Abortion is wrong on every level. This isnt just about MUH GoD...

Abortion is wrong on every level. This isnt just about MUH GoD. Its about giving innocent lives a chance in society and how we derive meaning in society.

Not only does this give an individual life but it changes the way society thinks about the lives of those on the receiving end of the procedure. Its not about what they are worth but how valuable it is to them. A life is precious but you have to be able to afford it. This is the foundation of society and it's all about money. There are no "values" when it comes to these actions.

I think when you go through abortion clinic doors you can't help but feel as if you are just one person from the same, un-thought through system. You can't help but think how wrong this procedure is. It changes your world, your family, your child and how you view your parents, your own self worth. It gives them no respect and the one person who matters is the one who has access to it. There is nothing wrong with being able to have an abortion and having the right to choose or not. It is only that we do not know how our choice affects people and if you are living in a society that does not respect or respect abortion then there is no point anymore to the institution of it.

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>A life is precious
why exactly?

it's their choice to remove the baby and their life to live with that decision

banning abortion would only lead to more unsafe surgeries with higher chance of complications

you're projecting your morals onto a decision that only parents can make

the world is a shithole and we can't do anything about it

animals quell the young/have abortions all the time.

from an ecological standpoint it makes sense to kill babies over larger adults

How many Unwanted kids have you adopted op?

fetuses and babies are not people and they don't have rights

we live in a society so that doesn't apply


I agree, who wouldn't want to raise newfriends in a world to share the exact moral compass displayed by OP and other liberal niggers, while crawling over one another in their adult life, backstabbing everyone in their way for marhinal profit...some femanon wanna make a baby with me she does not even want? Pls tell me, we have to populate this happy, peaceful realm of modesty and happiness #noabortionsallowed

>thinks animals don't live in a society


>Not about MUH GOD
lol yeah its about making sure your Fascist factory keeps pumping out soldiers. Fuck off Christcuck

children are like a long term puppy
or an experiment
you can feed them lies their whole life and
see how they turn out
but you only have time to do it once so pick carefully on what you want them to be

Nonsequitur user. We are talking about getting to the point of birth. Not after. We should be looking at society and seeing where we are wrong and abortion is part of the problem. People need pressure to become adults and sink or swim in society and we should be outcasting those who sink and do not contribute.

haven't you ever wondered why other societies in the past worked for so long despite other issues? We were concerned with survival and now that we are not this is a problem. You small minded neggles only see one tiny issue

>we should be outcasting anyone who doesn't meet my standards
You don't contribute shit, so why don't we outcast you right into some Lava?

>Its about giving innocent lives a chance in society

No-one is innocent OP, no-one.

not on our level
we are more complex for the time being and don't need to worry about if food will sustain our numbers

Too long didn't read

>Call my libtard and christcuck
>Not for outcasting people like welfare queens and shawndika
Not my standards. Objective standards like holding a job and paying taxes you nigger

you misrepresented your stance
i thought it was about morality n' shit
not betterment of society

Niggers disproportionately abort their children I just consider it crime stoppers

A baby is not a person. I don't even consider toddlers human.

>be me
>unborn fetus
>my worst crime is existing


>Its about giving innocent lives a chance in society and how we derive meaning in society.
So according to the same logic, mastrubation is mass murder, because every singe one of those sperms had a chance (even if it's low) to become a living thing

Agreed. Abortion is a nigger and poor person crime. You can literally get condoms for free.

This. Youre pretty much nothing more than a screaming crap factory until you actually start forming and conveying thoughts other than FOOD SLEEP SHIT. so really not many of you are real humans yet.

Holy shit you're retarded.
We are ALREADY worried about food sustaining our numbers you fucking moron.
Holy shit this OP must be baiting right?

Life begins at conception, anything before that would be no different than bleeding

Bullshit, life begins when air is drawn into the lungs. Read your fucking bible, noob

nigs have big cocks
and fag drug store only have midium or small

I mean more then likely they will kill themself by like 28 anyways might as well take them out of their misery

Can't you read? Eveyone one these sperms has the chance to become a living thing, I hadn't said it already is.

If you mastrubate you kill thousands of potential humans. Like a phetus is still only a potential human (as it hasn't developed any features that makes a human human, it can't even survive outside the mothers body).

i roll up the pages of the bible and put them around my cock when peeing to reduce the spray

I wish I was aborted, instead of having to hero.

