Why are Americans so fat?

Why are Americans so fat?

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Because they're stupid and think rich people know what's best, so they eat all their gmo veggies and pink slime meat while they have their economy raped by the wealthy and corporate interests

I don't actually know the answer to this question.

When I went to the US I also noticed that sort of shit. Even fairly healthy foods, the ingredients list on the US versions were 10 times longer with a bunch of additives and other random shit. I honestly don't get it.

most of the shit on the label don't make you fat, tho

UK people have nice teeth tho and cool accents

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Lol, it's because Americans actually list what's in the food instead of pretending it's not a thing. You're eating almost the same product you idiot.

You're so wrong.

Epic rebuttal.

Of course the British version needs to have a fucking pun in its name. What is it with Anglos and wordplay.

English is the language of puns and wordplay. Other languages can’t compete

No, other countries aren't brainlet enough to be amused by the fact that "oat" and "oh" sound similar.

You're still a retard though. The difference in food standards between EU/US is well known.

It's a massive issue for brexit because the EU doesn't want your shitty food getting in.

>Dat no funny, dis funny!
Third world savages need not apply

Diet and lack of exercise just like all nationalities. Are you really that stupid?

>The difference in food standards between EU/US is well known.
Yes we know. One shade of toothpaste being different in one country and all that so the whole line has to be recalled

The EU:
- Hoards of Nigger and Goatfucker savages roaming the streets raping and terrorizing...I sleep.

-Food containing unapproved Red Dye #14 being imported... *furious screaming*

enjoy your chlorinated chicken

>Why are Americans so fat?
I'm American and not fat.

Fuck you, humor shouldn't be conveyed by language anyway, it should all be visual. If you wanted Monty Python with the sound turned off there wouldn't be a single funny moment.


>humor shouldn't be conveyed by language anyway
Wow an actual brainlet opinion. Does it hurt trying to think?
>I’ll say something not true that’ll make him angry and not me even though I totally am

There are a few reasons, all of them pathetic:

1. Due to an excess of supply, people can eat as much as they want, whatever they want. They get fat from this (and not exercising). Portion control is the problem.
2. Cultural institutions make getting fat "not a problem" (for women at least).
3. Poor people are too lazy to make decent quality food for their children, and so they get fat (America is one of a few countries where the leading epidemic among the impoverish is OBESITY!). I'm not quoting "It's cheaper to eat lower quality food which leads to fat" claim, because it's been proven false. It's much more affordable to eat healthy foods like vegetables and non-process, non-center of store meats, etc...but preparing those foods involve portion control and proper cooking. Laziness leads to eating crappy processed foods.

Not being fat is fucking easy, but being fat and lazy is much easier.

A lot of it boils down to work culture too. No time to do anything but sleep, commute to and from work, and work.

Shit sucks


But this won’t be true post Brexit.

After Brexit we’ll be eating Amerifat GMO/Processes Corn Syrup/TransFat “food like substances” instead of food

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Look at it this way, someday you might get your very own In N Out

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And listening to what trumps says. It's mostly bullshit.

There is nothing more needed to be said.
The UK has FAR stricter rules and standards for food. Both labelling and selling and production standards.

“You’re wrong” is all that needs to be said in response to your retarded statement

tell me yanks is this real ?

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>Food babe
She has no clue what she's talking about, fearmongering over "chemicals" in food. More than that, a scam artist.

You’re right.

We should resist Brexit to the bitter end

Interrupts regular liver and kidney function. I think it’s safe to say our ability to digest food and turn it unto energy is bogged down with additives

>ad hominem

>The UK has FAR stricter rules and standards for food.

>not believing in chlorinated chicken

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fuck you commie

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Cmon now user don’t be like that.

These are clearly two different products entirely, fucktard.

Go to Europe dumbass. It’s still by far mostly white; and still much safer than America. The food, the schools, the roads.. all of it, simply because they demand better.

>Wow I’ll repeat myself without backing up my claim

Giant portions, corn syrup in everything, growth hormones in every animal product and ameritards are pigs anyway.

>still much safer than America
>Nah we just pretend the acid attacks don’t happen, so they didn’t happen

But it does fuck with your body, messing up hormones and shit which does affect weight.

It does.

