Girl I was close with died last week

>girl I was close with died last week
>I went 6 days without sleep
>Last night fell asleep for 2 hours and had a nightmare involving her dying
>Woke up at 4 am having a panic attack and it hasn't stopped
What do I do bros?

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Take solace in the fact that you too, will die eventually.


Remember the three laws of thermodynamics

1. You can't win
2. You can't tie
3. You can't quit the game

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have a sleep

Look up CBT. If she killed her self, nobody saw it coming, nobody could have helped her, you didn’t fail her, it was inevitable.

Alcohol might help... professional help is prolly better

>caring about women
big yikes from me

Smoke a blunt or two

How did she die?

howd she die?


Im dead holy shit
Cock ball torture lmao

Death is just part of the cycle of life. Give it time, in a month or two you will have forgotten all about her.


Holy shit, helpless people piss me the fuck off. Did your parents raise you in a barrel or what?
Stop attention whoring on Yea Forums and go see a goddamn doctor.

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She died, not you. Man the fuck up.

Stop being a fucking pussy.

I can smell the stench of beta on you. You can try and act like badass online, but everybody can see right through you. Go to bed child, its way past your bed time.

drink a shit ton of booze, cry your eyes out, drink more and pass out

It's not like she can get double-dead.

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man up and grow a pair

Fart into a jar, start sniffing the jar, get high on your own farts. Numb the pain with the fart jar.

Dig up her grave and fuck her corpse.

The mortician will have removed all of the fluids that accelerate decomposition, and with that in mind, she'll be good for 20-30 fucks as long as you keep her in a freezer.

damn dude

Solid advice bro

This is why I come here

You have no choice but:
1) Wait
2) Being busy while waiting
3) Reflect about the fact while being busy

>cant sleep for 6 days
>has nightmares
>has panic attacks
but yeah he's the beta

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Seek help from a professional.

I can't fathom what you are going through, but I can kinda imagine how awful it must feel. You need someone who can genuinely help you through this time.

Nothing. You just take it until enough time passes and you can function like before her death again. Youll never get over it. You will only get used to it. Good luck, user. I know how you feel. Its awful.

remember the good in her and whatever she taught you about yourself appreciate. understand death aint that bad this place kinda sucks.

Melatonin and Tylenol P.M.

It's what I take and it knocks me the fuck out regardless of my anxiety and insomnia. Go to Walmart right now and buy them. Take them and get some sleep. 6 days without sleep will fuck with you hard during the mourning process. You may have nightmares while you sleep, as melatonin gives you extremely vivid dreams, but what you do dream, write down in a journal. It will help you come to terms with the grief of your mourning.

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Wasted dubs on an edgy kid. Life's a nightmare and you will learn that one day when you realize all of your dreams won't come true and you will live a like a hampster running in a wheel then die.

not everyone is a pathetic sack of shit

You do realize that just because you think it sucks that that isnt the case for everyone, right?
So making a generalization or assumption that everybody thinks it 'kinda sucks' would be retarded, right?

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tylenol pm is just tylenol and benadryl dipshit. get knockoff benadryl and stop fucking up your liver every night. I know you have an addictive type a personality already by you having to take shit to sleep every night so I know you're a heavy drinker. for fuck sake faggot

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Literally passed out and puked last night due to drinking so much vodka, so you're not wrong at all.

so this girl friend zoned you?

kek. I'm not saying cut it out completely cuz I recently had some shit happen with my stomach thanks to aspirin and aleve (chronic migraines) but taking it for no reason is just retarded when you're drinking heavy like that bro. just adding to the liver pounding. anyway be good Yea Forumsro

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read who he is answering to newfag

>stop attention whoring
>I can smell the beta on you
>but yeah he's the beta
did you even read it dipshit

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>"girl i was close with died"
>"i went 6 days without sleep"
>"what do i do bros?"
>honest user tells OP to "stop attention whoring on Yea Forums and go see a goddamn doctor"
>people start arguing and calling user an edgy kid

i didn't know this was an YLYL thread

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This. Just wait until really important people on your life die. Learn to deal with it. We all have to go through this.

They all are, Billy

Haha thanks for the chuckle