You can print a gun with no record attached

You can print a gun with no record attached.

This design is a bit primitive, but 3D printers will only get better and cheaper in the future. You can get a decent one for $200 off Amazon. Is gun control really possible?

Attached: DD_Liberator.png (607x445, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

its still better than doing nothing at all you fuck

Stop living in fear.

lmao what does that even mean?

You fear guns/mass shootings and it drives you decision to want to ban guns. Fear/emotional based decisions rarely work out.

Stop living in fear.

Wow guys we found Mitch Leary.

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im not scared im sad. nobody is doing a gd thing about it and its only escalating

>Stop living in fear.
lol it's gun owners who are literally living in fear. Every person I know who owns guns, except for hunters, are chubby white guys terrified that a black person might look at them wrong.

Real balls is being just fine with walking down a street at night without a gun.

you can build a bow or crossbow out of wood, spears with one stick and a sharp stone. you can make chemical weapons out of cleaning products. you can make explosives out of things you can buy at walmart.
if someone wants to kill people, he will find a way.

>22LR fired out of a plastic barrel
Sure hope they aren't wearing a winter coat..

print a dildo faggot

fuck 3D printing. if you have machining skills you can finish 80% lowers, make clone 1911, and covert 10/22's.

You can buy steel pipe for brake line and use it as a gun man

You can have a gun that shoots one bullet before it melts if you want. It’s the high capacity, able to kill hundreds in minutes type of guns you tard

Sad = Emotional. Don't make decisions based on emotions.

It's not getting worse, you're being convinced it's getting worse.

>Bro it's totally worthless. If you have machining skills, a mill and a lathe, a press, and specialty tooling you can make guns lickity split. omg ur so dumb gun control would do nothing

There are designs for these in 9mm. its still a 2 inch barrel with no rifling but you could get someone under the right circumstances.

That is very true. But with a 3D printer, any tard with no skills can download a file and print a gun.

good god man you just said we shouldnt feel for people getting shot every day

go spend some time by yourself and reflect

You right now

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You can walk down that street because the possibility exists that you have a gun. Remove the possibility and it becomes the biggest meanest one wins.

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You can make a gun with a trip to home fucking depot and a few hundred dollars.

It'll work better too, and be fully automatic.

Making a gun isn't fucking rocket science.

Gun Control is something rich white liberals invented to make themselves feel safe.

You right now

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>chubby white guys terrified that a black person might look at them wrong.
sounds like a whole lotta projection going on. How many gun owners do you know?

If you want to solve a problem you have to understand it.

There are less than 1000 people killed each year in mass shootings. Compare that number with medical malpractice, drunk driving, drug overdoses, knife crime, etc.

Even if you take ALL gun crime and ALL gun suicides you STILL don't approach some of those other numbers... and that's without even discussing self defense shootings, deterrence, etc.

Also, you ain't gettin' my guns, so fuck off. Pick another issue and go save the world.

Good for one shot so make it count!

No. I said emotional based decisions are a bad idea.

Banning guns will not reduce the pain.

post build or u faggit
>is faggot

As I stated, it's fairly primitive right now, but who knows what's possible in the future? I have doubts just like you, but check out some of the printed guns people have made on YouTube.

As everyone has pointed out, there are many ways to create deadly weapons. This leads me to believe that gun control would be hard to accomplish.

np do nothing but buy more guns. maybe it will accelerate your shit society deteriorating a little faster

You don't need a 3d printer to make guns. Fairly easy with a basic milling machine. The challenge is in ammunition.

It’s almost like, your emotions have been predetermined....h’weird

I'm black you fucking nigger, and I'm scared of niggers. You should be too. If you lived in a shit neighborhood and not some yuppie gated community you'd own a fucking gun as well. You'd live in fear if someone got stabbed, beat down, shot, robbed, or otherwise violated every other weekend just down the street.

The fact that you don't shows your privilege, now fucking check it.

Rifled barrels are a thing, now. Some genius figured out how to do ECM with a bucket of salt water and a transformer. You can turn any piece of steel pipe or tubing into a rifled barrel for less than $200.

>your shit society


that crap-ass "gun" looks like it's accurate to about 6 inches past the barrel
might as well use a knife at that point

>Is gun control really possible?

That thing is hardly an assault rifle, and plastic pistols have a nasty habit of blowing up in your hand.

The liberator is a piece of useless shit. It needs to be printed on specialty printers with high grade materials, meaning not just anyone can print one. It's prone to failures and misfires (if it doesn't just explode in your hand), it's crazy inaccurate with a effective range that is basically only point blank, and it still needs a metal firing pin so it's not like it can get through metal detectors or anything which would make it useful as a tool for assassination or some covert bullshit. It serves literally no purpose whatsoever, other than for retards to point to it and go "SeE yoU caN't COntRoL ArE gUns!!!11"

>You can turn any piece of steel pipe or tubing into a rifled barrel for less than $200.


Oooooh, look! A virtual AR-15 with bump-stock!

I used to study engineering before switching my major to math. Rocket science isn't really hard, unless you are a mental-midget.

Seems like you're not an American... If so, kindly fuck off from our internal politics... It's none of your business.

>If you want to solve a problem you have to understand it.

>posts rant that sets arbitrary number goalposts, moves goal posts in same post, finishes post with "muh guns".

people like this walk around not realizing they're retarded.

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Which kills more per year? Long rifles or hand guns?

That model is almost totally useless. Use the washbear instead.

You can't control guns. You can make a full auto sten gun in your basement with fairly primitive tools. With some care and practice that's a gun that is more effective than any AR15. At least in unskillled hands.

OP is doing gods work

Dude what a loser, machining skills? If you have a pit with some coal and a hammer you can literally just get some leaf springs and make a sword; sword control will never work


>It's none of your business.
it kind of is, especially when you declare your president to be the "leader of the free world"

Why do these threads always pull out the Da vinci's out of the woodwork lol.

Good thing OP started with something a moron can use, as opposed to this strawman

I'd say so, I'd say a lot of countries and places call the United States president the leader of the Free world, you're one of only a few people with an issue with this.

It's not. Electrochemical technology is cheaper than dog shit.

You do not need a 3D printer. You need a vise, saw, file and drill. And a piece of steel (St 65 M).

Yes and laws and restrictions have been put into place to lower the numbers of deaths and injuries from all of those things.