I don’t see what you find so amusing

That you’re lying on the internet. That’s amusing

It’s easy to call others lazy from a computer chair isn’t it?

American food is literal garbage.
Especially compared to the European French cheese, German sausage, Italian Ham.
What does America have?
Burgers made from GMO battery farmed cows that they have to process heavily just to be fit for human consumption.

No thanks

Yup. Lazy fuck

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Add every acid attack together and doesn’t remotely compare to one month worth of gun deaths in America...

you're the one claiming it doesn't exist. if it didn't, the EU wouldn't have banned it, retard.

You ever worked 12 hours and scrambled to get a meal put together for your kids after?

So he can get nonexistent social points for his nonexistent account

We have tons of gross shit like that at fairs and carnivales, but its not what someone would avtually eat on a regular basis.

>blub blub derp derp
Do facts hurt ?
Must be an Ameritard

>if it didn't, the EU wouldn't have banned it
Have you yet come to the realization that the EU can throw out any arbitrary rule or “ban” and you’ll believe it?
>Muh guns
Euro user I’m gonna be frank. We have a nigger problem, not guns.
>American food is literal garbage.
Yes and I’m certain eel pie and jellied fish liver are finer examples of “European cuisine”

ah i see

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>Source: trust me m8

We have access to all kinds of food. From the very best to the very worst.

Yeah but that doesn’t count because I’m European

Are some, if not most of those ingredients listed on the US side the additives needed in the freeze drying or "instant oats" making process? If anything it's the sugar listed almost third in every food making Americans fat.

UK may just not have the same regulations to list every ingredient.?

Surprised it's not high fructose third or fourth.

More regulations and higher taxes too. You got that going for you

>eel pie and jellied fish liver
Is specific to London east end. And have you tried it?
If you’re getting it straight from the fish market (which is usually the only place you can get it now) it is fresh, caught that morning, and fucking delicious.

What a self own

which is more likely, that the EU would invent something just so they could ban it, or that the US, the land of institutionalized lobby for the detriment of the people, has lax sanitary regulations? gee... I wonder

>UK may just not have the same regulations to list every ingredient.?
Nooooo our regulations don’t lie to us, huh uh no sir

>Have you yet come to the realization that the EU can throw out any arbitrary rule or “ban” and you’ll believe it?

In the EU it has to be proved to be safe BEFORE it can go into food.

>Access to all kinds of food
And American food is some of the worst...which is why you import all of your “good” food from Europe

>which is more likely, that the EU would invent something just so they could ban it, or that the US, the land of institutionalized lobby for the detriment of the people, has lax sanitary regulations?
Honest to fuck the way the EU pulls it’s bullshit I’d readily believe either to be equally true


>And American food is some of the worst...
In your opinion

And the opinion of the rest of the world

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You need to go to a good restaurant here. We have more than fast food shit.

>American cheese

We get American cheese here.
As a novelty food item....not for eating

The rest of the world is irrelevant

Yes, I am aware that you import food from Europe....but I can get that already

Because yuropoors are skinny. Faggot

Man even I can’t defend american cheese

It’s equally difficult


Yuck. I prefer sharp cheddar

Wasn't even implying they lie, just not required to list trace amounts of bullshit. Listing the food dyes etc. What is the FDA equivalent in the UK? Do you have a govt agency requiring what is listed on foods?

Yet it is listed as one of the essential good groups...because ‘lobbyists’

Nah, fuck America

Go to a coastal restaurant here and get fresh seafood. Where you from big guy? You are probably some fucking slav that has european pride even though youre a discrace

No, I prep meals in the evenings and weekends instead of watching t.v.

Quit blaming your short comings, take responsibility and step up for once in your life

Nigga dairy is considered essential not American cheese. Cmon now

In England small breweries are plentiful and craft cheeses can be found all over the place but on no account go near the cider its often lethal

>projecting - inventing a strawman ad hominem - to cope with the fact your food sucks


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Shut the FUCK UP boomer

Sounds nice. Any suggestions on places to visit besides London?

Actually. I went to a Five Guys once and thought it was Ok.
Not as nice as what I would make at home, and stupidly overpriced for what it was, a burger and some chips....but it was at least “ok”

Where are you from?

