Has medical science gone too far? Believe it or not but the person in this picture has a man made cock.
Has medical science gone too far? Believe it or not but the person in this picture has a man made cock
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I’ll never get phalloplasty, I’ll just be a dude with a vag. A cuntboy
a farce
As a man I would rather have a pussy than a dick like that. Like at least the pussy is useful.
what a "gem" of a man you turned into
Idk, to me it looks almost shopped.. and your bodys will stay small and weak.
I dont get you guys. But go on.. i will stay 6 foot + alphamale with a feal cock that can shoot real loads..
what could this person even fuck with all that girth, a worn-out asshole?
Christ that thing is wider than the wrists
Real cock.. fucking phones. I hate living past 2k6
Your wife for starters
I bet your cock is smaller than the one on the tranny
Holy shit they really really will stop at nothing.
That's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. This poor girl will probably suicide sometime in the near future.
Holy fuck man
Does it work?
Take a wild guess
No, it's literally just leg/ass flesh and skin stapled to his pelvis
it never has worked and never will
It actually really isnt.. That cock in that pic isnt even big. Look at how small that dude must be? 5'4? Look at those toothpick arms. It just looks big cause the "dude" is a dwarf.
He's literally the size of a real mans leg or so... rofl af
Nah his shit probably dwarfs you
It doesn't but even if it did that's okay, I don't kill myself because of my malformed cock that I'm trying to convince myself wasn't a mistake
By comparison, I wouldn’t trade based on the orgasms alone. If I could magically have both I might take that deal tho
Hey fuck you! Any woman that decides she is a man, cuts off her tits, takes testosterone injections, strips her leg fat and staples it over her pussy is no different than a man. How are you not understanding this?
>sees that
>still calls it a girl
I think you’re the mental one my man
It's a hideously disfigured, hormone pumped, mentally ill, woman. Fun fact: they an hero regardless of being "accepted" or not. Could have been a woman, should have remained a woman - in some capacity. Now she's just an abomination. Destroyed femininity in order to achieve half assed manhood.
jesus christ that cock literally looks like a monster from a horror movie
Got a cite for that bullshit? It’s definitely the bully from asshole little faggots like you
It really -reaaaallly- doesnt. Happy 4 u, if it makes u happy.
I am not so much into your silly system with foot/inch.. but in your weird system my cock is 7,58 inches (?)
And no. I will NEVER post my cock or anything where I could be recognized on Yea Forums I aint stupid.
So your a pussy then?
>another woman I didn’t have a chance with just mutilated herself out of my dating pool
Are you starting to feel desperate for pussy or do you normally give a fuck about the live of random strangers that do things you don’t like?
You must be an idiot or narcissistic if you think anyone would recognize your cock of all things from a random b thread. Are you even old enough to post here?
As a man I would rather have a pussy, period.
It's basically a net gain, and my masculinity isn't so fragile that I need a totem to prove it, or to 'feel' like a man.
I’m already against phalloplasty but seeing posts like this does make me feel even more comfortable looking like a dude with a pussy
"dating pool" - I wouldn't touch that with a laser pointer.
You mad, and on the internet? Time to get off the internet, sweetie. Better log off your device and go for a run, lest you get triggered and hurt yourself.
In this case, totally.
I got called narcistic and arrogant a million times. So could be possible.. and yes, in my area my cock is a fucking legend. Still biggers excist tho.
It's just so freakishly pretty. Looks like from a biology book. Or if u would google "perfect cock"..
The real mvp.
People need to understand that there are chicks with dicks and guys with cunts....
No, this is perfect.
That's crazy wide. Would actually sandwich a girl with u.
You seem real upset about what strangers do to their bodies, bud
Guys have dicks girls have cunts. You are welcome for the clarification.
True that
i have a pretty nice cock but i'd rather have a pussy than a pound of bologna between my legs. character is more important for men
>Has medical science gone too far?
No, when you loose your cock to a crazy bitch that chops your dick of because you just fucked her little daughter, you will be thankful that some faggots have been the testing ground for dick implants
Oh and yes. 32 yrs. ;)
it looks diseased
oh my God it's like a tube sock filled with sand. this is the saddest thing i've ever seen next to post-pubescent men trying to make themselves look female.
no wonder the suicide rate is so high.
last time someone posted this
someone pointed out that his dick looks like a private investigator wearing a trench coat
I like to imagine how absurd an alien might find this. Humans are weird.
they're really just women who got tired of being small and weak and so decided to try being a man. nothing a good dicking won't fix.