Doctors need licenses and years and years of medical school before they can practice and can be held legally responsible for malpractice, cars are registered to their owners and the owners must be licensed to drive. We have laws against driving while impaired, driving over the speed limit, driving recklessly or even just failing to signal. Most drugs that you can OD on are flat out illegal to even possess, and knives that serve no purpose other than as weapons (switchblades, stilettos, etc..) are illegal in most states.

See -- lots of rules, regulations, and laws around all those things you listed, so they aren't exactly the best arguments against gun control, are they dipshit?

>reading comprehension
wasnt talking about OP's 3d printed gun. Was making fun of the guy saying a machinist with machinist equipment could make gun parts. You know. a gunsmith.

>I'm black you fucking nigger, and I'm scared of niggers.
nice larping, you pasty-assed faggot

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Which would give the rest of the world incentive to destabilize the U.S.. You just showed why we should't give a fuck about what non U.S. citizens think.

When the chivalry attacks with their swords


Funny how gun control is only brought up when a white person kills someone. Everyones silent when it comes to the thousands of niggers killing each other daily from gang violence despite the fact that makes up the majority of gun deaths where as "mass shootings" barely account for any

>The challenge is in ammunition.
Printed polymer cases, or even caseless ammo, depending on how you design it. Piezoelectric reusable primer. Making a propellant that’s more advanced than black powder is challenging. Might have to get away from cartridge designs entirely, go with gas or liquid propellants.

>paranoid af
you guys crack me up sometimes

>makes "ECM" machine for $5,000
>doesn't work
>hire professional
>he laughs at my "ECM" machine
>wont stop laughing
>charges me $50,000 to build ECM machine
>that faggot on Yea Forums that told me i couldnt do this for cheap is gonna be so mad
>get machine working but professional says i need to draw and machine cathodes
>wat? but if i have to use machining equipment to make straight cathodes why am i making ECM machine?
>professional starts laughing at me again.

Hey guys this is OP from Reddit. I just want to say thank you for all the replies. I have never gotten so many likes or up votes. I really can't believe it. God Bless

>if someone wants to kill people, he will find a way.
True, but nothing beats a gun for sheer distancing from the victims while still having 'fun'. That's the difference between playing an arcade game and being involved in ending a life.

can they 3d print ammo?

i'd like to print a pussy please

>See -- lots of rules, regulations, and laws around all those things you listed, so they aren't exactly the best arguments against gun control, are they dipshit?
Shot yourself in the foot, there. All of those laws, rules, regulations, licenses, restrictions, an outright bans are already in place on things that kill an assload more people per year than guns. So, can you explain why laws, etc., will work on gun deaths when those same laws, restrictions et al very clearly don’t work?

which do you prefer, black bulls or arab bulls?

Gas/pressure/chemicals, might be possible.

Literally just need a tube and a nail to hit the primer. Watch “Munich” and you’ll know what I meant, they snuff a bitch with her titties and cunt out with little pen guns, and they were weak ass Jews

SeeIt even has pics you can look at.

>Everyones silent when it comes to the thousands of niggers killing each other daily from gang violence despite the fact that makes up the majority of gun deaths

They're currently addressing the nigger problem by undoing the institutional racism from previous govt. administrations (affirmative action, fair hiring practice, etc.). Racists using the government to attack colored people is not a good idea because it's illegal no matter how many times they try to make it "legal". When you oppress people they turn to crime, it's clear history. Italians were discriminated so they created US mafias, Irish gangs, and now colored gangs. I'm a traditional racist, I think we should just stop using the law to oppress coloreds because it just gives them legal footing to fight back. Just let them fail on their own. No need to make laws to make inbred cletus happy.

but then it's like an undersized potato gun

He will find a way
He will

Just because there are still deaths doesn't mean there aren't less deaths as a result of regulation, and that's really the argument here isn't it?

There were far more driving fatalities and deaths caused by medical procedures 50 years ago, until we started putting more regulations in place to protect people.

literally no one is saying that putting stricter controls on firearms will stop gun deaths totally, just that it will prevent a lot of them. The same way it has by requiring seat belts and airbags to be installed in cars.

But it doesn't really matter because anyone arguing that "gun control doesn't work" is just being purposefully obtuse and arguing in bad faith.

Whites with guns don't live with niggers. Niggers live in cities, whites with guns don't. Even assuming your premise to be true, they are still not equivalent. Hypothetical "white racists motivated by fear" fear niggers due to first hand experience, while leftists fear what they have been told to fear by those in power.

The caliber and length of that "barrel" show it's just an example piece. If you want to make reliable rifled weapons you need a straight barrel with some sort of hardening. The hardening isnt an issue for ECM but getting straight barrels will be. And hardened straight barrels with near caliber sized pre-drilled holes arent exactly an option in a gun control scenario.

I dont see how a DIY cheap ECM would be better than just making a DIY shotgun.

>Implying this isn't the most intelligent response when dealing with obvious time-wasting, stalling, etc tactics masquerading as debate in good faith

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When you can print an automatic rifle with 100 bullet clips, then it might be a concern. Until then, enjoy your zip gun, viper.

You fear guns/mass shootings and that drives your wild west fantasies and prevents meaningful change to address the problem. You owning a gun hasn't saved any of those dead kids. Reasonable regulations would have.

>Is gun control really possible?
Lol no it was never possible more guns than people in the world yanno?

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>People die more from things other than guns
>That means we should never care about gun deaths or the children that are shot

Nice logic.

Females are notorious for using poison not "weapons" per say. Let's not talk about how woman murder babies through abortions legal or otherwise.

The real problem is buying decent ammunition.


I can murder whoever I want, tonight. There's literally no force in the universe that can stop me, because I'm reasonably intelligent, nothing can read my mind, and nothing and no-one has any reason to suspect me.

And yet I don't, because there are laws that say I shouldn't, police who enforce these laws to a sufficient degree, schools and society that has raised me to not want to murder anyone and a society that provides for my needs (and if necessary could address my grievances) to the extent that I don't need to murder anyone.

Yes people still get murdered sometimes but that doesn't mean that murder control doesn't work.

Have you ever tried firing one of these? They're fucking shit with consumer grade filament. You get ~2-3 shots which are nowhere close to accurate before it's done. You need higher end filament (heard good things about the medical grade) and a higher end printer, more specifically a replicator.

