Sup Yea Forums? I've always hated my right leg and wanted to amputate it

Sup Yea Forums? I've always hated my right leg and wanted to amputate it.
I'm too much of a pussy to cut it off myself, how do I make a doctor do it? Do I get it infected or what?
Important life questions.

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You get a doctor to hopefully fix the chemical imbalance in your brain that is making you consider this shit.


Sad they don't do this for trannies as well

Streaming while doing it will reduce the pain

Have you considered getting diabetes?
Those guys can turn a simple cut in their feet into a full leg amputation.

Been on meds since age 8. I'm totally fine except my leg issue. It's a known disorder. Therapy hasn't helped.

I thought they sort of did and only the most persevering ones actually got surgery. If they don't, then they bloody well should.

Go see a psychiatrist you stupid nigger

.40 caliber aspirin.

Kys psycho faggot.

cut off circulation to the leg until it dies. it will be medically unsafe to keep it attached past that point. self-induced infection is difficult to manage and can have unintended repercussions, namely spreading to places you don't want it, or the infection being removed and leaving you worse than you started.

Is anything wrong with it?
If so send pics for proof

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>It's a known disorder. Therapy hasn't helped.

I know it's a known disorder. But maybe you should just fucking deal with it instead of crippling yourself for life?

I'm assuming you're young so you have a lot of time ahead of you. Try to hold out until you can get cool bionic prostheses like in Deus Ex and shit and maybe then try to get rid of it. Think about it.

don't listen to him, kill your leg

He is not mentally ill, he is transpedal and wants to be a monopod. You cispedal nazi.

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Would it be possible for you to somehow reach a pervert with canibalism fantasy on some obscure website? maybe he pays for your travel to poland or some place where they have no problem doing unneeded operations. you lose your leg and he gets the best snack of his life..?

I'm 32. Been seeing doctors since I was 8. It's persevered since then. The leg is not mine, it feels alien and unwanted. A disgusting vestigial limb. I am otherwise quite happy in life. I am financially and physically healthy otherwise, and have a job I love.

Fucking bipedals trying to force their stuck-up old way of life on us

fuck your leg, what is that creature in the photo? 3-legged capybara?

>have a job I love.
Wagecuckoldry drives people insane.

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Get some anesthetic and just fuck your leg up

A cat I think

you're going to be the uni-fliz guy

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Uni-fliz looks fun.

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Just do it worse pussy, chop it into bits if you must, it's a foreign object on your body