Hey Yea Forums interested to know what you do outside Yea Forums and why you use Yea Forums

Hey Yea Forums interested to know what you do outside Yea Forums and why you use Yea Forums

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I work on a minimarket... you can imagine why i browse here

I do space stuff, nothing interesting really. It's just a habit I can not control. As much as I hate this site, I also love it.

i supervise welders. Been here since 05. everything has gone to shit, but it is habit at this point.

Studing to become a plumber

fantastic, is it the italian kind of plumber or the mexican kind of plumber

I work in construction.. low-tier shit but I wasted a lot of years after high-school studying so I'm pretty fucked for work now. I only use Yea Forums for Yea Forums tbh. It has went to shit like another user said but it still provides a good enough mix of provocative debate and degenerate content to keep someone like me coming back.

Web dev. Working on a little indy game that will never be known. Also scam people out of thousand of dollars online to make their websites with Wordpress. Drink and play Team Fortress 2. Comfy but boring life and the chaos and shitposts of this site is the Tabasco I miss in my Bloody Mary.

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Tower technician.
No one can tell you're shitposting on company hours when your boss is 400 feet down there.

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im a NEET fresh out of high school
i go here because i dont feel like doing anything else

Fuck this sounds gr8. How is the pay ?

Why not go to college or learn a trade user?

>No one can tell you're shitposting on company hours when your boss is 400 feet down there.
That's fucking awesome m8.

Middle manager in tech company. I come here for nostalgia.

I'm an old fat and kind of sad computer nerd.
I'm an old fat and kind of sad computer nerd.

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half of the faggots on Yea Forums are kids they dont have jobs

half the people here are jobless faggots
the other half are jobful faggots

i know some shit about IT work, so i might go for an entry-level job in that. Aside from that, I'm teaching myself programming.
i dont wanna go to college because i dont want to deal with a fuckton of debt

It's pretty good. $21/h made a little under 50k last year. It's a blessing considering I didn't go to college and have a criminal record lel.
It does get shitty in winter though but I'm in Texas so it's bearable.

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Work in banking compliance. Fuck my wife every day. Take karate classes with the family.

Shitpost on the shitter.

> Learn how to code
> Make projects using your new skills
> Make a Portfolio online and rewrite your CV
> Apply to jobs and link the folio

Best of luck. Easier with a degree to get employed but in this field you can actually do stuff and end up somewhere even without one.

thanks for the advice, friend

Welp sounds like fine situation. Hat down

I'm a touring session musician. I browse Yea Forums when I'm bored during travel days and flights actually. It's just a good time killer-- and brain cell killer.

Construction/lamd surveyor.

I only come to Yea Forums mostly out of bored habit

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chemist in the oil industry. laugh because i was the only one of my chemistry graduating class that didn't go to grad school and 5 years later they're all still in school and i make six figures

come to Yea Forums because it's habit and i have no life outside work cause i moved far away from everyone i knew

Mechanic. Pretty successfully, depression still reigns supreme. Yea Forums has decent content turnover that isn't facebook level garbage.

I love the lols, cringe, shock and gore of Yea Forums, larping on /x/, shitposting on Yea Forums and keks from /g/ attempts to act smart. I enjoy watching newfags, pledditors and otherjunk sites people attempts at discussion on /pol/ just like emo breakdowns on /r9k/ . I spend some quality time asking the important question over on /mlp/ as to the actual lack of worth of that board. I lurk on /vg/ and infiltrate /k/ with my zero knowledge of guns, which always works. The cycle of such deeds I finish with a shitpost on Yea Forums over how anime/mangas had lost their worth thus triggering pseudo-otakus for an all night apeshit brainstorming of that not being the case (even if it is). I lay to bed, satisfied that yet another day went to toilet, as my life as a NEET flashes by, unnoticed by the world outside.

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Outdoor educator I come to b b/c it’s the only place I don’t feel like a loser/weirdo I don’t have that many friends that live around me

Been here since 04 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>beat cock
>beat cock until load erupts
>smoke weed
>smoke dope
>jack off

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any of you ever get the chance to work shirtless?
asking for a friend...

