The smell isn't good but it just isn't ready to come off yet

the smell isn't good but it just isn't ready to come off yet

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i had this too
if u can lift it up you can pull it out, fr bro

im scared uWu

it doesnt hurt
it feels like a relieve
the way i lost it was cuz i bended it fully (180 degrees toward my hand) didnt feel a thing

you could also wait more and live with the actuall shit smell (rotten blood cells, so you it is actual shit)

thanks bros I did it

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Go to a fucking doctor what the fuck dude. Jesus Christ I would fucking DIE.

What caused this, op?

my shoes were too big and I went on a difficult hike and my feet slid forward on the downhill parts and toe hit shoe over and over

Ouch, that sounds pretty rough. Hope it gets better for you

yeah it's better it just came off

Had a nice fap, thanks op

not op, but doctor wont do shit, only in first stage hell poke a hole to relieve pressure (when nail is black)
gg, a new nail will grow in time, it will be sensitive but in a while u wont feel a thing! take biotin if you want it to grow faster

Now clean it with surgical spirit, cheap vodka will do the job in a pinch.

Regular saline washes for a few days and it will hopefully heal up ok.

Just keep it clean ffs

there's already a new nail in place, it's been black for a couple months

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nooo just water, fr!
thats what ive been told by doctor

same, hard impact caused it to go black. poked a hot needle in it to relieve presure..
its been months and i still dont have a full nail. so idk wtf u mean by new nail in place

No it won't ya dumb fuck. You need at least 60% to do anything. 40% will just burn and not disinfect.

I've had this. When I went to the doctor, it just got pulled out (since it was only slightly attached still). Hurt like a bitch, but afterwards it was aight and the nail regrew. Make sure you keep the nailbed clean.

Got a picture of how your big toe looks now?

if it hurted it shouldnt have been pulled out
u lucky u didnt have ingrown

hey toe Yea Forumsro i missed you

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yea here you go user

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Doesn't look too bad. Just wash it good and you'll be fine.

New nails already in. Clean with a mild soap and hot water. No need to sterilize or anything dramatic.

Eat it

Meh, it's just a flesh wound. Come back when gangrene hits you.