I'm judgemental and disgusted and voice my opinion on an anonymous internet forum. This is /b, this isn't reddit or tumblr.
amazingly realistic
I'll beat "his" ass... lol
This is Penisaurus.
Does anyone know where to find the John Boyega asking Google for Jollof Rice Advertisement?
stop LARPing dude, nobody believes you have the perfect cock without a timestamped pic. you're just wasting everyone's time.
>laughs in 50%+ suicide rate
If it’s not reddit or tumblr why are you blogging like anyone gives a damn about your opinion?
I dont even want them to believe, but it aint LARP bro. Still would never post my cock here. And 4 sure not live with time stamp.
And no. I am bringing quality to this thread triggering people. My shit made him post the pic with the measurement.
Good to know you’ll be offing your useless self
You are so mad. Don't be mad.
Man, for sure, keep your pussy, you won the genital lottery.
I mean, sure it may cause some pain and discomfort, and bleed every 3 weeks, but the pros outweigh.
As a dude, biological, so you wouldn't get some of these issues, I have to deal with:
Mediocre orgasms, this is probably the biggest.
Cleanup thereafter, and the 'follow up' ooze that sticks to your pants.
Random, sharp pains occasionally, twisted tubes, or raw balls.
Literally any sort of brute force causes nausea and/or abdomen pain.
Balls. I can't stress this enough, but they are always in the way, and responsive to heat, large and sweaty/sticky in summer, and tight and uncomfortable in winter, but always in the way, kind of like lying on you front when you have tits, but all the time.
You're literally always aware of them, but used to it.
Damn, Michael Malice packin’ shmeat
can that thing even get hard?
Your perfect cock will be forgotten to time unless you post it, faggot. You don't know what you want. NO ONE REALLY DOES
Are you cut?
Nope. Cut is shit unless medically necessary. No piss bombs with a cut dick.
That’s Michael malice, right?
I agree, was but a trap!
Piss bombs though, I do that too.
>believe it or not
I’m actually extra lucky in that I get irregular periods naturally, once every 3-6 months. Sometimes more frequently, but I know I don’t envy pussy owners on a normal month to month cycle.
I’m confident the orgasms are better. As for cleanup, I always have to lay a towel down. I get dripping easily. So if I get turned on in public I get ooze underwear to deal with too.
Having balls seems like a real pain tho. I believe you that they’re in the way, overly sensitive. I’d rather be forced to keep my tits than acquire balls
Shut the FUCK up, moralfaggot
So edgy
It's way too fun.. always good 4 a laugh
Fuck you man, nobody cares
Straight, but I've heard that a lot of people that get bottom surgery aren't satisfied with the results. mtf and ftm. Something like only half are really satisfied with the results.
Only one is me you edgy tard. Go play magic with your school friends now
It's funny that women use small dick jokes as a go to insult against men, but when they get a fake dick it's the size of a fucking thermos. Overcompensating much?
I Think those people have to take tons of freaking medication to make their body accept and not start to rot off their "genitals"..
What happenes when end time begins? You all die because you run out of that medications..
Always be prepared.
I'll play magic with your butthole, little feller.
>implying all women think the same
This is why you have dating trouble
Only if you can hit that prostate little man
Are they handing out free thermo cups now?
Yeah idk why their community wont encourage eachother to work out.
There are MMA chicks that could beat this dudes ass.
My gf would beat this "dudes" ass tho.
Huge question right here. Why don’t they urge each other to work out? Maybe because the ones that do break free from the incel chains? Idk
that would involve too much work though and they are all about instant gratification.
lol looks like Chester Bennington
Even Chester Bennington had more arms and shoulders than this "man".
i was mainly thinking about the face
this is every white man on Yea Forums
There's hair growing out the end of it....
That dick looks like a tube of bologna
6 inches is below average
Only a fucking woman would think this is passable as a man.
It is the same dick? Dude no girls would be able to take that.
OP is not passable as a man. most trannies are not passable.
signed, a woman who doesn't want you to think we all support this batshit insanity.