>a relatively small number of people have died due to guns
>but the media keeps talking about it lets ill assume its getting worse
>lets just take away everyone's only self defense from a tyrannical government, its the governments job to protect us anyways

the numbers dont mean their deaths dont matter, you're just blowing it out of proportion cuz ur gay

someone post the clip from that gangster movie where al pacino talks about building a zip gun as a kid

That's exactly what it means. If you don't think like that, then you can support any course of action at all.

>People shouldn't be allowed to drive because car accidents
>People shouldn't be allowed to swim because shark attacks
>People shouldn't be allowed to buy peanuts because allergies
>People shouldn't be allowed to buy gum because choking
>People shouldn't be allowed outdoors when it's raining because lightning

The only way to form policy around risk is rationally and scientifically. Everything else is insane.

you want to ban guns because it gives you the "feeling" of doing at least SOMETHING but instead of helping the society you only calm your mind. then the next tragedy happens and you are in search of a new thing to ban. the problem is not guns, it's your people.

I'm glad I got a chance to post this.

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please, PLEASE can I live in a world where mass-shooters have to 3d-print their guns

That's John McAfee quote, right?

I don't fear mass shootings, statistically meaningless. I'm more concerned about my drive home tonight.

You not owning a gun hasn't saved any dead kids. Bad people will always find a way to do bad things.

Your fear has no place in decisions based on my rights.

Stop living in fear.

>>People shouldn't be allowed to drive because car accidents
This is a retarded example, cars are heavily regulated
>>People shouldn't be allowed to swim because shark attacks
I cant go in public pool because sharks exist? What's the argument here?
>>People shouldn't be allowed to buy peanuts because allergies
Allergens are regulated. If you mass produce a food that doesnt obviously show allergens then you're required to list it in ingredients. "product contains x or process in factory with x"
>>People shouldn't be allowed to buy gum because choking
choking hazards are regulated and have heavy legal ramifications "for ages 0-3" "choking hazard"
>>People shouldn't be allowed outdoors when it's raining because lightning
you've probably been using this excuse to be a basement dweller your whole life


>list of potentially deadly things
>actual laws limiting many of the dangers of most of them exist and work

Mfw your example actual ruins your argument.

Maybe the NRA could focus focus on educating owners on how to clean a gun without killing themselves would make them look less like a corporate lobby and more like they have a soul.

Ok, what gun regulations do you envision being put into place that will significantly reduce firearm related deaths?

Doing nothing about trying to control guns IS the best decision, dumbass. There are millions of innocent lives saved every year just because a gun was present, nevermind actually used to save your life.

The problem are fuckwads who are cowardly and stupid enough to be willing to shoot a mass of innocent people for whatever bullshit reason they dictate. If you're willing to throw your life away by committing a mass shooting, at LEAST shoot up politicians! Leave innocent decent people alone.

OMG. the news (literally it's called the NEWs) favors reporting the sudden violent things instead of the decades long boring pervasive shit?

You don't need a 3d printer, everything can be done in a machine shop

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>millions of innocent lives saved every year just because a gun was present
millions wouldnt be in danger if it weren't for guns

No one wants to ban guns, fudgepacker. Is it beyond the realm of possibility for some adults (you can go play on the swingset) to talk about limiting the supply of mass lethal force to people who may not be responsible enough to own a spatula without hurting others.

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All those shootings happened in gun-free zones, where a presumption of no guns existing was the case.

Bad people commit crimes in places where they believe they can get away with it, or do the most damage. If one of these cowards walked in to a school believing literally hundreds of others could shoot their dumbass up in seconds, they'd rethink doing it (and target a gunfree zone instead).

Get real, you absolute living embarrassment.

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sure, noone wants to do that

>how can i get this user to agree with me?
>his argument is pretty sound, this will be tricky
>i know, ill prove his point correct!
>that'll show him!
its almost like they didnt outright ban those things and actually put thought into creating a rational solution to the problem...

Some of these are impressive

Attached: impressive_homemade_guns_that_can_definitely_do_some_damage_640_high_03.jpg (640x692, 51K)

This, I built a fully functional RPG-7 with parts bought from home depot

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Using a strawman is the only way they can win arguments. Otherwise, they'd have to come out and blatantly say "We don't care about dead kids!" And there goes their entire credibility.

The whole "ban guns" thing is just like prohibition and teetotalers in the 1890s-1930s. Or MAD.

It may end up changing things, but never for the better because all of this shit has unintended consequences that cum brains can't conceive of because they're stuck moral fagging instead of thinking.

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That's fucking stupid and pointless to bring up now that there are more guns in the US than there are people.

Get out of your bubble, fuckwad. Guns exist, and the more people who own guns, the safer everyone is.

An armed society makes us a polite society. Someone who's never had to be in a situation where guns are needed would ever understand that.

I might sound cruel, but at least I'm being realistic. I believe in most people who're responsible enough not to randomly shoot up innocents.

you can also kill with a knife. but for terror you need something that can kill lot of people in short time. don't play dumb. no civilian needs semi or fully automatic weapons.

Quit meta samefagging me.

nothing you said is relevant
stop fagging up the thread

max mag capacity of 8 rounds.
no private sales

You’re thinking rifle barrels. Pistol barrels are also rifled. Yes, a 4 winds shotgun is a lot easier to build, but a functional rifle barrel is entirely possible. Use ECM to rifle a length of high pressure seamless tubing, use that to sleeve an appropriate length of Schedule 80 or Schedule 120 steel pipe. You won’t get match-grade accuracy out of it, but you can probably achieve battle rifle groups out to 300 yards or so. That’s all you need- to be able to hit a man sized target at range.

you mean the ones with DIY instructions: 1. ok start with these premade gun parts

too many bodies so dig a deeper grave?

Fucking idiot

So, I see that unnatural, preventable murder is covered more in the news than natural death.

Wow, glad you posted this. You keep shooting yourself in the foot.

A person is more likely to die by their own gun than by someone else's.

A bunch of premade gun parts you can buy easily, and that doesn't have to include something strictly forbidden, like a firing needle for example. But the casing, yeah.

The point of civilians owning something that'll shoot many bullets is to fight an oppressive governmental force, and any other claim (such as hunting or sport) isn't the main point of the second amendment (which has ruled repeatedly in favor of individual gun ownership rights).

