Anyone else voting for this man next November?
Anyone else voting for this man next November?
I see no man in that picture, only God.
I can't wait for the epic libtard meltdown
That's not a man.
I voted for him the first time but probably not this time. I'm voting for Andrew Yang/Mommy Tulsi 2020
which one?
i would think at least a few people would, even snoopy still gets some votes
The only one
Dumb ass
lol fuck no
Fuck no. What a cuck.
That's what they all say.
I vote for him.
I'm also a big-time Yang supporter. He's literally the only candidate that makes any sense.
KAG 2020
We know you will, Melania. And all your chain-migrated family, too. But Slovenia doesn't have a lot of votes in the Electoral College.
to any american yanggang faggot: fuck off
I can't wait for the utter slaughter of the trumptard deplorables.
Hand out free money to welfare blacks. Thinks they will act responsibly and actually use this money for food and shelter. Let out everyone with marijuana charges from prison without differentiating between those that have this as their only charge and those that have this as the only charge they could make stick.
He only makes sense if you're comparing him to other democrat candidates.
>free money to welfare blacks
Most soybean farmers are lily-white.
This man is wise. I'm voting.
maybe not him, but definitely a republican/libertarian that has the same basic views as him. i think we should Make America Great Again, but actually stick to that idea. Better healthcare, more jobs, more patriotism, less crime, tougher borders, tougher stance on illegal immigrants, still retain the right to bear arms but go through more mental health tests, keep the military strong but meddle less in foreign affairs unless we absolutely have to. I wish we could get rid of corruption in the government, but humans will be humans and money always talks.
Bingo. Plus everyone will get the thousand a month, there will be zero race-based stuff.
Talking about his suggestion that UBI can be used to lower welfare by giving cash option or benefits option. He assumes that people taking the cash option will actually spend it responsibly instead of drugs and luxuries. Makes no mention of what will happen when all these people then are homeless and starving.
But nice knee-jerk liberal deflection.
I will vote third party again. Fucking US has nobody in politics that isn't a hypocrite or fraud.
Saved that one. Good to troll white niggers on /pol/ with.
He turned on his beloved Fox News for showing his approval rating as it is, and not as he wanted them to. he turns on everyone eventually, this man is nuts.
Good. I hope he turns on Putin and launches a strike on Russia. We need the bloodlust back in America.
Drugs and luxuries boost the economy too though
fuck off demo-shill, your party may be divided but you won't sew the seeds of strife in ours.
Not voting for Trump, voting against the left. Hopefully by 2024, the left will fix itself or a third party will emerge.
Lol no. So many people I know who did vote for him are experiencing extreme regret too
But he really did ask a hooker to piss on him. That undermines his authority by making him look embarrassing.
Yes, and so will you, because all the others are worse jerks
And that's the ONLY thing that he did to undermine his own authority. It happens on an hourly basis these days.
I'm voting for Trump because the economy is still-a-rockin'! It'll be an easy win for Trump.
Promises: Upheld
lol you stupid leftist propagandist plague
no one believes u
Yang, Tulsi or Bernie the rest is shit.
compared to almost 4 years of hearing trump and his supporters whine about mexicans,muslims and the media.and this coming from people who should of been happy because there guy won
He doesnt want my vote.
>promises: upheld
except for mexico paying for the wall and hillary going to jail
hey stupid. you only listed 2. oh and mexico IS paying for the wall via the Mexicans that mexico is keeping from immigrating now (THANKS TO TRUMP)
Hillary WILL be prosecuted now thanks to BARR!
>mexico IS paying for the wall via the Mexicans that mexico is keeping from immigrating now
Wow, don't hurt yourself with those mental gymnastics, mang.
>This HAS to be a troll post
He causes everyone I despise to have sobbing fits. I can't wait to vote for him again.
Hell yeah I am
STFU you cant even vote underage fag
random user im not
Wow, bravo, for that insightful argument. Boy, you sure showed me! I bow to your intellect
Nah fuck the orange man, sick of his shit. We get bernie and he'll give us free healthcare, free college, and fuck all you boomers who say anything about it. Shouldn't you be fucking dead by now?