>housing and transportartion is basically the exact same as 30 years ago
>electricity, fuel efficiency and food production is virtually the same for 50 years
>roadways, buildings, the work cultures that create these feets, all stagnant as well
But boy can we turn pussies into dicks and upgrade our smartphones
OP is evidence we can't even make cocks and pussies right. only nature can make a good cock or pussy. medical science has NOT caught up even remotely. that's why post OP trannies are the stuff of nightmares.
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You’re going to make some man very miserable. Have a good life cunt
Trannies are scum.
I'm getting mixed signals here user. Thanks I guess?
I dont really get that pic. Maybe too stupid
My point was that science is focused on improving gender related operations and therapies, and improving our data mining, remote activated hand grenades (smart phones) and other media and entertainment (distraction) technologies instead of actually improving and innovating more useful technologies
That is a fucking sausage cut in half and glued on to there.
Look at the parent's faces, miserable while trying to be supportive. It shows what pain they put their mothers and fathers through in pursuit of their selfish desires.
Do me a favour.. piss off... nobody wants to see that.
I’m saying youre a miserable cunt sure to pass misery on to your husband. At least you can hate tranny’s together while you get fat and old. If you can even find someone to wife you
Do you pretend to like sports and support the alt right too? Just wondering how far your pandering goes
Thats not a cock its a frankenweiner
Maybe parents shouldn’t be in pain cause their kid is a little weird and should support their children. Instead of being selfish fucks trying to live thru them and force them into what they want
You came into a tranny thread and are surprised to see trannies posted?
Ok now I got it. Thanks user.
I came to a thread with a pic of a skinny small dude with a super weird bar between his legs and wanted explanation.
This doesnt mean a fat dude in womans clothes now needs to post his here.
I save all my hate for these threads and don't really bring it into my personal life. As far as everyone knows I'm really liberal. I'm very polite to trannies in person actually. But here I can be honest about how I feel.
Are there people who unironically defend trannies on cuckchan? This place has fallen far
They can tell and hate your fake bitch ass
They can't and don't but whatever helps you feel better. Are you just mad you can't expose me? Sounds like it...
Imagine being so hate filled and stupid you think aliens with the ability to travel thru space would be weirded out by something other creatures on this very planet can do
They can, they’re just nice to your fake face. You’re right tho, I’m soooo mad. Seething even. Might just fuck off
See you next week tho ;)
Disgusting mutilated fucking faggots. Stop supporting mental illness; if you want to dress up as a girl or boy and get fucked like a little bitch that's whatever, but fuck that shit I'll always call you what you were born as. Go get some fucking help.
More cringe.
I would have never known. The realism is uncanny!
Yeah it works, it's super effective at grossing people tha fuck out.
You look like an idiot using a cherry picked example that even other trannies hate and wish death upon
> His pelvis
This is pretty cute. Are you just mad you don’t have happiness or love in your life user?
fat positive...
Senseless post.
I love chubby girls :))
>not mad
Calm down before you have a stroke. All I said was that most trannies aren't passable. I'm guessing you must be one yourself if you're getting so bent out of shape over the literal truth. Sorry to spoil your hugbox.
Now you have a fat dick.
And what that change in your life?
What your gain?
It's not cute it's two mentally ill losers lying to themselves and all of society so they can pretend they aren't horrendously disgusting to the rest of the world
They seem pretty happy together and you’re the one bitching on a Korean basket weaving forum. I’d bet you’re the disgusting one. You got a partner?
It’s ok Jessica, you’ll find love soon
I've never liked this guy's music. I don't know why people were so drawn to it.
The only fat positive here is the diabetes test results.
What's wrong, you know them personally? Just enjoy the circus clowns user.
Id like to but I need a selfie from you first
What a fucking pussy, be a goddamn man.
As if I'd be stupid enough to post my face here and out myself as a tranny hater. Nice try.
You missed the point, trannies have an unchecked mental illness, and need therapy and meds. What in the fuck would make people think it's an issue with their body and not an issue with their brain?
I'm a soccer mom, I don't have to be a man lol.
Tits or gtfo
There you go.
Trans people are the best people.
Looks like Darth Vader from the back
Discusting fucking faggot motherfucker
you literally have hair growing from the tip of your dick, i would puke if i saw this IRL and im a dude
Trans people are disgusting mutilated vile creatures.