If you think "The government is too strong to fight against." reflect that they're a minority of opposition against a huge majority of private civilian gun owners, and the private ownership of guns by these people is what scares the worst of government authoritarian figures from making moves against common citizens. The only reason full on Socialism isn't enacted in the US, and your ass isn't starving in a Gulag, is because most people can (or do) privately own guns and will fight back.

Also, semi-automatic involves almost every gun, including pistols. "Semi-" refers to "One at a time or more" which is most guns. Cut that shit, because you're not fooling anyone.

>argues for rational, scientific response that considers actual risk in scientific, rational manner

pretty sure his post was pro gun

I see you've given up, then. It must be so frustrating to choose to be you, buddy.

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Stop living in fear.

How are you gonna get a straight barrel or firing chamber. Without those things the material you choose doesnt matter because all your doing is figuring out what kind of shrapenal you want in you. or you're building a 25 lb monster.

Ok. So no need to fear mass shootings... No need for gun control.

I would think living in a country where psychos have automatic weapons and use them regularly on civilians was an unintended consequence.

Go back to

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How do you envision enforcing no private sales? I can see mass noncompliance, as is happening already in California, which requires all private sales to go through an ffl. There are millions of unrecorded guns in this state, alone. Your mag cap limit is also unenforceable, since standard capacity mags can be made by anybody with a 3D printer.

How are you going to enforce your laws?

>mass shooter pulls out this bad boy
it’s nerf or nothing

The break after shot one

It's like you can't read.

A large fraction of deaths from heart disease, cancer, suicide* and diabetes are easily prevented with simple cheap interventions. But heart disease isn't sexy or exciting. Eating sensibly isn't sexy or exciting. Going to see a doctor because you've had a cough for three weeks isn't sexy or exciting. Rather than actually help you with information that will, statistically, save lives, the media prefers to report on things that don't happen and don't matter.

* whether suicide should be prevented is a separate issue. But simple interventions such as suicide hotlines, restricting sales of acetaminophen, etc., and simply encouraging people to talk to people are proven to work.

Proven wrong multiple times. You must be a special kind of delusional to actually believe this.

If you're including suicide in to, whatever off-the-cuff statistic you're trying to reference by saying that, then I'll accept the claim, because they shooting themselves with their gun is their short-sighted and pathetic choice. That's not everyone else's fault who uses it to save lives.

Actually, there should be some limits in both cases. Not sure why you had to try to force a binary choice there. You must be a fucking idiot. Not all guns, gun owners, or situations are the same.

No. There is no reasonable gun control. Nothing common sense... Only fear based policys created by manipulating emotions.

Fuck machinist skills. if you have a Weapons Engineering degree specializing in Mechatronics you can build one of these! Also, you're fucking genius.

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Sorry faggot. When you can kill 50 people in 30 seconds with cholesterol, then you may not look like such an idiot for suggesting such a childish, idiotic argument.

No one is taking your guns, we just need restrictions put in place so we can prevent the handful of retards who misuse them from getting them

Well, the main thing about peanuts is that there are many allergens that are as deadly, or more, to as many people, or more, but they don't have to be labelled because a bunch of patrons in the media didn't lobby for their labelling.

Lupin, for example. Pic related, I can put this in anything and sell it without having to label it.

Attached: 4L_MGnvGuCr.jpg (480x480, 95K)

Stop living in fear.

you can also make one in dozen different ways or better yet buy one. or you can move out of this shithole of a 3rd world you call -enter your country- . whatever works user. what extacly do you mean by gun controll?

A start could be replacing the marijuana users in prison with unregistered weapon and mod owners. They are enabling criminals. Win-win for everyone.

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>prints gun
>blows receiver after several rounds
Laws won't kill printable guns, polymers will

10/10 well said. I also find it disturbing/amusing that people who call for more gun control never think about the implications. For example, anyone wanting all guns "banned" from civilians should rephrase it as " I want Donald Trump to have exclusive control over all guns" and then watch them sputter over the idea. Sadly, history has taught people nothing: a government that has absolute power, will eventually turn on the people, and murder/starve them.
We should do our best to minimize the abuse of the second amendment, but we should never forget that all freedom ultimately rests on it being maintained.

these aren't guns, they just hold a bullet while it's fired --- in all likelihood it will blow up in your hand and you lose a finger. You'd scarcely be able to defend yourself with this let alone go on a shooting spree with one.

> The gun America deserves

You seem to be under the impression that guns are machined to exacting tolerances. They’re not. A barrel would have to have a noteworthy kink in it before it presented a bursting hazard. Fun fact: barrels droop, sag, and warp all the time in response to temperature, pressure, and wear. That’s why no 2 barrels will have the exact same point of impact even though they’re firing the exact same load.

Off the shelf brake line tubing in the appropriate ID is perfectly adequate for making a barrel sleeve, in a piece of off the shelf steel pipe which will be straight enough to give you consistent groups.

What if I can kill 500,000 people in a year?

If I killed 1000 people in a day using a gun it would be all over the news. But that happens literally every day with cholesterol, and no-one bats an eyelid.

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Yikes, so you equate accidental death with murder.

We dedicate huge resources to prevent many causes of natural death. Republicans, conversely, dedicate huge resources to enabling murderers.

Please go back to

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That graphic is retarded and not true

Seems VERY spot-on to me, mate.

Barrels are still proofed before they can be sold, no? So the question is not so much "can a barrel have X and still work" but "does *this* barrel have X yet still work", and the answer will always be "yes", because if it didn't work you couldn't buy it.

Yeah, suicide. That gun doesn't protect you from self-murder, either.

It's being escalated intentionally and with the goal of manipulating your emotions.

Use your logical side for a second. Why would they want to disarm an entire country? Why are all of these mass shootings happening with such sudden frequency? Why is the definition of a "mass shooting" not actually the true definition of a mass shooting?

Think, what was on the news just a few weeks ago? About the elites fucking kids?
And now we get doubled down on the psycho shootings?

You are being manipulated.

The Second Amendment is based on fear. Look at how comfy the left is with Trump's tyranny. Tyranny is good, freedom for the individual is bad.