Telling you man. In N Out is superior in every way, plus it’s cheaper

>where you from

I’m from user, faggot.
Where are you from?

There is no ad hominem, only statements of fact.
Her false claims have been debunked numerous times.

Corporate America has the best interests at heart. Not you cisgendered Eurofag cyberbullies bodyshaming an entire nation.

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Idk wtf oats those are, but we also have normal oats. I think those are the freeze dried packet instant ones.

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Most americans also think all of those types of restaurant are just ok. If they really like that shit, they are probably over weight

Most places south are good (not Essex) the south downs are beautiful Cornwall has excellent local food and beer

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Midwest US

>There is no ad hominem
>only statements of facts
>false claims have been debunked

What false claims are made in OPs image?
How has it been “debunked”

You are literally simply pointing at the author and stating ‘let’s ignore this because of the source not the content”;
A dictionary definition of an ad hominem.

Try again

Sweet I’ll check it out whenever I can leave the states for more than a week. Thanks

The weather can make or break a trip in England make sure you ask Lucy to point out the rain clouds before you go

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Damn straight.

As a Scot, seeing my beloved porridge be bastardised with additives other than a pinch of salt makes my blue blood boil!

Haggis, Och Aye The Noo

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I think some foreigners think we all live on garbage and dont realize we have access to good food and ingredients


You know what.
I’m bored with 4chans usual convention of being an insufferable faggot.

I apologise for my previous behaviour.

I’m from Petworth, in Sussex England

Quick survey. What are you having or had for dinner?

Bubble & Squeak

keep the faith jock 100% Angus beef in the pub burger
you lot are saving us from the hormone injected Mexican crap the yanks have to eat

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Cool. Almost all of my ancestors are English. 1 from Denmark

Ready meal from Aldi’s
But the more expensive “luxury” brand one , not the value meal

Why can’t people distinguish between GMOs and all the other shit in there. GMOs are not the problem

Because a double cheese burger or a 2 liter or soda costs $1, while a salad costs $7+ and a small bottle of water can be $2+

Unhealthy choices are much cheaper and more convenient, which is what we look for.

I'm a fan of McCann's actually. Quaker is for poor people.

> uses image to subtly prove a point
> image not randomly selected or a large sample size
> 3 people out of 16 are overweight

If you want a salad buy a head of lettuce for $1

eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww chav spotted

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Kinda the same in the UK. Poorer areas have higher obesity.

eggs, quinoa, broccoli

>> 3 people out of 16 are overweight

Only an ameritard would believe this

That's because overweight and obese are two different categories.

I count 8, and that's only because you can't see some of them.

"natural flavoring" yeah no. You're not getting away with weasel anglo words here in the USA. At least we know what we're putting into ourselves.

But you only have lettuce salad then. You need to buy baby tommats another 1-2$. And at least something else like a bit of salad dressing 2-3$ or onion another almost 1$ if you're alpha like me

just admit you would try and fuck the blond in the green vest holding the flag and wouldn't give the tiniest fuck that she probably cant form complete sentences

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And which is the most severe??

>cheap AND convenient

I’m then you’d have to chop the lettuce, chop up whatever other veggies you want, but any other toppings like bacon bits or croutons, plus the dressing. That’s not convenient at all. People would rather reach for the burger than a head of lettuce because it’s almost instant.

Because they can be?

It's not like the UK is any better

That will make you a few salads. I dont really eat at restaurants or fast food. Im eating healthier, cheaper and it tastes better

>so many mass shootings in america guyz!!
ignore incredible amount of acid attacks in UK

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Jesus fuck autocorrect kicked my ass there

>Yeah I’m a mobilefag, it’s easier to hide what I’m doing from my kids than using my laptop, deal with it

lmao american food regulations are a literal joke compared to any european country

Is this true?

I mean, here in the UK, not that I’d eat at McDs but I think a meal deal costs like about £6.

I could buy the mince, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes etc for at least half that price....not even considering Id be making probably about 4 times as muh for that price too.
The issue is laziness and convenience

There’s no excuse for eating shit - other than “I’m too lazy to cook”

Or is quality fresh meat/veg prohibitively expensive in the US!

Im american and you are full of shit go to your fridge and look around. We have natural flavoring listed constantly

To be fair, America does have a problem with 'food deserts' where fresh food is actually quite hard to come by.

