Asian boi can't compete
Asian boi can't compete
Asian boys have smoother skin and softer features than most women, they should just assume their role of being cum buckets for the superior African and Caucasian men.
I can't stand white men, they're so fucking smug it's disgusting
ching chong nip kong
yo mama sing song
me rove you long
if you had a gf she would cuck you for some white dick
The dude on the left looks douchy and has a punchable face though. lol
Rice bois right now
thats right
Its funny how much they outnumber the white men and have better control over their women still.....Old white boy chad over there by the time he is 30 probably wont be able to pump enough blood to his cock to fill a flashlight.
white mans mad asians are taking their women just like the blacks
bye white race
That happens when you've basically created civilization and you're the only race that's been to space
Stay mad non-white primitive scum
>been to space
You know there’s blacks and Asians on the international space station right?
Is there a whole general for this "Compete" thing or are we just rapid firing things at this point?
Blacks and Asians got to space with the help of white men, and then spent time on the international space station... built by white men
Woooow! lmao
Tune in next week, where we pit Nords against Vikings.
IMO, Vikings can't compete with Nords.
where do mexicans and indians stand on the whole dick size thing
While I hate niggers because they're just feral and destructive, I hate the slit eyed micro penis asians even more. They're smarter than niggers and a lot more devious. Plus they breed like insects.
Have you met a black guy before?