Attached: typical republican.jpg (480x440, 45K)

Bullshit, people do "bat an eye". Healthy living is a big issue. But it's not one guy killing lots of people, but it's a million people living an unhealthy life. That's a lot more difficult to prevent. Don't be daft.

Reminder that you have a higher chance of dying of the flu than the 0.000000000000087% chance of getting shot in Chicago, known for higher gun violence than all mass shootings combined per death/incident. So now you have a higher chance of dying of the flu than the 0.0000000000000042% of dying in a mass shooting. Hurrrr duuurrrr ban guns tho

gun control will only happen in the US after a massive civil war so no, gun control will never happen since this cost will be tens of millions of lives.

Anything on that list is incorrect, just say it.

If I'm dead, I'm not sure I'm going to care whether you decide pancreatic cancer was "accidental" and therefore less important.

Call me a utilitarian, but if you gave me the New York Times, and told me I could use its advocacy to prevent 90,000 deaths from obesity-related diabetes, heart disease and cancers, or to prevent 387 murders, then I'd pick the extra 89,613 people every time.

this. it is cynical but in the grand scheme of things, it isn't that big of a deal that a retard kills 8 people every now and again. More gun violence happens with shitty pistols in nigger town.

My logical side says you're a faggot who can't think for himself and is easily influenced by a corporate lobby.

My logical side says you're a huge faggot that needs to hopscotch his nazi ass back to /pol/.

Let's not use what aboutisms. Logically that makes no sense as it is the nature of the thing in question. Yes, I know I'm getting sort of Platonic here,but hear me out.

Cholesterol is a by product of food. Cars are used for transport by design.

A firearm is designed to hurt or kill. Shooting at other objects like targets isn't what the main purpose is, just to improve the skill of sending a round into the body of another living thing.

Thats why the idea of let's ban cars or knives or whatever isn't a good argument. Using the American constitution isn't a good one either, because it has been and can be changed or rewritten.

There should be a better argument and not one that requires hyperbolic what ifs.

> you fear the fact that you are extremely likely, in comparison to all other first world countries, to get shot for the crime of being in a public space.

I could stop living in fear if we stopped handing guns out to every Tom Dick and Harry.

You need to keep up with the times. That's shit compared what's being built now.

So, what you are saying is you would willing embrace fascism before any sensible gun control.

Just stop. You are too stupid to mix with the general population.

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if someone is going to intentionally kill my mom to manipulate my emotions they will definitely still make me very sad

Both sides are focused on wars
Children arent being forced to pray
How are they against women's rights?
How are they against gay people?

You forgot racists!!!

>I'm black you fucking nigger

Post timestamp with your black skin then faggot

Nice bullshit non-answer. How are you going to get those users and owners into prison? Right now, it looks like you’re leaning toward door to door sweeps. Good luck with that.

Yes, it's true, the infographic did forget the racism that the GOP pushes. And the religious GOP members do want prayer in school in order to dumb down the kids and make them obedient robots.

The motto is "Keep them dumb, scared, sick and poor"

So now the goalposts have moved. We’re talking about DIY gunsmiths, working in their own garages. Do you know how a barrel is proofed? The manufacturer fires a round through it. An off the shelf, factory round. A garage gunsmith would use the exact same process. Strap the gun to an old tire, tie a string to the trigger, step behind a tree and pull the string. Bubba has been testing guns that way for at least a century.

The democrat party are the racists. They keep black people like slaves. They haven't done anything for blacks in decades besides pander for their votes.

The dems want their voters poor and stupid

I have no idea where you got that from. Would you care to explain your reasoning, making reference to what you read and what you thought it meant?

My logical side says you didn't provide an argument at all because you don't have one. My logical side says that you're a deflecting piece of shit resorting to pure ad hom attacks.

My logical side says you can go fuck yourself you delusional faggot. "Corporate lobby" LMFAO imagine actually believing this! The 2nd amendment has NOTHING to do with it, surely!

fucking neck yourself commie

Great, blame them for killing her and not some boogeyman to make yourself feel better

Not true, you'd just focus on the next scary thing and continue to my poor decisions influened by your out of control emotions.

Stop living in fear.

Point taken about pandering, but I honestly don't see that at all.

What I see is Republicans pandering to the 0.01% while selling everyone else up the river.

I honestly believe they want a voter base that's on the verge of personal financial collapse, a distopia of a few billionaires and millions of the enslaved. They vote against having adequate healthcare, which does double-duty of filling the pockets of the insurance companies and keeping the threat of death or bankruptcy hanging over everyone's head. They cut school funding to destroy the critical thinking power of the next generation. They are in bed with the NRA which again does double duty of increasing gun profits and increasing everyone's fear of random shooting sprees (which they probably LOVE since a scared voter is an OBEDIENT voter).

I mean, shit, I could go on all day here with countless more examples, but you get the idea. Nothing that they've done ever indicates to me of being helpful or positive in any way. I hate to think this way, but seriously tell me where I'm wrong?

Yes. Ban 3D printers when the time comes

You aren't in any way shape or form likely to get shot anymore than you are to get a mild cold and die from it.

It's not really "let's ban cars or knives". It's a refutation of "these objects are objectively unwelcome because they kill/hurt X people in Y time".

This is not a sound argument, because it applies to thousands of things that are part of everyday life. If you think the argument can be made for guns but not for literally everything else, then you have to show that guns are different somehow from everything else that argument could apply to, otherwise it's the fallacy of special pleading.

>guns are primarily for killing things so they're different and bad
So are abattoir tools.

But to address your point, you're getting close to magical thinking if you're saying something is "for" something. Baseball bats are "for" playing baseball, but have other uses. Most people who own and operate a gun will never kill anybody with it. This seems obvious and self-evidently true, but it bears pointing out because you seem to be making the argument that guns are "for" killing people yet almost all guns ever manufactured will never kill a person.

So you're actually closer to the much-less-defensible "guns aren't for killing people but some people use them to do that so you can't have your gun that (statistically) won't be used to kill anyone", at which point you get compared to cars, sporting goods, etc.

I hope, at least, this sheds some light on why you always see this comparison, and maybe you'll consider that it's not always just trotted out as a knee-jerk.

Don’t you faggots whine endlessly about how if guns were taken away you would be defenseless? What do you call that if not fear?

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The only logical answer to this debate is for everyone to own a gun and have a concealed carry permit. I'm a liberal and unfortunately this is the best I could come up with.

