Raven bump
what happened to the guy posting this girl?
Raven bump
Got any more?
Any nude?
i have ingested too much soy for this thread
Northern Michigan Cadillac area
Canton, MI
Looking for Livonia wins, chs class of 2017 or 2018 specifically
w Hjxy 3J
Cyndi S.
she a milf?
know her?
anyone know Juels from the BOB? she's like 4'8, super petite...
Davisburg, MI
Jesus these are some of the worst women from this state
Yes, totally.
The disco is a scam
Anyone got this video of Danielle M from Milford?
she have kids?
its not a scam rules say to get in dont send a girl on Yea Forums or anonsharer. and you kept sending girls that are on Yea Forums thats why i didnt let your ass in. so stop crying about it. get some original content and i woulda let you in. smh stop posting what other people post
nice, they're hot
Love juels!
I used to have a ton of nude shots of her, but my hard drive got fried... you have any?
Any Maddie G from 517 area?
Let's get some 06-08 wins!
More Please!!!
Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of TRAPS and FEMALEeS!
discord gg/T3ssVP8
Anyone from 586?
HF2 2008-2012
Anyone got wins for either of these two from 231?
Raven bump
Sterling heights stevenson 08-10?
Would love stories on her from MSU
Bumping for her
Northview bump
Anything from Adrian?
Arianna Bay City???
She went to msu. Probably has herpes.
Know her?
No. I went to Michigan. Caught the clap hatefucking an MSU chick, so I assume they're all diseased whores.
Please sir, post more Raven. I too went to northview.
I’m here
Got anything else? I'll see if I have anything you don't.
It’s a scam because you or mods ban the person after they post
Do you know her?
Pretty much all I have.
Oops wrong pic lmao
Always accepting more Morgan lol.
oh damn, I havn't seen that one around before.
If anyone knows her kik me usemymouth24
Was in an old thread with Jess L.
Any new chelsi Y 269
any of these two?
well im not going to argue with you about it. i didnt ban no one. and your the only one who didnt send original content to get in. then when i try and mess you back it wouldnt let me. shoulda sent original stuff the first time you wuda been in it. its not a scam you just dont follow rules. i made them for a reason.
You got Kik?
Nah and I have such a small collection its not really worth sharing other than what I've already posted lol.
Any one else and get a Kik. Cuz I think the op for Rae is mostly only on Kik now.
Don’t restrict the disc to that. Let everyone in even lurkers
nice easy way to get that shit nuked lmao
It gets banned every other day anyway
Need her
Bump for more
Northview bump.
Anyone have wins of her from 616 KH
906 bump
You’ll be in and banned within days and it’s filled with nothing but old shit
It’s a scam
Any have any of her? She supposedly dances
I miss the good ole days of just having a Kik group. The discord just keeps getting banned.
906 bump
Anyone know Madelyn Maddie L from U of Michigan? Alpha Phi
616 trades message me on Kik.
any recent holland?
Third in from the left and third from the rights names?
Yup I'm fapping now
Cute ass
anyone have this chick. she went to NMU and lives in midland
Fucking more
Would love more of right if you've got it
What about saline girls? Katie m?
Any lacy o 231, saw them a long time ago
Bump. I once saw nudes of an old coworker in one of these threads. Blew my fucking mind...I never thought it could happen. Stay hopeful anons
Sincerely, Detroit fag
Any 517?
Holland area.
Are you a tradesman?
517 bump. Show me the Lumen Christi sluts
That picture was from the free press website, I’m not a construction worker. Poor Joe, I’ll miss that huge piece of shit
looking for some okc girls ive been talking too
this is alina, from ann arbor
Any Livingston county girls
Christian slut from Flint area
Bump for 231
Any interest in UP Gilf?
Any girls from the mustang?
I have Flushing High School wins, if anyone else has some we can trade
Just post them faggot
hmm no
why would I post my glorious high school wins when all that’s being posted are 5/10 old crackwhores
I am not a saint you loser
bump for Hope college sluts
anyone got 810 class of 2012? port huron big reds lol
still here user.?
Sounds like you don't got shit
Is she from northville?
Area code?
More pls
Second that
what want ?
Let’s get 586 please
Bump 586
Agreed 586 please
I have a ton
Any 586 from 2014-2016?
any flint?
This smells like Ferndale
Whos this?
Why does michigan produce such ugly bitches?
I fucking hate this state
seriously is it something in our water or what?
We fart out either 5's or 10's. There's like no in between. Shit sucks ass
Her face is the next pic above it, do you know her?
Anyone got any SUPERMILF Veronica V/ Veronica P?
Do you have a name? I go to MSU and I swear she looks familiar.
Haley Holman
More of mom? Any of daughter?
More 586
269 or WMU?
I’m from 586...can I fuck her too?
Anyone have wins on her? ST from 616
have you looked at this (or any other michigan) thread?? where the shit do you see a 10?
Downtown GR?
What city?
I think she’s from Clinton township? Idk I met her in FL
Preferably muskegon area
any other 586?
They just loved playing up the twin shit at parties, got old real quick.
231 KS
Looking for summer t. 586
Summer t. 586, wins exist?
Anyone have any more 616 or 231 wins?
Bro you find some of Sarah I'll jerk you off myself lol
Not really but I'll make it worth it
Anyone have any wins on either NA or KA from 616
I've wanted her nudes since i met her lol
Heres a 231 girl
I would love some of KA!
You happen to know kathy? I'd like more of her
Jb from 231
But also yes if only she knew the lengths I'd go to to fuck her, she'd be dumb to refuse
Damn she thick kinda, first name?
Who is this? Not Sarah lol
I dont think so. I was only in that area for like 2 or 3 years
Got more of her?
Oh it's definitely not. She doesn't have that kind of ink for one..... and she's thicker in a super fuckin hot way
Anyone have wins of JM in 231?
She's hot af
Anyone have jaimie mc(canless) from ionia?
I got a mega but I wont post unless I see some young or new 248/734
Jb again
616 bump. Looking for her.
This mega? #F!S2AnFK4C!n34jMKKIfVelgt-84Yw23w
JB is hot, don’t know her social yet though, post her IG?
need weed 810 flint
damn you. also trips
dubs gotta count for som3thing. ill come to you no shit corunna, james p cole, dort, lets make it happen
That's what you get for trying to hold people hostage for nudes
Bumping 616 melody. Keep it alive. I need some sarah
Fuck forgot file
nah not really. it's a whole catalog trade for some nudes. i'm not mad
Anyone have wins on CAP 616
Looking for KW in 616
Detroit area
She's not a nigger... Got spank off somewhere else
So... 586?
Wins on SA 231
Looks familiar what's ur name
AB wins 616?
BC 269?
Got more 269?
Bump for cedar springs girls
Muskegon bump
Ks from muskegon
Bump because even after sharing the mega and my personal collection there's not enough here
Is there a mega with livingston county girls?
Got more with less clothes?
You know her?
detroit slut
Maybe? What's the first name?
Starts with k
I gathered that. She looks familiar but i can't think of the name
I know this girl. She graduated high school a few years after me. One time at a party I threw, her and her friend had a cock sucking competition on me. The next night they came over and fucked each other while I watched. About a week later she begged to fuck me and I told her no and made her watch me fuck her friend. Another week later she begged again and I fucked them both. Thanks for the memories user that was a long time ago. I think she lives in SD now. I'm friends with her on FB. These girls may or may not have had driver's licenses at the time lol.
wat u got
Kirsten, you have anything?
I don't think that's the person i was thinking of. I'd still like to see more though
Last one I have
Was rooting for more 586