It's hilarious how many mentally ill women post on here now trying to act like men but they attention whore exactly the same a mentally stable women. It's even uncanny how they type the same as them despite trying so hard to be men.
Mainly we just act like dudes to avoid dudes like this But I agree with you any woman who actually wants to be a man IRL is mentally ill and subhuman.
You're kidding?????
don't say that about people
Haha...nice frankenweenie...holy shit this is hilarious...I’m dying over here.
Now he can only use his hand
Look at that massacred thigh where the frankenwang skin came from, hence all the hair on it, kek
C’mon, I wanna ticket to the clown show of your face
Beautiful irony, Man Made Cock!
Ok, it’s a brain issue and we can’t fix it so the other option is to fix the body to ease the brain instead
Maybe look into the process even a little
is that.. is that a fucking baguette?!
>implying having a flaccid 4-5 incher that works as God intended is somehow worse than some constant 6 inch slab of leg skin
Do you even use your brain user?
Could you be any more desperate? not gonna happen lol
please see
it looks disgusting and unnatural
just like your mates will look like.
you people will actually be the answer to every caste of non-technological subhumans that are pretty much in all sci-fi epics, holy fuck
I bet you’re even uglier
One year after surgery, suicide rates return to the normal 48%. What does that tell you? Mutilating the body is not the cure.
It does though, lol
Have you looked into the cause of those suicides at all? Most people driven to go as far as lower surgery are also harshly bullied. Do you bully trans mutants but also tote around their suicide rate as if you care? Just say you hate them user, you’re not trying to save lives. You don’t get to point out the suicide rates as a dissuasion while also contributing to it
At least my pussy is real and not a mutilated surgical wound. :)
Oh I do hate them! Very much so. But here I am participating in the discourse anyway. Turns out you can't gatekeep who is allowed to discuss things on a public forum.
Kek lol.
>Believe it or not
also filename
My pussy is real you tard
Yes, but your feelings should be kept out of a debate wouldn’t you agree? Don’t get all emotional on me. Got something other than suicide rates you don’t care about and contribute to?
Then show it
>Don't get all emotional on me
>accuses the other of not caring and contributing to suicides
Sounds pretty emotional, breh.
>Trannys will never have this
I'm not debating you lol. My opinion is not up for debate. I think trannies are gross and weird because they are. You're the one getting all assmad and triggered.
You first. Don’t forget the timestamp
Oh that’s fine then. I have no problem with primitive people hating things cause they are different. Just don’t pretend you have a logical thought about it
They have to appeal to emotions because they sure as hell can't appeal to logic.
>I feel sad about who I am.
>Better inject chemicals and cut my cock off! That will fix it.
Frankentrannys are so fucking selfish. Fuck do I hate them, don't even have the energy to rage on about how sick they make me.
You'd be happier in your discord.
>weak orgasms
>fragile balls
I’m good, I’ll just order a silicone replacement of any size I want
Oh I like plenty of things that are different! I just don't like perverts who force their fetish on all the people around them and try to force kids into it.
I don’t have one. And before you refer me to your next catchphrase, I’ve never been to reddit either
Yeahhhhh, no. Just bc you want a normal, healthy, mentally stable child that lives a good life, free of being a fucking freak that will probably kill itself in no way means the parents are trying to live through their child. Would you encourage your anorexic child to starve itself to death? I doubt it, so instead of posting here and in your protranny threads why don't you pull your head out of your ass and grow up.
saline and pumping
Ah see you believe in what memes and the internet have shown you a tranny to be. Meet some real ones, not the cherry picked freaks from Yea Forums and tumblr. No ones forcing any fetishes and especially not onto kids
The irony
Not sure you know what that word means
You're talking to the kind of person who would let a 10 year old boy decide he wants to be a woman and pump him full of hormones and androgen blockers that could sterilize him forever. Your logic, while perfectly sound and compassionate, is wasted on them.
Ok yeah the balls are soft, but if I have a weak orgasm that's a problem with what I'm shoving it in. Even blasting in randos feels fucking great. Idk where you would even get that idea you fucking moron. It's even more intense with prostate play.
There are multiple television reality shows about "transgender" children. Actual children. Who they inject with hormones and give surgeries to. Don't give me that bullshit they don't force it on kids. There are child psychologists dedicated to helping children transition genders.