It's not fear if it's true
There is zero reason to ever trust a government that has nothing to fear from the people it governs

Our founding fathers knew that because they shed their blood for it

Look at the design of a bullet.
A rim fire 22 bullet only requires a crushing force anywhere on the base of the bullet.
A centerfire (like most 9mm) requires a pin to hit the center and ignite the propellant.
So if you have the right bore pipe and cap on the chamber with a way to hammer a nail, you can make a gun.
You don't even need a 3d printer to make a gun.


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pipe guns lawl

I thought we needed an armed populace because the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If your chances of dying from gun violence is less than that if dying from the common cold, what the fuck are you afraid of?

by the time it finishes printing (after you got settings right)
you can finish mill/lathe operator classes and make something 30x more durable

It's called thinning probabilities. It is already a REALLY low chance that you'd ever get shot at in America. Much lower than catching a common cold and dying from it. The FBI shows that concealed carry citizens at events with a mass shooting were 75% effective at neutralizing the shooter themselves. So if you combine both of those rare occurrences, and you have a gun as well, you are actually more likely to die from lightning hitting you most likely. Should we try to ban clouds, jim?

>It's not fear if it's true
Lmfao what the fuck are you even saying? Rational fears are still fears


When pipes are outlawed, only outlaws will have pipes!
The only way to stop a bad guy with a pipe is with a good guy with a pipe!
You can have my pipe when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers!

I'm sure you think this is a terribly clever argument, but it isn't. It isn't specifically because you're just deflecting. It's disingenuous.
That's the equivalent of what you just said. It's 100% unequivocally inadmissible as a point of debate.
The other user made a rational argument, that you are overreacting and allowing your emotions to get the better of you. You are actively trying to dictate what other people can or cannot own because you fear for your personal safety.

Come up with a real argument or go fuck yourself commie

>Our founding fathers knew that because they shed their blood for it
Also, no the fuck they didn’t you goddamn mouth breathing Neanderthal. The fucking revolution was not about the right to bear arms. You are a dumb slut.

Guns are a countermeasure to oppressive goverment. It's part of the Republic.

You're fear will tilt all power to the government, a really bad emotional decision.

Stop living in fear.

I think you should be asking yourself that question. What in the fuck are you even saying?

Are you acknowledging that it is 100% rational to not trust the government and actively fear being left completely disarmed and at its mercy?

guns need a chamber to hold all the pressure. This will blow in your hand

>Is gun control really possible?

No. Pic related.

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The revolutionary war was only possible because of guns. The founding fathers protected in writing the right of every citizen to own a firearm.
Cry more about it faggot.

No, that’s debatable. What I am laughing at you for is the fact that you just said, “it’s not fear if it’s true”, which is the reason I greentexted it.

I don't care what you're laughing about though because you're an idiot. The simple minded are amused by simple things.

Ask you self some questions user. Why do all the mass shooting happen in gun free zones? Why are the most crime infested shitholes places where gun control laws are most enforced?

It's because there's easy victims there. Guess how much violent crime relative to big shitties, er... cities, happens in rural villages where people are mostly armed? Almost none.

Guns don't cause crime. Defenseless victims do.

shhh, let the dumb hillbillies blow their hands off

You can legally machine your own gun now, you don't need a 3d printer.

>Guns are a countermeasure
So is ricin.

And yet that does not change the fact that the revolution was about taxation without representation. The founders weren’t miffed that King George tried taking their guns, you dumb little slut

>idiot makes stupid comment that isn't true
>other idiot (or same idiot samefagging like a faggot idiot) who doesn't realize said comment is not true makes ignorant statements about "Hill Billies" blowing their hands off

It's going to blow your head off, not their hand but you go ahead with that delusional belief all the way to the end you dumb motherfucker

It’s not even illegal to grow your own gun tree. Gun control doesn’t work.

No, he didn't. Your indoctrination by the public school trannies left you with horrible reading comprehension. What he said was that you were being lied to.

He's right. Look up statistics for violent crime, and you'll see that crime decreases as 'shall carry' laws are passed, and gun ownership increases.

That's why he said to not allow your emotions to rule you, but that you should learn actual facts and make decisions based on reason.


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10/10 A liberal mind offers the best solution. Those kind of thoughts will get you labeled as racist, homophobic, enslaving women, child murder enabler on the Left these days. Unfortunately they still lay claim to the word "liberal".
Got bad news for you, you are now officially part of the Right, and are libertarian at the very least, you are not allowed to be on the Left or "liberal" side and have any opinions of your own.
I was considered a "liberal" once too, now I am a libertarian with conservative leanings. lol

Okay so you insulted somebody else's intelligence whilst simultaneously not actually offering any information that actively discredited anything they said?


British tried to confiscate guns... Disarm Americans. That's why it's in the Constitution.

Unarmed populations don't do well against oppressive governments... Hong Kong.

You know LaPierre is going to keep most of the money he promised you, right?

In what way did I not discredit what they said, slut? They said that the founders bled for our right to bear arms when that is not true. They sure as shit bled, but not for the reason he listed. Yeah, they put it in the constitution, I never said they didn’t, but no amount of mental gymnastics will ever make the right to bear arms the reason for the American Revolution, you slutty little thotty thot.

>How are you going to get those users and owners into prison?

How does anyone who breaks any law go to prison?

Short answer: they get caught breaking that law.
Long answer: those charged with upholding laws come up with methods to find those breaking laws. (look the long answer is fucking easy too)

If you spent 5 fucking seconds thinking about guns like anything else this would be as simple as can be.

You went through a lot there just to reinforce the idea that anyone is going to blow anything off with this gun. This is why you liberal idiots won't win the war against us because you're too busy fighting with each other.

>what the fuck are you afraid of?
Now ask that of people who have a fire extinguisher in their house. Or a first aid kit. Or a spare tire in their car. Or use their seat belts, for that matter. What the fuck are they afraid of?

You didn't discredit anything.
The war would not have been possible without weapons. Guns. Founding fathers knew this and shed their blood for it. That's why it's, you know, in the constitution.

I think you might be fucking retarded or something, idk. Maybe you're one of those people who doesn't know how to backtrack after speaking out of turn or otherwise making stupid statements but you did.
Funny how you're ignoring this guy too.

You're coping. Step back, admit you're wrong.

