Femanons, I have a question.
Have you ever had a male friend profess their love outright and actually have it work? Or has it been more common for you to both awkwardly give signals until you both finally get it?
Femanons, I have a question.
Have you ever had a male friend profess their love outright and actually have it work? Or has it been more common for you to both awkwardly give signals until you both finally get it?
I am curious as well. Bump
Yeah figured all 2 females browsing may miss it and I'd try again in a bit.
Not femanon but I can give you a helpful answer:
Professing your love is a feeling dump, and feeling dumps are awkward to receive no matter who you are to the person sending them. You need to have more tact or subtlety than just professing your love. Test the waters and if you aren't sure afterwards then the feeling likely is not mutual
I have my theories and they're right on par with yours. But I've been pretty surprised by the womans perspective before...
i rejected him at first but over a period of years realized i was the one being a dick. i was insecure about my height- i'm taller than him. when i stopped being hung up on physical appearances i became a lot happier. i'm just lucky he waited for me to come to my senses about it. he is the perfect man for me and i hate that i was so shallow for so long. i had a lot of growing to do. i'm still taller than him but now i don't give a shit about something i can't change.
we're getting married in December of 2020.
That's awesome and all but did he dump it on you or did it clumsily happen when it turned?
Nvm. Missed the reference to the height meme. Nice LARP.
he sort of led up to it but i missed a lot of the signs. we were friends for a long time and i wasn't looking to be anything more so it might have been a willful blindness. when he told me, i felt like it was dumped on me all at once and i just wasn't ready yet.
i'm afraid i don't understand? i'm 5'10" and he's 5'7" if it helps. i don't know what LARP is.
like i know it's not common for girls to be tall but we're out there. not sure how my existence is a "meme" but okay...
That mild variation in height is honestly just such an unbelievable thing to take so much issue with after a short amount of exposure to somebody... even for a shallow person.
i've always had a complex about my height. it's something i struggled with for a very long time. girls are supposed to be petite and cute, not taller than their boyfriends. you really don't see why an immature person would have a problem with that? i was under 25 then. i've done some maturing since then. turns out girls can fall for the "height meme" too especially when you have to shop in a special section in department stores. you feel like a freak.
STFU with you're book and movie bs.
so, i was shallow and stupid and although we had many common interests i rejected him romantically. i missed out on many years we could have spent together. thankfully for me it wasn't too late to make things right. i actually was the one to ask him out in the end. but he was the one who proposed.
>i don't know what LARP is.
Don't worry - the user who posted that just thinks he's being edgy. Live Action Role Playing. He's saying you're a guy posing as a female for laughs.
inb4 'white knight' - more edgy.
Heh. I'm 6'2" and dated a girl 5'2". When we had missionary sex, I'd end up having to contort or kiss the pillow. We parted nicely, but then I dated a girl 5'9. Oh... SO much better!
>thread for multiple women to chime in turns into a focused blog for one attention whore
Not a femanon but i've absolutely had it work, told a friend of mine I liked her, not outright profession of love, we started fucking, next month we're getting married so yeah, it can work.
You didn't wait, gravity and oxidation of your dermal tissue rekt you and that fugly manlet is all that wanted you.
>marriage next month
Really hoping this is years later user. I never did that before... and just allowed it to happen. How sappy about it were you?
You really don't think its entirely plausible it's a guy when they reference a common shitlord trope? Weird.
you are too cynical. jeez.
Middle tag here. Lol no I'm probably not cynical enough for Yea Forums
i mean what do i get if i lie? dick waving points on a forum where my posts will be gone in an hour? apparently i said something a lot of trolls say about height but it wasn't on purpose. if anything i'm sad my reality has become something to commonly mock. i don't hate short men if that's what got you upset. i already admitted to having been immature and a shallow dumbass. i don't know what more you want. i don't exactly feel comfortable posting a picture of myself here so i guess if you still insist on not believing me there's nothing more i can do.
They get absolutely nothing from it. They do it anyway.