This is a wholesome and porn free board mind your lewdness no genitals asses or female nipples leg meat is fine
lmao I lost at the random censor squiggles. Why the fuck would they censor "his" nipples if male nips aren't considered lewd? Clown world.
>manmade cock and its still only 6in
Poor thing
6in long
8in thick lol
I've read your posts and agree with you 100%. Unfortunately you're probably wasting good energy responding to some mentally defective faggot. Tranny's are so, so far from reality it's unreal.
I know you don’t
I second this
Absolutely not. Stop believing memes and your own anti trans propaganda. Hormones are and should be restricted until they are 18
>Implying every woman can take 9 inches vaginally
not far enough in my opinion. We should like grow those parts and give them like organic ones
you have a point.
You’ll never know the intensity a clitoral orgasm can bring. Imagine the feeling of cumming, the exact moments of semen shooting out, but sustained for as long as you can stand. No recharge time ever needed
Androgen blockers are given to belay puberty before adolescence. They are known to cause permanent sterility. Their effects are often irreversible. They are commonly given to "trans" boys before beginning HRT. These are cold hard facts.
>reality shows
Exactly user
What a waste of effort and money. Why go so far just to destroy your natural genitals?
Do you know what andro blockers do? Do you know what they were commonly used for? Do you know the side effects of starting and stopping andro blockers?
Learn you some facts
And? Even if it's sensationalist Hollywood crap those are real kids they actually mutilated. For the entertainment of other trannies and tranny sympathizers. How the fuck are you not outraged? What is wrong with you that you accept and defend this degeneracy?
You'll never be a dude with a cunt, just a hairy woman with no tits.
I realize that they are more intense and last longer, but I enjoy my own too. A woman that really knows how to please a man can take it to the next level. Simultaneous orgasms are probably the peak. I'm comfortable not having as intense of an orgasm because I derive more pleasure from pleasing my partner and drawing her orgasms out longer with gentle overstimulation.
Got a name of this reality show? I don’t watch that garbage.
Doesnt look like it.
From Wikipedia:
In males, the major side effects of antiandrogens are demasculinization and feminization. These side effects include breast pain/tenderness and gynecomastia (breast development/enlargement), reduced body hair growth/density, decreased muscle mass and strength, feminine changes in fat mass and distribution, and reduced penile length and testicular size. The rates of gynecomastia in men with selective AR antagonist monotherapy have been found to range from 30 to 85%. In addition, antiandrogens can cause infertility, osteoporosis, hot flashes, sexual dysfunction (including loss of libido and erectile dysfunction), depression, fatigue, anemia, and decreased semen/ejaculate volume in males.
>can cause infertility
It says it right there and they give these things to kids but go on trying to bullshit me.
Look on TLC. Not sure of the names but there are a few of these shows. One is called "I am Jazz".
Yes but I’d never trade the pussy for a cock on the orgasm aspect alone. And I can use any size dick I need to please a partner if they wanted dick all without the drawback of having to carry it in my pants and having weak ass fragile seed sacks
SO i guess she is fucking his dick with her pussy.. just like normal people do
You sound like a good man user. Just saying.
I've not contributed much to this thread, but it fucking great...cheers OP.
>not even for the effects on the correct age range
Are you trying?
I will actually salute you if id see that dick in a girls vagina.
Ignoring reality doesn't make it unreal.
You watch shows you don’t even know the name of?
Also in your one example, Jazz is 18
That’s what I’m trying to tell you my good man. If you bothered to do real research you’d learn they have very different effects on kids who are still developing their hormones. Do you believe doctors just inject kids with shit cause... what, they are being paid by the Jews is it? Cmon
The show started when he was a lot younger as I understand. And no I don't generally watch that shit but this one woman I work with is fucking obsessed so if I have to hear about it so do you.
I've done enough research to be thoroughly disgusted with the tranny delusion.
Thank you. I actually care about the way my partner feels, unlike most men today. Dudes are just lazy and uncaring.
Ok but if you’re outraged it seems like you’d bother to look into it and they didn’t start hormones until 18
Okay, but the way you make it sound you are almost hostile towards testicles.I gather that you are a lesbian but testicles still serve a purpose. It almost feels like your jealousy of testicles is projected as anger towards them. You tear them down because they are a symbol of your percieved anatomical shortcomings.
