How do I quit smoking? Been smoking a pack a day for the last 17 years. Sorry if my post offends you

How do I quit smoking? Been smoking a pack a day for the last 17 years. Sorry if my post offends you.

Attached: cw3fyt.jpg (420x240, 11K)

you get the fuck off my Yea Forums you goddamn smoking piece of shit.

Attached: rage.jpg (505x411, 28K)


Keep trying. Studies have shown that repeated attempts to quit increases your chances of actually quitting each time.

Don't give up

Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.

Attached: Laura.png (1500x1250, 350K)


Might not kick the nicotine addiction, but it is a hell of a lot better than tar (kinda hypocritical as I am a smoker)

I was a pack a day smoker for 15 years. I got myself a nice Vape and tank. Cost me about $150. Also signed up for zample box like $40 a month. Haven't smoked in almost 3 years.

I don't have any advice I just came here to say that smokers are disgusting trash and should be purged. You fucking ruin everyone's breathing in a 15 yard radius and think it isn't any big deal. And always wanting to take smoke breaks at work. Why the fuck are smoke breaks even a thing? Why should an employer hire you if you need to stand out back every 45 minutes? That time should be docked from your pay.

I been smoke free about a year and a half now. I’d say the only way to quit is that you have to WANT to quit. I mean genuinely want to. And that’s the hard part.

Everyone at work smokes too. We take hourly smoke breaks because we work outside.

Just stop buying cigarettes, faggot.

Trust me, quitting smoking is easy. I've quit like 7 times already..


>complaining about posting random shit in Yea Forums

I'm one of those, too. Where I can't go 4 hours without a cigarette.
Ask your doctor for champix. It basically quits for you.
If you can't tolerate it or your doctor refuses to prescribe it (some people get some pretty awful side effects) then ask instead for welbutrin. It's an anti depressant but also has a quit smoking effect. After two weeks on Wellbutrin you pick a day and just stop. The cravings are way easier to deal with.

I've quit with both. First time with champix, lasted a year, second time with Wellbutrin, that was 2 years ago, haven't smoked since.

>we all take hourly breaks
No labor board grants this to any group and yet smokers always think they deserve it. Fucking useless trash the lot of you. I'd hire a non smoker over a smoker 10x over.

you stop smoking and dont be a pussy about it. The withdrawal from the chemical dependency of nicotine is horrible for long time smokers. You wont know how to handle emotions, will become delusional, basically you will hit psychosis hardcore. If you can get gum or patches to help, id suggest doing that. Dont smoke while using the gum or patches. Nicotine Alcohol and heroin are the most difficult drugs to get off of.

Wow fag, I'm gonna take a smoke break every 30 minutes tomorrow and think about how mad you are, lol

The trick to quiting anything or starting a new diet is to not go off the rails when you do fail. You will fail a few times but don't just say fuck it and smoke a whole cartoon, just keep trying to quit the whole time and you will cut back and eventually quit.

Here, now you can more easily identify a shitpost.

Attached: shitpost.webm (640x360, 1.91M)

I'm not mad. Your boss should be. Hope you get fired and have to choose between buying cigarettes or food next week.

Never worked anywhere were we get "smoke breaks" we get the same breaks, other than sneaking out when shit is slow at the end of the day.

There are liquids with different nicotine content. When you need new liquid, you could take one with less nicotine each time.

The boss smokes too, dumbass. I already said that.

He knows how much I smoke, and I got a raise this year. I think he doesn't care how much I smoke as long as I show up and fill my quota.



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