Nah, I didn't say door-to-door sweeps, faggot. Just let them get caught with possession of an unregistered weapon on their person in most cases. Give them a couple of years to reassess their opinions.

>more oppression please

just kill yourself faggot

no its more like

>this issue kills about 20x more people than guns annually so maybe instead of wasting our time on an issue that can literally never be fixed the way we are trying to fix it in a billion years and refocus our efforts on something that could actually save lives?

>never care about the children!!!!11

appeal to emotion

not an argument
you lose

No one could this be retarded. I think it's shit bait but guess it worked on a handful of people on here

Weird. It’s been fired a few times, no kaplooie yet.

Ooh! Ooh! I have a better suggestion: replace marijuana faggots with feminists, antifa, and actual faggots/trannies.

The free world will breathe a sigh of relief, and then be able to eradicate the niggers that are the actual problem gun owners.

Fire, booboos, a flat tire, and car accidents in that order. I’m not sure what the point of this question is. One guy said fear of gun violence is basically irrational and I asked him if that is true, then why do people feel the need to own guns for the purpose of defending themselves from gun violence is. There are two contradictory truths being held simultaneously here and I’m trying to get to the bottom of it.

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You would forcibly force millions to change HOW THEY EAT FOOD rather than keeping a relatively few crazy people from possessing automatic weapons.

You're a fucking idiot. Just stop.

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Hey, thotty thot, lemme ask you something. What was the reason the colonies went to war with Great Britain?

So, they have to be doing something else to justify a cop doing a Terry stop. Sort of exactly the way it is now. Most people who get Terry stopped are already prohibited persons. Or was it your intention to establish police checkpoints and roadblocks, so the cops can insure the safety of all?

How about all the baby brain virgins stop giving us a bad name and just anhero themselves like s12k boy or park girl on tree swing.

No one wants to disarm the entire country. Fuck off with you all-or-nothing bullshit.

>you disagree with my stance so you must be a nazi

literally never breed

you can print them yes, but unless you use nerf darts, airsoft pellets, bbs, or *maybe* .22LR cartridges, the gun breaks after one shot, possibly 2 if you print one with insanely high quality and expensive materials. you're not going to be able to do much of anything with a 3D printed gun unless you print off 20 or 30 of them.

let's say you're like me; there's a gun in the house I live in for one reason: if someone breaks in, the gun will be brought out and they'll be told to leave or they'll be shot, and the police will be contacted, regardless. if the gun was 3D printed, and the person thinks whoever is holding the gun is bluffing or they're just stupid, they'll simply continue forward and attempt to disarm whoever is attempting to stop them.

if the gun is real, shoot them and they'll understand how badly they've messed up. if it's 3D printed, and the round hits them, they understand that we were serious about firing at them and they've been shot. they may leave unless they can take a hit from a 38 special and walk it off. if they can, and the gun was 3D printed, they'll be very angry about being shot and we'd be unarmed.

you cannot possibly have multiple 3D printed guns in an ideal location in case someone breaks in and the first shot doesn't work; it's a foolish idea to rely on something like this.

Gun control is bullshit anyway

5$ says your an antifa supporting fascist

Stop strawmanning.

No one said the revolutionary war was because of gun confiscation.

But the struggle and the British attempting to confiscate guns is why it is in the Constitution.

continuation of since the issue of gun control is generally mentioned in the context of mass shootings, let's see how this works out in that setting.

shooter arrives ready to shoot, gets out 4 or 5 bags full of one use 3D printed guns, and finds somewhere to shoot from. they post up and wait for the opportune moment and assuming they aren't caught beforehand, shoot, throw the broken gun(or what's left of it) away, get another from a bag, shoot again, and at this rate everyone has heard the first shot and is reacting, police have been notified before the third shot has been fired, and this potential mass shooting is an absolute failure.

3D printed guns are not going to help people avoid gun control.

Yes they do. Example, UK pussies.

You forgot
>because I am a massive pussy

>those charged with upholding laws come up with methods to find those breaking laws.
In other words, door to door sweeps. There’s upward of 120 million known gun owners in the US. If only 1% actively resist your vaguely worded neonazi wet dream, you’re gonna run out of cops long before you get all of the ‘bad’ guns off of the streets.

I realize you’re just trolling, but could you put a little more effort into it? Try to sound sincere.

You have actual nazis in your party. stfu.

Ah the old help everyone bullshit. Its 2019. Help yourselves

You're saying the New York Times has the power to control people's actions? Why are we even having this debate? NYT's stance on gun laws is well-known, how is it even possible to have guns when NYT doesn't want them?

And you are the party of the racists so what.

Sure thing Hitler

Like who?

idk they seem to be coming along nicely

He LITERALLY did. That is how this argument started, you slut. Also, the British militia system REQUIRED all able bodied men between the ages of 16 and 60 to own a gun. Any attempted weapons confiscations happened after the colonies were in active rebellion, which is a pretty reasonable reaction from the British perspective.

Did the jews tell you this? lmao

>If only 1.2 million people murder policemen
Yeah, that sounds plausible.

Where do you think NRA campaign money comes from, faggot? Yearly dues? Moron.

Hell, NRA got busted accepting money from foreign governments. They're not even American anymore. They're multinational, like Haliburton. At this point, the 2nd Amendment has been perverted to make our country into a powder keg with more guns than people.

Since I have no idea what kind of BS you're fishng out of your ass, I'm just going to note you have no response of substance.

lol look at this fucking pseud

Have you ever been to a city? Boston is FULL of white scumbags and ghettos filled with Irish.

Put up or shut up, link the quote that says the revolutionary war was about the right to bare arms. Should be easy.

Except our military has a budget to subdue bullshit uprisings. If it happened in our country, they would just kick our ass without the overseas shipping.

And it's the reason for the Second Amendment - so that civilians could murder corrupt agents of government, guaranteed.

I'm not a member of the NRA. So basically your entire argument is based on faulty or false premises ergo you have zero argument. It went from "gun control" to you trying to say I "don't think for myself" and "only parrot corporate talking points" but user, even if I were an NRA member, the NRA is not a corporate entity.

You literally have zero argument, you're just mad and want to sound smart while you insult people.

Rice patties and farmers.

You think our military would attack their own people? Lol

Let's go soy boy. Where is "literally" the link to that post.

