Map of countries you would/wouldn't have a problem to live in

Map of countries you would/wouldn't have a problem to live in.
Post yours

Attached: Countries you would live in.png (4200x2160, 831K)

Attached: replyoryourmotherdiesinhersleeptonight.png (4200x2160, 883K)

fucking nazi



Basically any western country and sometimes Japan. /thread.

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Damn nigga, you'd live in the ocean?


>Not Prussian
Fucking pathetic.

Basically the first world. Though with that said, I do see the appeal in making your money and retiring somewhere in SEA or South America. You can live like a king for comparatively little money and enjoy a fresh and laid back lifestyle

sorry, im listening to bach, mozart and beethoven

i cant hear you over all this white culture

Attached: 1566246362762.png (4200x2160, 804K)


I'm British and I would live anywhere but here

Attached: PBST.png (4200x2160, 706K)

so much effort for so few laughs

not the us but spain? ahaha

i didn't use paint, so it wasn't much effort. just like ten clicks. also, make a better joke then.

Attached: 1566250476894.png (4200x2160, 882K)


Average American

This but I would switch out Japan for Italy

spain is much better than the us, any country is better than the us

Kek. American education.
What’s that country off the south coast of Australia


Wait....the red one is Israel or Lebanon?

looks like both of them

Thats not a answer.

>Selecting russia
>Not selecting developed latin shitholes or europe

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The map was created by a retard from the European incest capital who would rather live in Bangladesh or Sudan than hangout with Jews. What do you expect?

If you lived in papua new guinea theyd kill your german ass post haste

why is france so unpopular though?

too many niggers

why would i ever want to live in a shithole?

I love how everybody has Ireland green, gowan lads

Czechfag pog

viva mexico cabrones

Attached: MAPPPPPPP.png (4200x2160, 708K)

Wouldn't live in Latin countries cuz it's too hot for me and would live in Russia because of similar culture

This Guessing Mexican/French right?

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Attached: spidey190.jpg (480x390, 24K)