Yea Forums should I take shrooms or LSD for my first psychedelic trip?

Yea Forums should I take shrooms or LSD for my first psychedelic trip?

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Get some butane and inhale it for a a minute or so, it will give you similar results as LSD or shrooms do, but only for a minute or so.
Then consider shrooms or LSD.

>you are a being of immense spiritual power
>this physical plane is a jail
>you were sent here to learn the lessons you need to control that power
>this is gonna take a long time
>it's impossible to kill yourself
>quantum suicide is a thing
>believe me I've tried

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Take a small dose of shrooms. The high won't last as long as LSD and if you don't do too much it isn't overwhelming.
Also, you can measure shrooms, with LSD you can't measure exactly how much you do so so you could take more or less than you want and the high last 2x as long as shrooms

I intuit there to be truth to what you are saying.
What do you mean by quantum suicide ?
Where did you attempt it ?
How ?
and most importantly, why ?

Shrooms always natural before chemical. Kids today..

I drank poison at 12, lost consciousness under water and woke up on the beach, been stabbed, shot, held a revolver to my head and it misfired 3 times.

Pretty sure it isn't gonna happen.

Joe Rogan
Good to hear, the one thing that pushed me away from LSD was that it lasts so long. Is there a way you recommend people trip? My plan was to take a small dose in the morning whenever I have a day free so it'll wear off by the time I go to sleep.

wtf are you rasputin or some shit

Do you believe your resiliency is a gift or a curse?

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For your first time take 1-2g of dried shrooms. The high only lasts 6 hours max. The best way to do it is to sit outside on a sunny day, maybe listen to some relaxing music, smoke some cigarettes if you do that, and enjoy the ride

I guess, now I stopped trying and just tell others of my experiences.

Go for shrooms first. Way less intense and it'll be like a nice appetizer before the LSD.

Shrooms eat a couple caps and chase it with a beer. Tastes like burnt popcorn and dry as sawdust.
Shrooms arent very scary. A big dose of acid can be a little overwhelming

I smoke a lot of weed but that's the only thing I do, should I take a T-break or does that not matter?

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It's like I said, you're here to learn lessons.
It's pretty cool tho,
>I just went miles into the desert to take mescaline and I got my truck stuck when I went to leave.
>I called AAA and a flat bed came out but he couldn't make it up the dirt road
>he was only gonna give me a ride to the highway but he got another call in my direction
>I got a ride to my mom's house and saw a jeep in the driveway of a neighbors house
>the neighbors agreed to help me get my truck

Shit just works out for me, im like archer.

Doesn't matter. You won't really notice the weed high when the shrooms kick in. Could also make you paranoid

I've had a few encounters that I shouldn't have survived but did anyway.
- doing 100 km/h on a narrow road. the lane providing for traffic going in the opposite direction is separated from mine by a 4m wide berm.
Truck going in the opposite direction with the same speed had a 12 to 15 meter cable attached to it flinging a buoy around like a flail. I saw the buoy coming straight at my windshield and by extension, me ,with the 160 - 200 km/h speed difference, it whipped away at the last second with about 2 meters to go. I could hear the bang as it was pulled away. I was totally calm even though I thought I was done for.

- Had a couple of medical miracles performed on me as crucial bodily functions failed hard.
Doctors did a hail Mary , started cutting and sewed me back up.
I was fine afterwards.

Makes you think doesn;t it.
LOL, right he does have that vibe to him.

I would take 150mg cannabis edible any day over that shit!

I've heard countless stories like that, and have many of my own.

>swimming in a creek with my family
>rocks everywhere and some small rapids
>jumping off all the high rocks even tho parents are freaking out
>dive under
>find a rock shaped like a donut
>decide to swim through it
>head and torso fit
>hips don't fit
>arms stuck can't back out
>no air
>Finally force my way through
>get air