I speak for all unborn fetuses. We want abortion if our parents are unable to properly raise us.

I impregnated a natural blonde my goal in life. She leaves me for a fat guy. They decide to kill my baby and then have one of their own. She tells me she was pregnant after she aborts it. The guy that raped her she had his kid.

>tfw life

Not children until born, till then it’s just parts of the mother she’s in control of. Hypocrites could care less about the child after it's born, why not make it easier.

Whats wrong with your cock that it sprays like that? have you poked holes in it?

Of which you do neither you basement dwelling reprobate.

I just said my opinion faggot

But the massive influx of unwanted children will be a giant drain on society. You can’t say let’s get rid of abortion and not address the consequences of that decision.
It’s like saying I should be able to fire my gun where ever I want but talking about where the bullet goes is a nonsequitur cause I only want to talk about up to the point of pulling the trigger

after jerking off or sex it has a huge spray and it gets on my legs

not children, but cells. It's like eating an apple, only an apple is many times worse since it has a LOT more cells.

You sound like a real winner there, champ.

dude you should go to a hospital, it shouldn't do that

i like my apples like i like my woman

with a LOT of cells

In the past sex before marriage was considered shameful and rapists were dragged from jail and hung from a tree by the local townsfolk. I'm OK with that, are you?

If all abortion is illegal you declare open season on every woman by forcing them to barer their rapist's child. If you ban abortion except for rape you declare war on every guy because every morning remorse will become a false rape accusation. Now I am against abortion as birth control and would go along with increasingly extended periods of mandatory birth control after each abortion, but bans are just going to make things worse

with my forskin pulled back

is that still weird?

you just have leftover jizz covering up part of your pee hole. Wash it off better and you won't get spray.

Niggers get more abortions then anyone else. Why would you be against it?

and mate.

We've got an undisputed Bingo, folks.

Abortion has been debated to death, the conclusions have been made, let's move on.

My personal belief is this: the only reason why it comes up again and again in US politics is because of it's distraction value. If the GOP does something stupid or horrible, they trot out the abortion shit again to get the uneducated and religious to bite the hook.

It's time we stopped that from happening.

The debate isn't about whether it is right or wrong, it is about where you draw the line. As the joke goes, is a blowjob genocide? What about all the unfertilized eggs that die off every month? Maybe the issue is not about abortion but on morals. Why is it so easy to be in a position where you are faced with potential murder? Maybe you should required to obtain a mating license on order to be eligible to mate. Are you forcing all people who have un-wanted children to bring them to term AND take care of them despite not being able to or will you confiscate kids from un-fit parents and raise them on tax dollars?

Well said. If you want to restrict abortions and not be a hypocrite, you must also pony up the large amount of cash to raise those otherwise-unwanted kids.

From a pure cost standpoint, abortions are the better solution

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Or how about....
We ban abortion AND restrict gun ownership. How about that champ?

abortion isnt wrong, there isnt such a thing as "unborn baby" and u dont have health care, so it wasnt the government who aborted those pregnancies - its your private sector

MUH GoD! When are you stupid ass ppl going to understand that cells do NOT equal a fucking baby.

>"""""forced birth""""""
>"you forced me to not kill someone REEEEEEEEEEE"

It isn’t a non sequitur. You need to look at the consequences of bringing these kids into the world. It’s very relevant that sanctimonious retards like you won’t actually adopt these kids. I’d rather have been aborted than raised by a seriously dysfunctional teen mom or be born with a serious birth defect.

>banning abortion would only lead to more unsafe surgeries with higher chance of complications
Good. If they want to commit murder there should be some consequences.

>doesn’t answer the question?

>Cells dont equal a person.
>I am entirely made up of cells.
> I am not a person.

I’m on your side but your argument is dumb. The point is that cells ALONE aren’t a person. You’re saying “well I’m made of molecules and mostly water, so all molecules are alive and water is alive.”

it doesnt matter if its a person. Fetus violates mothers bodily autonomy, if she doesnt want it there and it needs to go

When an egg has combined with sperm and creates it's own unique DNA structure is it not already more than just a few cells?

There's a difference between massacring your own children and someone else's.