Nah mate.
The chavs would go for the value meal.
I’m posh as fuck me

450 acid attacks in 1 year? Time for another crusade

Eh ya I see the convenience thing being a huge factor. McDonald's knows wtf they're doing money-wise. Most are just kindly ignorant or just don't care because instant IS easier.

Especially if you're grinding 9-5pm. You don't want to come home and make dinner sometimes. Ya just want to take out. I've never had a weight problem, though and I eat like shit sometimes and sometimes I'll buy bulk and make stuff. All depends how much enegery I have at the end of the day.

>incredible amount of acid attacks
There are more attacks by cows on farmers than random acid attacks.

Yeah, it’s not a concern

A McDouble is $1.50 at most locations. McChicken is $1. Small fries range from $1-$1.50. Sweet tea or large soda is $1. You can easily eat for under $5 if you’re on a budget. I don’t eat McD’s often because 90% of the times it’s cold and slopped together.

You could also go to Wendy’s and get the 4 for $4

>Double cheeseburger
>Soda or frosty
>4pc nugget

we shall be the judge of that friend location location location

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>Nothing is wrong with his argument. I better change subject.

The difference in the ingredients list is caused by the difference in legislation between countries. The U.K. Quaker oats have all the exact same ingredients in both countries. The U.S. is just required to label each and every additive, coloring, etc. (I might also point out that these are two different products, with the U.K. version being tailored to the "muh organics" type people)

anyways, the exact same products will have different ingredients lists because the US is required to list EVERYTHING that goes into the product. The UK legislation is more lenient.

But to answer the actual question "Why are Americans so fat?" Because we're free, faggot.

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>Petworth Sussex

I take it you’ve never been.
We’re the posh bit of the posh bit.

If you go to Wendy's and don't get a spicy chicken, you are 100% faggot

Wendys is best place to eat. More expensive. But better.

Quality is not that expensive. Reading through this thread it looks like some ameeicans value time and convenience ahead of quality. I personally eat very well, but I also drink so what do I know

tbf the pun is pretty good

Fake and gay.

We all know britfags call raspberries and strawberries by their real names, bumplyberries and seedlyweedlys'.

The UK is also required to list ALL ingredients...as well as give a nutritional breakdown of the food content...which is way more than what the US does.

Stay delusional faggot

doesn't look like the kinda place to have an aldi you sure you weren't in waitrose and got confused ?

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I like the rain so come what may

This is from that article.

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I commute and got it in the inner city.
Paying too much on fucking rent to be shipping at the local Waitrose .

I’m posh....I’m not rich

If you actually think Wendy's is great food, you are a retard. Go get some really food

>The U.K. Quaker oats have all the exact same ingredients in both countries. The U.S. is just required to label each and every additive, coloring, etc.

Nope. It all has to be listed in the UK too. In the 90's there was a huge scare about additives, e-numbers which caused teh public to reject them.

>Talking shit about Dave’s burgers
I ought to slap the crap out of your mouth

And we all know that an American would NEVER cut a corner to increase profitability ....an I right??

>nutritional breakdown of the food content...which is way more than what the US does.
Labeling the nutritional breakdown of the food content has been required in the US for DECADES, you dumb fuck.

So you mean the German brand

kudos friend but American rain and British rain are very different things

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No, Satan, we don't believe you.

Because god wants to. Period.

I live in the midwest US and we have an Aldis coming in at a wealthy neighborhood

Looks like we’re both ignorant of the other countries food standards , huh.

Almost like it makes no difference to our day to day lives.

Why are we having this discussion again?

Oh yeah ....Amerifats are fat.

Bring it. I’m sick of sunshine almost all the time.

I don't think it's great. It's top tier shit n fast food, though. Taco bell/Wendy's then everything else.

Gorbless da Home Orfice.

You are the one with crap in your mouth. Sorry bro. Seriously try some good food

Aldi’s is the cheap/poormans supermarket here in the UK.

Like only poor people shop there.

That is hilarious

I have had good food my dude. It’s expensive as fuck

>avtually eat on a regular basis

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Move over here to Cambridge you can get a nice studio flat for only £2500 a month comes complete with a foreign language student 20 years younger than you who wants to hang around after she graduates

Er, not any longer. It used to be seen as that but now all types shop there, that's why teh major supermarkets are in trouble.