How els is america gonna stay great?
Goddamn your annoying shut up faggot
if you vote for him, you're basically a goon with no knowledge, a traitor, and your IQ could probably be in single digits.
I weep for you all.
If he's facing Bernie of Warren it's a hard pass. If he's facing some corporate democrat then I'll consider voting Trump
Most of the people who will vote for trump won’t tell you, even on an anonymous image board. Nixon called them “the silent majority’
Regretfully yes, given the choices.
All i see in that picture is a fucking first rate old chubby cunt
nigga you ain't kidding anyone a fat dumb faggot like Donald Trump is right up your ally if you're gay enough to save and post that photochop of the scary liberals hiding underneath your bed
Yes, I want to see liberals and dems lose their shit even more than last time
>scary liberals
Top kek
Hell yeah
please go back to your containment pol
Right now FUCK YEAH!!!! MAGA!!!! Who else is there? Berine i want to let everyone out if prison and they can vote, free everything? Pocahontas? Random crazy lib? Fuck that.
Trump isnt perfect but the economy is a lot better off. We need the wall. We need to fix this trade stuff and stop allowing the world to run us over. Hes working on all this with almost no support
>because the economy is still-a-rockin'!
Of course it is. It was doing well before him. And economies always artificially improve under GOP rule due to lack of oversight. Then the shenanigans are discovered, and crash. And the middle class ends up paying for it.
The exception being the dot-com bubble under Clinton. When that crashed, the wealthy lost.
Kek triggered by reality
>Anyone else voting for this man next November?
Yes, but only because I think if he gets reelected he'll keel over and die.
Epic user really epic
Half you little shits can't even vote
Herpa derp
Derpa gurpa berp
Gerble derp
Blerple cherple berp
The right can't meme
Hi shareblue!
Cletus, dont hate the truth.
Wow... Astounding level of stupidity. And I'm taking into account where the post was made.
>wall built, mexicans paid
>hillary in jail!
>deficit eliminated in two years!
>pulled out of foreign wars
> defeated ISIS (knows more than generals)
>Muslims banned
>MAGA KAG 2020
uh, do you guys wanna tell him, or...?
I'm going to vote three times!!!
not a chance. I'd vote for anyone who can beat him.
I'm only voting for him because of Antifa.
Cali is up to $1.5+ trillion dollars in debt. But, hey.. that other state owes 300 million. Kek..
Lmao i forgot about this! Thanks for that...totally voting AGAIN for him!
Fucking kek, he'll probably just sell out at the DNC again and get another summer home.
That was his impression of everyone who appears nervous.
It is a canard that he was mocking the guy's disability.
oh really? Some people see it for what it is and applaud him for it like these rotten creatures
>Anyone else voting for this man next November?
It will be our last chance to vote for an American, so yes.
Thereafter it'll be America 2.0: so flooded with wogs eager to vote themselves free goodies that there will be no hope.
We will become a warning case for future nations.
Nothing wrong with mocking the mental illness that is alt leftism lmao.
Have you ever just tried NOT being retarded? Then you wouldn't get so offended by having it mimed at you. =/
depends on what top tier candidate the dems produce
>We will become a warning case for future nations.
No we won't
Rome did the same shit. invaded as many places as possible in order to keep up their elite lifestyles for the time until all the auslanders come in and burn the place to the ground.
History repeats itself. One of the only reasons I still want to be alive though is because I really want to see what the second dark age will look like when the US collapses
Nope. And there ain’t shit your cry baby ass can do about it.
jobs taken yank
Yes. I voted for Clinton in 2016 but now I am enlightened and will vote Daddy 2020.
>but but but we don't mock the disabled
>proceeds to mock the disabled
wew lads. how'd your parents fuck up so badly?
oh so you're unprincipled then?
Oh look, you're being retarded again. Two people trolling your faggot ass and egging you on about the disability shit and your true colors come through - you blanket categorize everybody on the right because... well... retardation.