Why are you being intentionally obtuse? I'm pissed they're giving T blockers to little boys. Which I've already proved can cause infertility even if you choose to ignore the evidence sitting right in front of you. You keep trying to restructure the argument around consenting adults but moving the goalposts won't change what they are doing to kids.
Genital mutilation is ACTUALLY COOL AF
Oh no, balls are great. Fun to play with, fun to give pleasure to. I’m just saying, objectively and personally, I wouldn’t trade. I’m sure some guys would argue the periods or whatever else isn’t worth it but I like pleasure and in the genital lottery pussy won the sensory jackpot
You some unwilling to admit balls are a major drawback. I commend you semen owners for carrying the burden but I do not envy
You proved they can cause infertility in adult men who already have decent t running thru their systems.
If you want to talk about what they are doing to kids, research what they do to kids
Yes, the sensory part is great. I will agree to disagree. There is just something about penetrating a vagina or ass that is amazing.
Thay doesnt look like a tranny. Looks like someone who got their legs blown off fighting for israel in the desert sadly
Shit ofc i hate everyone who tries to normalize genital mutilation and who is so warped and cares so much about gender constructs that has to have a frankenweiner to feel good in respect to society. And the fact you all accept it is absolutely surreal.
Can’t disagree with that. I of course won’t know what it feels like but I do know what the sight can do to me so there’s that
I don’t care what other people have in their pants especially if I’m not fucking them
U sad because you will never feel a male orgasm, because you are not a man. You are an inflated clit tranny
Fine. I'll do your homework for you since you're too lazy.
>RESULTS: Thirteen studies met our inclusion criteria, in which researchers examined GnRHas (n = 9), estrogen (n = 3), testosterone (n = 5), antiandrogen (cyproterone acetate) (n = 1), and progestin (lynestrenol) (n = 1). Most treatments successfully achieved their intended physical effects, with GnRHas and cyproterone acetate suppressing sex hormones and estrogen or testosterone causing feminization or masculinization of secondary sex characteristics. GnRHa treatment was associated with improvement across multiple measures of psychological functioning but not gender dysphoria itself, whereas the psychosocial effects of gender-affirming hormones in transgender youth have not yet been adequately assessed.
>Most treatments successfully achieved their intended physical effects,
>one of which is INFERTILITY
Nope, just mostly curious is all
This study was specifically done on youths by the way before you try to deny it. Suppression of secondary sex characteristics = infertility
Once again, got the reports on the effects of andro blockers on KIDS and what happens if they decide to quit them?
Imagine the doc who heard "i want a 8inch thick cock"
Lol fucking ridiculous.
This is about kids and if they continue to use them which is what you seem to be advocating for. Prolonged use can cause permanent infertility. I've now shown you two studies that show this, one of which comes from a trusted academic source. You're basically admitting that the only healthy course of action is to never use them in the first place. I'm gonna go ahead and consider this argument won since you still haven't been able to show any evidence supporting your position.
maybe there was a mix up they had asked for an 8in x 6in cock
Effects on age range? Anything that causes anemia on a 30yo causes anemia on a 12yo. You know jackshit about medicine and you are trying to adapt facts to your worldview
You could bludgeon someone to death with that fat todger. Imagine the first girl's face who unzips "his" fly to reveal that misshapen monster. No wonder 50% of them take the rope to anime land.
I like how quiet he got when presented with factual evidence he couldn't ignore, lol.
Lol Hahahahah
Why do women not understand how penises work? They aren't just meat logs that hang 9 inches limp. Penises shrink and grow.
>yeah i want a clit wrap XL
>gluten free bread or cereal
>just wrap it with sum of my thigh skin
OP is now a "man"
As a Jew I feel ashamed that we pioneered these practices, I'm actually a very conservative person.
Circumcision was mainly a higienic procedure, anywhere near this.
The shit i cant understand is, you could just live like a dude without fucking genitals up. Whst is the rational behind that?
I’ve said multiple times I don’t want bottom surgery, I just don’t see why you care if someone does want it
Research takes time, keep the thread bumped for me lazy bones
Good job on irreversibly mutilating your body retard
That sick parody of a penis just looks like an amputated arm
Puberty blockers have been used on children who are experiencing pruberty too early, as young as 8 and 9. Even before they started being used for dysphoria in children, experiencing puberty at a normal age