Also, people have been killing children (their own and other's) since time immemorial. Inuits used to leave babies they couldn't feed outside for the animals to eat, ancient Hebrews used to build their homes by stuffing the body of a sacrificed child in the walls (adopted from other cultures around them). Vikings massacred children and adults as they rampaged, Nazis used children as medical lab-rats (and we enjoy some of their gained knowledge in our medical industry today).

People have been killing kids forever. So if parents want to kill their own kids, fuck it, let em. I don't really care that much. I'll stand with the pro-choicers on this one.

But I tell you what I won't stand for, I won't stand for this obnoxious "it's just a fetus" talk. You can kill the kid if you want, but don't disgrace yourself by hiding behind some easy word designed to dehumanize the kid you're killing.

If you want to kill the chil, kill the child, but any way you look at it, you are still killing a child, it doesn't matter what you call it.

A potato is made up of cells, does that make it a person?

Go ask those kids if they would rather be dead

Nah but it does make it a potato. And not just "some cells." The cells arrangement and structure determines the thing. Just because something is made up of cells does not make it not a thing.

>unborn children
Do they come out of mom's pussy at 40 lbs, wearing clothes and reciting the alphabet?

Ok yeah 18 years in the shitty foster system with no family and then being dumped in the streets. Yeah sounds like a swell life

That's right things do exist. A fetus exists, a baby exists, a child exists. These are not the same things. Consciousness exists, but not in a fetus.

Lol you're a true fucking retard, you belong in Yea Forums

If you ask me you americunts could use more guns and more abortions, there are just way too many of you.
also start bombing china and india already, they have even more people.

This has to be a Ken M type troll job

Nobody cares about your emotive emotional blubbering retardation.

Ladies choice.

Anti-abortion faggoteers forget WHY abortion was legalised in the first place - because of the horrific consequences of blackmarket prohibited abortions.

OP is like the retarda from the 20’s prohibiting alcohol.
Did it work? Or did it create an entirely new black market?

But you don’t care about the real world consequences....you care about your own fee fees

maybe if you pretend larping moral fags became anti-war vegans then I would take your abortion larping seriously.

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Go ask those kiddies if they want only ice cream for every breakfast lunch and dinner

ACTUALLY prohibition “worked” quite well at reducing alcohol consumption. It’s estimated that 66-75% of pre prohibition drinkers stopped drinking during prohibition. The real issue is that it came at tremendous social cost that probably outweighed the benefits.

u mistake freedom to abort pregnancy with mandate to abort all pregnancies

Compromise. Tie the tubes of every woman

Ahigher percentage of niggers are aborted. This is win.

The law of unintended consequences.

It “worked” in that people with no problems with alcohol, then couldn’t access alcohol....but people enjoying the occasional drink were never the problem.

The states goal of prohibition was to tackle “problem” drinking.
Those “problem” drinkers , either started making their own unlicensed (untaxed) alcohol, or bought bootleg alcohol....often cut with ethanol or antifreeze - which is FAR worse for you than alcohol to ingest.

It also handed the control, production, and finances of the drink industry into BlackMarket mobsters....the ‘hangover’ of which is still in effect today.

No....no it wasn’t a “success” by any metric . Faggot

>No....no it wasn’t a “success” by any metric

Not him, but it was a success according to certain metrics. I mean, here's just one article to point out such things -- nytimes.com/1989/10/16/opinion/actually-prohibition-was-a-success.html

You're free to find more.

He’s just mad that he didn’t think to get rich off prohibition first

>It did not eliminate drinking; it did create a black market. That in turn spawned criminal syndicates and random violence. Corruption and widespread disrespect for law were incubated
Cost / benefit.

Ultimately, it was a failure.
A contrarian click bait article fake news MSM is not that convincing to be honest.

Thanks. Quality post.
You lads have room temperature IQs. Nobody here is saying prohibition was a good idea or that abortion bans are good or bad. Just that bans actually do reduce the targeted behavior. Lots of simpletons like to say laws don’t work so why have them at all (Wall, guns, abortion, drugs, pick your ideology). The real world is complicated

Also, the part you quoted is literally describing the common view, which the author refutes in like two paragraphs. But sure, go ahead and think it’s clickbait from 1989.

LIfe is over abundant. We need more abortions and mass shootings.