It's okay pal. Your disability is worth something in the realm of comedy.
at least something got through to 1 of you libtards
highly irrelevant, next?
Is there a SOURCE for those numbers though? I see NONE!
Unprincipled, or finally woke up from the liberal brainwash that is higher education.
you're only proving my point you know
fixed it for you new friend lmao
entirely unprincipled
Covering your eyes and pretending things aren't there doesn't make them disappear, little flower.
If he doesnt get re elected will the wall still be built or what?
>user tries deflection
>it's not effective
c'mon now, is this the best you got?
pop in the Saudi consulate and ask them
While I don't like a lot of qualities about him, I'm voting for him (again) for two reasons:
1) The economy is doing quite well. I think pretty much everyone likes a thriving economy.
2) All these left folks seem hell bent on over-promising insane shit. Free everything, but your taxes won't go up. Reparations to people? Do we just start doing mass geneology? Free college to illegal aliens? Open borders? Shit is crazy. I want viable solutions. :-(
You have no idea what that picture means do you lmao.
No retard, you're actually proving mine. Go back and read the chain of things again you illiterate fuck. I got a rise out of you, outright told you I was trolling you, and then you still act as if I'm "one of dem right wingers!" when I really have no dog in the race either way.
You just have egg on your face and are too afraid to look in the mirror.
I vote for Trump because Fox News told me to.
Yes, but only because he is the best of the worst. Really he has done nothing for gun rights. He has not built the wall, and he is too worried about people calling him racist to effectively change the situation in the US.
So basically just because he is the best of the worst.
Suck my gay dick l*btard
>Referencing Pokemon in an attempt to show wit
>Is mentally inept and logically inept, demonstrated by saying nothing other than "c'mon now, is this the best you got?" while offering nothing in way of retort
The picture is relevant because Democrats act as though they give a fuck about LGBTQBBQ rights yet are completely hypocritical in that they accept tons of funding from nations who execute gays.
You saying it's irrelevant and then going on to *GASP* DEFLECT (the thing you accused ME of doing, but are actually doing yourself) is the epitome of stupidity. Congratulations on your award.
No modern president actually gets anything done that has an impact on 90% of americans. The US system is designed to prevent rapid change, who gives a fuck who the president is
>Fox news
>A few lefties, few dems, a libertarian, a few republicans, and a couple conservatives run by two lefties.
Imagine being this quagmired in groupthink.
The left has not presented viable solutions in a long time. I used to be left and shied away from that over the past decade because of how insane they have gotten.
Now I stand straddling the fence, wanting some of the social changes of one group, but all of the international and economic changes of the other.
Seriously, if I had the drive enough I would push into politics and start a platform that honestly aimed at uniting the best of both worlds, but it's all such a fixed game there's no point in bothering.
Now unable to articulate any argument, you defer to images because your brain has probably shutdown from smoking too much weed and watching cuck porn all day. You're a pitiful excuse for a lifeform, jump into a grease fire you sack of shit.
no we're not
Same. I trust FOX implicitly, if there's a another choice FOX will keep me informed about.
Yeah, I feel ya, user. I like the economy and some of the international relations as well. I also like making sure America is productive and safe.
While I do like some of the social changes, there are just too many insane things being proposed by the left. I don't necessarily like Trump, but I think he'd do a better job than any of the left candidates. (Maybe not Yang, but he is too future thinking and people won't see his vision I would guess.)
I watched both rounds of the Democratic debates, and all I saw was blame and promise. "If you elect me as president, my plan for America to fix things is fuck Trump. Also free everything for everyone who is not a US citizen, and Amazon and a few billionaires will fund everything." It just doesn't seem realistic to me. Bah.
>History repeats itself. One of the only reasons I still want to be alive though is because I really want to see what the second dark age will look like when the US collapses
We're really not that important. The US goes down, plenty of others just keep on keepin on.
Isn't this that guy who went trans.. chris something adult but with the mind of a child... Simi popular on YouTube
Hahahaha triggered!!!!!