I said nothing about other countries' food standards, now did I? I was only debunking an ignorant fool who clearly knows nothing about American standards.

Aldi’s reminds me of the store maps in Garry’s Mod

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Im looking forward to it. It is going up across the street from a huge expensive grocery store

Basically, there was a scare with heart disease decades ago that kicked off the saturated fat scare and the lipid hypothesis. This caused a demand for a new fat and thus came trans fats and trans fats then proliferated throughout US foods.

Of course later it was discovered that even if sat fats were the devil, trans fats was the bigger devil buttfucking sat fats on a nightly basis.

There's also the lipid hypothesis that demonized dietary cholesterol.

There was also the food pyramid that was pushed on the american public that was pretty much cobbled together by lobbyists. Bread and grain lobbies made it so that the base of the pyramid was pretty much shit that was guaranteed to promote weight gain. Dairy lobbyists made dairy into it's own separate section on the pyramid to give off the impression that dairy is necessary for a health diet when so many fucking people are fucking lactose intolerant it's hilarious. In fact, the whole thing is hilarious. *honk* *honk*

On top of all that we made high-fructose corn syrup which is so dirt cheap to produce that and promised to cut costs of so much food that's produced within the US that it's hard to find anything that doesn't have the corrosive shit in it.
That's the bare bones of the reason.

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aldi biscuits tho

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Stuff we don't know how to get for ourselves anymore.

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California ?


Imagine letting your livestock live freely enough to attack you. haha, what a stupid European concept.

For basics it’s good.
A carrot is a fucking carrot- if you can buy them cheaper then all’s good.

And I grew up in Germany, so all that Leibkuchen, Stollen bread, Bratwurst, Currywurst etc takes me right back to childhood...I love it

ya mean this?
In Mexico, it's called "yellow cheese". Like the snow.

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the same reason the UK is so fat


Wendy’s is definitely the best out of the nation-wide chains (as long as it’s freah). The fries are amazing but as soon as they get cold they’re the worst ever. Same with the burgers. The fresh burgers are 110% awesome but when they’re cold they’re not so good. I’d rather eat cold McDonalds than cold Wendy’s.

is it on fire today ?

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>I love that shit melted on toasted brioche with tomato ketchup


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God dude that’s not even cheese. Those are “sandwich slices” that only the extremely poor and the homeless eat.

It fucked scared me when I tried to melt some(used to be really fucking poor) and it burned.

In some parts it is, where I am right now it’s rather pleasant for this time of year

Both come with refined sugar (:

The U.S. has both versions of that you fucking idiot.

then you better go welcome Greta so she can save it for you

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Its all pretty bad man. I cant stand fast food anymore. I had some taco bell the other day and the chips even seemed totally processed and fake

I enjoyed that

Aww man not my house. I still live in it y’know?

is it made of wood ?

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Not San Francisco.

It's hella cheap and offers pretty damn good produce and other grocery essentials. They also cut as much plastic out of their packaging as possible (hence the cheap price) you'd do yourself a favor going to Aldi's. Lord knows you're not rich if you're on this site. Don't bother acting like you have money.

Concrete :(

Because the uk is way smaller so the supply chain is way simpler, besides americans like artificial flavoring so much that they probably prefer it to dried fruit.

Both have sugar and that's the part that makes you fat you absolute fucking door knob.

>Not just adding what you want to your oats
Why are Eurocucks so obsessed with the U.S.?

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ah well at least you get to enjoy the vibrant local culture

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I like dried fruit and I’m an american.

I’m reclusive as all fuck my man. I don’t bother with the horrors outside of home and work

I went on a health kick a few years ago.
Starting exercising and eating healthy.
Started cooking all of my own meals to calorie/quality control so I knew exactly what I was eating to improve the gains.

My food bill halved, and I was eating healthier than any time in my life.

It’s a total myth that healthy food is more expensive.
Plain porridge oats for breakfast.
Pasta/Rice/Potatoes with Veg and Meat for lunch/dinner.
And stay away from sugar and processed fats.

It was ridiculously easy..

