Jesus fucking christ you thirsty incel neckbeard faggots, there are porn subs. One or two is whatever but for fucks sake post something of goddamn substance.
Jesus fucking christ you thirsty incel neckbeard faggots, there are porn subs...
Honestly, that's fucking better. Somewhat.
fuck yourself and your mountain of face acne redditlord
Obvious bait. Nothing to see here folks.
OH I'm sorry you sensitive little cocksucker, did I offend you by using the correct word? It's a goddamn subforum you daft cunt. Try not to choke too many cocks on the way to the trashcan. Pic related, it's you.
Something like a good friday or a random fetish board might fix Yea Forums
That's better.
Are there still fuckin' faggot mods on here? I've been away for probably 5-6 years. If they are this is a good idea and should both implement it and suck your dick for suggesting it.
Yea Forums opened the gate to the faggotry and goy enjoy fapping to chicks with dicks, sharing pics of their wifes and masturbate to family members.
>correct word
I think what you're actually looking for this the word BOARD.
That being said i think you actually ACTUALLY are looking for reddit.
if there was a Yea Forums but for only porn purposes, that would improve the board so much
You're not wrong, bunch of fucking cuck cocksucker populate this place now. It was never great, but what in the actual fuck. If your bitch fucks someone else you should Shove a goddamn brick up both of their asses not sit in the fucking corner in a superman costume touching your baby dick. Fucking faggots.
Regardless of what you like to call it, each "board" is still a fucking subforum. Read a fuckin' book you incestuous, deformed, thirsty incel.
> hurr durrr 4-eyed ginger incel neckbeard ready to look at all the different subs! "oh mann it's all porn! what?!"
Imagine resorting to name calling after being proven wrong? Holy shit he actually came from reddit
Are you seriously this fucking retarded? A goddamn shovel could outtest you on any given day. Dig your iq out of the single digits; it is STILL a subforum. It may be an image board, but it is also still considered a subforum. The word sub isn't exclusive to reddit you stupid faggots, and the fact you want to give those sjw race baiting queers that much credit is fucking pathetic. You deserve to burn to your bed when you leave your dildo on, plugged in, up your ass and it catches fire you pussies.
What a great post OP i'll be sure to upvote you dude
i'm sure the website admins will certainly listen to your novel suggestion!
Porn is disgusting, bring on the memes!
>Implying any of you faggot cucks deserve any amount of respect
holy projections. those insults were definitely ripped off le gayyit
>implying any of these faggot cucks did anything to deserve disrespect
Hey, whats about this one shovel here boss?
Summer never ends.
The human brain can store 2.5 petabytes, congratulations on confirming my previous comment on being fucking retarded.
LOL that wasn't me. But let me speak for the rest of us when I say it's ridiculously easy to spot an outsider when you use terms like 'subs' and easily get frustrated about it when you're called out because literally no one is botching terminology that badly besides new users.
LOL i dunno wuts u say boss I'm not a racist
That is what happens when your communist chattel cannot spell the name of the bestest show on Netflix.
>goes on Yea Forums for the first time
>appalled at the frequency of porn images
WEW summer's in full swing lads
It is a NSFW board, these newfag /pol/cels and their hatred of sex.
>implying I haven't been here longer than you have
>implying I didn't already come in fucking irritated as shit because all there is is fucking porn on here right now when there is already fucking place for that.
i just hate sex because i'm a priest
May the lord be with you.
Why would you go on Yea Forums if you are a priest?
No shit it's a NSFW board, but that doesn't mean the ONLY fucking thing on here has to be porn when there is a different fucking place for it. You don't go to b without expecting some dicks and pussies but for fuck sake, I scrolled for like 30 seconds and didn't find a single fucking post about anything else.
Oh, and I've had plenty, but do I want to look at two other people fucking like a loser? No, couldn't give a fuck less about watching that when I could just do it myself. Leave your basement sometime and you might even get your dick sucked, you fuckin' incel.
You come to Yea Forums like you're looking for something specific.
The whole board's premise is for it to be random. Seeing how the majority of its users are degenerates, how you expecting anything less?
You throw insults about IQ around when you can't even make a logical argument, let alone decision.
Complaining about Yea Forums on Yea Forums is really gonna solve your problem. Fucking mongoloid retard.
It's not random if it's everyday faggotry and incest fap.
So visit a different board. lmao straight autism
lol you're so new that you've haven't discovered the filters feature. No wonder your experience on Yea Forums is as described
This thread is definitely not a waste of space and is definitely improving the overall quality of b.
They're right. It's not a sub. The greater site is not a forum, therefore b and gif and hc are not sub-forums but image boards. Get triggered.
IDFC about muh filter safespace. You have to be a fucking mongo to not see Yea Forums became the cumstain of itself over the years
Jesus christ the only difference you are describing is that this has pictures, and the layout is SLIGHTLY different. It's still a fuckin' forum.
That wasn't op, it's not a matter of filtering, if I did that I'd only see two or three posts, this is about the content overall on Yea Forums.
How is it fucking random if it's the same shit you stupid cunt?
Fucking, THIS.
Yea Forums has always been shit.
you'd literally have to be a newfag to not know this.
it's such a commonality that phrase has become a protocol reply to retarded threads such as this.
Of course it has always been shit but the constant porn shit posts hasn't always been so goddamn common. There were more decent posts than there were shitty porn.
LOL. It's still not even a forum
It's an IMAGEBOARD. Specifically by definition even after launch
I personally love how you want to go further into depth about technicalities and still get rekt each time. Reminds me of mad reddit kids during summer
Fuckin' parrots, parrots everywhere. Get a personality.
OFC it always was shit 99.99999% of the time.
But way better.
I don't mind porn, I don't mind tit pics, but the level of cringe with everyfuckingsecond the same "R8 MY DICK" or "I jizzed on smartphone durrrrr iT's A TrIbUtE" or "Trap collection"
Don't you think that's the very bottom of the most derpiest content on the whole site ?
Bronies behave way more than Yea Forums "fap-to-my-wife"cucks.
Yup, I've said it.
I realize being wrong stings. You'll get used to it if you stick around this place for a bit.
then lets post OG
They are almost the exact same thing, why are you even still arguing this anyway you daft cunt? I'm not going to change my mind; you're literally arguing the difference between French green beans and cut. Pic related, your future and first boyfriend.
Fucking THANK YOU.
that's cute. Find me anywhere reputable that calls this place a forum and explain how that's the same thing. Pro tip you can't because you're wrong new and also very retarded
>Jesus christ the only difference you are describing is that this has pictures, and the layout is SLIGHTLY different. It's still a fuckin' forum.
Dude learn to read. If it is a subforum (child) as you say what is the larger forum (parent)?
Sorry, I'm a /pol/fag now. I keep OG content for people who don't fap to their ass pic.
But I love watching a good dumpster fire and even start one from time to time
>Post related
Well Im getting in
I feel you bro. Come here, don't be afraid i'll protect you.
They won't touch you I promise.
is that a katana?
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The only sub here is op, the beta cuck.
media calls it a machete tho. idk why
now lets go jerk off to some fb/ig thread
Yea some nigger stabbed an innocent german with a katana.
Thought i had the video and the unblur picture but you can find it on Qwant.
happened the day after some fuckwad pushed a mother under a train in Frankfurt.early august