>next November
Not then, no one is.
We're doing #KAG for 2020 bro
so if a civil war breaks out and china gets denied all its debt
The un dependent countries don't get their free millions and millions in chicken tendies welfare from the US.
major superpowers lose one of the most powerful trading partners in the world
and debatably, all the places the US have military bases "keeping the peace" around the world will no longer be around leaving a power vacuum
and you don't think a collapsing US won't have a major effect on the world itself?
please. like I said, I really would like to see what happens after.
thank you based user i was starting to worry this was a normie thread
>white niggers
Good name for 'em.
go away russian
Yeah, that's pretty much the feeling I got from it too. Trump was never someone I cared for, and still really isn't. He's not doing an awful job, and I don't know I could do it better. At the same time, there are things about him I just dislike, but I look at the results and deal with it.
Is he ideal? No. Do I support him if things are moving in a seemingly good direction? Yes. How could I not?
The idealism of the left is noble at heart. I mean that genuinely. I had that same idealistic, altruistic mentality as a youth. As you age, you begin to realize that you really can't get something out of nothing, and that taking from one area detriments another. There are so many variables at play, that it's easy to simply promise things to people and get them riled up, but then no one asks where it's all going to come from.
>his approval rating as it is
You know they fudged the numbers in any event. They just couldn't fudge 'em enough for Dumpy's needs.
What a predictable, pathetic fucking response. I was hoping you'd go for a "U MAD???" instead.
When I know every move you're going to make in advance like this, you know what that makes you? A marionette. Dance for me some more. Please.
>first black president
>even though he's biracial
oh great,another person who will run the country like a democrat but republicans will love.just like her daddy donald
no more trumps,clintons and obama's
Very sensible position to take, I feel very similarly. I hope no matter who becomes president that the US continuously gets better. But solving problems in this country has gotta be REALLY challenging.
I believe in the Constitution, rights, and keeping the government in check. Whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I want someone who can promise something realistic, and then actually find a way to put it into play. Sadly I don't think that person is Booker, Warren or any of these other folks.
So predictable...yet you didnt...doesnt say much for your IQ
Those spectacular drops in the Dow were really Obama's fault. Or Hillary's.
who then ?
So you're a Centrist Democrat.
You have to be a really massive piece of shit to vote for this turd.
I'll vote for him. It comes down to a choice between capitalism(opportunity) v. socialism(empty promises). I rather a fishing pole than a hypothetical fish.
It's nice to catch someone having a basic, civil back and forth with once in awhile on Yea Forums, isn't it? I would buy you a beer, fellow faggot.
Booker doesn't appeal to me in the least, Warren I used to be a fan of, and I still think she has some good points, but she'd need someone to come along and point her WHERE the answers will come from.
I'm fairly certain Trump will win, especially with the economy doing well. People like that, and the incumbent is always the favorite (at least, that's what I always hear people say) so... MAGA 2020...?
Fuck off libtard!
>calling me stupid
>while defending donald trump
sorry retard,but your and your redneck friends arent going to be enough to keep trump in office.he's hated by the majority of your party,if the midterms wasnt enough to prove this.then 2020 will
also,mexico is a corrupt pile of shit.ask the cartels if there gonna pay for the wall.not the mexican president who cant even control his own country,americans are as intelligent as a sack of bricks
Trump's your God, get used to it faggot.
Pretty much this, yeah.
>thanks to barr
yeah,that fried chicken eating moron? LOL,whatever you say.america is a joke and donald trump is the punch line.lets make the republican party great again and get rid of donald trump and his supporters
Found the puto white progressive incel
Since I first voted for an elected official, I have regretted it ever since. Not one of the candidates I voted for ever got elected, and no one in office has ever represented my concerns.
I do not say this lightly, and have acted to influence government in other ways. Here, you can dox me with this: I was the only American private civilian that advised the DOE on the Hanford cleanup plan.
They didn't do one thing I recommended.