I’m a Homeland Security agent

Why do youuuu use Yea Forums, huh?

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Pepe uses dewalt..what a fucking normie

worked from home for a decade.
"I don't own a webcam, so no meeting video just audio"
I owned one. I was just naked

i'm shirtless all the time in my basement

Usually the only guys in the field that work shirtless are concrete bros. They're usually jacked as shit too, absolute Chads

well, i have a job at a convenience store. I started using Yea Forums on 2010, when i moved of country, mostly nostalgia, but i must say Yea Forums is a place were i feel comfy... despite all easy controversy and racial slurs,i feel at home in this place

I'm an electrician's apprentice and I do residential work. I come here to be mean to people and shitpost

Music composer in school. I go on here because I have to deal with normalfags all the time.

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V Home Depot pleb tier
> not using Japanese makita

2 Nukes weren't enough

I work in a deli. I come here for shitty memes, good porn, good memes, and shitty porn.

Pepsi Merchandiser
Hate and Love the site at the same time

thanks user

there was no stop on that train, from the get go

>Yea Forums is a place were i feel comfy.
For me it's this.
These guys have a great sense of humor. It's the opposite of all of the "I'm so offended!" shit that's everywhere now.
Any thread I don't like I ignore, just like adults used to.
I've actually gotten good advice in the /adv board.
I love my Anons.

I'm a help blasting tech in an open pit, I basically play with angry pudding, get chemical burns, drive oversized loaders and kindly remind everyone thats we carry enough explosives to kill pretty much every workers in the pit if a hauler don't do his stop and roll on us

Got some news this week that another company is looking at my files to hire me, lets pray for that 18$/hr potential raise

>choosing chink garbage
>not choosing chinese milwaukee

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Im guessing OP is either a wasps or a jew..

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I drive big trucks and I like to bait retarded teenagers

Traveling the world on sugar daddy money. Back home in amerifuck im studying to be a social worker

I sit in a shop all day and jerk off

I'm in the military, post here when I'm bored but I lurk on fit k and sp mostly

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Sit at home all day and catfish old guys into giving me money by pretending to be a grill

I'm starting a religion.

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I'm usually on Yea Forums or /adv/ I'm going to start uni in a month

You suck at it.

State job. Poly. Wife and gf. They take up most of my time. Fucking and getting high

Work in Europe’s oldest and largest fingerbox™ factory. I’ve been here ever since we used to market them on Yea Forums.

Tits and clits

Student studying music technology. Trying to start a shitty band.

Years of bullying and living with clinical depression made me pretty bitter, and most of the humor on Yea Forums is up my alley. Only really go on Yea Forums though.


I would describe this as Francis went to war

I'm getting better, sucking at something is just the first step at being kinda good at something

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I'm a DJ for a radio station. I get bored between stuff so I browse for something to do.

Doctor here, trolling is my life so I love getting inspired by the trollss on Yea Forums and /pol/

Not much currently. Besides playing vidya and watching youtube. I’m studying Japanese because I plan on moving to Japan at some point in my life. Not because of anime or vidya, but just because I’ve always had an interest in Japan and its culture. Considering the current state of America, I think it’s a place I’d rather be.

As for why I use Yea Forums. Besides it being essentially a platform for me to say what I want when I want. I think what this user said is essentially correct. As much as I hate Yea Forums and how fucking toxic it can be at times, at the same time I love it.

Anyways, I wish all the anons in this thread the best of luck on any future endeavors.

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>actually the most inspirational thing ive ever read on here

How do I join

That's a quote from adventure time.

But I'm not ready to go public yet, when I do you will know it.

I run a vape shop while working on getting my graphic design and illustration business off the ground. I come here for the confession stories and memes.

Can't say I enjoy Green Day but I can't wait to get shipped off to Korea when I'm done with school and blast Architects and Kanye West from my combat boombox.

Oil worker.