People would say to me “what’s your secret” when they saw how buff I was looking...I’d answer “it’s not a secret - it’s healthy diet and exercise”, and they would look disappointed....because it meant they would need to put in effort to make the same gains.

Fat people are lazy.

Doesn’t matter what country they are from - you can eat healthy cheaply.

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Shill harder faggot.

Why are Americucks so obsessed with why Eurocucks are so obsessed with Americucks?

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>I’d rather eat cold McDonalds than cold Wendy’s.
I’d rather do neither and just eat a peanut butter sandwich at home

They need to feel loved. As one limey said, "They are like children."

hmmmmm thats not a healthy picture got any guns ?

Worse than the fucking Soycialists. No wonder Eurozone is being torn apart.

>In California
I have a hot glue gun?

>peanut butter sandwich
Enjoy your bleached enriched flour and hydrogenated oils.


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we also said dont throw our tea in the harbour

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Man what do you want from me I gotta eat something...

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eh what are you gluing ?


Nothing at the moment.

difficult to imagine a less California picture than that

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It's time that us Brit god's to invade America and inforce veganism and a no sugar diet to restore USA to its former glory?

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Married ?

What a difference three centuries make, eh wot?

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I suppose I am to read the ingredients list of two places with different labeling regimes and accept your thin and poorly presented premise.

"Natural Flavouring" my fucking ass you moron, what do you think that stands for? Flavors for your fucking oatmeal and "berries" that aren't provided by the oatmeal and berries themselves? Good christ you imbecile...

>a few naughty settlers
And the French.
That’s who the British were ‘really’ fighting.

And the British Empires largest deployment of troops was sunk by bad weather, not by any intervention from the dirt eating Americans.

Plus conducting an international war has logistical issues that fighting on the home turf doesn’t .
We still burned down the Whitehouse.

And you still fear invasion.

>Libcunts still sharing this shop.

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Kek'd at these replies, thanks OP.
British colonies are ACTUALLY some of the fattest in the world if you Google it, but it's okay.

Is this General Custard?

>pic related
Damn, Drumpf is a monstrous idiot.

>W-we have a holiday let's stop killing people today
Fucking retard.

Nah. Bitches be crazy in Cali

A shocking number of right-wing nuts are in California now.

Such BS...

>Natural Flavouring
Pertains to a concentrate derived from fruit or fruit juice.

Try knowing what you’re talking about before offering an opinion, you fucking mong

> General custard

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so we lost because there weren't any Belgian villages to loot and keep the army fed ?

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How is that a shop? It's a well-known picture no one but Trumpy cultists deny.

Both are better than being a land whale

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this one cracks me up

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Get your shit together son. First thing you need to do is sell your “vidya”, pathetic zoomer

What about online dating ? you get to try before you buy

>dropped out of school before they taught him about chrestomathies

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Oh god no man. That’s even worse.

europeans get daily mandatory workout running from lorrys

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Washed in what? Water or chlorine?
Stupid mutt.

Stay in school, son. You need it.



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Retard alert

You guys are so full of shit.

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Brits are complete retards wearing red coats.lol

Shitty photoshop

I can tell by the pixels

>would rather have a jew or commie rule him.

so your just gonna spend all your cash on yourself ?

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You're going to debunk the jackalope next, aren't you?

>honour in warfare
Something Americans know nothing of

You're not fooling anyone.

only after you cunts invented the machine gun

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hmm, why didn't they just say "juice concentrate" then you simp?

no there is another

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Because Ranch.


Something retard brits know nothing of. Lmao!

Because it’s a way to impart “natural flavouring” you moron.
There is no juice concentrate in the box

>only after you cunts invented the machine gun
The U.K. is a joke.

At least a lorry is a hell of a lot slower than a bullet.

My money supplements my lifestyle while also helping my family.

Because they know it's horseshit, just like their fucking horse meat burgers they were eating and not knowing it.

Remember when UK SAS were defeated by a bunch of Lybian farmers with bolt action rifles?

those hedges are older than your country yank

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>Creaming Agent

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Jesus fucking christ man, do you ever just forget to breathe until your dumb fucking ass passes out? This is the dumbest shit I've seen in over 10 years of being here.

>Brit Logic
Wew, lad.

