What do you think about God?
What do you think about God?
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Instant smash
I think if he made me in his image he must be one handsome son of a gun.
Saved my life so he's pretty cool with me
i wanna kick his ass
dont mind if he exists or nah
He does one thing right.
Which god?
>you are a being of immense spiritual power
>this physical plane is a jail
>you were sent here to learn the lessons you need to control that power
>this is gonna take a long time
>it's impossible to kill yourself
>quantum suicide is a thing
>believe me I've tried
There is no God, or you are a god your choice
Which one?
They're all made up to control the population, take their money &
rape, Rape, RAPE without consequences
Man created god. There ya go...
god is real because if he isnt that means theres no heaven for dogs and i cant live with that thought
allahu akbar
You didn't even say it right
I think the same thing about god that I think about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
Huge nigger.
im not even kidding when i say that anyone that believes in god lives in a fairy tail world with magic and miracles, and not the real world. if you open your eyes to reality you will see no intervention from a benevolent space-daddy anywhere.
I believe the concept of god most people have is silly, but the energy that binds the universe is actually “god” and everything in existence is an extension of it.
All in your head, just like that painting