'm hard as fuck right now, but after I cum to IR porn I already feel like shit, if I watched my wife get fucked I would probably feel even worse

This is why I need to stop.

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why stop? I want her to think about BBC

Because I am white. I don't want to keep fapping to this like a cuck.

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So just stop being a cuck. Subconsciously you probably are a chick since you acknowledge you want to stop but you can’t

I fap obsessively. Hours and hours a day. This porn is the hottest and I make sure to cum to at least one Nappi scene a week.

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Yea Forums is not interested in actually practicing nofap. There are tons of blacked loving cucks on here with no intention of ever stopping. You will get no real answers here.

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What is your favorite scene or pic to cum to?

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Anyone see her new scene for cuckold sessions? Fucking hilarious

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Just cut it off user, no more fapping!

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Probably her scene with this monster.

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Gay fag here.

Not the answer you're looking for, but when I have a really good kinky session with a black guy then I don't have the urge to fap for a week or two.

Honestly though, I feel you in that I really like BBC porn too. But I've been with maybe 10 white guys, 7 or 8 black guys, and a few Mexicans, and imo race wasn't really a big difference.. unless it's just the contrast of the skin that you like or something. Try experimenting.

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Why? I almost exclusively fantasise about being a pretty white girl for BBC

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Just keep fapping to it and eventually you'll get tired of it, and move on to fart porn or something

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All white boys want to be the girl when they watch these videos

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gayest thing I've read in months.

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Of course. The way these girls look when they get a fat cock in their pussy, that's what I wanna experience

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user go download a shit ton of blow mold pics and help me pls

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What's with the Mandingo fetish around here? Are you all tiny-dicked cucks?

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I gotta commend this guy, most people would spam gore or big white cock porn, but he's doing it family friendly while spreading some Christmas cheer. Thank you user

Sauce on this PRONTO

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Fuck yes I need to be cucked by a fat-assed White girl while I pump to her getting BBC doggystyle

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anytime. it's a great opportunity to make others aware of these once popular Christmas decorations that have slowly disappeared in recent years.

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You are my favorite shitposter for that statement alone, godspeed

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Sauce pls

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it's don featherstone, user, look it up.

im white too and I want my gf to want BBC

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what about BBP? (big blown plastic).

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Like we want it?

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bumping this nasty thread lel

Looked it up. That wasn't it.

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transfer your fetish
no really
start exclusively watching BBC that only contains the new fetish you want to fap to and slowly phase out the BBC
or you can be a man and drop it cold turkey

inferior porcelain design detected.

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Its the whiteboi kyrptonite OP

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