Sure is, wanna come try the modern world?

you said you weren't married ?

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America is a british colony so I guess that checks out.

Imagine letting your retards living freely enough to mass gunshot you in schools, hahahahaha, what a stupid Muhrican concept

lmgtfy.com/?q=what are natural flavourings uk

You're a fucking moron

The British were fighting a traditional war, expecting two armies to meet on a field of battle.

Amerifags lurked, hid, ran, just about any cowardly guerrilla tactic they could use. Because facing the Brit’s in open battle was suicide .
Remember., you never beat the brits. We just called off the attacks .

Right, I still have my family though

No it isn't.

How many divisions do those hedges command?

Remember when the American army were fought to a standstill by some Muslim goat farmers?

just pointing out that you cant wander through the american countryside and bump into this

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>We quit
Honour indeed.

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ah a hippy

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Most of those things in there are government mandated because gov knows best and we need our good goyim nutrients. Other than that, the ingredients are pretty fucking similar other than the artificial flavoring. Also that's a different fucking version of the oatmeal. It's called Oat so Simple because it's got simpler ingredients.

>Inb4 trolled

This is a joke

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>We gave up
It's hard to say that is it? War costs count as a variable of defeat

none but you can sometimes find roman coins in the soil next to them which sell very nicely

>where the flavouring part contains exclusively natural flavouring substances.
>Decision No 1999/217/EC (Register of flavouring substances) has been repealed on 24 April 2013 and does not apply any longer.
Kek, you fucks don't even know what your Natural Flavoring is.

It gotta be some kind of additives. I grew up eurofag, was fairly skinny, 95 lbs at 5ft. Moved here a doubled in size. I’m not lazy, work factory job, go hike, garden, ride horses and I cook meals at home, no junk food. I swear it’s something in the water.

I guess you could say that.

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>comparing 18 years of warfare to a british surrender

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America was founded as a British prison colony...same as our colonies in Australia and elsewhere.
There was a roaring trade exporting our criminals to America

Your ancestors probably come from that criminal stock.

just admit you wish you had a queen like ours

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skull fat

skull fat

>we quit
>oppressing you is costing us too much
Ok you win

You're right. We cannot accidentally stumble upon outdated military fortifications from hundreds of years ago that serve NO purpose. Cool story.

skull fat

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And if you take out Black Crime you have nearly the same rate as Finland. And if you take out suicide by gun it's even lower.

Man the thread is gonna die now and I’m not gonna see the euro bro after this

My ancestors were German. That being said, how many years has it been since America was a British colony? I remember a certain paper distinctly removing itself with a won war from that consideration.
Again, no America is not a british colony.

a long haired cali hippy i thought terry brown had you all killed

skull fat


Can’t kill the spirit maaan

Damn and the US probably has a bigger population than all those combined!

still a family home and really interesting inside

When you have no history

The wall at the end of my garden pre-dates the nation of America .



is weed legal yet ? or are you still less cool than the Canadians ?

> how many years has it been since America was a British colony?
>no America is not a british colony
>British colony

So does your dental care standards.

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I'd give her one.


>When you have no history
Because all countries have a vast history stretching back hundreds of thousands of years... Oh, that's right.. we're only going to artificially limit some arbitrary number of years to fit our argument. Neck yourself, tool.

Yeah it’s legal. I don’t really care for it but reefer madness has gone out of style

The 1970’s called, they want their outdated stereotype back.

Americans now have worse teeth on average than Britfags....hate to break it to you.
Who am I kidding , I love it

Strawman. How many years was it?

When you have no history

yeah young lizzie was fucking lush

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>Why are Americans so fat?
Hey dumb fuck, europeans are as fucking fat and unhealthy, I've been to your countries, I know the truth. Also "natural flavoring" is all that extra shit listed on the american version. At least we can see all the shit they're poisoning us with., you dumb fucks are getting poisoned and you don't even know it.

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hmmmm so its veganism and wheatgerm now ?

>When you arbitrarily determine how many years it takes to have a "history"
Not an argument.

>And if you take out gun crime, US gun crime is even lower
Sure billy, go have a cookie, let the adults speak

Just did a reserve search, yep that's my mum.

fucking nailed it

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Correct, see:

>We got better in the 1970s

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