Tell me someone worse than italians

Tell me someone worse than italians

>protip: you can’t

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Succhiami il Lo bastardo

Italian americans




Fat people
Retarded people
People with disabilities
Poor people
Indians, both kinds

Pretty sure Africans are the niggers of Europe

Not worse, buy equally as bad are the Irish, Scots , and Slavs.

Not mentioning the nuggets they have all been importing willy-nilly since our boy Adolph took off.


Americans and Jungle asians (like Vietnamese and Cambodians)

>Fat people
>Retarded people
>People with disabilities
>Poor people
>Indians, both kinds
Women have pussies you idiot. If they are quite and obidient, they are fine

Anglos, they’re all inbred on that tiny island, have disgusting teeth and hygiene, can’t cook, still let useless royal family oppress them


Don't be ridiculous. Niggers are the niggers of Europe.

The Irish

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I think most would agree that Irish people are the niggers of Europe

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Why did they paint the Irish flag on their faces?

Gypsies or russians

Potato niggers

>if they are quite
Opinion discarded

you can hardly find any italian that has no nigger or sandnigger blood. most of the time you can't tell an italian and a shitskin syrian apart until they open their mouth

cant-even-grow-potato niggers

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I'd say South Eastern Europeans, Italians are a very close 2nd

Whichevea one of white that has red heads

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Incels like you are worst than all of theses


Fucking Pikies are way worse

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God they're unbearable.

South Italians are even worse than north Italians


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Went on hols in med recently , a cruise. Totally agree with op, Italians are the worst

people in general are disgusting. regardless ethnicity, social class, age, color, culture, IQ, beliefs, gender or anything else one could possibly point.
I vote for a world free of people where the other animals would rule their lives
12 monkeys for president

English working class are worse than literal niggers

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The first thing that hits you is the smell. The smell of the working man

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I hear Romanians are pretty fucked.

Sweds jews niggers

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Faggots like op.

That's the ticket!

Testa di cazzo



An orange president

No. Italians are alright.

Niggers of Europe are:

1. The Turkish
2. Romanians
3. Anything Ex-Yugoslavian

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It couldn't be more obvious.

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The same nigger spawns that betrayed your precious Hitler?

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Dubs of truth

Found the italian