So, at this point, if you put a gun to my head and told me if I didn't vote in an election, just vote at all, not for anyone in particular, I wouldn't do it.
As best as I can figure, voting is volunteering to be subject to overlords.
I do not consent. If this faggot had dropped the boom on HRC, I'd possibly have not considered my initial assessment of him as nothing more than a conman overly harsh. However, he hasn't kept one of his campaign promises, and regarding the wall, I think that's a good thing.
Walls have two sides. E. Berlin knew that. If we ever get a wall, we'll find that out too.
So that original point we were discussing, do you want to address it now or should I just wait eternally for you to conjure up a coherent string of cerebral activity?
>wall isnt built,more like a fence
>mexico didnt pay for it,america is
>doubtful that a draft dodger knows more then generals who hate him because of the fact america elected a draft dodger as commander in chief
>muslims arent banned,and even if they are.just like gun control,banning things isnt solving the problem
Hey thanks, user. Sadly our conversation here has been more rational and refreshing than most folks IRL that I talk with about politics. I would buy you a beer as well. Cheers!
Words of the simple minded. Be better.
Samefagging is gay.
Not a duck. Nothing like a duck.
WTF? Why is there a Rocky Mountain Goat with bleached horns in that pic? Is this some kind of racist jibe at black people?
Rocky Mountain Goat horns are black as sin.
I am voting the opposite of Putin.
No. I don't have any interest in pwning the libtards and i don't hate brown people or like sucking corporate cock
Lol you might wanna check your Yea Forums self before you wreck your Yea Forums self, lol. Not having a conversation with myself. Please do your homework.
It'll be Bernie for the win.
Corporate Dems will try to make Warren be his running mate, but they'll do better with Tulsi.
I voted for him last time, I won't be making that mistake again.
WE werent discusing must mean someone else...i simply thanked you for reminding me that i voted for a man that can completely piss off the left while steam rolling their asses...
I don't vote and neither should you.
Sorry to disappoint you.
>he thinks dems are gonna go with bernie
he's gonna be fucked over for biden,i dont know what people are dumber.democrats,or bernie supporters
White people will do fine with cash. Even if they'll become shiftless niggers, they'll pay the rent and water bill.
They have the ability to conceive of a future, and plan accordingly. IIRC, some African languages don't even have words for those concepts.
yeah go with that you cant loose
>doesnt vote
>yet still cares about politics to the point where he's in a discussion about politics
By browser has incognito mode as well libtard.
A human who uses the word “libtard” unironically
No worries, I screencapped to prove the little foolbag wrong.
Anyways, I'm out for the night. Good luck to you friendly user. If World War III happens, I'll raise a drink to the sky to give you a final cheers as we watch the end times.
Or maybe the country will keep improving and the world won't go apocalyptic. Who knows!?
Now I'm definitely voting MAGA. Happy now fag?
meanwhile,donald trump's rich father gave him money to start his own is that any better then "bum who registered people for food stamps"
Found the puto white progressive incel.
go ahead,i dont give a shit.he's gonna lose 2020 simply for the fact a recession is gonna happen and its going to be trump's fault.even though his idiot supporters will probably blame obama or hillary on it
I might their no one else.
out political system is total shit, why would you take part in it and vote?
No, he didn't. An user made that up, to some Buttfeed quality reporter, and the whole rumor snowballed after that.
Pic related. Supposedly one of the hookers.
fixed it for you
Found the pedo with underage Brooke Shields photo collection at the ready.
why is it shit?
definitely not fake. 100% undeniable unedited realness.
conservatives will say this is fake.
I'm too edgy to formulate a response you could understand.
im an idiot who cant defend his reason for not voting
Because it's filled with a bunch of greedy lawmakers and politicians that don't give a fuck about us
Told you.
>somebody mentioned bernie
>ooh, ooh I gotta bernie image here somewhere
You are describing every individual alive on this planet. Get some perspective son.
>actually stick to that idea.
Welp, give up voting then. You wanna MAGA, you're gonna have to actually take actions with your friends and neighbors to do it, cuz no politician ever will.