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The brits and the revolutionaries had the same technological weapons. That shit will not repeat nowadays. US military has a plan for that bullshit.

Criminals who are responsible for the vast majority of gun deaths aren’t going to 3d print piece of shit guns like this, they’re going to continue buying illegal arms off of the black market. Despite what the media says, “spree” or “mass” shootings are all media hype and aren’t responsible for most of the deaths by firearm in the US at least.

Pretty amazing how wrong the USG says you are.

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Someone caught with that shit will serve time. That's why everyone doesn't have one. Not sure where you think otherwise. That's a concealed shotgun.

Ban guns (impossible) people will just start using crossbows and swords or make bombs.

Gun control in the USA will NEVER happen.

You are the only one thinking about door to door sweeps. You project your worst fear instead of going to a realistic place. There is not enough time or money to do what you are suggesting, and no intelligent person would even believe that was a method worth considering.

Example: When was the last time they passed a drug law that then ended up in going door to door
of every house in America and looking for said drug? Answer: never.

cocaine>grenades>child porn>etc. There are so many things that are illegal and at one point were not and upon becoming illegal they didn't walk to everyone's house and look around.

At least try a little bit to think about what would happen, there is plenty of evidence to tell you about what it would be like. We don't even have to talk about a specific law for this to apply. Wether it be the banning of high capacity mags, restricting private sales, or even outright banning guns (very few people actually want this, just so you are aware), there is not a scenario where police officers or military or anyone is going to walk around the entire country trying to find hidden whatevers.

Just in case you are still lost, what would most likely happen: Mr. Smith would walk into his backyard one day with his Illegal item, a passerby would see, report it, and an investigation would ensue. The results of that investigation would likely lead to the removal of said illegal items from Mr. Smith.

Wrong. Rice farmers kicked our asses. Also... Other countries would be involved. Drooling at the opportunity.

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Yes, user. Yes, it is a concealed shotgun. It's also proof that as long as a post stone age civilization exists, gun control is a meme. Criminals intent on mugging you won't care that the weapon they possess to mug you with is also illegal, since THEY'RE FUCKING CRIMINALS.

The only people you seek to disarm are their victims. The cause of crime is helpless victims. You are shilling for criminals, promoting murder, rape, and robbery because you're too stupid to actually think, and let Jews tell you what to believe.

>private citizens need to be armed to fpdefend themselves from the government
Yeah, but the government has much better arms than private citizens.
>you really think the fucking military would attack its own people?
Every fucking time

With a $50 drill press, a $30 jig, and a $60 80% lower you can make your own unserialized ar-15.

The jig makes it so even retards that cant color inside of lines can still accurately drill the necessary holes where needed.

Ok, I sorta agree with this. What you're saying is we need to eliminate extant laws that restrict our ownership of weapons, so we can have better parity with standing armies.

I agree on that point.

No stock = not a shotgun

That would probably be legally considered an "any other weapon"

Gun laws are retarded.

Im pro gun but the whole 'so we could defend our selves from the government is fucking bullshit'.

>but farmers with limited equipment held off coalition forces in Afghanistan ect.

The thing you need to understand is allot Afghanis are tough bastards with several generations of war who grew up traversing mountains and dragging ploughs ect. There would be SOME decent resistance here but nothing like we see in those countries, were way to comfortable.

The only logical reason to keep our guns is, shit, there are way to fucking many out there. Stop pretending its a fucking good thing, its a shitty situation we have for historical reasons that we now have to deal with, not something to be proud of.

Fellow machinist?

Sure. Give the people nukes and stealth bombers.

"Literally"... There is no mention of the revolutionary war being to establish the right to bare arms. You read what you wanted to see, created your own argument.

You should feel bad. Stop misreprenting other's ideas. Also stop slut shaming. Bad all around.

I mean we can get hold off shotgun shells and piping pretty fucking easy in the U.K. (i saw some shells hanging around on my friends dining room table).

We barley ever see zip gun shootings here, honestly it surprises me we dont have more.

Ok, we've solved this problem and arrived at a reasonable conclusion. I didn't think it would be possible, but I learn something new every day.

Ah, one caveat: niggers are excluded.

Do you think the cops search for anything else illegally? Unregistered weapons being illegal.

Registered owners would be cool, obviously.

What do you not understand?

Do you and I live in the UK?

Fucksakes you're an idiot.

Me too, honestly. If a gang of feral pakis was drooling at my daughter, that shit would be over quick.

no people on Yea Forums just dont like UK pussies

Eh, I don't speak idiot. stfu.

No registration. The government is not entitled to a list to be abused.

This 100%

No. But if you want gun control, it's an option for you.

Nah just an engineer, honestly wish I would have just been a machinist though.

Everyone thinks electrical engineering and cnc programming is magic so you pretty much get a blank check if you market yourself well.

You tried to suggest the republicans' fealty to *HALF* of the 2nd amendment doesn't involve corporate influence. Sorry you're too stupid to refer back to your own bullshit.

Nothing says traitor like enlisting the help of foreign countries to overthrow your government.



You're fucking retarded.

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It uses shotgun shells and shorter than 10", stfu.

Except this gun absolutely will work as intended

Stop coping faggot

As usual, retards with no remotely potential argument resort to ad homs.
Just out of curiosity, what's the point of continuing to support a position that has been proved wrong? Does it really spark dopamine rush every time you do it?

Geez, nigger, just switch to heroin and become rational. Actual facts FTW.

We haven't done a full commitment since WW2. Always limited response. A full US military response would be decisive, especially at home.

the shell still cracked, so after a few shots it'll still break.

it seems like it's still one shot and you have to reload, so it's still a slow process.

thats why they're "coming along"
not finished

Okay, slut. Then, keeping in mind that the the exchange between user and myself that immediately preceded that statement had been about how an armed populace was necessary to defend against a corrupt government, what do you take the statement that, “Our founding fathers knew that because they shed their blood for it” to mean? Keep in mind also that, under British colonial rule, not only did private citizens already have the right to bear arms, but all able bodied men between the ages of 16 and 60 had a legal obligation to do so. You cannot fight to give someone something that they already have.

You know we had help from the French winning our independence right?

The founding fathers and all who fought in the revolutionary war were traitors to the crown all the way up until the point that they won and were begrudgingly "gifted" their independence from the crown.