100% of the time when a politician made a campaign promise since before Boomers were born, it was a lie. None of them will drain the swamp, end illegal immigration, or ensure our guns are sacred.
Ron Paul might have, but he's not really a politician. He was just elected to keep a vermin from occupying his seat.
So jaded, so emo.
I have perspective you get some fucking perspective
Clever comeback. No U!
>Fucking...nobody in politics...isn't a hypocrite or fraud.
found another one
3rd party politician is a politician fucktard,.
When a stupid idiot tells you to get some perspective, ok guy
This guy again, huh uh, no way.
if you wanna MAGA,you should first explain why you think america stopped being great,and when did it stop being great.since ive yet to hear this from any trump supporter,they just chant what their orange man has said
Don't pay attention to the media. Just know that Trump has doing more in his time than the last couple of Pres's in all their time combined. Plus watching the left fucking crumble was and will again be, awesome
Try and stop me.
Are you saying this because you told me to get some perspective?
Barr, who allowed his prize witness to suffer extreme arkancide in the most secure jail I've ever heard of? That Barr is going to prosecute HRC, after letting Epstein die (or actively conspiring to kill him)?
No. Not gonna happen. Screencap this.
You are asking someone to stop you> Perhaps speak to a guardian.
Easy. We'll make literacy a requirement for voting.
Epstein isn't dead.
Well, supposedly, CA is barring him from the ballot.
So I'll just write him in.
Except there is footage of him mocking the guy at the time.
>free everything for everyone who is not a US citizen,
this. Why is the left so dead set on giving our freedoms to illegals? It's like they do it just to irritate us. Wasn't it the left who, before the election, said "we need to accept the results"? But then when they lost "REEEEEEEEEE"
epstein barr syndrome... coincidence? I think not!
Trump voters literally deserve to have the holy living fuck beaten out of them.
It is called empathy fucktard, read a book.
The dotcom crash was an investment in the Patriot Act. They needed Shrub in office to get the Neocons on board.
Both parties are cheeks on the same ass. When one farts it points at the other. Both stink equally.
>your redneck friends
sounds like you're the turd
Hahahaha, good one fren.
Epic shoop. Grats!
you will have no empathy as you are beaten like the Trump headed stepchild you are.
>Both parties are cheeks on the same ass
>I'd vote for anyone who can beat him.
how'd that work out last time, dipshit?
>muh hillary
>it was her turn
Because someone who gets upset because of the word "manhole" is gonna beat the living fuck out of us..
I know exactly what it means. Take your stupid strawman argument and begone.
I will have no empathy as I am being beaten? That doesn't make any sense man. Work on your comebacks.
or you could shoot us...oh wait...
>hurr I was only pretending to be retarded
nice damage control kiddo
exactly the kind of classy response from a guy who supports the orange moron
MAGA for life bitches!
you try so hard to deflect the argument but you're failing. why waste the words?
You are on a team, good for you pal. It is good to belong.
So tolerant...
Once he becomes president, all of our problems will be solved !
I shall
I cant wait to hear Dems and liberals squeal like piggies again. Show just how much hate they contain.
Fuck your feelings snowflake
I, too, enjoy the sound of sqealing.
Hahahha, got em' boss!
He’s delaying his Tarrifs till mid-December so as not to affect the Christmas spending spree ....not that the American consumer will be forced to pick up the tab for the tarrifs or anything
Ralph actually never said that. That is a misquote.
You will be emphatically beaten down.
Trump is a master strategist, learn to live with libtard.
So are we saying you don't know the difference between the words empathy and emphatic? That is what I am reading in your posts.
pic related--is this your mom?
That's just a still frame from a movie.. Not poster's mom at all.
He’s able to convince republitards that their own self interest is secondary to “pwning the libs”
and this
and this
>durr durr I'm above all this
>durr durr I didn't elect Trump
imagine unironically voting. Every presedency is preplanned by the underground shadow governments. The elite dont give a shit about who the people want to lead them, they will make sure the candidate that benifits them the most will win.
wow eighth grade stop
don't reply to that dude anymore
This is a confusing way to express yourself.
Is it because your tv told you to, you free-thinker, you?
So jaded, so emo. What is the point man? Gonna go cut some more.
Imagine fucking over the country, giving fucktons of tax breaks to the rich - who turn around and just buy back stocks with it - and fucking over the economy just to "own the libz"
While the illuminati have orchestrated all media outlets to engage in petty partisan “the left is muh bad socializm” “le trump is duh orange!” They’ve been quietly doing what they’ve always been doing, actually running the world
I know you're trying to sound retarded but unironically this
Ones a kike, ones a commie, and the other is Obama. What’s your point?
No, after my dad did his taxes this year he said he is never voting for a republican again.
Ralph didn't say any of that. Someone just misquoted him in that picture.
Didn’t stop y’all from calling him a nigger and saying his wife was a gorilla.
I will never vote for him
Not just any movie though.
Fuck yeah, illuminati... why didn't I think of that. Those bitches have their hands in everything. Deep my dude, deep.
This is so tired man. Can no trump follower come up with an original thought? And no, he may be the first president in recent history to drop our GDP growth below 2%. Any stock broker will warn people right now that a recession is coming and it's this idiots posturing that did it. Fucking trade wars.
>the illputinati
at least im not some faggot bloomer that thinks the world is full of joy and rainbows. Leadership isnt thrown into the hands of dumbfuck soybean farmers in the middle of Indiana who cant read. It's given to those who actually stand to gain from who gets elected, and if you dont think im right then you are dumber than shit flinged against the wall of a taco bell bathroom stall
Thread reported to the FBI for violent death threats against the president.
1st amendment doesn’t protect you against that, retard
Nice try puto white progressive incel. Progressives can't meme, don't be jelly
Enjoy getting your monthly visit for making false reports kid.
wow 8th grade I told you to stop replying to that dude seriously
Nigger that was Billy Boy Clinton.
I know man, why even vote? What's the point? Beautiful imagery in your post btw, the dark ramblings of your journal must be quite the read.
"Next November"
You idiots are in the wrong year.
Remember when political contests at least made an effort to appeal to intelligent debate?
When was that?
You missed those guys earlier, they were something.
>hurr durr derp e dumb dumb
>I know man, why even vote? What's the point
Feel free not to vote.
That just makes my vote worth more.
If you have a million people in a district, but only 5 vote, 3 people got to choose the leadership next cycle.
I highly encourage everyone who isn't me to throw their vote away.
But Yea Forums has always been just trolls trolling trolls
you get hang of American meme
Putin buy you big mac after this Dmitri
And here I thought you put all this together yourself.
>Feel free not to vote
Yeah Trump totally didn't get elected because of that.
Follow along fucktard, I'm mocking the no voting shoe gazer.
And always will be. Why else come here?
They gave it lip service in 2008. 2000 was very heady, but both sides largely listened to the experts and the voters had a hard time telling the candidates apart.
not that user but conservatives don't get subtlety.
Give me one good reason anyone in the entire world that has political power would want Epstein alive. No one wanted him to testify except his victims, and people that actually care about the horrifying criminals in government across the world.
Those horrible criminals all wanted him dead, and this includes Trump. The evidence Epstein would provide would include Bill's Clinton and Gates. Trump has no desire to piss off and alienate Big Tech, who memed him into office, nor Bill Clinton, his best bud, who's '...a great guy'.
It would be political suicide to present evidence to the UK that Prince Andrew is a psychopedo. Trump has about as much reason to want to prosecute any of Epstein's co-conspirators as Superman does to deep throat Kryptonite.
Mossad? CIA? Total cannibals as soon as it's convenient. Robert Maxwell was killed by Mossad, and remember what the Israeli PM said at his funeral.
So what if Trumps advisors attended a secret meeting with all the worlds richest people .
They were only talking about....well, they never tell us what they talk about...
But They’re not the illuminati !!!!